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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

First there is OGSF, who set up an Assault at night in the fog and he was the Germans. In case the rest of you have never, ever played CM the Germans are the only side that has SMG squads and flamethrower HTs. So, naturally, I fight him to a draw.

Dudley Dick's been hit with a brick and can't stop bloody whining! Assault means the flags are right at the back of the map. I plowed my lads right into the middle of his strongest defences and fried their snivelling butts. Meeks begs for a ceasefire, whcih I gave him - for a draw.

What's the next map? Another Assault, by him, at night.

And who sent the setup, you cloth-eared git?

*Puppy eyes gaze back, vacant, tongue lolling as Meeks pants stupidly*

It was YOU...you chattering Chittagong chipmunk!

Due to his timely sacrifice of a virginal warthog, he manages to achieve an Extremely Minor Victory.

My copy of the surrender file says it was a "Major Victory". Perhaps you are still dwelling on YK2's sig.

So in the next game, I get to assault him, turnabout being fair play, right? The only soldier left to surrender was a prepubescent, dog-shooting little girl. Thereby setting our record at 1-1-1.

The dachshund was a demmed Jerry spy - you blew his cover (BAUHAUS...NO!) and now decide to cast nasturshians.

But dear Meeks, dear, dear, slime dripping snot flavored Meeks...why were you so successful in the third game? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and the way you mimicked my tactics from the first game was indeed flattering. And cute. And kind of cuddley. Bless you pet! *tousles Meek's fur*

So do I get to Assault him again? No, he decides he's had enough and sets up a normal map. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'll smash his little noggin on the rocks, but I am demanding a demerit against the twit.


Stomping around the 'Pool with a stick of salami taped to your inside thigh and squealing like the fat man in Deliverance doesn't fool anyone. You've met your match and you don't like it. Yo may now pick your nose until your head caves in.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

I choose the 28th page of a thread I haven't read a word of to announce that, yes, I am back, ready to fling bile and vitriol and vitriolic bile to whomever and sundry. I missed you guys (sniff).

So what's the topic? smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Me first me first!!!

Hmmm, topic? Um, bile mostly, a little vitriol, some vitriolic bile but not much biley vitriol, I guess you could take that one.


Have you ever tried to buy an atomic bomb? They're expensive as hell, even without wheels!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

I choose the 28th page of a thread I haven't read a word of to announce that, yes, I am back, ready to fling bile and vitriol and vitriolic bile to whomever and sundry. I missed you guys (sniff).

So what's the topic? smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The immediate topic, oh Formerly Barbie, you of plasticine features and the hollow head, is that you returned on the 38th page, nimnol, not the 28th page, unless it was your slow wit that allowed 10 pages of the pool to be constructed in the time that it took you to construct that pitiful, near sacriligeous post of yours.

And the previous topic has been that of lame-a$$ posters who come waltzing in here like Bambi into the woods with little singing squabs flying round their heads like it was peacetime or some such nonsense.

So consider yourself slapped across the chin with a foul gigot of aardvark that fell out from under Crawdad's new +1 Cloak of Fondling.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Well, I log on for my nightly visit (great for curing insomnia) and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but my mighty sponsor Sir Meeks, as usual spewing vitriol and beer. Ahhh!, my Zen is restored, all is right in the pool, and the earth has been restored in it's orbit.

...Just a thought. Some time back, I posted a challange to some insignificant insect, for insulting my sponsor. You kinigit types jumped in and insisted on setting up the map, forces, etc. WHERE THE HELL IS IT????

I have been patiently waiting, and nothing. So far I have yet to play a PBEM, and am getting tired of thrashing the computer. So screw it, how about some of you squires email me privately, and we can hide in a dark corner and play our own squirely (squirish?) games, without the notice (and interference)of the high and mighty ones. That way, we can at least have a reasonable game, not some sadistic, evil map set in the deepest depths of Mordor, armed only with pointed sticks and bunches of fruit, wielded by blind conscripts.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Sure, ok.

I retire the Hamsters nick, as was the requirement of my return. I can't stand reading the pathetic taunts that pass as acceptable in the Pool these days so I consider it my civic duty to return.

