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MadMatt & CMHQ

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Ok, this will probably piss somebody off, as I seem to do that when I post, but...

If I'm not wrong in how I read his commnets on CMHQ about how TGN doesn't pay him for the site or the hits it generates, what with them being vampires and all, it looks like he's gearing up to split the site off and make a profit on it himself... If I'm way off on this, ignore the rest of the post. If not, read on...

Consider why people view the site. Do they view it to find Matt's opinions and quips, or to download user made scenarios, or use made mods? He didn't bitch about the scenario designers not being paid for thier hobby, so I can only assume that it's not an issue for him, yet his not being paid for his hobby is. So, it seems that someone still wants to profit from the work of others. Listing the mods takes a little work, but the scenarios speak for themselves, as they can be uploaded directly by designers.

Ok, now speaking of mods;

It's nice that the mod packs he worked on are doing well, but it seems slightly shifty that he runs the site and promotes his own packs over others. It may or may not be a big deal, but if I were working on mods I'd be much less inclined to keep at it if I knew that they'd be listed in "3rd party mods", while his have multiple links from the main page, etc, etc. His own business? Sure, but it hurts the CM community if it causes others to stop working on improvements because they'll be somehow viewed as lesser. And CMHQ seems to have the biggest collection of scenarios and mods to date, so I'm guessing it's the most popular site. Now he gets a mention in some trade mag, and one can only assume that it'll just get worse.

Ok, I'll sum up now, because I've already ticked off a few people god knows.

If you're running a fan site like CMHQ, and it's not costing you anything, don't bitch. TGN supplys tons of storage space and bandwidth for CMHQ, neither of which are free. Any revenues should go towards paying costs, not saving for a new car, or whatnot. If you're running a fan site and are making a profit only from content you're producing, fine again, as you're creating new products that are valued. However, if you're creating a website that seeks to profit off others work, it's parasitic. And there's no way to make a CM website that produces such valued original scenarios/mods that you should get paid for them, because whatever you produce someone else can and will do for free because they enjoy it.

Personally, I'd much rather use a low-frills scenario/mod depot website than the bulky CMHQ. And I sure as hell won't upload any scenarios to a vampire web site...

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Your points are well taken. Let's just wait and see. No annoucements have been made yet so let's see how things pan out before we hit Matt with criticism and/or praise. Also about the Madpacks. It's his website so whats the big deal. Maybe he was working on the packs before the "mod craze" started and added the section. If I ran a car website then my car would probably be displayed first. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't have other cars pictured in other areas but hey it is my site. I doubt if there is anythying behind the seperate sections. Also they are called 3rd party mods because that is what they are. That doesn't make them bad or worse it just what they are. So why don't we all lay off for awhile and see what occurs. By the way this was not meant to be judgmental I just think we are jumping the gun.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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Ok, some of the cool drugs are wearing off so let me just say this. I signed a contract that was to provide both Fionn and I with a % of profits for running the ads that we do. I signed the contract in good faith and was lead to believe by the other party that once this was done, the monies would begin to come in.

This was done over 9 months ago and do you know what the other parties answer was to my frequent queries? Oh, our parent company hasn't signed the contract!!! Sure that can happen and I am cognizant of the fact that they are us giving storage space and such but THEY started this by promisining us money and have reneged on the deal. What really steams my pot (Hmm, must be the drugs talking!) is that the contract actually has both ME and President of TGN on it. There is no mention to the parent company. Somebody is telling a fib.

As to the Mods and the way they are devided, let me say this. You have never sent me a Mod. Go and ask ANY of the mod authors and ask how I handle them.? You will find that EACH and EVERY mod is tested by me and then suggestions are made back to the authors to make the mods better. I have even gone so far on a number of occasions to tweak the mods myself when obvious flaws or omissions were discovered.

My goal with CMHQ is to provide QUALITY support for CMHQ, no matter where the source comes from.

If you think there is something fishy about how I run my website than you have my permission to not come back. I won't lose one ounce of sleep over it. In fact I could as easily ban your IP and save you the trouble, but why bother.

I know not everyone wants to hear my views on issues, not everyone understands or appreciates my sense of humor, and not everyone apparently likes how I do things.

I have one reply to that Pham911, Walk A Mile In My Shoes...




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 09-18-2000).]

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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg


I think I can say that 99.9% of all the guys in this forum really appreciate the hard work you put in for CM. You are a part of making CM the ultimate WW2 tactical wargame, and we love you for it.

This goes out to all the mod makers:

Keep up the good work!! It wouldnt be the same without you...




"To subdue your enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Visit my AAR site:


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pham911:

Ok, this will probably piss somebody off, as I seem to do that when I post, but...

Personally, I'd much rather use a low-frills scenario/mod depot website than the bulky CMHQ. And I sure as hell won't upload any scenarios to a vampire web site...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why post this here? If you would rather use some other website, what is stopping you?

