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Hey, I need any info you guys have on what kind of formations the Canadians, Germans, and Hollish would use in SF2. For the US Army I just used divisions, USMCs I used battalions, the Brits I used Brigades and then the sub formations under them. So, if you can, I need a list looking something like this:



5th Hollish Clog Hoppers  Div/Brigade etc (whatever formation they deploy as now).   Armor/Mech/Infantry <----so I know what kind of portrait it should be.



Princess of Back Bacon Brigade/Div                 Armor/Mech/Infantry



Schnebblenebblewaffenhosen Div                     Armor/Mech/Infantry


The US Army uses CBTs so I can end up having multiple portraits under the same division. EXAMPLE: the 4th division has Stryker, Heavy Infantry, and Infantry sharing a patch. So let me know if there is anything like that, please.

I'll try and answer any questions etc. I am busy modding my ass off. I've put in 24 since Saturday and already have four under my belt today but I'll check back in periodically.

Ok. Thanks.



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Americans are from America, British are from Britain, Germans are from Germany, Japanese are from Japan, Chinese are from China, Russians are from Russia, Irish are from Ireland, Scottish are from Scotland, Turkish are from Turkey, Iraqi are from Iraq, Syrians are from Syria etc. etc. across the world...and yet the Dutch are from Holland. What makes them so MFin' special? This has stuck in my craw for years. I am settin' things right. They are playing by my rules now.

The HOLLISH are from Holland.



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Saying the Dutch are from Holland is like saying all Americans are from Texas. Holland is a province (in fact the biggest if you combine the North and the South) of the Netherlands, and the people from the Netherlands are called the Dutch.

Here is a nice little map for you.



People from the Benelux will always remain touchy about this subject, at least until the sea drowns them all, Germany takes Luxembourg and France annexes Wallonia. So who cares anyway?

(The Flemish can keep their country because they're the only okay people there)

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You're the kind of guy that doesn't say "who's there" during a knock knock joke, huh?

ANYWAY, arguing the merits of why the HOLLISH are from Holland isn't getting this mod any closer to done. I need INFO not clog wearing semantics dancing around the genius of my geographical etymology!


Mord, purveyor of all things Hollish.

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1 hour ago, Mord said:

You're the kind of guy that doesn't say "who's there" during a knock knock joke, huh?

Yes, because it would be mean to leave a joke hanging.


By the way, have you taken time to look at mission briefings? There may be at least some information in there.

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Found some stuff for the current Canadian Forces. This is based on current day but I think the overall applied to 2008. The home bases are organized into 2-5 division (none of which are truly divisional is size but they are " force generating divisions based on geography". I see lots of mention of changes to how the reserves reported to all this but I think the regular force was pretty much the same back then. Hopefully I'm right about that.

Looks like this (lots of things I am sure you don't care about left out):

2 Div (Quebec), 5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (5 CMBG):
5e Régiment d'artillerie légère du Canada/5 CMBG/2 Div     Artillery
12e Régiment blindé du Canada/5 CMBG/2 Div     Armoured
5 Combat Engineer Regiment/5 CMBG/2 Div     Combat engineer
1st Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment/5 CMBG/2 Div     Mechanized Infantry
2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment/5 CMBG/2 Div     Mechanized Infantry
3rd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment /5 CMBG/2 Div    Light infantry

3 Div (Western), 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (1 CMBG):
1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery/1 CMBG/3 Div     Artillery
Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)/1 CMBG/3 Div     Armoured
1 Combat Engineer Regiment/1 CMBG/3 Div     Combat engineers
1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry/1 CMBG/3 Div     Mechanized infantry
2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry/1 CMBG/3 Div     Mechanized infantry
3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry/1 CMBG/3 Div     Light infantry

4 Div (Ontario), 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (2 CMBG):
2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery/2 CMBG/4 Div     Artillery
The Royal Canadian Dragoons/2 CMBG/4 Div     Armoured
2 Combat Engineer Regiment/2 CMBG/4 Div     Combat engineers
1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment/2 CMBG/4 Div     Mechanized infantry
2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment*/2 CMBG/4 Div     Mechanized infantry
3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment/2 CMBG/4 Div     Light infantry

5 Div (Atlantic):
4th Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery/5 CDSB/5 Div     Air Defence
4 Engineer Support Regiment/5 CDSB/5 Div     Engineers
(note: 2 RCR and C Squadron of the Dragoons are actually stationed in the Atlantic provinces but they report the 2 CMBG


Some notes:

As you can see there really are only three active brigade groups which is about really just one division. They are split this way because each of those areas contains multiple reserve battalions of various types (not shown) which under full mobilization would be able to form something like four divisions three of which could have a regular force brigade in it already.  I say could because really the CF mixes and matches forces as needed. A battle group that gets sent somewhere could have Mech infantry from one or two brigade group(s) and armour from another etc.