I'm back, so you'd better shape up you sorry lot.


Scourge them, Meeks! Harrow their unimaginitive little souls! Make them stop tossing up their 'I'm huddled with my laptop in the Corporate Men's Room on my lunch hour, and desire to post my narrow-head-breed quips to the Peng Challenge Thread, in the hopes that by the sheer, unremitting, sodden volume of my unimaginitive drivel I will be elevated to Valhalla' posts. Your return could not have been more timely! Go forth and smite the wannabes until they shine! Here, take this...well, actually, here, take the Brick. You know how it's to be applied. Whack the useless into shape.

Seanachai sits back, and sips his Greek coffee. The black and white robes of the Order of the Knights of the Cesspool are gathered about him. A few petals drift down on the breeze from the tree above him. He makes a notation on the document before him. Meeks is made an Inquisitor of the Order, with a mere peng stroke. Steam rises from the cup on the table before him. He smiles. Time, he thinks to himself, to set a few dogs to harry the sheep. As quickly, he frowns, and reaches to the table before him for a small, exquisitely wrought silver bell. With an impatient gesture he raises it and a silvery peal rings through the garden, pillared with citrus trees, where he sits. A moment later, an hooded brother of the martial order of the Cesspool appears before him.

"Hi, how can I make your masterful day more pleasant? Although I'm only a lowly Squire, I know a thing or two about a thing or two, Master, and I just want to say, it's a lovely day in the Cesspool, isn't it?"

"Shut up, Hiram. Have Peng and Berli responded to Meeks's return?"

"Er...it's really not my place to presume to interpret or even understand the actions of those the gods have placed above me, Lord, but I can't remember having seen any new, significant postings by the truly significant Lords of the Pool that you've mentioned, but I'm often off sporting with my significant other these days, Lord, and applying 'nice logic' to the postings I see, and practicing my taunts and invective while paddling my feet in the pool, and..."

"Hiram, shut up. Notify me when missives come in from Peng and Berli."

"Oh, yes, of course, Lord. And Seanachai, my sponsor?"

"Yes, Hiram?"

"I hate and despise you, you fickle, abusive piece of ****e!"

"Good, Hiram. I appreciate the effort. Now, go, and see to the business of the 'Pool, my squire."

"Yes, Seanachai, you tedious, loathsome, pot of bubbling piss laced with just a trace of nutmeg..."

"ENOUGH, Hiram. Er, I rather like the nutmeg reference."

"Wasn't that good, Lord?" Smiles brightly.

"Very good, Hiram. Hiram?"

"Yes, Lord?"

"I shall set Meeks upon them. As a bright light into a dark place shall I set him, upon the posters in the Thread."

"Good idea, Lord!"

"Of Course it's a good idea! It's mine, isn't it?! But I would have the acquiescence of Peng and Berli in this, my plan. I would make Meeks a Marshall of the Knights of the Order of the Cesspool."

"Like Marshall Dillon, oh ancient and senile one?"

"Not that kind of Marshall, you useless little...well, a bit like that, I suppose. They need a firm hand, the newbies and squires."

"And Meeks will provide that firmness?"

Seanachai gives Hiram a suspicious look

"Don't pull a Bauhaus on me, Squire. Yes, I shall set Meeks, the Apostate, Meeks, the Heretic, Meeks, the Ambitious, to apply hot irons to their feet. Not to mention spraying them with spittle and gibberish. Now, go and fetch my seal" Hiram opens his mouth, and Seanachai frowns "No, my very special seal for closing up documents, you tit. Leave Sparky in his tank, for now."

"Yes, Lord."

Seanachai returns to his musings as his squire slouches off, humming a suspiciously cheerful little tune under his breath. Seanachai's thoughts spin down certain paths, and he finds himself thinking 'I like you, you like me, we're a...'


