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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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And now for this commercial interruption..........Ever feel constipated? Speaking of constipated, Marlow, before you go attacking a profession, such as journalists, be careful. There may be more than one of us around. There are actually a few of us trolling the Pool. And myself, Moriarty and Berli are in that category. So now you better watch your back. But lawyers, have fun stereotyping them all you want. Me, I need to drink now and go make up a story for tomorrow's paper.

To the Newbies.........get used to it.

To the Aussies...........see Berli.

To Gerbiljoy, Seanapee.......ummmm where is my set up and turn. Just cause you're facing the second worse loss of your life Seanapee, doesn't mean you get to quit playing. Now, if you've already sent said files......never mind.

To Stuka..........how long do you need to send me a set up. Let's get it going you simpleton. Death awaits.......though it's probably mine.

To Berli........everything you said is true.

To Moriarty..........cheater.

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"And that's how you take out a Pillbox using a kleenex, a paper clip and a rabid monkey. Any questions?"


Now Jon and Andreas you are misbehaving again.

If you don't watch out for those short tempered answers of yours we'll get all Von Shraded again...

In defence of that useless Newbie I shall say:

At least he has a niceish sig.

That's not much but if he learns to shut up and post just his sig then he may someday grow on us.

BTW you very same buggers refered above (Well that's you Jon and Andreas).

Chupy, I find it a little short and lacking in personalization.

What is it with you then?

A mere Same for you Paw?

And Andreas, yes I am quite literate for a bloody frog.

If you managed to play some turns with all the mails going in and there while still being able to maintain a high level of professional standards then you are too good to be only german...

To Hell with you 2.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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Ahhhhhh what a week......nice to see the 'pool reforming. A bit of a disturbance in the force and Pshaw thinking he caused it and all. Silly boy.

Now that the rapture hasn't happened and Berli hasn't carved 666 in our foreheads we can get back to what is right, true, important and loathsome. That is everyone of you who has, is or will grind my eyeballs into the dust. As to the other beautiful people, those who have are and will lose to the likes of me, Thank you ever so much for Dieing alot™

Where to begin....well lets start with the small fish....Marlet has made his initial debut on the tactical stage and I must confess has left me with my jaw dropping and drooling and much smacking of lips, thinking that this is dinner on the hoof. Seems in heavy fog believes that initial recon is best accomplished by driving a TD along he road and seeing if someone takes a shot at it. Well they did and it is only by the grace of {insert your favorite deity here} that he survived. I look forward to his next demonstration of generalship.Oh and Marlow, the fog hides many secrets...........

Sheepbleater as he acknowledged has LOST Lorak please note on the tally sheet if you would. Since Tanks are not little woolies he was unable to marshal the appropriate (apro-priape?) attention and apply himself. Take note all, a tanker (other than in some gutter outside a London pub) he ain't.

My lit'l bitch Cuddite has generously gathered his remaining troops under a nice copse of trees so that I may more efficiently utilize my VT which shall arrive shortly. I highly recommend a trial sample of the stuff if you haven't tried it before. Does wonders to troop morale, in trees or out in the open.

HereIamKillme and I have just started. I am afraid I must apply some discipline to the youngster for his own good. He is advancing under a cloud of smoke, which he shot about 15 m's in front of his advancing troops, leaving about 200m's of open terrain to advance across.He has picked up the questionable hamster habit of shelling like crazy empty areas of the board to absolutely no effect.

Chuppypuppy as he graiously noted above is a LOSER-apparent. I shall shortly certify his election to the same once the recount of his troops causalities come in. Seems he made a grave tactical error at the beginning....he chose to play me, a lawyer. Take that Chupchops, yer losing to about the lowest form of life there is [except for ninilist]

Lessarty and I are recreating the fascinating events of WW2 known as Sitzkrieg. Just us and the crickets chirping in the night. I suspect that this game will go like a sprint cycle race, slow pokey to a fast bloody furious end.

meek hamster of course was losing, as he seemed to be to all of us and has taken a bit of a walkabout. Or has he? Once a bloody messianic schismatic always one I suspect. Sasquatch is showing me the finer points of the "Probe" and already in the first turn I have demonstrated my total incompetency on defense. There maybe a game or two I overlooked but obviously you are beneath my contempt. Gerbilboy and I have yet to figure out which of our various emails we are using so I figure confusion shall reign throughout our game.