Hell, you can even start up one of your very own, although that might consist of more work than you are willing to accept. So much easier just to flame someone else...

Once again, there is a very simple answer to your dilemna. If you do not like CMHQ, don't visit.

Jeff Heidman

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Mad Matt.

I say;

1. Your Mods are fantasic. I thoroughly enjoy them.

2. Sounds to me that your contract was contingent on a 3rd party, without you knowing. I hope you took no one's words for anything, for in contracting, TRUST NO ONE and get IT ALL IN WRITING.

I am in the Construction industry, and I hear many stories like yours. My brother was just taken by a painting contractor that hired him to do a job as a sub, and despite the "agreement" he had, it was nothing since it was unwritten.

Is thier a kind of Lein Law in Computing? In contracting, if a subcontractor (in this case, you) is not paid by the contractor (The Gamers Net), then you have the right to file a lien against the property owner (even though the owner knows nothing about this subcontract agreement), and this forces payment as the law MAKES the owner sell the liened asset to pay off the lien(s) unless he settles. (At which point you sign a lien waiver).

I don't know who the parent company is, but since you improved that property (with contents and hits) then a lien should be possible.

A lien on the owner is going to affect the contractor as he is going to have some explaining to do.

When my brother then went to the owner to inform him of the possibility of a lien, the owner got on the phone with the guy he contracted with and my brother got most of his money. (Despite absence of a written contract, implied contracts are legally enforceable in North Carolina).

Of coure, all your MOD fans could start a letter writing campaign on your behalf. You deserve compensation.

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You're an idiot.

If Maximus and Tiger want top billing, they can open their own web sites.

If all the scenario designers want ad money, they can try their hand at it.

If you think Madmatt should be faced with a decision between making no money or making money for everyone, then you're an idiot. Let Madmatt worry about his own situation and others handle theirs.

And for all of you who think I'm being too harsh to Pham, his posts have shown a prediliction toward the dumb and the flammable.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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That is the case SS. Basically I signed the contract and faxed it in. The other party is now saying that THEIR parent company must sign it (which they havent or wont). The thing that struck me is that the person telling me this IS the other person named in the contract.

One other point, we arent talking nickles and dimes here people, CMHQ gets over 2200+ Unique IP hits a DAY with a high of over 3000 per day. Those types of numbers should be generating some decent amount of money (I know that it does for them). I am not greedy, but there is a lot to CMHQ which has come out of my own pocket (Chat system for example).

Don't promise me something and then refuse to deliver. Those that know my character know that I am indeed a man of my word and when I agree to something I carry it out. I expect the same from others and that is the root cause of my current opinions.

I am sure this will be getting back to the powers that be over at TGN and that is fine. Soon all of this will make a great deal more sense and CMHQ will still be around no matter what happens, that I can promise.

In retrospect I should not have aired this laundry publically, but another one of my traits is that of disclosure. CMHQ is not for me but for you, and I felt you needed to know what is going on behind closed doors.




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 09-18-2000).]

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If the other person on the Contract you signed is an officer of said company, then, in fact, the said company HAS SIGNED THE CONTRACT.

In another thread, I stated....

PHAM 911

Pretty Hot and Mad Call 911

He's going to blow!

"Good Faith" and "Man of your word" are most commendable, but unfortunately this type of person is viewed as a sucker in business.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

I know not everyone wants to hear my views on issues, not everyone understands or appreciates my sense of humor, and not everyone apparently likes how I do things.

I have one reply to that Pham911, Walk A Mile In My Shoes...




I for one REALLY enjoy the work you do Matt, it's a shame you've been scammed (so far). Hope you do get some $ in the end. It must take a tremendous amount of time on your part.

Really appreciate it!



What you see depends mainly upon what you look for.

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Wilhammer is right. If the person who signed the contract is given the authority to offer the contract and except dividends on said contract then the company that he represents is responsible for the contract with or without their knowledge. The fact of the matter is that the company accepted the contract the day they gave the man who signed the contract the power to offer it in the first place.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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MadMatt, I am pretty sure the contract between you and TGN is binding. They sent you a contract to sign, you signed it, and returned it to them. Their parent company was not named or identified in the contract, so you could not know that the contract was subject to their approval. TGN, has apparent authority (that's a legal term) to bind its parent company to a contract if it acted as if it had the authority to do so.

Judgement for Plaintiff. Mr. Madmatt, please see Rusty the bailiff as you exit the courtroom as he has some papers for you to sign.

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Pham is certainly entitled to his opinions - just as we ALL are.

BUT my opinion is I LOVE the site CMHQ that MadMatt has created and maintains as a "Labor of Love" and Service to the Greater CM World. I love the Game - but one reason I bought it was his site; after playing the demo and seeing the GREAT support at CMHQ - I dug out the greenback dollars.