He returns to his silent contemplation. Meeks has returned. The Schism, if not healed, has been set aside. Orthodoxy shall prevail. And Meeks, he thinks to himself, has, in his return, pointed out the right of it. There's been too much aimless chatting, he realizes. Too much repetitive back-and-forth gnattering with too little substance. PawBroon, that Mad French, was correct, in his last trans-Atlantic grenouille-o-gram. "With the death of the Old Thread, we have let things slip," Seanachai murmurs to himself. "Pengnadammerung, Schism, and a host of new Squires, combined with so many of the senior Knights on Quest, or kicking the ****e out of

Unbelievers in foreign lands, has led to a lack of direction in the Peng Challenge Thread. Curse it, root and branch! I have been idle. I have let things slip. It must stop! I will stop it! And Meeks shall be my tool!" (sit down, Bauhaus!)

Seanachai grabs the silver bell, rings it emphatically, then casts it aside to bellow:

"Hiram! Hiram, my squire! Fetch Sparky and saddle him up! I go to confer with Peng and Berli! Light the beacons, and summon the Knights!"

"Yes, Lord!" drifts in from off scene, along with 'We're a happy Pool, are we'

"And stop singing that ****e!"

"Yes, Lord!"

"Have you any of OGSF's troopers ears for me yet?"

"No, Lord."

"Well go get some, goddamn it!"

"Yes, Lord."

"Have you met YK2 yet?"

"No, Lord."

"I might team her with Meeks. Meeks can set them up with his rantings, and she can knock them down with one raised eyebrow. That's a trick Women have, Hiram. Do you know any women, Hiram?"

"Just my girlfriend, Lord."

"Does she like you?"

"No, Lord. She tolerates me."

"Good on' her, then. Now saddle up Sparky, we ride!"

"Er, Lord, do you mean we're both riding Sparky?"

"Hiram, do you think I can maintain my Torquemada-like stance of Machiavellian posturing if you and I get on the back of a seal together?"

"As opposed to getting onto the back of a seal by yourself, Lord?"

"No one likes a recalcitrant, apostate, smarmy squire, Hiram."

"Except yourself, Lord?"

"Yes, but you've given me a lot of practice at it. I shall ride Sparky, you shall not."

"Lord, could I go saddle up my–"


"Er, yes Lord?"

"Were you going to make some kind of Bauhausian reference to your significant other?"


"Well, Hiram?"


"I see. Now, you stay here and work on those ears, and earning your buffet of Knighthood. And go buy your girlfriend some flowers, you git."

"Yes, Lord."

"Oh, and on that note, give the Hedgehog an extra measure of slugs. On, Sparky, on!"

Stuka and PeterNZer make hopeful clip-clopping noises with banging coconuts.

"It's a freaking seal, you pack of useless idjits! What's with the clip-clop noises?!"

Sullen murmurs are heard, 'here, we're just doing our squirely bit..what kind of wank rides a seal, anyways...sod this for a lark, I'm for the Doom message board...'


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-25-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 10-25-2000).]

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* meanwhile, in another part of the castle *

"Hiram Sssssedai..."

"Oh no, not you again!"

"Yesssss... Do you have information for me?"

"Please, let me go. My master will be angry if I do not return quickly with Sparky saddled up for travel..."

"SSSSSTOP! Make not another move or your mastersssss sssssaddle sssssinksssss to the bottom of the cessssspool."

"No, please, anything but that. You know how long it took him to find a saddle that would look right, but still cushion his terminal case of hemmorhoids..."

"Hiram, I mussssst know what his plansssss are..."

"No, I can't, he will rip me a new one if I divulge his plans..."

* the saddle begins to tip into the Cesspool *

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you, just don't drop that saddle. You know how ornery it makes him when he has to walk from one place to another, you know, all bowlegged and all."

"Yesssss, yesssss. Now tell me..." "What'sssss that? Inquisssssitor of the Order??? Meeksssss!!!"

"Now can I have the saddle and go, please, please, please???"

"Begone ssssslime, I have no further ussssse for you. Go back to lick the bootsssss of your massssster..."

* Hiram snatches up the saddle and runs off *

"Bah! I ssssshould have known that Meeksssss was not up to the challenge. What a wassssste of ssssskin that Meeksssss isssss..."

