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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Ah, I see. Then would it be fair to say that the EnZee'ers aspire to be pommie as much as the Ozzers?



The extent of aspiration would be "not at all", "zilch", "zip", "naught", "zero" etc.

Btw, the correct terminology is (repeat after me) Kiwi and Aussie.

Now go away you horrid taunters of all things great and sacred! wink.gif


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Koopa-Troopa has brought us an omen. Mr.T in the Matha Beautiful Thread can only mean one thing; the cesspool will rise from the ashes like a Phoenix (hopefully igniting many of the inhabitants) bent on more anarchy. BTW it is rumored that Mr.T is the second coming of Christ.

Seanachai, all I can say is that sometimes my anger gets the best of me. I, like you, do not wish to continue like a bad Elvis/Kitty after school special. Not to make excuses as to not sound like the pond scum amoebae I really am, I had a kicker of a day yesterday. I am talking major auto repairs to the death of a close friends wife. That is no excuse for the way I said what I meant though. Looking back and settling down I see that I was wrong in at least one aspect. I should have E-mailed you personally.

Now that was not an apology. I could give you one but then I would have to jab long metal objects in your ears, wiring them to the car battery and dragging you behind at unsafe speeds until you forget what a complete waste of oxygen you are. But enough about my pastimes. If I can't perform a root canal through your ear drum I will instead round up your little troops that have no choice but to listen to all your hot air on the field of battle.

Jawspoon- I realize that you are French and the concept of standing up for what you believe in is not part of your countries tradition. I cannot help it that your history books has more entries on the bravery of expedition forces then your own people. I also can't help it that in said index it reads:

Saving our country again;....see America and the U.K. pg. 2 - 958

Now run off, climb in your obsolete, overpriced fortifications and hope for the best, frenchy foo-foo.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Kiwi, Aussie, Pommie, Ozzer, Frenchman... where's the difference?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you calling us frogs? That sir is a low blow. Where's jdmorse, I want to sue you for pyschological trauma Berli.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Are you calling us frogs? That sir is a low blow. Where's jdmorse, I want to sue you for pyschological trauma Berli.


Ahhh an interesting and intriguing case. By the way where's my retainer


Best law money can buy

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Everyone needs a puppy to kick



Hmmm, six words. We all know how the thread thinks on short posts don't we?

*All* Yes!

Mr bertylinguist, please edit your post to the required minimum of 9000 words and have it checked for witticism and bile by at least two senate representatives.

That is all....


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

Are you calling us frogs? That sir is a low blow. Where's jdmorse, I want to sue you for pyschological trauma Berli.


Oh, sure, run for the courts right off the bat ... sounds like something a frenchman would do.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> . . . And myself, Moriarty and Berli are in that category. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Journalists! Since when does pasting a few .gifs up on a web site, being able to plug a few cables (that only fit one way) into the back of a computer, cleaning toilets in the building and being general piss-boys qualify you three mooks as JOURNALISTS? Bauhuas you missed your calling, I think you should have been participating in Gore’s campaign, you know the guy that “invented the internet”.

To be a journalist, as I recall, requires that you (1) work at a newspaper and (2) produce actual copy for said newspaper. Now, I have surveyed the “paper” you call the NW Herald. It appears to me to be nothing more than reprints from other “esteemed journals” such as the Weekly World News supported by ads for low-grade suburban sex shops and “right-to-life” campaign notices (taking place of the neo-nazis who you only recently evicted). Therefore, no matter how many of you actually work there, and how many trees you kill annually for pulp, and how much bandwidth you waste sending your crap into cyberspace, you will never pass qualification (1). So I feel no need to expound on how none of the three of you will ever pass qualification (2). Suffice it to say that Berli’s typical modus operandi of posting a snippy one-liner, or Boriarty’s massive re-quotes hardly foreshadow the rise of a new Woodward.

