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Agreement on CM copying

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I would like to take this opportunity to address a situation that seems to have possibly developed regarding the beta of CM.

I am disheartened to see that anyone would do this to these guys this is NOT a big company and they have gone out of their way to work with their customers. Although I have never met any of them they feel like friends to me, and I think that anyone who considers compromising BTS in any way should crawl back under what ever rock they came out from under. These guys arent trying to take our money to the contrary they are trying to give us the best value for our dollar. THEY DESERVE TO BE PAID!!!

Whether this latest news on the beta situation is true or not I want to make it perfectly clear that I feel all of us owe BTS a debt of gratitude for their efforts.

With that in mind I encourage everyone in this community to acknowledge this by agreeing to the following.

THAt regardless of the beta situation you will get the full version of CM and continue to encourage others to do so.


AND Anyone caught doing it should be blackballed from thsi community with regards to opponents etc.

If anyone does this it probably will jeopardize the future of this game so please agree to the above even though it should go without saying.



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*nods in total agreement*

and this is coming from someone who takes pride in the fact that he has not paid a dime to M$ is the past seven years (even though he always has their latest software)...

I've already had friends asking to borrow my CM cd after I got it, my answer was hell-no... as a small-time coder myself I can just barely imagine how much time/work Steve and Charles have put into this, and I will make sure neither myself or any of my friends fail to compensate them for their job EXCELLENTLY done.

my friends will just have to order the CD themselves wink.gif


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Bravo...and well said SS Panzerleader...In a computer gaming world where trash rather than substance seems to rule...it's both heartining and refreshing to know that a company,who obviously shares our enthusiam for accurate yet fun wargaming,are breaking thier cojhones to publish a game,which i feel,will be to wargamers what the perfect wave is to the surfer.....


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I certainly hope that this would go without saying for everyone who posts here.

Regardless of whether or not the current Beta scare is true, I agree whole-heartily with the terms laid out here.

I also think that this should be true for any software - if you didn't pay for it, don't use it.

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Eridani has (with surprising candor for a public forum) stated my situation accurately.

I believe I converted one bootleg request to an order (time will tell!).

Most of us probably have a few $50 games, and how many of them were as worth it as the CM beta demo?

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For what it's worth, I'll state that if I buy the game, I fully intend to make a backup copy for myself. If I see it online, I won't download it though, nor would I tell others where they could find it.

But I'm stating upfront that I'll make a copy for archival purposes. If anyone has a problem with that....oh well.


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In total agreement to the things said above,

I rejected all requests from friends regarding CM.

I never had a problem copying stuff from big companies that rip you off. Did you know that Talonsoft did not patch their games for their German versions?? I still have to play the first releases of their bug-infested ****.(OK, I don't play the stuff anymore).

I never thought this possible, but noone will get CM from me. never. If this beta-thing is true, it's a real shame and a sad day for the wargaming community.

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I don't see the big issue in the beta department. If I downloaded the beta BTS would still get my money because I've preordered the game.

I've been singing about CM to one of my best friends which is a WW2 fan to pre-order. He said "No I don't have to because you just did". Tough luck I told him because I'm not giving away a single copy of the game. Personally I got nothing even remotely close to loyalty towards most of the software houses but BTS is different and if we're to get more games in this serie we'd better pay them for their work.

I've never had the intimacy with developers as I've had with BTS and I want them to know it's not in vain, it's been duly noted and now it's paying off. At least from me.

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Pirate-dude: You're right, it will be on all scumdrives (SDs) quickly. Folks beyond reach of the law and any sense of decency will have a riot.

These are the same people who would trade your sister for a pair of Levis, or is it the other way around? Send photos... of Levis.

We'll pay for it, they'll rip it, and the lowlifes (lowlives?) who download it will delete it a day later because it's too slow. I can't imagine enjoying CM without understanding the work that went into it, or the community of knowledgeable folks that has sprung up around it. You should want to reward that effort (not to mention tendering what is rightfully due).

Everyone knows about offshore piracy and cracks. People who love the Game know that a few CDs in the hands of puerile Quakester dewds changes nothing. This is a chance to vote for Xtreme quality, or to cheat yourself out of it. Dewd.