"Beware Ssssseanachai... When you leassssst expect it... A topplement off your high ssssseal... <h1>Damn you Meeksssss!!!!!</h1>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Meeks' Sister:

blah blah blah rant rave gurgle burble phhht spew growl mewl urgh <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by the Cheesehead Poet:

blah blah bits of cheap movie dialog with music in a minor key playing sublty in the background piffle boohoo poetic bits snurfle <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

for an update on my games with the logorrhea twins:

Meeks, who spent so much time berating OilyGooopyStumpyFinger about his selection of game parameters is presently counting on his soon to be immobilized (if not outright exploded) JagdTiger to keep his attack from sputtering to a halt. What kind of a freak buys a JagdTiger? After shelling out who knows how many points for that monstrosity, then all he's got left is some spare change for a couple of little armored cars (one of which was rapidly brewed by my hellcat before he dropped a lucky house on its head) and some flak halftracks with the guns pointed the wrong way . The flakthingies backed into battle and were rapidly destroyed by puny little riflemen. (Yes PatBoone, I too can play the random typeface change game.) And these flakthingies weren't destroyed by rifle grenades, or demo charges in the hands of the riflemen, but by their stinky little rifles. Oh, yeah, and he got a StuH as well, but as Mr. Rogers says "Now it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. What rhymes with StuH?" (pause) "That's right, BREW". That's right, I can drop houses on witches, too, and I dropped one right on his little StuH, causing it to burn brightly for my defenders to roast marshmellows over. Now all he has is that stupid bunker on tracks and some infantry with impending frostbite. Oh, and aside from the that pile of future scrap metal, headed for the Kondirator, he also bought about 50 FOs, who pounded, with remarkably little effect, my little village full of viscous defenders. (yes, I meant viscous. they're all pretty thick). Oh, yeah, I almost forgot-- he's too busy ranting to send me a file. I hope his sister finishes him off.

And CheezyPoof, our senile, tea drinking friend, who won't be able to leave the house until June because of the snow and cold, has yet to return a file. He hasn't even got troops yet, and his feet are getting cold. That's because he's spent so much time typing bits of sing-song into the pool that he's forgotten to turn on the heat, or even pay the gas bills. Well, cheezeboy, send me the file so we can get on with your surrender.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 10-25-2000).]

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Well well...

there I am... I have been watching my Inbox for MONTH, but .... Nuthin'.... I mean... NUTHIN'!!

Peng, you coward little bastard.... in the original Cesspit, somewhere on page 12, you challenged me.... I told you that I eagerly await your file.. so that I can humiliate your lame excuse for an army, also known as the AoP with my brave and glorious SLF!! Your cowardness is making me sick! kotz.gif

Now, would you move your carcass and send me that file ASAP, as my force is already awaiting to blow your pile of sissies back to the cesspit where they belong tongue.gif


TargetDrone cool.gif

Commander of the Smiley Liberation Force

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Having hosed off after London Stinky Finger, Gerbiltoy managed to send me the 1st turn. Grudgingly. Making the usual complaints and dire threats about the terrain. Geez, try to do the guy a favor and see what happens. He wanted a big map with low points so small forces can spend 40 turns picking daisies in bucolic emptiness. Boring, but hey, I owe the guy for some German arty data. So I do 1500 points, large map. Guess what, the map turned out to be 1500m flank to flank, but only 500m in depth. Looks good to me, he's already in my kill zones.

The race with SheepNZbed continues with white-knuckle thrills. Each of us left a rear guard, but mine cunningly occupied hull-down positions at the edge of the woods and wiped his out as it advanced in the open. In shots fired down lanes in the woods, I again had the better of it, killing 1 and crippling another of his Daimlers. Unfortunately, I discovered his minefields the hard way--damn the AI for driving right into them with following vehicles--so we are left with the same number of runners: 9. However, 1 of his has just blundered into 2 of my cripples at less than 50m. My turrets face him, his faces the other direction. Meanwhile, the infantry spent the turn skulking around town but not accomplishing much. And the leading vehicles are through the woods and crossing the bridges into town. One of my Pumas is slightly ahead of 2 of his Daimlers. But next turn, the jabos arrive. Who knows what will happen then?