Oh and SgtSpotonmytie..........NO! this thread will never end, now bugger off you wanker.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Right.. my last post for some time, ya you pain in the kack holes.. I'm taking a break from this thread.. for two reasons.. I can find better bits of exciting morsels looking through my own ****. and two.. work is a bitch right now and got to build a whole portal before christmas (any programers or web people know what it means in workload) and while I am at it, I hope it (this thread) gets a rusty ol padlock while I'm gone too.. and a shiny bright new peng thread when I come back.

Work has been just a wee bit to heavy... and no I'M NOT LOOKING FOR ANY TYPE OF SYMPATHY... bite me.. infact go mount your favorate animal.

Reply to this if you have any grey matter worth putting under a microscope, cuz I won't answer.. I don't care

here is an answer to any of your stinking responces:

"I can see your point, but I still think you're full of it."

if you do answer and I hope you don't its because you're just jealous, because the little voices talk to ME.

to all my pbem'ers I'm still doing the rounds no fear.. I'm not getting away from wooping your lazy asses, and naturaly comming in to put an update for wins losses and ties for lorack...

If you think I'm being to rude.. well I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.




Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-21-2000).]

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Several people have mailed me on the very subject ...


OK, my last 2 cents on this thingy and then I'll let it go.

"Several people" is either a lie, in that people often hide behind this sort of thing so as to avoid responsibility for what they are saying, or "several people" indeed have e-mailed von shrad.

I believe Mark IV when he said von shrad was a solid guy and, as I don't know him, I'll take him at his word.

What pisses me off is that "several people" don't have the nuts to stand on their own feet and say what they have to say under their own sig.

The best way to handle it, of course, would be for one of those "several people" to get a game going with Seniletea (or whoever you stiffen your neck toward) and work out your differences via e-mail with the turns and the taunts. "Several people" might find they would be taken seriously and find that the other guy is not the so-and-so they believe him to be.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Am I the only one who got away with being nice and staying in the Pool? Makes ya wonder, don't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, it doesn't. Was slithering in under the door of the Lawyer's Challenge and voting for a non-participant foreigner and well-known agent provocateur your idea of "nice", you obsequious coelenterate?

Once again the thin facade of niceness crumbles, to reveal the twisted little gnome within. Now hunch along after your saxon Master and try to bring him the jar with the right brain, this time.

And have an extra nice day! smile.gif

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Pushbroom, you tiresome Frenchy, your impertenance never ceases to amaze. Would you like me to beg? Would you like me to say, "Oh, dear, dear Pushbroom, please send me a setup? I would be ever so grateful."

Sucks to that.

Send me a setup, or I will eviscerate you and make traditional Burgundian specialties out of your vitals, such as oeufs en meurette avec rate de Pushbroom et reins de Pushbroom au vin. Or perhaps I'll just go simple, and have a nice testicule de Pushbroom au poivre. Finished off with a Chateau Sang de Pushbroom '00 and a nice hunk of chevre, and I'll have myself a lovely little Pushbroom meal.

Now hop to it!


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:


Pushbroom, you tiresome Frenchy, your impertenance never ceases to amaze. Would you like me to beg? Would you like me to say, "Oh, dear, dear Pushbroom, please send me a setup? I would be ever so grateful."

Sucks to that.

Send me a setup, or I will eviscerate you and make traditional Burgundian specialties out of your vitals, such as oeufs en meurette avec rate de Pushbroom et reins de Pushbroom au vin. Or perhaps I'll just go simple, and have a nice testicule de Pushbroom au poivre. Finished off with a Chateau Sang de Pushbroom '00 and a nice hunk of chevre, and I'll have myself a lovely little Pushbroom meal.

Now hop to it!


For God's sake don't soak him in wine, MomDustmop would like it too much and there's no telling what he'd come up with after that.

Setup sent to you. Let the blood and viscera begin to flow.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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What the hell is this ****e!?

Some personal crap comes up that drags me away for several days.... I come back to for a nice pool swim to laugh and forget about the unplesant business.. and what do I find?

A bunch of whinney bastards bitching and moaning because they haven't got enough Balls to decide thier own fate.

First to clear some things up.

My web site.. It was started as a damn joke. It was to stay up a day or so at most. But became a way to pass the time at work. Stay or go it makes no diffrence to me.

