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Happy Veteran's Day

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Thanks to all from me as well... another sub rider. But I can never compare what I did in the service of my country to what the millions of brave souls that have given their entire being, hopes, dreams, and futures have. I echo the previous sentiments that those I especially honor tomorrow are those that gave their lives in upholding the freedoms which so many of our countrymen have taken for granted. I promise those that have fallen that I SHALL NOT! At times I am ashamed of our treatment of our heroes. To all you Korean and Viet Nam vets... my heartfelt THANK YOU! Never have a brave group of young Americans been utterly forgotten by the country they fought for as you have. The treatment of the Nam era vets is especially despicable. Rwcanuck, thanks for the links. Reading the crippled B17 story gave me Goosebumps. I'll also take the time to honor those veterans of the other countries that are present in our forum. I don't know if all countries involved have a similar day of remembrance, and I realize there may have been times when we would have been trying to kill each other, but I'd like to give pause to remember that not all the "Bad guys" were bad guys... Just young men doing what they thought best for their country and answering the call to arms. Toast to you all!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

I don't mean to detract from any of these honourable sentiments, but I do wonder about the appropriateness of everyone wishing each other a "Happy Veterans' Day". In Britain (and Canada too, apparently), we have Remembrance Day, the emphasis of which I think makes more sense. As much as we should be celebrating our war veterans, it is surely more important to remember the millions who have been killed in the past century's conflicts.

No disrespect intended – I now return you to your previously scheduled commemorations.


In the U.S. those who paid with their lives in the service of their country are remembered on Memorial Day at the end of May. They get their own day. On Veteran's Day we are supposed to celebrate all who have served. Veterans Day here was originally Armistace Day for WWI, but after WWII it was changed. I don't know when the Memorial Day tradition was started.

[This message has been edited by CaSCa (edited 11-10-2000).]

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Since everyone is offended by my observation I retract everything I said and appologize sincerely. I was not "trolling" as I have been accused of, I am sincerely bothered by all "observed" holidays, not just veterans day, but I concede that airing my feelings today was insensitive and inapropriate. I had a father and uncles that served in the pacific theatre and I served in Thailand myself 1972-76. I take my hat off to all those who have fought and died for freedom.

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In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Cpt. John McRae, CEF, 1917

Post Scriptum: On the off-chance any 196th LIB types from Tay Ninh, 66/67, hang out here, drop me a line -- I'm lookin' for someone.

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Guest LtCo.05

Thanks from not only myself (active duty AF), but my Grandfather (WWI-now deceased), my Father (WWII-Marines in the Pacific), my Uncle (WWII-Army Air Corps, KIA) and now my son (MD Air National Guard). We remember those who have served and those who are...God bless!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LtCo.05:

Thanks from not only myself (active duty AF), but my Grandfather (WWI-now deceased), my Father (WWII-Marines in the Pacific), my Uncle (WWII-Army Air Corps, KIA) and now my son (MD Air National Guard). We remember those who have served and those who are...God bless!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry to diverge O/T a bit, but out of curiosity, LtCo.05, were you (or still) an avid SMG player? I think to remember that nickname for an SMG player (a USAF officer) from ICQ.

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Guest barrold713

As a 6 year USN vet (USS Nimitz CVN-68 1985-88), I appreciate the sentiment put forth in this thread by Croda and the others who have posted. I sincerely thank those who think of and are grateful for the measureless service and sacrifice given by those who put the uniform of their country on to preserve the freedoms we enjoy today.

I am going to agree in a limited fashion with tink about the govt. workers getting today off. I had to work today afterall. I would object however to his mingling of this view however correct into commemorative thread is a bit inappropriate.

P.S. My wife (Capt. US Army nurse) also says thanks


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Congratulations to all of the veterans out there. My father was a veteran of WWII and I remember his stories from the war with fondness. It's hard to believe but in not too many years the veterans from WWII will all be gone and that war will sink into the past like WWI, the Spanish-American War and the Civil War.

God bless the men and women who have served this country in her Armed Forces.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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I'm in Canada so it's almost officially Remembrance Day, so "Happy Remembrance Day." The men before us gave us the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom; their lives. Please take a moment to try and really understand the pain and anguish many of them had to endure.

I tried to start a Tournament on my friend and I's website but had little luck in getting members for it before Saturday Remembrance Day to celebrate the occasion. I have been working on the website to make it 1/2 decent and would appreciate anyones input.

Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

- Private Jackson (The Snipers Prayer from Saving Private Ryan.)

Visit my website:

Dogs of War http://persweb.direct.ca/johnnocm

[This message has been edited by Johnno (edited 11-11-2000).]

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Thank you Vets.

In 1983, Time magazine conducted a nationwide survey of VetNam vets. The question was simple.


The responce was so overwhelming, that it made all the major networks.

93 percent reported they would.

It was not a question of politics, it was a matter of honor.

The media, and some here, did not get it then, and still do not today.

Thank you vets.

Where I work, I see them come, the Vets, to vote. They wear their covers with deserved pride. Ask them, and they tell you quick

were they earned the name.

There are fewer each time.

For those I see, and those I never will:

From my children, my wife, and from me:



"The Legitimate object of war is a more perfect peace."

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Hi, I would like to appologize to -tink- for calling him a troll. Up here in Canada, we don't get Remembrance Day off, and the only reason we had celebrations yesterday, was either work related, or school presentations and assemblies. This is what I thought -tink- was against, just celebrating on both days, instead of just the one day.

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Tink -

I appreciate you withdrawing your comments. While you are entitled to you opinion (and your opinion is certainly a valid point to be made) I felt it was quite inappropriate for this time and place. Bring it up next week and we can have a good debate on it.

Thanks much,


And for the record, I was aware that the 11th was Vet's Day, I just don't usually post on weekends and thought wishing for the next day looked stupid.



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 11-11-2000).]

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Guest LtCo.05

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook:

Sorry to diverge O/T a bit, but out of curiosity, LtCo.05, were you (or still) an avid SMG player? I think to remember that nickname for an SMG player (a USAF officer) from ICQ.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


That be me. Haven't seen you on ICQ in a long while..... How have you been??

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I took my granddaughter to the Veterens Day Parade today. It was cold but not as cold as the feeling in my stomach as I looked at the sparse crowd lining the streets. People will line up 4 and 5 deep for a Christmas Parade, or some other parade, but just won't come out for our veterans. What a shame.


It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.

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Hey---well met, LtCo.O5!! (I remember earlier that you were Maj.04 when we first went at it in SMG multiplayer games, then you "bumped up" with your promotion.)

We'll have to pick up on ICQ again soon, I just hadn't downloaded again yet after swapping computers recently. With CM soon to have TCP/IP as a feature, you may then get a chance to slap me around online again, like in the SMG days. wink.gif

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Sorry to come in late, but getting drunk to honor some folks who ain't around will do that. Sucks that folks nowadays look on this as just another longweekend. Thanks to you few history buffs, who have the rare knowledge that it ain't cool to be in a war, but are glad somebody went, thanks on behalf of my family.

Ray "Red" Stewman - 225th BG USAAF 1944-1948

Erich Baro - Wehrmacht 1914-1918,1943-1945

Wilton "Terry" Stewman - 1st Air Cavalry Viet Nam

And my own meager gift

Wilton "Bear" Stewman - US Army, Grenada,Panama, and 10 years on the Wall,when it still was there.

To My buds, sorry ya got that duty man, we miss you.

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