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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:




PBEM Developments -

BlusterBalls - has reappeared, mumbling some rubbish about his ISP and $200. His lemmings are dead things.



Your pitiful attempt of wits in the riposte “hah” has led me to conclude that perhaps you should just surrender now. Obviously your fear of my brave British troops as the calmly advance over open ground has driven your incessant chatters mercifully silent. Surrender now and forever hold the ability to say ‘ If only I’d carried on.” Or continue on your course and face a most embarrassing defeat.


From the jshandorf

"Why don't we compare reality to the game like Bastables likes to do all the time?"

Mr T's reply

"Don't touch me FOO!"

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*** Day; Overcast; Aerial shot from above a seemingly bottomless hole bored into the surface of the earth. A few tendrils of smoke (gas?) waft up from the inky blackness, as the camera does a quick zoom onto a mysterious figure pacing around the rim of the crater.

Said figure is encased from head to foot in a well-worn hazmat suit, yet, inexplicably, the face shield has been flipped up. We see why when the figure raises a hand to it's face and removes the stub of a cigarette from it's lips --- then, with a flick of thumb and forefinger, sends the butt arcing out into the darkened pit.

"Always knew it would come to this", he mutters, shaking his head.

And with that, he turns and slowly walks away (being careful not to step in anything suspicious, of course)... ***

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This just in:

A most dis-satisfying, yet oxymoronically gratifying victory for the ArmyofPeng; We have defeated, in a most slovenly and crepitatious way, the multitude of hamsters known to some as "Meeks" and to others as "that bloody heretical bunch of rodent bastards."

Yes the AoP scores another victory, but a MINOR bloody victory, when a glorious GODDAM KILLER MOFO TAKE ALL THE JEWELS AND RAPE THE WOMEN MAJOR VICTORY was frittered away by greed and pride.

Yes good pods and people of the Peng thread. I was PRIDEFUL(!) [gasps of knowing shame and fear}. Yes Pride brought me low tonight and I will testify to that here and now. I thought I would whip that pack of crazy rodents into submission in 15 turns and it took all 20 turns and more blood and horror and gore (not tipper or al) and humiliation than I expected to dismantle my worthy opponent. It was only by the grace of the god Zy (short for Zymurgy: the god of fermentation,{at least in the Peng Pantheon}) that I was able to prevail at all. Yes - several cold beers are what made this win possible. except now I really have to pee really bad...excuse me...


Lorak the Loathed! post this to the 'Pool post haste!

damn here are the stats:

Axis (Peng)

52 casualties (10 KIA)

6 Vehicles knocked out

38 Naked Mole Rats OK

Score: 56

Amis (Stinking pack of plague-filled rodents)

48n casualties (15 KIA)

5 vehilces Knocked out

31 wussy hamsters alive

Score 44 LOOOOSER!

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 10-13-2000).]

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So this means that the fight for the right to thread (where angels well, just don't go) will be decided by a fight between two Krusty the clown wannabees who has both


What a great matchup...

And I don't care anyway. This one has Peng in the title and was started by that incompetent canuck-hugging bard and already has two more pages than the other one.

Andreas, good to see that you conveniently "forgot" our game. Is there possibly a file with the word "surrender" in it in my inbox? Have you called 1-800-ISUCKROCKSEVENIFYOUGIVEMEGEBIRGSJÄGERS yet?

The rest of you lot, sod off.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote:

…Hamsters, you pathetic little creep - digest me? Not in a million years.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

no fear Hamster I'm digesting the so called german boy right now in a pbem... although I expect a bitter but yet safron taste he will be consumed and delt with.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote:

…Which would explain my funny feeling then, and my reluctance to get out of bed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

probably his gut feeling he's going to loose this one and how... poor guy I should send hime some peptodrismal

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote:

no farting and belching please<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Andreas you are very hard.. I never thought you would kick these habits.. wow! I would shake your hand but you still have a strong aroma aura around you. smile.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote:

The pool it is gone<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

like a corpse it was decaying the first minute senachi.. senchey.. er.. snoochie.. ah what ever his name is supposed to be, it's not that important started to write his first word.. which if I am correct was "duh".

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote:

Yes that's a tear in my eye.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

again my dear boy it's that pugnent stench comming from your location...

ok stinkboy the pbem is in the mail and I expect lots die time from you, tell your troops to first dig a nice mass grave! making it easy for my troops to throw all those jerries away like a used tea bag.

boy this is fun... side note: Bob I got your junk..er I mean prize sitting on my desk at home I just have to modivate myself to pack it and send it off (Andy, bob is the guy that beat you very bady in the Peng contest 2000).