The one thing that totaly has my mind in a fog... Is bitching about knighthood and it creating some kind of levels.

What the hell is wrong with you people?!

Let me see if I can explain this for those of you that decided to put your heads in microwaves for kicks.

Being a Knight of the pool means the following:

Not a damn thing!! Basically to become a knight all you have to do is stick around. Yes we have a lot of damn fun setting up squire matches. But in reality those that are good enough sports to hang around, and be a good enough sport to go along with it, Are going to be knights anyway. It just menas they have had the balls to stick around and fit in.

Why some of you are so sure it relates to power is beyond me.

Same with lordships. Who the hell cares? It doesn't make a damn bit of diffrence. I thought it would have just been a fun way of making the PBEM games a little more interesting.

In the pool Titles Mean nothing. Personality is everything.

As for those of you I am playing, I am sorry for the delay's lately. But I had some things to take care of. Should be back on track now.

As for the fate of this thread.... Grow the hell up. This thread is one of the only reasons I still come to this forum. It has humor, history, drama, and most of all wit.

So If you are upset by the pool lately. Fix it. We created it, filled it, and brought it to the for-front. If it is to die, so be it. But don't take the loser's way out and blame it on newbies ect.. Stand up like a damn Man (and Yk2) and at least admit that if the pool dies it is your own damn fault.

Oh and as a final note.

Not to step on any toes or start a flame war.

But for those of you that are getting upset personaly... Canned games, personal attacks.. Grow the hell up. It is a damn internet forum. Suck it up, piss on it, and get on with your lives.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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Congratulations to Mark IV on his victorious campaign in the Lawyer's Cup challenge. Nice work.

And to Lorak: TC Schutz eagerly awaits another opportunity to gobble up your scanty forces like the scrumptious little bonbons they are.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Boriarty Your setup has been received. You might want to presend your surrender as well, just to speed up the process. No need to muddle through the harrowing and rending and burning of your things, is there?

EvilLawyerBoy Oh yeah? Well, you just try to get your mortars back, tough guy, 'cos you can't have 'em back! So there!

And, proof that the Peng Thread shall regain its former glory:


Mr. T supports the Peng Thread, do you?


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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ahh now where was I.... Oh yes. Self Loathing.

This should be a short little update. I haven't been around lately, and there are only so many ways to say your losing.

Germanboy advance

guns hide, shells speed towards targets

empty steel, fire, death

Moriarty's damn stug

Lorak's men hide in terror

no good, death awaits

Berli and his goons

approach, blasting,hell on earth

smoke covers the dead

Meeks crazy like a fox

both sides even, standing still

who knows what will come

Others yell outside

Pool drowns them out, thank the gods

they matter little.


Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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**** Due to technical difficulties caused by too many mispellings, the treatise and tome challenging PawBroom to resumption of hostilities was lost when connection and computer failure resulted in the loss of all data. Please watch this space for further updates****

JD out

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

To Stuka..........how long do you need to send me a set up. Let's get it going you awe inspiring picture of perfection.


Why thank you, Bowdown, kind words indeed.

In case any of my pbem chums are awaiting turns....its not my bloody fault!

Apparently some big, fat stupid undersea cable between Champion Ozztralia and the You-S-ayy has been cut, and all my little pixellated troops had to swim for it and got eaten by a Scab-encrusted Baleen whale who mistook them for plankton.

I hereby call for an increase in Japanese research into Whales by the gentle scientific process of harpooning the guts out of them, dragging them up onto a ship and hacking them apart with freeking great knives.

A quick squires challenge update (like anyone cares anymore) Crow-ducks other tin-can has parked bumper-to-bumper with my other armoured thingey on the opposite flank to his first attempt to reverse park into my allocated space.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tanks and 28M visibility do not mix.

Peng: Kills me lots

OGSF: Kills me lots more

Mensch: Kills me more than Peng but not quite as much as OGFS

Other games are non-cesspool so don't even ask...


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Say, Berli, do we have a due-back date on the Grand Pommie LizardBoy?

And, does Pommie-dom extend south of Australia? Like, to NZ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No to the first. As to the second, other than sheep, what's the difference?

Ah, I see. Then would it be fair to say that the EnZee'ers aspire to be pommie as much as the Ozzers?


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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