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Dr. Brian is right

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

Sorry everybody. I edited my post and removed a personal insult towards Dr. Brian and a short advice.


Thnx for removing the insults Linden. Please refer to "One More Time" topic. maybe that'll get the point across.

Next time i stop in Germany, I'll be sure to look you up... maybe you would have a beer, and explain your opionons about the world.



God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!

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EVERYBODY BE MORE CAREFUL!!!!!! (sorry Madmatt had to borrow those)

first of all, it seems Dr. Brian, who has an amazing ability to show himself in an unfavorable light, needs to be more careful:

Dr. Brian (posted 08-25-2000 08:22 AM):

Some of you guys crack me up.

Dr. Brian (posted 08-26-2000 02:26 PM):

"you guys crack me up"

look at yourself, man, you're all cracked up! Since nobody here touched you, pointing the fingers at us to make us the culprits for your cracked-up status is probably just to cover you self-infliced (autoaggressiveness?) skull fractures...

besides, you are repeating yourself. constant monotone repeating of phrases such as "you guys crack me up" is a sure sign that indeed there might be a crack somewhere. You should seek proffessional help about your autoaggressiveness and monotonous repeating of phrases...

besides, don't pufferfish and run around with your victim sign like that. It is a sad fact if your family like so many others suffered under the third reich, but you are not doing these victims a good service by misusing their suffering for your personal grudges, victimizing yourself to such a degree. I do not believe that all your living days are darkened by the german shadow because a distant relative that you never got to know was killed. Don't misunderstand me, of course that was a wrong, "everybody has only one life and nobody may take it away", and of course I am sorry about it. But it would be the same as if my grampa would say "remember Aunt Gretchen? well of course you don't she died decades before you were born...well you know her life and that of her three children were ruined when an american gift of 454kg of steel and TNT crashed through their rooftop onto their breakfast table" and then I'ld be going out "yeah those bastard amis they were all evil, strafing farmers on the land with their fighter-bombers, incinerating cities fill of refugees etc pp, I ought to go onto the internet and tell everbody what an evil people those degenerated amis are..."

They recently once again ran a docu here, not one of these "amazing discoveries" Discovery channel documentaries, but a really well researched one, about the eastern front, very very interesting, they interviewed both former german and russian participants, including SS and NKVD, and they openly spoke about all the atrocities both sides committed. One of the most tragic things was the case of a small village caught in the conflict between the worst units of both warring nations, they were terrorized by the russian partisans/bandits and the german security rear area troops. Her sister's husband was killed by the germans (when they leveled the village to eradicate partisan activity, he refused to leave the house that was being demolished), her sister herself was killed by the partisans when they raided the village for food ETC. One german mech Infantryman told how in a battle he shot a group of russians with his submachinegun because they hunkered down and wouldn't raise their hands when he challenged them to do so. One NKVD related how he shot civilians simply because they wanted to leave Moscow. Or the story of one NKVD woman who killed german POWs. The basic, common ongoing statement of all of these people, the SS, the NKVD, the common german soldier, the terrorized civilians, was, that it is hard to understand today, but those were the times. They all, actors and victims, looked like perfectly normal people, the nice grampa from the parkbench etc., not surprising because all these people recruit themselves from the mass of normal people that make up socitey. The victinms in that docu who really sufered heavily themselves seemed to hold less of a grudge towards those responsible for their suffering than you do, for some remote however injust act that never affected you up close personally. I am sure everybody can point to a relative who has been killed, raped, maimed etc. sometime back in history by someone else.

ok, enough of that...

NOW, for the rest of you,

you better behave and be careful; don't make any posts that our Professor might find offensive. Otherwise....(Dr. Brian; posted 08-25-2000 09:59 AM) "If not, I will contact Steve"!

so you better behave!

[This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 08-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

it seems Doc Harebrained, one of the most ridiculous personae I have seen on the net so far, needs to be more careful:

Doc S*** for Brains might find offensive. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Stop being an @sshole and go to "One more time." Maybe you'll like it if you're open minded. Sheesh.



God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!

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oh, I see, you're a baptist? "everything is ok as long as I feel bad about it afterwards and behave"?

man, I hear this stuff from defendants all the time. "I didn't want to kill him, when I pulled the trigger my thoughts were 'he might be injured but I sure hope and am certain he won't die from it' and I'm soooo sorry about it now."

however, I chose to remove some of the offensive words from the last post because it was probably bad form and to show you the good will that sometimes can be found even in evil people like me.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:

Space sim???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Derek Smart.

No, it's not him. This Dr. hasn't posted any legal threats yet...

BTW, I was always taught that if you don't have a MD, you aren't supposed to go by "Dr.", as you have an academic degree, not a profession.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mcgivney:

Derek Smart.

No, it's not him. This Dr. hasn't posted any legal threats yet...

BTW, I was always taught that if you don't have a MD, you aren't supposed to go by "Dr.", as you have an academic degree, not a profession.


It's the opposite way around. The only people to have a doctorate are people who have done a doctoral thesis, they can then call themsevles Dr. If you are a physician, then you probably have an MD (not a doctorate) thus in principle you can't call yourself Doctor. For a physician it's actually a borrowed title, not one that has been earned through original research.

(Dr) KiloIndiaAlpha (i.e. PhD)


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Sounds good to me...the blowing things up that is.


"I didn't go to 6 frickin years of Evil Doctor school to be called 'Mr Evil'."

- Dr Evil


A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single gunshot wound to the foot.

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I'm only interested in tormenting Mace!

Mace is Top Aussie 'cause he was the one who tried to put the Olympic torch out with a fire extinguisher.

Only problem was he grabbed his Perfume Sprayer by accident and doused the flame with alcohol. All Mace accomplished was permanently removing all his body hair.

At last Mace you can cancel the laser hair removal service. biggrin.gif

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Dr. Brian, in looking at your posts, I cannot help but notice your utter insolence. Maybe you have not noticed my name yet: the "Ghengis", although spelled wrong, represents my admiration of the warlord who was one of the most oppressive and intolerable leader of all time. By no means am I saying that I love raping, pillaging, and plundering things. For some reason I think that I just like Mr. Kahn. I have yet to figure out this reason.

Anyway, my point is not only pointing out your tunnel vision (in picking out a RACE of people and hating them), but also your tunnel vision in picking out the German people as your sole area of attack.

I personally have admired the German people because for one, I am part German. Ironically, I am getting persecuted because of that. Also, the German people, as a nation, are extremely bright people. Where do the world's best engineers and physicists come from? You got it, Germany! Because of my analytical nature, I admire this style of living which stresses effeciency and science over flexibility and liberal arts.

Anyway Dr. Brian, I would imagine that you are some crappy liberal arts teacher at some worthless liberal arts college who likes to say (or generalize) that everyone who generalizes is a horrible person. (Notice the oxy-moronic nature of that statement.)

Hurry up and go vote for Algore, Dr. Brian.

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