The game with Geier has become a potlatch competition. We both continue feeding troops into a Gawd-forsaken hamlet that is being blasted to pieces by the arty of both sides. Why? Apparently simply for the amusement of our FOs. They will no doubt be the only survivors, and will then meet in the midst of the gore-spattered rubble for a joint ceremony of thanks to St. Barbara.

Speedy slowly got off his ass and sent me a turn for another race. This time I'm the Brits. The racers are only now assembled on the grid, however.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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AAAGGGHHHH! two days without playing CM!!! IM DYING (stop clapping germanboy)... it terrible horrible utmost discusting... like that pbem that PENG set up for us.. I need a knife just to cut through the FOG!

whats this Currently Babroo is back.. Ho Hum! ooh is that a cookie I see...brb...


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

Looks good to me, he's already in my kill zones.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm, wasn't one of the golden rules that 'If you can shoot them, they can shoot you'? You better have lots of killzones matey.



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Have you met YK2 yet?

I might team her with Meeks.

He can set them up with his rantings, and she can knock them down with one raised eyebrow.

That's a trick Women have...


Let it be known that those two Enforcers of the Orthodoxy shall be heretofore called Chip & Dale.

For those of you lacking a classical education (God knows you are numerous for your name is Legion), Chip & Dale are what we theology inclined old Kniggets call American semi-Deities.

They are known for their fierceness and rabid tendency to go straight for the nuts.

Polish your posts, straight up your tauntings and watch out for our new Educational Biting program.


bla bla croissant baguette bla bla


[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-25-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Let it be known that those two Enforcers of the Orthodoxy shall be heretofore called Chip & Dale.


I always thought of them as 'The twins, Mwreehee and Bob'



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Who cares what he wrote?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Didja notice that we're betatesters now?

I didn't bother to ask you because..uh well... I didn't feel like it.

I'll send you a setup tonight.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Didja notice that we're betatesters now?

I didn't bother to ask you because..uh well... I didn't feel like it.

I'll send you a setup tonight.


Is that so? I thought that only I was the Betatester, and that you are something to be tested. Well God help us having to do one of Rune's scenarios. And not even allowed to talk about it here, bah!

Oh BTW, I just cashed in a cheque on your account, didn't bother to ask you.

So where's the setup you swine!



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-25-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TargetDrone:

Well well...

there I am... I have been watching my Inbox for MONTH, but .... Nuthin'.... I mean... NUTHIN'!!

Peng, you coward little bastard.... in the original Cesspit, somewhere on page 12, you challenged me.... I told you that I eagerly await your file.. so that I can humiliate your lame excuse for an army, also known as the AoP with my brave and glorious SLF!! Your cowardness is making me sick! kotz.gif

Now, would you move your carcass and send me that file ASAP, as my force is already awaiting to blow your pile of sissies back to the cesspit where they belong :P


That's odd. I have been watching this thread, and watched the Old Thread every day, and this is the first time since the last time (one month in earth time apparently has expired) that MrDrone has posted. In fact, it has been since <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> page 12 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> of a thread that ran well over 100 pages since TD has posted. Very funny. Not "ha ha" funny, but strange funny.

Every other PBEM I have going is with someone who regularly and with malice aforethought posts in this thread. Each and every opponent has somefink nasty to say, usually in a new and creative way.

TD, on the otherhand, shows up once a month (probably less than that), spouts some gibberish he wishes to pass off as taunting, punctuates it with a few icky smiley things and departs a lot.

Big fat hairy deal, so I challenged you and then didn't show up. So what? WHO CARES?! You got cojones the size of Cleaveland if you think you can just waltz in here once a month and demand that I fight you.

Your insignificance is showing. If you really want to go against the AofP you gotta show up here regularly, and really tick me off so that I stay mad. Like I give a rat's bung about you at this point in my career when I am up to my ears (ears thankfully devoid of anyone's nipples, well wait, there is this woman in Human Resources...but I digress) in gore and blood and shell casings with several members of the 'pool who are members in good standing, who post daily, and who are more appallingly crazed and irritating than you.

