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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Question for the Cesspool (Arrrgh the pain tears me in two and rapes my cerebral cortex remember there is no more cesspool that was just a dream hamsters does not exist and so there is no king rat there is no king rat) What mods if any do you use when beating me in PBEM's? I've downloaded a couple and will install them when I get home and call my mother and apologize for being such a failure.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 10-25-2000).]

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Minor Update...

I am pleased to report that I still have yet to suffer a casualty in my game with Boreiarty. I have in turn caused to become very dead:

one M8 Howitzer carriage

1 Sherman 75

1 Sherman 105

1 recoilless rifle

1 .30 mg

several trucks

at least a platoon and a half of veteran infantry. Probably closer to two platoons.

A further platoon of his infantry looks to be feebly attempting to hold on to a rather exposed VL. Direct fire from my Panzers should end that situation quickly.

It's a good thing I told my men to polish their kevlar and clean their railguns.

Rest assured, I will continue to update when more Snoreiarty-stomping information becomes available.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Hiram -

MDMPs 1 and 2

grass, trees, and some other terrain from Gunslinger's mod

Magua's buildings

Tiger's field guns

Think that's it.

Now go stick a gasoline pump nozzle up your nostril and smoke a cigarette.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Hiram....I was considering lamblasting you but I desist. There seems to be a cycle to your posts. Sweetly angelic and aplogetice, or mean and spiteful. Obviously you are not taking your meds my boy. There are some wonderful pharmacopiea out there and a frontal lobotomy is not out of the question. So since you seem beyond therapy and are an amusing tyke in your way, every court needs a jester and a fool perhaps to amuse us.....therefore I will answer your question with all the compassion I can muster for the afflicted such as yourself.

MDMP - both

Weathered AFV's and most of the indiv. ie camo Hetzer, various Tiger mods, Panther mods for battered and G and late G

Winter mods galore, both guns and vehicles

1/2 of Magua building mods

Some of Terrain mods although use low res grass. Stained glass church, roof tiles, wall and pond from the 3rd party source.

Uniforms- SS camo w/ feldgrau pants. Improved Heer Feldgrau. Helment lining mod, Allied uniforms. The new faces on the soldiers.....in a word seems about everything. I really do not think that I have too many original textures left that were original. Oh also flags have been replaced and the swastika added to splsah screen and flags.

I also have Deanco set as alternative set and the Gunslinger mods as alternative packages that all I have to do is change name of folder to "data" and relaunch.

There Hiram, I have treated you civiliy and as a gentleman, now I truly depise and hate you for all you represent.As well as myself for that indulgence. It shall never happen again. I probaby will never shake him off the fawning lapdog that he is. This is a world where the dark and twisted are normal, but since you choose to be here you shall amuse us fool.


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrA. Loket:

Geier: Yeah, same goes for you ... get a move on you punk-ass!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How original. yawn. Wow, you even got in an exclamation mark. How wonderful for you.

I'm sure you'll defeat me too. Perfectly dreadful I imagine.zzzz snort yawn

Excuse me, I have to go hibernate.

Tomorrow I will reveal (bauhaus, please... thanks Ethan) some interesting clues to the true identity of the entity known as Hiram Sedai. Have you noticed that I seem to totally ignore him?

Stay tuned,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh, and dear, child-like YK2. Though your vulgar society may have reduced Poofta (or Pooftah) to mean only a homosexual, the term itself is merely a disparagement. Such, of course, as you, being the product of a bankrupt society and a backwater educational system, would appear when you misunderstand one such as me, your superior. And I'm sure that, were your Chihuahua-like jaws to nip me that I would need a painful tetanus shot, so that you are correct in that were I to "Mess" with you, I would, well, your words are so forgetable that I've unfortuneately forgotten the consequences. I'm sure they'd be nasty, though.


Meeks, I will say this for you, your bloody persistant, a bit like that large green boil I have on my ass, you refuse to go away, but hell, do I care? nahhhhhhhhh. What worries me is the fact that you think you are superior to me, Ok, I may be a mere squire to your ohhhhhhhh so majestic title of..... ermmmmmmmmm escapes me, what is your title?

Anyway back to your post.... If my Chihuahua-like jaws were to nip you, then you would need more than a mere painful tetanus shot, trust me on this one, with the amount of venom I have, Amputation would almost certainly follow any nip or bite, sooooooooo where is it to be then? on your leg? or maybe somewhere a little smaller? The decision is yours.But if you need some help, check my sig.


