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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdhorse'sass:

Hakko....well the less said the better, but the Japanese don't want him having to do with something about his personal hygiene .....you ... are challenged to be taken on in a combat of honor, mine, since you have each shown yourselves bereft and unable to grasp the essence of such a concept.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oddly enough, as I was reading the above cited I was also perusing my dictionary; lo and behold, under "oxymoron" I came across the following definition "6. An honorable lawyer". This prompted further etymological research -- although when it comes to the legal profession, entymological research might yield enlightenment as well. From another dictionary:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>'Shyster' evolved from the underworld use of shiser, a worthless fellow, which derived in turn from the German scheisse, excrement via scheisser, an incompetent person (specifically, one who cannot control his bodily functions). See also LAWYER.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, I've already seen enough lawyers in my life, but the chance to smear one pettifogging mouthpiece across a virtual map is too good to pass up. Have at you then. Briefs at 10 paces (although I prefer boxers -- roomier, don'tcha know). I'll expect your terms, conditions, disclaimers, waivers, representations, warranties, amendments, riders, codicils, et al. in triplicate by private e-mail. I'm gonna open up a whole six-pack of tort reform on you, Lip.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mr Obnoxious whined:

I should flog myself for being weak<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why sir, let my PzIVG do it for you, save you the energy. Yes, the loss of the peng thread has left me dazed and confused. I propose we all randomly move to some other bboard all together? Howabout we camp out at SSI for a while? smile.gif


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Hakkochump (gezuntidt or however you spell it) Oxymoronic Shyster that I maybe, but a frog that is disected, as you shall soon experience and Penged to the front door for the crowds to jeer and spit upon, much like Mussolini [insert manacial laughter here] is just as dead. In fact I think I'll cut your heart out and keep it in a bottle of saline just to watch it pumped until it is no more.......I shall be in contact


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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Jihad! Jihad! Jihad! ... oh and Blood Hamster Too!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The bottom dwelling scum (i.e. our resident legal eagle) testified to the following:Shaw your puerile sycophancy of senilpee's observation calls into question your true obsession with Mormon wives,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> NO ONE can question my devotion to the noble art of posting Mormon Wives, counselor, but I am prevented at present from acceding to your challenge on the grounds that I am already over my limit in games with attorneys ... i.e. I have ONE going and that's one too many. Therefore, go sequester yourself with your torts or something.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And then Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze feebly responds to my brilliant prose by saying:And this would be in the turn you are too afeared to send me? The one with all the burning Kruppstahl?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> All things come to he who waits ... including defeat! The longer you wait, the longer you'll be able to avoid the inevitable post to this thread stating I have lost to Joe Shaw. Ask not for whom the bell tolls my friend, ask not. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> And finally BlouseHouse awakens from his methane induced coma long enough to post:Boy Joe Squaw, you don't let me reply to any of the open lines you give me. By the way, what smells here, who died?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's because I will respond SO much more appropriately than you would, no, don't thank me, it's all part of the service. As to the smell, I think WasteMace took his shoes off again.

Lastly, Pope Peng? Surely that's a bit much, next he'll be posting in the Papal "We".


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

NO ONE can question my devotion to the noble art of posting Mormon Wives, counselor, but I am prevented at present from acceding to your challenge on the grounds that I am already over my limit in games with attorneys ... i.e. I have ONE going and that's one too many. Therefore, go sequester yourself with your torts or something.


I can brood with the best of them in my sanctum sanctorum, awaiting your avoidant personality and many excuses until the time is ripe, oh yes Mr Shaw long shall be my introspection and delight of carving my initials slowly into your flesh, I shall abide sir, I shall abide, but I won't forget......


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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Someone wanted a Blood Hamster done?

We have a special offer(ing) this minute.

Anyone not accepting the New Form of It's a Mutha Beautiful Thread And It Will Always Be There-thread will get a full treatment of the Blood Hamster PLUS an interesting idea we came up with in... 1653 AD I believe, free of charge.