So - THANKS again MADMatt and Keep up the GOOD work Soldier!


"I stink, therefore, I am!"

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Ok, We don't need to go into contractual law here. I just got off the phone with David Heath (the President of TGN) and we have come to an uderstanding on many things.

My complaints are valid however but it is iEN (the current owner of The Gamers Net) that is bending me over and it seems he and I are both in the same boat.

I appreciate the support guys but plans are in the works to make this all be resolved peacfully in a way that will have the least amount of impact to CMHQ.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Guest barrold713

That boy would complain if he was hung with new rope.

MadMatt provides a great service and should rightfully get the credit for his work and the money per the contract he signed.

Being a poster boy for the declining public school system must leave plenty of time to aggravate others since that seems to be Pham911's purpose when posting.

To somehow get the thought that the term 3rd Party is prejorative of the posters talent or lessens the appreciation of their work by Matt is clearly the result of a very faulty thought process. If Matt and BTS represent the 1st and 2nd Parties as is logical since they are the producer of the game and the proprietor of the site, then it stands to reason that anyone outside of that primary relationship would be a 3rd Party.

I certainly do not remember anyone being subject to specific ridicule for submitting their mods and more often than not, special consideration and kudos is publicly proclaimed on the site and in this board for the mods that are posted. So to even attempt to portray Matt giving these other talented people the red-headed stepchild treatment (no offense to red-headed stepchildren) smile.gif is way off base.

And another thing...when is the last time you produced anything of value in here or another site? I guess some people are only good for tearing down other people's efforts.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

I appreciate the support guys but plans are in the works to make this all be resolved peacfully in a way that will have the least amount of impact to CMHQ.



I think Matt is alluding to a sex change operation again. wink.gif

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I must say my fan mail knows no bounds. Thanks to one and all.

Ok, where to start?

Matt, I appreciate your disclosure(your word), in that it cleared the issue up as to what you meant in your CMHQ post. I'm not 100% clear now on the "ban your whole IP" remark in your response... Threat, or non-threat? A small mention of your power? Not really clear on this end, sorry.

Now, for the meat;

The apology for airing the dirty laundry here seems to ignore the vampire TGN comments on CMHQ. You weren't airing dirty laundry in response to my questions, rather my questions were in response to your airing dirty laundry. I didn't cause any disclosure, and it's wicked unprofessional, BTW, to discuss publicly business disputes in the first place. It's not an issue of disclosure. If you're wanting money for this, and signed a contract that you want enforced, you should use appropriate methods for resolving it.

That aside,

Taking money for other peoples work(scenarios, non-CMHQ mods) smacks of sleaze... You're using the material to attract hits, and are planning on profiting off those hits, but have no plans(that I can tell) to give money back to the people who are making your site profitable. Is that right? Does that sum it all up, or am I missing something? Something, that is, beyond a weak "I offer advice on completed work" rational. Sure, you can offer advice, and most people actually encourage advice from any interested parties, but your advice doesn't somehow give you a vested interest in the work, nor does it make you a co-creator. Actually, it seems that your advice would be offered to increase the quality of the mods/scenarios to make your site better since you are seeking to profit off a site that relies on the contributions of others.

See how much fun being in the web site business is? I feel absolutly no qualms about posting this, as you're in it for profit, not as a hobby. When I thought it was a hobby, it's harder to complain.

To Priest, cyberized, et al;

Though you guys don't exactly dig what I'm selling 100%, I appreciate the fact that you respect my right to be heard(after all, if Matt can post ads on BTS's board, issues about CMHQ are on-topic here by default).

To the rest of you people slumming in this thread;

My favorites were:

"the Hydra called JEALOUSY"

"Why post this here? If you would rather use some other website, what is stopping you?"

"And for all of you who think I'm being too harsh to Pham, his posts have shown a prediliction toward the dumb and the flammable."

Show me that guy who said that certain types of criticism aren't welcome here and I'll go and kick him in the ass for y'all.

Oh, and props to Elijah for bracketing a couple of random thoughts between calling me an idiot and the last quote above. I really, really thought that one was funny.

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Regardless of the outcome, I believe that I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say we recognise the work that you put in maintaining and developing your site/s, and you will continue to recieve our accolades regardless of the outcome of your current dispute!

Mace (Just a shame that you can't enjoy a nice steak with all the trimmings at the mo)! wink.gif

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If MadMatt is wanting money for the CMHQ site, then the mod authors should get their cut too.

People visit that site to download mods or read reviews, AARs and that sort of thing.

It's like running a video rental store, but the guy who runs it pays nothing for the videos, but gets all the money for them.

Also, if CMHQ is going to be a profit making concern, then shouldn't they be paying battlefront.com for all the free advertising they are getting?

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