Meeks finally shows where he truly resembles a Hamster.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh and Pawbroon, I'm afraid I've got seniority on you, so rather than being Chip or Dale, you mad French monkey-man, I choose to stay Meeks. I will, however, be happy to team with your little bim to bite, scratch and belittle any of the numerous ugly, stupid ape-men who like to post on here occasionally.


There you go again with the superior/seniority thing, just can't help yourself can you? I'll say this though, for once we are in agreement, I also would rather stay with YK2, but thanks for the suggestion Pawbroon, as for teaming with you Meeks, " you cannot be serious" this little bim is quite capable of biting, scratching, and belittling, any of the numerous ugly, stupid ape-men who like to post on here occasionally without any help from you. And as Pawbroon once said "I do not take sub contractors".



Meeks finally shows where he truly resembles a Hamster.

[This message has been edited by YK2 (edited 10-25-2000).]

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Gerbiltoy attempted a witty sally...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hmm, wasn't one of the golden rules that 'If you can shoot them, they can shoot you'? You better have lots of killzones matey<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...but, diverting not only to put his foot in his mouth, but to suck his own toes, he fell flat on his face in the Cesspool muck.

The above is only true IF your guys can see my guys. Which they can't. The hills are alive with the sound of snipers. Yes, a mere 3 rifle bullets have sent as many herds of Canadian Snow Mice fleeing in panic like Frenchmen before Germans. And the fun has only just started.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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I, for one, rabidly install new mods, Hiram, feeling that it more accurately portrays the varying battlefields. I saw the old documentaries on PBS, sometimes the Germans fought in light grey uniforms, sometimes they were dark grey. Sometimes the tanks had a cool grey on grey scheme, sometimes it was black, white and grey camo.

Chrisl, I would love to continue killing your men (Seanachai can attest to my love of combat in the snow) as soon as you send me a file.

YK2, you are vulgar and you are far too prickly but I still like you. As to my titles, I have many, in fact my full name with titles is almost as long as my throbbing member, which has starred in more films than Gregory Hines and has done a better acting job, to boot. Now let's leave all this sex talk at that and continue with good natured posts about tearing off men's uvulae (Uvulas?), mincing them and serving it to them in a pate.

I will not be in tonight but I will tell her you all said hi. Tomorrow I will begin my Escher battle with Pawbroon, Peng willing, and also my epic wrassling match with Peng, which I am sure of as Chup has sent me an E-mail full of snickering with a tourney-saved game attached.

I love each of you equally, except for TD, Fuerte and PeterNZer, who can all take a flying leap and a rolling donut.


Have you ever tried to buy an atomic bomb? They're expensive as hell, even without wheels!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

Watching this thread, I wondered how many pages the BBS interface will post in the header.

I imagine this thread crashed last time because of its length, this time it might crash because of the number of pages.

Heh heh.


Witty analysis...there is no substitute.

As for the rest of you, all turns are out! So go do those things that you do with your favorite barnyard animals as a means of celebrating. No, don't thank me. It is thanks enough to not have to hear Chupapants whiiiiiine anymore. That was getting sickening.

And YK2, don't take Meeks too seriously. He's only picking on you because you're a member of an inferior gender. I mean because he likes you, ya that's it!

As for the rest of you, line up to kiss my ass!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Witty analysis...there is no substitute.

As for the rest of you, all turns are out! So go do those things that you do with your favorite barnyard animals as a means of celebrating. No, don't thank me. It is thanks enough to not have to hear Chupapants whiiiiiine anymore. That was getting sickening.

And YK2, don't take Meeks too seriously. He's only picking on you because you're a member of an inferior gender. I mean because he likes you, ya that's it!

As for the rest of you, line up to kiss my ass!


Croda... croda... croda... oh yes, CRAWDAD!! now I remember.

That is the lazy, good-for-nothing rat bastard that kept me waiting for a turn so long that the directory I store his turn files (or used to at least) in has grown a hairy, fuzzy mold all over it (and when the light hits it just so, I swear that I can see Crawdad's mom's face in the fuzz.)

"How do you know what Crawdad's mom's face looks like?" you might ask.

Well, that's another long story involving Crawdad's mom, a troupe of 12 acrobatic midgets from Bulgaria, 15 gallons of Wesson oil, 18 hours of bad ABBA disco music, and a three-legged bulldog with an extremely bad case of the mange, and a temper to match it.

Oops, sorry for the short digression...

And now, when I am back at work, I read that he has finally sent his pitiful little file my way. Your timing, as always, is impeccable, you buffoon!!