For rodents with multiple personalities... it is being taken care of.

Good night.

The Old Firm



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

yup, you almost got it mon ami! I was right again!


Honey at last you're doing something right.

Not like in some game we are playing now...

Note that it was an informative post to taught you in the way of the french keyboard's layout.



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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Don't you worry about me, PapaBroom. My guys know exactly where they're headed, and they have blood in their eyes. You now know from which direction to expect the attack, let's see if you can stop it.

An update on my Squire Jousting match for Kaniggut standing with Stuka: Bor-ing. I'm still marching towards an area where confrontation is likely. I have to expect that Stuka is doing likewise. I can't see the grass I'm walking on it's so dark and foggy. I'm guessing that in these conditions, at least half of my conscripts will run away in the dark so they don't have to fight. The ones that will stay are too old to run. Oh, this is going to be ugly.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:





Hang on a minute I almost have that decoded, ........





Work is the curse of the drinking class.

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So, is this where we are playing now? I just followed my nose, like a salmon going upstream, and where the stench appeared to be the strongest, I knew I had found home again.

It seems that my sponsor has gone over to the dark side (apparently, more accurately described as the demented side), so if he doesn't return to the fold I guess I will need a new sponsor, in order to retain my coveted squire status.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

It seems that my sponsor has gone over to the dark side (apparently, more accurately described as the demented side), so if he doesn't return to the fold I guess I will need a new sponsor, in order to retain my coveted squire status.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I seem to remember some rather amusing and bileful posts by you, so if Geeks does not re-appear, I shall be happy to sponsor you.

Newsflash: Froggies 0 - Germermans 1 (vehicle kill count)

SquawBroom has decided to display more of the dashing French 'Cran' and storm right into the fire. Maybe he read too much Tennyson. Once I am finished with sweeping up the remains of his troops (who I am sure distinguished themselves at some Algerian beach beforehand, by surrendering faster than lightning to the US landing there) I shall proceed to loot the village of all French food and show the French maidens what real man are made of, and soggy Baguette it ain't.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GerbilToy:

Once I am finished with sweeping up the remains of his troops I shall proceed to loot the village of all French food and show the French maidens what real man are made of, and soggy Baguette it ain't.


You might laugh at our grunts but try to fear our women.



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-12-2000).]

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Posted in two forums to support a general audience...original post in a separate, but here un-named, thread:

-sniff sniff-

just comparing scents...

so how many people are on this side of the ball? 2? hmmm....who's to taunt? Let's stop the charade and get everyone together in the same pool like we had before. Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya. The insanity of 2 cesspools is beyond me. Cesspoolnarock was hard on everyone, but if we all keep our cool, we can show topplement to this ordeal.

now the reason that the other thread doesn't stink enough, is that there is one large hamster who typically orally defecates in the water, who hasn't appeared yet. If we can add that, we may be in business and have all of our topplements in order. The rest of the forum is chuckling and guffawing at our lack of cess-cohesion. 2 threads? Do you recall "Croda, you little sissyboy?" How we all disbanded that wonderful taunting thread for the legitimate cesspool? Should we change now and go with a 2 thread system? I think not. Let us choose a thread, and let the majority rule and get along with our lives.

I vote a 24-hour window with closed windows. Whichever thread has the worst stench by this time tomorrow, becomes home. So let us muddy the waters with the bile and gall of our posts, and the venom dripping from out tongues, and may only the stankest survive.



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Croda! Stop your yakking and send me a file!!!

Just because your Sherman gunner would have trouble shooting a shell over the Rhine and hitting Germany doesn't mean you can slack off.

By the way, just how drunk is he? He seems to be shooting at random bits that strike his fancy, rather than, say, tanks or people.

Artillery is a wonderful tool, when it's not blowing up dirt where I've just been. Keep up.

And yes, please do bring that tank into town. Because we all know how helpless infantry is against tanks at extreme close range.

Speaking of the town, it's gonna be a bitch taking it with your SPA gone the way of the dodo. A very crispy dodo, with many holes in it.