I have also been watching in and waiting for my chance to reap some justice on the Australian malingers who rise like rafting sludge occasionally in the pool. So add this to your calendar of very scary things. I will be returning to the fatal shores on Jan 9, followed by which I will be having a relaxing holiday with my wife until 27 Jan (so take that you yank-only-get-two-weeks-off-a-year drones). After returning to the office and checking that everything is ticking along well in the cash factory that is the intergalactic HQ of Optimised Operations, I will resume the gutting, flaying and general topplement of all residents of N. Illinois as well as taking new applicants for the position of foetid corpse.

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

OK, then I can call you a Yank from now on? wink.gif


Turn it up Macey me ol' china - nothing less than "Septic" will do, eh? And what's with askin' the bludger "Please Sir, can I call you a "Yank"?"? Whaddya expect him to say? "Quite all right Mr Mace, join me in a nice cup of tea?"? He's up and called you banana bending, crow eating, mexican bastards a "pommie". Sheepshagger might not mind, but stone the flamin' crows, where is the immediate challenge to fill the mongrel in with a PBEM?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

But don't take the loser's way out and blame it on newbies ect.


Gak. That explains everything-- we've had the current set too high on the Mecta Model D and it's utterly lobotomized all the newbies that get hooked up to it. Time to trade it in for a thymatron.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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I caught a last parting whiff of snittiness from the esteemed Arse-Inspector Morse some time back there. Well, if you do not care to engage me in battle, so be it. I see the ambulance exhaust has not rotted away your self-preservation instinct, at least. Go back to passing out your business cards in the Rodent Extraction Ward at St. Jude's and trying to convince juries that He who made the hamster, the gerbil and the Norway rat should have attached warning labels on the dangers of their misuse. Contact me if you ever wish to have your mettle tested in an arena where the arbiter of merit cannot be swayed by any amount of shiny jewelry, firewater, and season tickets. As for you, Mr. OhGodSavemeFrommyBeastlyopponents, I am still awaiting this much-heralded assault upon my exposed flank. I expect it shall be a similar sensation to the assault of a lovesick terrier upon my leg -- unsettling, but easily enough dealt with if one has a rolled-up newspaper handy.


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

[This message has been edited by nijis (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

OK, then I can call you a Yank from now on? wink.gif



Absolutely, you can call me a Yank. You want one lump or two with your 4 o'clock Earl Grey, sir?


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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Well, well out of the mouth of Babelfish comes that walking and talking belt, purse, boots and hatband ... Guano, er, no, Gila-boyo, oops, I mean ... Goanna, the fork-ed tongue boy, spewing forth and waxing less than poetic on the Bauhaus, Berli and yours truly.

Your assessment of the pubication (misspelling intended) referred to as the NW Herald ... or Herlard for the myriad people unable to spell ... was a bit off the mark. I'm sure the fine journalists at the National Enquirer and the Globe now are mortified at your obvious slight at not being included as one of our sources. Shame on you, Scaly One.

Bauhaus was indeed mistaken in referring to me as a "journalist" (more appropriately pronounced Urinalist) and you have fallen into the same trap. Speaking only for myself, I am and have worked hard to become a newspaperman. True newspapermen do not aspire to the ranks of Urinalists. True newspapermen are vile, disgusting parasites on humanity, held in lower esteem by the literate, semi-literate and illiterate public than cops, lawyers and used-car salesmen ... and I'm damned proud to be one. Urinalists (broadcast or print) ask the really stupid questions -- What are you feeling now? to the man who just watched his house burn down, losing all his possessions, pets and that money stuffed in the mattress. A newspaperman would just make up the fargin' quote and attribute it to the poor bastard. And speaking of quotes and re-quotes (sort of like crack and recrack, a reference only true Wisconsinites will understand), some of the tripe posted here is simply too good to pass up and it saves me the trouble of making the ****e up and attributing it to the likes of you. And, I'll have you know, we have convinced the neo-Nazis to continue their advertising with us ... but it's a pay-as-you-go thing, so they'll just have to roll a coupla winos or roust a coupla widows. And, by the by, just who are you to be turning up your nose so high and mighty-like at low-grade sex shops. I guess that means you've been frequenting the medium- and high-grade sex shops. Being just a working stiff instead of a business-owning, member of the oppressive upper echelons of society such as yourself, I cannot afford to go to such places, with the comfy sofas and high overhead.