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-13-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

This just in: Steve has come down on the side of the righteous thread and closed the shismatics down. Roighto!

Geier, you puerile Swedish git! Your bloody email was delivered to me last night only and I responded immediately. Now after not sending a turn for what seems like ages to accuse me of stalling is rich. The only surrender you'll see from me is the autosurrender. But I know you will weep at the damage your copious amounts of arty did (none). And we'll see if you manage more than a Tactical Victory anyway.

Mensch - I am speechless. You are the one who lost to his wife, twice. And you think you are going to beat me? Get a grip on somefink (need not be reality, anything is better than what you are gripping now). You are dead already, you just don't know it.



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I've tried locking this one {the Original Cesspool} up 3 times now. But it looks like it is not working because of the meltdown. Please, folks, stop posting to this thread and let it vanish. I don't know what sort of problems it might cause us.



We're still wrecking havoc from the grave.

That thread is to be remembered really...



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Geier, you charismatic, brilliant Swedish mastermind! Your bloody email was delivered to me last night only and I responded immediately. Now after not sending a turn for what seems like ages to accuse me of stalling is rich. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have not accused you of stalling. I have accused you of conveniently forgetting to convey your lack of progress in our game on this thread. That you are unable to handle an email account and have to run to grandmommy ever so often has not been mentioned.


The only surrender you'll see from me is the autosurrender. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Which suits me fine. I have never had the opportunity to kill every enemy soldier in a game before. Thanks for the opportunity.


But I know you will weep at the damage your copious amounts of arty did (none). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not so. It did what I intended it to do. Make you stay cowering where you were.

And kiddo, newsflash! A victory is a victory and a DEFEAT is a DEFEAT.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shornachimp:

the Knights of the Cesspool.


Then we must have a coat of arms:

Sable, A Hamster rampert argent with Bend Sinister Or.

Sable - the color of our hearts

A Hamster rampert argent - Hamster rearing, with nasty gnashing white teeth.

Bend Sinister Or, A Bend Sinister denotes bastardry, Or - yellow - hence denoting that we are cowardly bastards!

What say you (not that I give a toss anyhow)?

Mace (Heraldry scribe, master of the never ending CMBO PBEMS, bazookiter of SdKfz 251s and PzKpfw V Ausf G's, loser of 4 AFVs in one turn, smiter of the anti-CMBO troll, groveller of the Madmatt, and just a wonderful dinky-di true-blue Aussie)!

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

BLABLABLA I have accused you of conveniently forgetting to convey your lack of progress in our game on this thread. MORE POINTLESS DRIVEL <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh well excuse me, not only do you think you have won a great victory, but you also want me to proclaim it for you? I thought it was bad form to steal someone's thunder, but obviously that only applies to those not taxed too much by actually coming up with a taunt.

So maybe I should just do that for you? Well here goes:

Germanboy, you clueless cruel widow-maker and destroyer of your men. This was the most pathetic defence seen since the Gauls at Alesia. How you ever thought you could hold off the valiant and self-sacrificing attack of my doughboys is well beyond me, and probably because your chargrilled Gerbiltroopers as well. Next time go easy on yourself and them, and just surrender in turn one, it will save us all a lot of time, and I can get on with really important games in which my tactical ability is challenged by having to organise more than a mere march to the opposite side of the map. You are a disgrace to the German army, and not capable of running a de-lousing bath. You are not worthy of a replay, and your taunting stinks.

Glad I could oblige Johan, I have made it my mission in life to assist the brain-damaged and incapable.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Glad I could oblige Johan, I have made it my mission in life to assist the brain-damaged and incapable.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good. Even if it's a bit of the blind leading the blind, I'm glad you´ve found something to fill your hours with.

Your proposal for a rematch is scoffed at but accepted.

I will post my AAR when I have finished playing flesh-carpenter with the remains of your men.

Good day and hugs all around,



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Hey Pat, don't go!! Stick around, find someone to sponsor you as a squire. Then our game can be listed in the Cesspool (see Lorak's post's for URL)! :^)




OGSF, I don't know if anyone will ever want to sponsor me, because I was assimilated many months ago by the CM Borg!

I am tainted now.

No one wants to play with me.


