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Ages: 38.06 average

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With 60 valid respondents (through Preacher) I have analyzed the age confession thread with the above result. Excel file available on request. Updates will be made. This is valuable marketing stuff.

Since compilation, Scurlock has attempted to skew results in his favor by double-posting his age.

Accuracy in reporting award to Chaos (36.8357 years) though the information is dated by now.


1)Bullethead excluded because being billions of years old would skew the results. He is an outlier.

2) Neutral Party and a few other respondents replied with "older thans" or decade+. These are the same people who insist on plastering three hairs over their bald spots.

3) Colin has claimed to be 14 in another thread but was not factored into this average because he has failed to respond to it, and would also skew the average in the wrong direction. Another outlier.

[This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 01-13-2000).]

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Just kidding, Colin tongue.gif . I put you in along with other updates, through LOS's recent confession.

New average: 37.40

It's just that teen ages in the survey make some (apparently many) of us look worse. Personally I rarely give my age any thought at all, except when ogling some waitresses. Really, not even then.

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Guest scurlock

Shoot Mark, I was wondering what you were talking about confused.gif then I did a search, Found: Topic: OK, so I'm an old fart - Is anybody else? Well yes Greg posted twice. I missed this one somehow. I'm 36. (Guess I should modify my profile so people know which Scurlock is Which wink.gif )


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Alright I'm forty goddamit.

It's not fair. Missed the swinging sixties (well the swinging bit). Had the platform boots and 32" high waisted flares tho'. I just don't what all that bloody noise is they play on the radio these days. When I wer't lad we 'ad decent bloody music (Slade, Mud, Sweet). Tell that to the yung 'uns these days and they just don't believe ya.


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Ah, moving in the right direction thanks to Knaust's timely post, and others (now two threads to track): Avg.: 37.71.

Scurlock: that's either a nice try or a startling coincidence. Henceforth you shall be known as "Second of Two", Borg-style.

N.P.: Admit it, you feel better now that it's out in the open. I never wore platforms and high-waisted flares because they were Communist, but we'll let bygones be bygones. It's hard to grow up as a redneck listening to Hendrix and Zeppelin but I did. Alice Cooper and Uncle Ted (the Nuge, young'ns) saved my sanity eek.gif

risc: Normal people? I'm sitting at work running a spreadsheet of total strangers' ages, fer chrissakes. This is what waiting for CM has brought us to. Don't the rest of you have jobs? How much productivity is the world losing over this?

CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT is Mr. Fionn Kelly's confession, have you noticed? Chortling with glee over Beta version 19 with ME-262s and the barrel adapters for MP44s that shoot around corners, he is probably cackling maniacally (that's Matt's job!!!!) at our embarrassing personal revelations here. Fionn?

[This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 01-13-2000).]

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Hey, CM draws all ages...

I'm a senior in HS (17)...

and I know of a few freshman and sophmores (in HS) who play CM (thanks to my sitting and playing it in the computer labs during break)...

Not all of us teenagers are morons and/or impulsive. I feel honored to be among you guys... I've learned soo much from this board (and god knows I love the game, and a few people here will attest that I'm half-way decent at it smile.gif)

I think you'd be surprised at the draw CM has to half-way intelligent youngsters (not the twitch crowd mind you wink.gif)



Your Source for Combat Mission Scenarios and Operations information-


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Despite the laudable contributions of rwwald and MarkEzra, I regret to inform you that the late onslaught of 20-somethings and especially Eridani has pulled our average age down to 37.00961.

There are now 87 qualified ages between the 2 threads. Hopefully we'll have stopped this nonsense (Gold would do that! O yes it would!) before Eridani's pals start chiming in. However, it's reassuring to see the younger generation (gawd, did I just say that?) has not lost all of its warrior heritage.

Note that if not for the precocious Colin, the average would still be 37.27. If those bears don't get him he will be a hardened veteran before he can legally drink (even in Canada).

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Wow. I honestly thought that many of you guys (and there are no women, right?) were younger. I don't know why, I just did.

I feel like but a wee laddie at 25 next to you old geezers.

What I'm curious about, how old are Steve and Charles??


If I had and web design skills I'd start a web page that would include PICTURES of all of us battlefield commanders.


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Ah, like all good masked wrestlers you'll only see my face/learn my age IF you beat me in the ring of battle wink.gif.

Ps. I wouldn't say cackling maniacally.. I'm more the loud guffaw type wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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In the interest of Statistical Research, I will admit my 29 tender years of age. My wife insists that I act like a twelve year old, so may be you can count me as 20.5?? =)

Chris smile.gif

-- Edited for 12 year old spelling and grammer wink.gif

[This message has been edited by ChrisPick (edited 01-14-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

I suppose no-one ever asked about (cared about my age!) but for the record I am 31 and I happen to know EXACTLY how old (?) Fionn is...

Lets just say..He WOULD sway the results...DOWN...WAY DOWN, but then he always does that!

Madmatt out and manical cackle to follow! cool.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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It's very rare that I post, but I've been following this board since Combat Mission was called "Beyond Squad leader"

Just to keep the statistics accurate, I'm 27.

Also, I think our average age deserves a comment. I think our still playing computer games such as Combat Mission even though we're supposed to have "outgrown it" is simply a reflection on the passage of time. It's very similar to how rock music has evolved. If I remember correctly, back in the 60's Mick Jagger said something like "I hope I'm dead if I'm still playing rock music when I'm 40." Obviously, he's a lot older than that now and the Rolling Stones are still at it.

Well, computer/video games used to be the entertainment for the young. The young are growing older but their interests in these games still exist. Thanks to improvements in technology and, on average, a growing sophistication of our tastes we're seeing the development of some truly astounding new software. Games such as Combat Mission and World War II online fit in with this trend.

The twitch crowd of Quake playing adrenaline junkies exists for the same reason that Rock music has evolved over time. However, as these guys mature and their interests become somewhat more sophiticated they will be introduced to the classic games in the same way they come to appreciate a lot of the great music from past decades and even centuries.

I'll go crawl back into my hole now.


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