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Why do we play this game?

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It seems every time my wife sees me playing Combat Mission she asks me why do I play this game that has a lot killing?

I tell her I don't look at the game this way...it is like a form of chess, trying to out maneuver my opponent to win the game.

Both my wife and my dog hate the sound of guns ablazing so I have to use a headset to appease them smile.gif

Has anyone else had to explain the game to their wives or girlfriends?

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I think most of us play it because it is the best tactical wargame ever created and that it will have infinite replayabiltiy, something that a lot of other games don't have.


"The greatest risk...is not taking one."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

It has replayabiltiy, something that a lot of ... don't have.


Boy! I was fearing for a moment that you would suggest that it's more replayability than most of our wives could claim for.

Wouldn't it be grand?

For me it's started with SP.

She was always saying: "How, he is killing Russians or something"



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rwcanuck:

It seems every time my wife sees me playing Combat Mission she asks me why do I play this game?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I got a ready answer for that one:

Because I spent a WEEK downloading it.

How about that one?


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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I'm only 30. The closest I've ever come to war is watching it on television. I find it very hard to imagine that men younger than myself once carried rifles and rode tanks in a global, life-or-death struggle that lasted five years. I look at the memorial Sherman in my nearby park and can barely believe that people like me and my friends were once called to ride hundreds of them into battle.

The strategic and tactical challenge of war has always facinated me. It is the ultimate test of strategy, intuition, courage, and luck.

War also kills people. And, unlike table-top board games with their cardboard markers and plastic dice, Combat Mission doesn't let you forget that "people" are dying.

Combat Mission is fun. I love trying to out-move and out-shoot my make-believe enemy. But at the end of it all, after my hours of plotting and clicking, after replaying the exciting explosions and tank kills over and over, the game reminds me that I have just witnessed war, in which dozens of people have died in less than 30 minutes.

"Lest we Forget." What better way than to enjoy the challenges of war strategy and tactics in an environment that won't let you forget a time when others did it for real?




Ontario, Canada

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Actually, yes...my wife has asked me the same question as have most of my family. My response to her was just the same...tactical chess on a much more difficult plain. However there really is something more to it, isn't there. I've given up trying to explain myself to those I love. I do this for a miriad of reasons that stretch from the deep and philsophical to just plain butt kickin' fun. I laughed the other day as we were paying the stable/vet/feed bills for her big, beautiful mare..."Honey", I said..."I've got a pretty big hit coming up for my hobby this month, myself...BTS is finally gonna bill me $50 for CM".....LOL

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I haven't had to 'explain' it to her. She knows I enjoy playing wargames and indeed knew that before we were married. She actually thinks that CM is the best looking and sounding of all the games I've played. What I DO have to explain to her is why I keep checking the mailbox and the email and the message board...I try to get her to play a game once in a while too but she prefers Age of Kings. The first time I asked her to play a hotseat game with me she kinda looked at me funny and over at our 5year old son....I don't think she grasped the concept.

I will get her to play...someday...


"It's a hardball world son. We've got to keep our heads until this peace craze blows over."

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Not to exclude any wargaming females but I think war is primarily a male "sport". It is the ultimate contest (second place really sucks) and simulating war and battle is the closest most of us can come to that and still make it home for supper.

The thoughtful among us (most on this board I believe) have an idea what real war is all about. Either by having been participants or dedicated students of history most know that in it's raw reality war is not fun at all...for anyone.


When the situation is obscure....attack!

CGen. Heinz Guderian

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When MrHappy and I used to play SL/ASL there was a thrill when I would do something clever and unexpected and triumph over him. The feeling that I had "out thought" him. I would also get the same high when he would do the same to me.

The other night one of us executed a great looking assault. And that same feeling was there. No need to mention who made the assault because it didn't matter. That moment is why I play war games.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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