Piss off.



"I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head..."


[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 10-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Stuka and PeterNZer make hopeful clip-clopping noises with banging coconuts.

"It's a freaking seal, you pack of useless idjits! What's with the clip-clop noises?!"

Sullen murmurs are heard, 'here, we're just doing our squirely bit..what kind of wank rides a seal, anyways...sod this for a lark, I'm for the Doom message board...'


"Have fun on the doom message board PeterZZzz, as a squire I may be deceitful, dishonest,sweaty, spotty and smell like Peng's laundry but I am nothing if not loyal"

[Replaces coconut halves in leather satchel, gropes around for a minute....then produces a pair of good sized Haddock]

*Slap Slap Slap*

Does this please you Master Shorn Archy?


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Like I give a rat's bung about you at this point in my career when I am up to my ears (snipped to protect the young and vulnerable) in gore and blood and shell casings with several members of the 'pool who are members in good standing, who post daily, and who are more appallingly crazed and irritating than you.


Let it be known that the AofP, after destroying my last tank with a TD, has requested a cease-fire (you read that right). I am currently at work contemplating my options when I am not busy saving you sorry lot from the impending desaster of climate change. The AofP troopers are busy dying a lot and generally running about in the confusion and mayhem associated with their CO's playing style. The brave Gerbiltroopers (shurely: The Orcish Hordes ed.) of the Army of Darkness, commanded by the Witchking of Angmar (aka me) are tearing at their leash to finish a job already started by chewing their way through the sorry remains of the AofP. I am inclined to show mercy though. Watch this space for further development.



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

And not even allowed to talk about it here, bah!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you honestly believe that the kind of posts we write here would give any one of these drooling nincompoops a clue about anything? I mean, some of them hasn't even figured out why to lifting one of their hind legs before peeing is a good idea. Rune didn't mention that we weren't allowed to write homages to our mutual hatred of each other did he? There is no need to bother writing about any actual facts. And I thought that you worked for the Government. Don't they teach you anything these days?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh BTW, I just cashed in a cheque on your account, didn't bother to ask you.


Good luck with that one. I'd run if I were you. That account is one of our most interesting innovations. It can... well that would just ruin the surprise. Anyway, It is hungry and you just woke It up.

Oh and btw. You claimed somewhere that the Old Firm had been hired to perform security duties for one of your newly acquired facilities.

FYI, We don't do "security" or "protection". It is against our very nature.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

I am inclined to show mercy though<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not. I like to show my teeth after I taken a chunk out of someone's face, bauhaus likes to show... and most of my opponents likes to show, nay flaunt their incompetence but I've never felt the slightest bit inclined to show this "mercy" thing. Is it one of your nasty bits? If so, then showing it to Peng would be considered by most people and pods to be a Stupid Thing To Do.

Your call (and bits) I suppose.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Let it be known that those two Enforcers of the Orthodoxy shall be heretofore called Chip & Dale.

For those of you lacking a classical education (God knows you are numerous for your name is Legion), Chip & Dale are what we theology inclined old Kniggets call American semi-Deities.

They are known for their fierceness and rabid tendency to go straight for the nuts.

Polish your posts, straight up your tauntings and watch out for our new Educational Biting program.


PawBroon, for that post I shall have to re-evaluate you...

Perhaps your old Knigget mind has not as aged as poorly as I had anticipated...

Something more along the lines of a nice smoked Gouda, as opposed to a bleu fromage de chevre that laid forgotten at a picnic, degenerating into its constituent parts, festering in the sun, spoiling until not even the hardiest blowfly or ant would approach the miasma...

Or, I could be correct and you had one of your ear-wax sucking, boil popping, lackey Squires write that one up for you, so that you could retain some small piece of your reputation, in a sad attempt to retain the Knigget title.

I expect far more posts of this calibre from a Knigget, or is the title of Knigget a synonym for derriere or laurels, where many of you Kniggets seem to be resting.

Herr Oberst, The Impudent

Yes, that's IMPUDENT!, not IMPOTENT!

Oh, for Pete's sake, SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!!!


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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