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Holy christ, ya miss a day and look what happens. it is this sort of thing that makes me glad i am a pod and not a human. why people do these things to each other is beyond my capacity to understand. it sucks the life out of the honest and creative and diminishes the drive produce anything new or exciting. it just plain stinks.

peng out - of patience with humans

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Well.. I'll start off by saying i'm a new commer to CM. But from staying glued to the net for the last couple days trying to read and catch up on every detail of the game, I've reached the verdict that BTS is one of the best groups going.I would no more cheat them than i would my mother! Sounds like a stoning is in order.


P.S. i'll take two pointed ones and a packet of gravel.


"A stupid man dies a stupid death."

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Guest phoenix

Thomas, you're serious?????

You would want to hold up shipment of the game for a couple of MONTHS (say April?) just so you can SEE if it can play on a lan via PC and Mac??

Good lord. For me multiplayer is a very very small part of this game. Even smaller is LAN play.

I'm glad the net code will come in as a patch some time later. I want to play tons of scenarios dammit!!!!

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Phoenix; yes, I'm serious. We've had three scenarios in the beta demo to evaluate. And while I'm aware that the 'AI' has improved from beta to current, I still don't think it will come close to holding a candle to a human opponent. So, the ability to play against other people is very important for me. And again, yes I know that you can play PBEM. Peronally, as a board wargamer, I prefer head to head play.

I've waited for this game since January/97 (check dejanews using tdavie@escape.ca as an author if you want), so a few more months doesn't faze me at all.


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I will pledge to not make any more copies than I need to to run a lan game with 2 seats on mypersonal home lan... If that means a copy than so be it. I won't even take it to work (or course.... running games from work has been forbidde since 1995 when some yahoo crashed the corporate lan and someone found the responsible packet... and it was labled DOOM 1.3...). Can I still ride in the van to find the pirates?

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Guest MantaRay

How can any of you guys say that you dont care if other companies games get copied, but dont touch CM??? I mean doesn't the other companies have people who work long and hard on their games too? **** I was the first one in line to get SWAT 3 when it came out, and I had it about 5 minutes before the store officially opened. Now I see every site has a ripped version. 2 Days later I could have sat at home on my computer and got the game in 15 mins, and $50 cheaper.

But this game will get ripped because these games are so easy to crack...especially wargames. Good thing is that most of the bigger sites will not put them up because IMHO this type of game wont get DL'd like RPG or RTS games, so the impact will not be too big.

To me, I look at the warez games as an extended demo. If you just want to see what the full game is about...that's fine. Demo's usually suck, so lately I have figured out by DLing these ripped copies that I dont want Quake 3 or Unreal Tourney. Only one I really liked was Age of Kings, and I bought that the same day.

Now CM is different anyway. Most ppl who come here will buy it, and I havent seen a lot of advertising about this game, so it is really up to everyone here to get the word out. And most youngsters who buy a large part of the games, wont have very much patience with a game that doesnt twitch and jerk. I cant see a kid taking time to play this when he reads the description. And older ppl will buy it because older ppl tend to pay for quality.

First day it is available, you will have my order!!!!


PS. And I think the manual will be worth the $50 in itself anyway.


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I bought Swat 3 as well great game, I think what people are saying about the other companies is that they really dont give a crap about us ( unlike BTS) so why shoulds we give a damn about them?. I personally have but more games than I can care to count and the majority (95+ %) have been an absoute rip off. These people have worked onthe game also granted, BUT they are paid by a big organization, The big companies make their money from unsuspecting schmucks (like I used to be one of until I became cynical) who dont know any better. When you get the box or read the reviews ( which are often BS)it makes the game out to be some phenomenal innovation and raves about magnificent gameplay, you get the game home and it isnt anything like its represented to be. The game is usually majorly buggy or just plain sucks ass. These compaines reap what they sow IMHO and I dont fell sorry for them when thir stuff gets plastered all over the web.

BTS is a whole different animal. The money lost from pirating here directly affects them and their families not a big corporation that is screwing us blind. These guys have basically seperated themselves from the rat race, lived on canned spam while programming undercandlelight, with 3hrs a sleep aday smile.gif to make sure we got a fantastice product.(okay so I exaggerated about the candlelight) THAT IS A HUGE REASON THEY ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS and that is why we are Up in arms ready to avenge our friends.

Any Questions?



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

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