And as a final note, the only thing that my barnyard animal, Bubba the bull, will be doing is making sure that Crawdad squeals like a stuck pig, long and hard, while Bubba has his way with him.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

Watching this thread, I wondered how many pages the BBS interface will post in the header.

I imagine this thread crashed last time because of its length, this time it might crash because of the number of pages.

Heh heh.


You gibbering little Canadian git, do you wish for Squire status, or not? If you're only showing up here to make mock, and be a bloody tourist, then fine. Someday I'll come to the Maritime and throw really ugly, cheap, and unappealing American beer cans all over your landscape, with little stencils on them reading: "this ugly sodding litter courtesy of Patboivin, look for me as a useless casual poster on the Peng Challenge Thread" with the battlefront URL in the lower right hand corner. Now, either type out in clear English, eh? or nasalized French, (the sound that should follow here, indicating a raised eyebrow and deprecating acquiescence, cannot actually be reproduced by a non-French), the statement: I am a resident of the North, the far North, North, which is perhaps the only compass point where true, real, and significant Men and Women call home, and I wish to become a Squire here in this, the Cesspool, and after suffering all manner of unseemly slights and abuse, assume my true place as a Knight of the Order of the Cesspool (with decoder ring, cool decals, International Taunting Rights, and T-Shirt that reads: "Seanachai Lost to Peng, and All I Have To Do Is Where This F'ing T-Shirt"). Now, Patboivin, WHY ARE YOU HERE?


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai in a compulsive, perfectionist 'if I don't take the time to make it right who would give a useless goddamn about it' way, and 'if only everyone cared enough to make a serious effort at posting, then I wouldn't have to be so obsessive as a sheer bloody example of the way it should be done'. Also, minor typos and spelling errors were corrected. (edited 10-26-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Witty analysis...there is no substitute.

And YK2, don't take Meeks too seriously. He's only picking on you because you're a member of an inferior gender. I mean because he likes you, ya that's it!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

YK2 is taking Meeks seriously, for as our Holy, Chosen, and Most Blessed of the Goddess (yes, you useless gang of small-brained fellows, did you not realize that I am, in fact, a Pagan, and a follower of the Goddess?) Enforcers, she is dealing with him in the same style that she will deal with the rest of you useless Mime Wannabes. With curled lip. With abuse. With one raised eyebrow and a knowing look that dismisses...exactly what you are most afraid of having dismissed. Now, shall we all put that 'little thing' away and taunt each other as equals?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As for the rest of you, line up to kiss my ass!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here, Croda, you've shown so much more promise than this, this, low public-school name-calling! And I don't think the Lads will go for this one. I've had high hopes for you, don't make me re-label 'The Brick' with a new name...


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Let this serve as an example...

Meeks - I have flung the turn file back to you, you contemptible nit. Some might call your recon car rush "gamey", but the only thing I find gamey is the stench of your troops now that their little machine of war is burning in front of my position. I believe the last words I heard were, "Hey, that looks like a Stu..."

Crawdad - Crawdad! - CRAWDAD! Are you awake??? The turn, though it pains me so, is back in your cunt, er, court.

Open it, play it, do whatever you have to do, but send the next turn back before another ice age comes and goes... Already I have watched your ancestors crawl up out of the primordial ooze, taking their first gasps of air, then evolving gills to lungs, and eventually walking around semi-upright.

So place your Neandertal brain in gear and get out those turns. I haven't got all millenuim you know.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

er, court.


And, er, even here, we have standards. Squire, your taunting shows promise. But language, eh? Please show regard for my tender, pseudo-Canadian sensibilities, lad.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Hark! What is that sound? Could it beeee? Nooooo, it can't be! Not Croda over my knee while I give his ass the old "what for"!

(Smack...Smack..."ahhh let me get my belt. I want to make some permanent scars".. Thaaawap! Thaaaawap! Thaaaawap! "Ahh, yes much better". I can see his scrawny behind give way to my powerful strokes! (Not THOSE kind of strokes, Bauhaus!).

Croda... When will you admit defeat. Your men are dying. They run to and fro yet they go nowhere but to their deaths. Do you REALLY think that Sherman will help you now? Hmmmm? Ahhh but alas you can't back up. My Stug awaits to embrace him. Go forward you say? hmmm? Yes, into the arms of my Panzerfaust! Let my troops embrace you and bring you the death you long for. It won't hurt... I swear.