So far I've won about half the games I played, so if anyone wants to take me on your odds are 50/50. Better than the lottery!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jerryboy:

You are dead already, you just don't know it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know all see all and hear all, looking into my little crystal ball I see you lost already... so germanicboy the hounds of war are released and the end is near not for me because I can accept loosing to me wife (but not to peng - which I have not.. come to think of it never played the chap, but that does not matter).

come and get some and feel the wrath of the cunucks played by a cunuck! its no holds bar now! your surrender will be accepted and welcome - no fear your troops will be dealt with in an orderly fashion (includes the use of one meter black shoelace, rubber chicken and soyasauce - if I feel cheeky a spatula to boot)

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Mensch! Nice to see you rearing your ugly head once again! I thought you jumped off of a building after the loss to the wife.

Now explain to me what happened in our last turn? How does my Tiger have your Cromwell all sized up, then still sized up, then triple checks his aim, then the Cromwell notices the Tiger, Tiger still making sure he has a kill shot, Cromwell takes aim, Tiger has a bratwurst, Cromell fires, Tiger crew becomes bratwurst. What's the deal there? Anyway, I have more tricks waiting for you, so please keep coming.



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by menschwholosttohiswife:

Yadayada, nacknack, pointless drivel, you are blablabla bahbah black sheep <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What can I say? Delusions of grandeur, but obviously you would only understand the 'of' bit and need a dictionary for the rest, so I can as well save myself the trouble.

Lorak, have you entered our game, and my games against SquawBroom and against Geeks (who will come back here to grovel sooner or later) yet?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Cannucked above:

I don't know if anyone will ever want to sponsor me...


Brat, your life is about to become worthless if you are both willing to post in here and are waiting for a slot in the Squirancy list.

Seeing as you are from that dreaded MapleLand place, chances are that you will be given the finger and the boot before long.

In no particular order mind you...

But it's your lucky day, err, NOT!!

Because we Frogs are fond of you Cannucks since you have the decency to be American Northerners without going to extremes and be plain vanilla Americans.

Now try to be A-taunting all over the place and show some merrit or utter lack of thereof or you won't even be Squired.


Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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Thank you all for remaining true in your allegiance to the one, true, and catholic Thread (except you, Meeks, you schismatic, and you Hiram, you apostate). Your strength, you certitude, your almost complete unwillingness to let anything interrupt your regular round of taunting, alcoholic swilling, and vulgar behaviour is an inspiration and reassurance to those lesser beings outside the Order.

Although BTS has, in a proper display of orthodoxy, shown that they understand which thread is the true Cesspool, I still stand ready to take up the rod of retribution (well, the Brick of Retribution, actually), and smite Meeks until he returns to his allegiance, the schism within our ranks is mended, and all proscribed Threads have sunk under the turgid waters of the New Peng Challenge Thread, which shall hereafter also be known as the Cesspool.

I prefer a 1,000-1,500 point game, I would prefer Allies, there seems little point in anything other than an Infantry engagement, given that Berli apparently has us assaulting a Habitrail in one of the more disturbing levels of Hell (that wouldn't be Berli's summer residence, would it?). I think that, given the generally grim look of the place, it should probably be in rain or something, with myself, car having broken down in the woods with the howling of wolves in our ears accompanied by a shapely assistant (please, by all that's merciful, not one of Shaw's Mormon wives...), I walk up to the doors of the Castle, and bang on the door with Meeks until some twisted creature opens the door (I imagine it will be Bauhaus), and takes us to meet the Master, a tuxedoed, urbane upper-management-for-the-Undead sort (I imagine it will be Berli himself).

Just because Meeks may no longer propagate his heresy in its own forum, I feel that the schism remains, and must be amended by combat. I shall not rest until all have returned to their allegiance, the only path of orthodoxy is the Peng rite, and we are once again a united Order.

Seanachai "Torquemada" Lost-To-Peng


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Hey Lorak, I visited your page, looks good, except for that music, (just kidding, only problem is that it draws unwanted attention at work, have to remember to turn down the sound when I visit). It is nice to see that I am listed as a squire. One question, however. I have yet to play a pbem, so shouldn't my record be 0/0/0???

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For the Great Unholy and Allmighty Joust of Cleansing and Retribution, I concur with our long-winded SenSai, and feel that an all-infantry spectacular is in order, though I feel that the size of the forces should be battalion in strength, and the weather should be the same evil haze that was given Stuka and I for our Squirely Joust: Dark as sackcloth and Foggier than PawBroon's English. This will ultimately lead to 2 battaltions of infantry slugging it out at ultraclose range. The river will run red with the blood of cleansing. What say you?



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-13-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Your wife taught me a few tricks on how to beat you good...I've got them waiting for you on the other side of the map.


you mean a very sexy Bra that kinda is see through and hot underpants to boot!!!

you would have lost too if you had distractions like that. biggrin.gif

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