And so, you perambulating carcass-eater, I eagerly await your return -- from O-Man I can't believe they're paying me so much I can take the month of friggin January off -- so we can resume warfare.

Take care. Have a safe trip home.

(multiple edits to correct multiple errors in copy)


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

I caught a last parting whiff of snittiness from the esteemed Arse-Inspector Morse some time back there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And why should I give you a game? Is not Croda, faithful Croda slapping you about with the Anubil duck? Has Imohotep returned? Kharis has no doubt been revivied? Hmmm they did find that tomb and you appear. Coincidence?

But to avoid finding tannis leaves on my doorstep I shall listen to your pitch. What method of mummification would you prefer, for I intend to bury back in the crypt of ages from whence you may never return. Your organs shall be removed and placed in urns so that Ptah is not offended. No cenotaph shall mark your resting place under Nut's starry arms save the shifting sands.

Your suggested particulars maybe sent by courier, beloved of Ra, Horus son of Orisis, or by jackal, not PeterSheepshagger.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Jawspoon- I realize that you are French and the concept of standing up for what you believe in is not part of your countries tradition. I cannot help it that your history books has more entries on the bravery of expedition forces then your own people. I also can't help it that in said index it reads:

Saving our country again;....see America and the U.K. pg. 2 - 958

Now run off, climb in your obsolete, overpriced fortifications and hope for the best, frenchy foo-foo.


Well, let me explain it with easier words then.

Letting people die for our country IS a French tradition.

As you so finely pointed it, it' s a tradition we are VERY willing to follow as a matter of principle.

The basic fact about Frenchness is to be left alive to be able to enjoy it the next day.

There is NO reason why you should die fighting for your right to stay alive.

Now if some buggers known for their thirst and hunger of anything French want to come in and give it a try, they are more than welcome.

Thanks for you're explanation and lack of excuse to Seanachai.

I'll do likewise.

Von Shrad, you are far from being stupid, you were merely in your usual state.




And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Ah, I see. Then would it be fair to say that the EnZee'ers aspire to be pommie as much as the Ozzers?


That was truly brilliant...

Err, unless you had Rob/1 or a French checking on your spelling that is.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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You will soon be approached at home, at work, or on the street by Bes. He will uncurl his 12-inch phallus, lick it with his cubit-long tongue, and out of it will spit a spunk-stained papyrus scroll which will adhere itself to your outer garments, and he will say to you, "You've been served."


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:


Pushbroom, you tiresome Frenchy, your impertenance never ceases to amaze. Would you like me to beg? Would you like me to say, "Oh, dear, dear Pushbroom, please send me a setup? I would be ever so grateful."

Sucks to that.

Send me a setup, or I will eviscerate you and make traditional Burgundian specialties out of your vitals, such as oeufs en meurette avec rate de Pushbroom et reins de Pushbroom au vin. Or perhaps I'll just go simple, and have a nice testicule de Pushbroom au poivre. Finished off with a Chateau Sang de Pushbroom '00 and a nice hunk of chevre, and I'll have myself a lovely little Pushbroom meal.

Now hop to it!


Well now that's more like it.

OK you my insignificant friend, in the days of the Old Pool when I cared for what I was posting because in these times I had the impudence to think people were actually reading my posts, I came up with a standard answer after being taunted by the likes of Bleater and you.

As Keeper of the Pool and user of the FIND Tool, here it is again back on limelights...

Send a setup so that I could go on ignoring you by not acknowledging the fact that I had it covered with dust in my inbox.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-22-2000).]

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