[This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 10-26-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

Oki, I am afraid I have to call a conference of the Kniggets - it seems to me we have ourselves somebody so evil in the thread now, it makes me suspect he got a degree in Being Evil with 1st class honours from the Department of Evil Studies at Evil University (aka College named after a long and justifiably forgotten Earl at Oxbridge). It is Buckethead. In his force of 25 FOOs and a mule it turns out the mule has been to sniper school (something which is plainly not allowed under the Hague Convention) and on this particular map I can only expect that he will do truly evil things to my forces (which does not matter a lot, them being Canucks, they deserve what they get). There is a distinct possibility that I will have to hand in the ring I took of Sauron and deliver myself upon his mercy. Of which I am sure there will be none. Damn you Buckethead. For the rest of you, you make me laugh with your pathetic attempts at portraying yourself as if you can actually command any forces other than the Mobile Bath Unit, and I am sure you would make a mess of even that.



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

As for the rest of you, line up to kiss my ass!


No thanks! The rest of us will pass on that, mate!

Besides, we don't know where it's been!

Mace (ahhhh, gone for a week, it's great to be back in the pool)!

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Hi all you Rusty, smell like urine, have not washed in five years, can't find your nads with both hands Knights of the octagonal table... a small update.

WE! the people the little guys who serve your meals (which we spit in), wash your cows and shave your wifes backs are revolting! (and no not the "ugh revolting little bugger he") <h1>RISING</h1> up against you all.

you see we are better then you because we have one thing that you Nuggits don't have... Deoderant, clean underpants and those little yummy chocholate bits one finds at the bottom of the cookie bag when your finished eating the lot.

Die lots now... I predict this,

My first win against Gerbiltoy.

My first win against Pengkomon

My first win agianst PeeBroom

so heres a penny now go leave me alone.


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

bla bla I'm scared bla bla Mommy? bla bla I'm losing bla bla<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I, on the other hand, believe I'm going to win quite handsomely over this Buckethead fellow. It all depends on whether my FO team can gnaw the face off his FO team in a few turns when they are all that remains of our OB's.

What a lovely day!

I'm off to blow something up. Gawdam trees.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Geez Louise Menssch, thats big talk,

how do you explain the complete and utter shellacking you are receiving at the hands of my good self then, hum?

And I'm total ****e at this game.

Your men are being swept away like pubic hairs on the bathroom floor of life and you dare scoff at these poncy kniggetts like you "got a pair"

Your'e getting my gander up {Sit Down Bowhows!} and nobody likes it when my gander is up.

We'll have no more hinting at the subject of surrender, anyone who preceeds an infantry assault en masse over open ground with no arty by a lone, edge hugging, buttoned Tiger, sent snivelling forwards a clear 3 minutes ahead of the troops, deserves all they get.

Good god man! And to think Lorak classes you as a knigget {giggle}

What was it that immobilised the Tiger?

A {giggle} M {snerk} 8 {muhahahahahaha!}

You had me on the ropes and you blew it all away like a 14 year old on prom night {Sit DOWN Peng!}

you may be a knight but you are the knight the other knights don't talk about.

A sort of 'Tori Spelling' of the round table.

Did you inherit your knighthood , win it in a colouring-in competition or find it at the bottom of a packet of cheesy-poofs because this squire says you damn well can't have earnt it on the field of battle..

Now concentrate on your next turn, concentrate hard, I've got a couple of big, noisy, tin things full of belts of small,shiny brass things that your'e not gonna like.....


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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It really is about time I post again. And tell you are all a nasty bunch of misanthropes and about the only pleasure that can be gained from being in your presence comes from the innate feeling of superiority this thread generates in me.

I feel almost beneficent when I look in here and watch the giggling and chortling and the drool and spittle. The only thing that prevents me from doling out condolences and best wishes is you're all so damn unattractive and repulsive the thought of coming close enough to smell you makes me wince.

Which brings me to JD Morse.

What a conundrum. On the one hand I'm slaughtering him without pity or mercy, (what was that wild walk across the snow you were doing? O well, didn't need those two squads I guess), yet on the other hand he has become my sponsor so I feel obliged to pander to his.. needs.. and say what a fine upstanding chap he is, how he's a tactical genius of the first caliber and other such lies. I think he is probably as low down as you can get and simply squired me to keep quiet his impending defeat.

Herr Soberest

Not much been happening here, a bit of maneuver and some death to his squads, bit dull really. Never mind, I'll make something happen soon. His laughable use of random probes by various units will get painful I predict.


Damn french, that's the last time I play with High Quality smoke. The tiniest sliver of space between those smoke clouds and bang, dead Sherman. I can only conclude you are exploiting the game engine and I shall make the remaining infantry of yours pay for it before we succumb to your armored horde.