For fun:

If you feel so inclined my father started his military career in the Black watch which was changed to a reserve unit (he moved to the RCR after that) if you wanted to do an extra one just for me you could add this one:

The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada/34 CBG/2 Div     Light infantry

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7 minutes ago, Frenchy56 said:

By the way, have you taken time to look at mission briefings? There may be at least some information in there.

Good idea but I absolutely have no time to dig through all of them. This mod is ungodly labor intensive, when you guys see it you'll understand why. I am hoping some forum members can do that bit of leg work for me. Sburke and CptMiller helped out with the US stuff and Combatintman hit the Brits which saved me days and days. I've researched the Syrians on my own and they were enough to kill me. I've put about 50 hours into them alone.



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5 minutes ago, IanL said:

If you feel so inclined my father started his military career in the Black watch which was changed to a reserve unit (he moved to the RCR after that) if you wanted to do an extra one just for me you could add this one:

The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada/34 CBG/2 Div     Light infantry

Hell yeah, you got it buddy! I would've been disappointed to leave them out.

Thanks. That's a great start!

So, I'll be looking for division and regimental patches, yeah? Not battalion patches or do they use battalion patches? Any links to insignia?



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@IanL I have a s*** load from my old BN/FI mods but I don't know if they've updated them since WWII.

I appreciate it. I have at least two to three days left on the Syrians before I could even start looking, so thanks twice!



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I don't have time now but a quick search looks like the divisions only have a colour while the regiments have the real cool patches. Each seem to have a few versions. For example for RCR there is the cap badge:


or one of these from a combat uniform



or this colour version of the above:


I am assuming you want the colourful cap badges for your portrait mods. If not tell me otherwise and I'll dig up something similar for the rest.

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The colored regiment is cool. I am thinking (if the mech brigade groups have an insignia) I'll go Brigade Group as background and Regiment as small insignia. So, for instance I'd have an infantry portrait with the brigade behind him and the regiment (small) down to the left. If not I'll have to go with the division as background and regiment as the small insignia.

I won't need anything for artillery or any of that stuff. You can throw Airborne in there, as well as anything special you can think of that would fit SF2's portraits. Just don't kill me!


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Cool. I do not think the brigade group has anything but I'll be sure to check (it is possible) but the division colour and regimental coat of arms will certainly work. Hummm CF doesn't have an airborne battalion any more they have groups with that capability but not in a large formation. I'll do some reading...

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Hey, don't bother with the 5th Division there's nothing there I can really use for SF2.  I took a break from the Syrians (been working on them since about 6:30 this morning and I am done with them for today) and prepped the brigade patches so they will be ready to go when I start the Canuckians.




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This is the link to all the units in the central, Ontario, region in Canada. Each formation has a link to their specific website with what looks to be all the details you are looking for. It has links for the other regions of Canada's armed forces as well.

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18 hours ago, Mord said:

@IanL I found the brigade groups, 1, 2 and 5 — nice patches that'll work great.

Cool, good.


16 hours ago, Mord said:

Hey, don't bother with the 5th Division there's nothing there I can really use for SF2.  I took a break from the Syrians (been working on them since about 6:30 this morning and I am done with them for today) and prepped the brigade patches so they will be ready to go when I start the Canuckians.

Agreed. It seems pretty much administrative.


13 hours ago, Heirloom_Tomato said:


This is the link to all the units in the central, Ontario, region in Canada. Each formation has a link to their specific website with what looks to be all the details you are looking for. It has links for the other regions of Canada's armed forces as well.

That's pretty nice. It does look like a good source but most of those units are reserve units. For a NATO mission with out full mobilization members of those units might serve tours but they would be on loan to the regular force and would therefore be part of the regular force units I listed above. So @Mord while adding reserve units would be cool (and fun) don't kill your self with all of them. Even my request for the Back Watch would not field a unit in battle on foreign soil without full mobilization and a prolonged conflict.

