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Flavour objects

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Do the flavour object have some actual effects in the game, or  are they just here for what they mean - add flavour?

More specifically, do they block LOS? I'm especially thinking of all those haystacks in CMFI, but the question is valid for other solid ojects as well...

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9 minutes ago, Artkin said:

flavor objects provide cover and infantry interact with them. Depends on what type they are. Infantry will crouch behind stone fountains and shoot from there

So all my wrecks are in fact all in the garbage since the first that I did, ...but yes is logic if I want to represent something big I have to use a big object, I didn't know only that objects have an impact in the game, and we're only as "candy".


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13 minutes ago, Artkin said:

flavor objects provide cover and infantry interact with them. Depends on what type they are. Infantry will crouch behind stone fountains and shoot from there

Yes, that's consistent with what I observed with the haystacks.

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16 minutes ago, Blackhorse15A said:

Am I understanding that correct?

Aye sah. From the mouth of Steve.

Concealment means the enemy has a lower chance of spotting. So Haybail (haystack) and all other FO do not lower chance of spotting. They are transparent!

Cover means the enemy has a lower chance of hitting. So Haybail (haystack) and all other FO have some variably coded by Charles influence to lower chance of hitting. They are paper thin to concrete/steel.

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2 hours ago, Artkin said:

flavor objects provide cover and infantry interact with them. Depends on what type they are. Infantry will crouch behind stone fountains and shoot from there

yup, but it´s only few hardcoded types that apply for actual cover (mentioned fountains and few others). But I doubt pixeltroopers actively seeking cover behind them. Not from my own experience. And "cover value" even for fountains is very doubtable IMO. Pixeltroopers move along (path find) 1m grid nodes of which are 8x8 = 64 within an action spot. So I think it´s rather random occurance that a ptrooper ends "behind" a flavor object. True game cover is the known stuff like walls i.e but ptroopers also actively seek cover in/behind the terrain mesh, like craters, berms and depressions/trenches. That´s the very best in game cover vs direct fire small arms at least. There must be a test map (dl link) of mine, with all flavor objects placed, somewhere in Nigel´s Berlin thread IIRC. Beside other game play I base my own conclusions mainly on test playing that particular map.

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6 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

Aye sah. From the mouth of Steve.

Concealment means the enemy has a lower chance of spotting. So Haybail (haystack) and all other FO do not lower chance of spotting. They are transparent!

Cover means the enemy has a lower chance of hitting. So Haybail (haystack) and all other FO have some variably coded by Charles influence to lower chance of hitting. They are paper thin to concrete/steel.

thanks. That integrates very well with my own observations and conclusions derived from that.

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3 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

you might just have forgotten my friend! 😎https://community.battlefront.com/topic/139520-berlin-cmrt-map/page/21/#comment-1958146 More info is spread all over that particular thread.

Yes Harry it was the thread that you, Lucky and NPye we're talking and created news things without stop, I wasn't awake because I was busy, so apologize about, I had to take infos before...

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8 minutes ago, JM Stuff said:

Yes Harry it was the thread that you, Lucky and NPye we're talking and created news things without stop, I wasn't awake because I was busy, so apologize about, I had to take infos before...

Hehe... yeah that was fairly crazy, but much fun as well. 😅 Think for your mod collections you just got to rename stuff, if that really becomes necessary. But I´d recommend using my RT flavor object test map, check some things out and make your own clonclusions. Or you make your own test map for any the other games. 😎🍻

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3 hours ago, JM Stuff said:

So all my wrecks are in fact all in the garbage since the first that I did, ...but yes is logic if I want to represent something big I have to use a big object, I didn't know only that objects have an impact in the game, and we're only as "candy".


Damn. Should be easy to swap them though right?

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30 minutes ago, Artkin said:

Damn. Should be easy to swap them though right?

First find a FO big enough to have the "mass" of a tank or vehicle, "just" rename all the brz S files without make mistakes,  plus one or more mdr lod - 1,2,3,4,5 mdr,...

But "happyness in the sadness", I dont see too much peoples using wrecks, if there will be some comments and some complaint using this mod, this will be interresting to rename them, and of course I would do it, but for the time they are only used as "candy eyes" and I guess players, dont use them too much, to take cover behind, and dont be targetted.

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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

We mailed a letter and maybe the old man and mule are lost in the Pyrenees?

sorry dont saw your post, ...no the old man was probably confortably sitting on a chair, tasting a very welcome Tinto de Verano, accompanied by a multitude of slices of chorizo, and never pay attention to the postman,...mmm  !...que rico...!

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1 hour ago, RockinHarry said:

Hehe... yeah that was fairly crazy, but much fun as well. 😅 Think for your mod collections you just got to rename stuff, if that really becomes necessary. But I´d recommend using my RT flavor object test map, check some things out and make your own clonclusions. Or you make your own test map for any the other games. 😎🍻

Ohhh This is an interresting thing, I have to test it myself.

Never have this idea to created a map to test, I take always the first map and rename it for differents use.

I hope your drink is a Paulaner or Spaten?😄🍻

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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:



...or how I spelled it when I was age 7           Flaver

It's the former, obviously old chap.

1 hour ago, Artkin said:


I've seen you say this a couple of times.  You've been watching Gordon Ramsey haven't you?  You know that's not a good idea right?

15 minutes ago, JM Stuff said:

tasting a very welcome Tinto de Verano

Enjoy it my friend 🍷.  I've heard it's a cold, wine-based drink popular in Spain. It is similar to sangria and typically made up of 1 part of table red wine and 1 part soda, usually lemonade.  And I did not hear that from Wikipedia 😉.

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