The turn file goes back and forth but I haven't issued an order to a unit in several turns. It's damn boring scenario and it tires me just to pass the 1.5mb files back and forth


The race is on you twisted freak. And I get the never-hit Daimlers. Still, if I'm lucky your half of the map will collapse into a miniature black hole and suck that German steel into some netherreach and I will win the race.


Sweden is boring

Geier is boring

this game is boring


Well, it's a game of two halves and one team's the winner. In both of the training games the allies are winning which means we're both winning one. His Wasp 'o Doom is currently enjoying bbq hamster while my men use their Panzerfausts as pottys, idiots.

On the attack I'm slowly tearing his platoons apart bit by bit. The cries of 'mein bein' bring smiles of joy to my heart and frustration to German shoe makers.

now i am a squire, don't I have to kick someone other squire's bum or something?

the only thing I have left to say is


a lot



[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-26-2000).]

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A few updates for my fans:

The Legions of Croda are sweeping the land of all that is decent and righteous. File by blessed file, all that is good in the world is laid to rest. Let me please go into detail so that all of you who felt that kissing my ass was a bit unnecessary, can see why you should get in line.

Herr Ovaries: Blimey, I see Old Glory flying! Could it be that you did fumble your way towards a VL? Now ask yourself a couple of questions. 1) Can you see me? and if not, 2)Would I leave a VL on the front line unattended? Now multiply your answers by the 28m of visibility that you have, and you'll get the total number of casualties that you'll take next turn for being insolent enough to move your men to my side of the universe!

Evil Mythical Mexican Goat Boy: You think that blowing up my men in houses is going to win you the battle? You think that destroying my armor is going to win you the battle? You think that entrenching your men around the VL is going to win you the battle? Well you're darn right, you gamey bastard! But fear not...there is still plenty of fight left in this boy.

shandorfffff: 10 turns remain, and you haven't really moved very far in. While you brag and rave about my men dying, the simple fact remains that your Hun host has only eliminated a few of my units, and those few units have held your Hun host at bay for what seems like light years now. If it takes you 6 turns to defeat 1 MG unit, how in bloody hell do you expect to beat the rest of my men and win this battle? And oh, that Sherman you like to talk about so much? He's not going backwards. And he doesn't need to go forwards. You will come to him. VL behind me + heathen Hun in front of me * Nothing but green between me and you = many, many dead Germans.

Here-I-Am Shoot-Me: Picture if you will a Panther tank, perched on a hill near a group of houses. The commander sees an explosive round come in from his 10 o'clock low, down the hill to his left. It misses. Here come 2 more that also miss. Now a man runs from a small house carrying a weapon that fires those explosive rounds. He is running at the Panther. He stops, kneels, and fires an explosive round right through the lower hull of the Panther. Question: Wouldn't you shoot that SOB? Too bad so sad, bye bye Panther. You have only 1 tank left, hiding back there in the woods. You're gonna lose this one badly.

Fellow Squire Stuka: CONTACT! Shots have been fired in anger (or at the very least, confusion) in the Croda/Stuka Knight's Challenge Joust! My horde of old men and Pengian little boys routed a platoon of French infantry hiding in the woods on the extreme left. Shots were fired, everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) hit the dirt. One of my old men accidentally discharged his weapon and killed some Frenchies. The process was repeated and now there are dead bodies in the woods, and my panzerschrecks are firing at bloody infantry. Skirmish one goes to Croda!

KaBoom: Scratch one TD, eh buddy? Don't feel too bad about it. You're gonna lose the other one next turn, and then feel really bad. That TD is all that stands between this being a battle or a POW camp. Enjoy the last few turns.

Mensch: My sadistic plan to wrench you from the earth has been put in motion. Much death coming to you shortly.

Elvis: I still hate you, but at least I knocked out one of your Shermies...could the tide be changing?

Meeks: I see little Frenchies running around...am I causing your little plan trouble?

As you can see, it is getting ugly out there. Many have dies, many more will die (especially yours, shandorfffffff). I can't wait to post the AAR, so you can see how my little units decimated you.

And morse, my dear sponsor. Who is in charge of our setup, you or I? Oedipus is getting horny.



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

I am so full of myself, I am not sure my head will still fit through the door.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How about instead of talking about how you are going to tear apart my platoons at some unspecified future point in time, you just come over and do it? If you need some instruction as to the way to go about it properly, just watch the latest movie in your defense game. That little Wasp is having a nice BBQ, eh? I am not sure I have seen so many burning things. And is that a planned withdrawal on your left or are your guys just routing?



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-26-2000).]

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