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@Heirloom_Tomato Thanks, man!

@IanL I found links to the brigades so the site is good to go. I checked earlier and they had the insignia so I have everything I need.

Thanks for your help, fellas.

Now I just need info for the Germans and Dutch.


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  • 2 months later...

VERY close...but without some German and Dutch Brigades/whatever they use, I am at a stand still. If you have info read my posts above. The only thing stopping this MONSTER from being finished are my lack of German and Dutchy formations.



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Dutch army only has brigades, namely:

11 airmobile brigade

    11 Infanteriebataljon (Air Assault) Garde Grenadiers en Jagers;

    12 Infanteriebataljon (Air Assault) Regiment Van Heutsz;

    13 Infanteriebataljon (Air Assault) Regiment Stoottroepen Prins Bernhard.

    11 Brigade verkennings eskadron (Recon company)


    11 Genie Compagnie (Engineer)


each battalion has 3 infantry company's

each company has:

  • a staff group;
  • 3 infantry platoons;
  • a mortar group;
  • an SLA group (marksmen);
  • a Fire Support Team
  • a maintenance group;
  • 2 medical discharge groups;
  • a supply group;
  • an administrator.

Every airmobile infantry battalion now also has a patrol company with scouts with "heavy" weapons like gill, 50 cal, and mag machine guns. These are mounted on Mercedes Benz softtops. They are the 'Delta compagnie'

13 light brigade

This is the brigade that is portrayed in CMSF2 right now. However in 2014 they switched from a mechanized to a light brigade, currently operating Boxer APC's, Bushmasters and Mercedes Benz CDI's.

It would make more sense to let the 'light infantry company' in CMSF2 be a part of the 13th brigade and the other dutch mech, tank and manoeuvre battalions be a part of the 43 Mechanized Brigade

13 light consists of:

     17 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Garderegiment Fuseliers Prinses Irene;

     42 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Limburgse Jagers;

     42 Brigadeverkenningseskadron Huzaren van Boreel;

     41 Pantsergeniebataljon;


43 mechanized brigade

They are the heaviest brigade and the most capable of fighting major war.

     44 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Johan Willem Friso;

     45 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Oranje Gelderland;

     43 Brigadeverkenningseskadron Huzaren van Boreel;

     11 Pantsergeniebataljon;

     414 Tank Battalion; (mixed german and dutch battalion, the Dutch currently lease one company of Leopard 2A6s)

In a mechanized batallion not every company has their own mortargroup and AT-capability anymore. These are bundled in the 'Delta Company', the recon and heavy weapons company.

However, i don't know if this is also the case in the light brigade


Artillery is part of the Vuursteuncommando (firesupport commando) and can be spread out over the different brigades.

The artillery unit is called 41 Afdeling Artillerie (we don't have 11 Rijdende Artillery anymore, however it's legacy is carried on by the Staf Batterij and the Charlie battery (120mm mortars)

The units of 41 afdeling are as follows:

Staff battery

A battery (8xPzh2000)

B battery (8xPzh2000)

C batterij (8x120mm mortars)

Furthermore the Fire support Teams are a part of every company in a battalion.


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27 minutes ago, BarendJanNL said:

Dutch army only has brigades, namely:

YOU are the man! Thanks.

So, I'd do an Infantry portrait for the 11 AMB and 13 Light Brigade and an Armor and Heavy Infantry portrait each for the 43 Mech Brigade? Artillery I can't do, it's beyond the scope of the portraits. A cursory search also showed I may be able to do battalions for each brigade. It's looking like there are badges for each battalion. I'll have to look further after I get some sleep.



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1 hour ago, Mord said:

So, I'd do an Infantry portrait for the 11 AMB and 13 Light Brigade and an Armor and Heavy Infantry portrait each for the 43 Mech Brigade?

Yeah I think that would cover it. Or maybe there might be people who are willing to mod a Boxer APC (Stryker icv?) or Bushmaster PMV (Nyala MRAP?) to depict the 13th light brigade😉

Furthermore most Dutch military personnel have their brigade patch on their right upper arm sleeve, while they have the Dutch flag on the left shoulder.

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