Your troops have seen drunk their last Bud, have ate their last Hershey bar, have had their last grope session with Betty Boring in the back of their dad's DeSoto. Well, let them stew in their foxholes and say to each other "Well, gaaaaawleee! That Lootenant Croda shor is a lousy commander. I shor wish I was back at home drinkin' me a malted. Hey, what in tarnation is that rumbling sound?......"

Your men will die. They will die a lot. They will die painfully. In fact, I will order my troops to aim only for guts and kneecaps. Let's see how your namby-pamby Cub Scouts do then.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Well I appreciate that little scouting report, ChupaFett. What your little monologue has truly done, other than scare me {ooooo, jinkies! it's the ghost of old man Chuppy! let's get out of here, Scooby!}, is to show me how littl you actually know about my disposition. I have men right in front of you, and you don't even know it. There is a tank in town, yes you are correct (you'll see more of him later), and my SP has also seen better days, but the fact of the matter is that I hold the VL flag, I have better ground to fight on, and I'm not stoopid enough to open the Ark of the Covenant! So there! I will send you a little turn this evening. And oh, that artillerty? It wasn't just chewing up dirt, it was creating foxholes for my men from which to shoot your retreating forces after I've driven your line back.



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Right in front of me, eh? They sure seem to be doing a whole lot of not much. I hate to tell you, lad, but I hold the VL, not you. If you search somewhere deep in your fevered brain, you'll finally realize that.

Croda's mild attacks

will only succeed if the

stench knocks my men out.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I am already over my limit in games with attorneys ... i.e. I have ONE going and that's one too many. Therefore, go sequester yourself with your torts or something.


I think Joe would prefer more quality time with that fine looking morman woman/mule/whatever of his!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As to the smell, I think WasteMace took his shoes off again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nope, my shoes are still on, but it may have something to do with the Curried Chicken I ate for lunch yesterday! *ULP*

btw. I like the new digs, has a certain charm about it (shame the residents are the same old mongrels though)!


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Well, seems Herr Oberst had a spot of bad luck this turn, his unfortunate bazooka team, rattled from the shelling, missed my IV from abour 50m. Fortunately, my two flamethrower teams were on hand to end his worries. After a couple of squirts, he ran TOWARDS my guys and was promptly eliminated. As the little house he was in erupted into flames a distraut rifle squad decided the other side of anywhere was a better place, belted for to a neighboring building and is now being torn appart by my teams. Well done lads.

Chupie gets confused. A rain of shells pummel his infantry positions, and even though it's night things are falling quite nicely it seems. A rifle scout squad is eliminated and his tanks seem to have got a bit panicy and have decided to drive off somwhere. O well! we shall see them eventually I guess. Hopefully in the smoke and flames they deserve!


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Wow! Like the new crib.

Don't know why we wasted money on the tile floor.. considering what is about to cover it.

Now for my update (egads! I actualy managed turns today.)

Moriarty... you psycotic punk. The next time you borrow one of my TC's for a battle, at least be kind enough to not kill every one of my AFV's with one shot/one kill. At least I have some dignity and have proved who wants to lose more.

Berli... Since the planets were aligned in galaxy AT5643T and the third star in vergo twinkled at exactly 3:46:45:12 this morning. I managed to get the setup sent back to you. Let my slaughter begin.

OGSF... I really love the way you use artillery like an UZI. Spray and pray. Don't think I didn't notice those airburst on your own troops either. Oh, and your still a bastard.

Meeks... Mr. Peng master wannabe. I love the way your gun blows up empty buildings and your men charge and die in the defended ones. Nice tactic. I'll remember it for later when I start to win a game and am about to destroy my perfect record.

Germanboy...Has put me on defense, So alias another loss for me. No matter. At lest I get to shoot a lot of stuff before I lose.

Now if you excuse me I need to read some more of "ronald mcdonalds: mcnuggit tacktics" and prepare for my upcomming embarassme.....err, battles.




"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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