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The Truelife* Mode PBEM DAR - RockinHarry German POV

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30 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

Simple terrain christening for easier map reference in military reports

+1  That's a good idea.  

I'll often do the same thing when playing a game and recording orders on a Word document for different platoons.  Since Combat Mission doesn't have a grid system to use.  Example: Secure Miller Farm in order to bring direct fires on the stone bridge etc.  

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56 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

+1  That's a good idea.  

I'll often do the same thing when playing a game and recording orders on a Word document for different platoons.  Since Combat Mission doesn't have a grid system to use.  Example: Secure Miller Farm in order to bring direct fires on the stone bridge etc.  

Yep, quite an obvious method to use for simplifying purposes in orders and reports. One actually needs not to be overly creative in terrain baptism. If there´s a single pine forest in the units battle area, call it "pine forest" as reference. Or if it has a particular shape when looked at in maps or air recon pics, i.e a ridge that looks like a sickle, call it "sickle hill". Or any other term that comes in mind, which can be arbitrary. If it´s just playing a game, it doesn´t matter, but when it comes to reporting or carrying stuff to anybody else, like in DAR/AAR or mission briefings it becomes of major importance.

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Turn 3 Execution


(A) 2nd Squad readies for the assault on the church. Covering fire from HT MG should deal with any suspected enemies that might have settled in there yet.


(A) Just as 2. Squad´s men start crossing a hedge, some enemy infantry runs across the churchyard like mad. Is that the men just having escaped from the shot up carrier? That would indicate some very tough guys opposing me! :blink: I´d suppose high morale veterans maybe... But why´s my men not shooting at them? Ah.... that target armor arc I thought they´d use on enemies lightly armored vehicles, if any show up! Does not work as I figured out, despite the loads of AP ammo I´d assigned for this purpose. :P Oh well... 


(A) ...then bayonet charging and yelling Hurraaah does the trick maybe. It does not. The enemy feels little impressed, returning effective Sten gun fire from the churches ground floor. Two my leading men got cut down in quick succession. The rest prefered to back off. Failure! The enemy was just slight a bit faster than me.


(A) 1. Plt HQ on 251/17 comes late to take command. With 2nd Squad yet in the assault, it´s about high time. Reports on enemy AC´s moving near (CR) coming in...The HT´s 2cm might proof worth, in case something more potent than carriers shows up.


(A) 3rd Squad dismounts to join in 1st Squad´s assault well underway. Due to possible threat from reported enemy AC´s near (CR), I let them dismount in cover of Sexton´s House. This takes 3rd squad´s men moving a somewhat longer path towards the church. Looks like another serious delay for coordinating the full 1. Plt´s assault.


(A) Near the end of the game turn, 3rd Squad and Plt. HQ were at the ready to join in. But too late. Shaken from the losses, 2nd Squads remaining men were in full retreat. New enemies showed up in the church, quickly taken under fire by 3rd squads men (having no target armor arc).


(A) 1st Squad in Sextons House. Too little space for an almost full strength Panzergrenadier squad. While providing good cover frontally (no windows and facing west), too many guys at few windows may lead to high losses! So I get a split team out again and help WIA Staff sergeant Kunick (attempt buddy aid)! There´s some good cover from the low laying terrain, so they should be safe for the moment, while still preserving some good LOF. Split team 1 remains in the house. From the northern wall´s windows I´d like keeping that commanding LOF on the N-S main street. Later on this could become quite important, if any enemies attempt a crossing.


(B) One of 4th Plt Stummel (Sdkfz 251/9) moved into position, immediately opening fire. That should have some good effect on.... a nearby tree within the LOF. :P


(B) ...while a 2. Plt´s HT puts some MG bursts on suspected enemies in the church. 2. Platoon´s Grenadiers still mounted, have to wait yet.


(B) A nice place lurking in the shadows. It´ll remain here for some time. Maybe some more enemy carrier or other vehicle dares to move before my guns. A well chosen commanding position, as it seems.



2. Coy

first parts reached (C) and (D) while remaining units follow. No enemy contacts and sightings yet. Hopefully they´ll find some good positions with commanding LOF on streets and areas to the west.

(D) ....right flank scouting.



(C) ....left flank advancing.



Turn 3 progress:


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3 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

(A) Just as 2. Squad´s men start crossing a hedge, some enemy infantry runs across the churchyard like mad. Is that the men just having escaped from the shot up carrier? That would indicate some very tough guys opposing me! :blink: I´d suppose high morale veterans maybe... 

Could those troops have been in a state of panic and running for their lives? :)


3 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

But why´s my men not shooting at them? Ah.... that target armor arc I thought they´d use on enemies lightly armored vehicles, if any show up! Does not work as I figured out, despite the loads of AP ammo I´d assigned for this purpose. :P Oh well...   

I think this basic idea works.  They just need some light armor vehicles to shoot at.  But I probably wouldn't use a armor target arc with OpFor infantry close by.    

Both the 7.92 and 7.92 AP can be used with Kar98ks, as well as MGs and the G43. The 7.92K round is only for the MP44.  The AP ammo can penetrate light armor.  It also penetrates walls and other cover more effectively.   

However, I'm not clear on which type of ammo the AI will decide to shoot.  So if the fire team has both standard and AP and it spots a halftrack does it fire the AP?  Or does it have to burn through the standard 7.92 before using the AP?  It would be interesting to know if you observe their behavior in regards to ammo use when infantry have this choice. 

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On 3/4/2019 at 1:15 AM, RockinHarry said:

That PBEM game was born from the desire testing the "remove game clues" and parts of the "Re-Animate" mod and see how it plays out in PBEM and both opponents using the same mod package.

4 pages and not a single word on what these mods actually do? I tried searching but came up empty.

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2 hours ago, Humbug said:

4 pages and not a single word on what these mods actually do? I tried searching but came up empty.

true! Thanks for reminding. :) Related info is too much scattered among other threads, so I should at least have made a short survey on these.mods in use for this QB PBEM DAR.

Game clues suppression, or parts of them respectively:

Invisible enemy floating unit icons. Matt (Heirloom_Tomato, my opponent) does not see german ones, but his own friendly ones remain visible. Same for me, but vice versa.

Invisible triangle shaped (unit) icons at top of the screen. Similar purpose, but this is active for both sides. (triangles are still there and clickable, but one just can not see them anymore)

Invisible casualty icons. It´s that red cross icon popping up for few seconds, when casualties occur among personnel.

Invisible tracers for all.

OveralI invisibility was achieved by the known alpha mask editing procedure. Means actual functionality of the icons remains unchanged. It´s just the related icons now beeing invisible.

Overally, suppression of mentioned game clues are aimed at removing some the god´s eye like abilities from a player and increase fog of war bottom up. This shifts attention more to lower level unit actions and their pecularities, seeing, hearing what individual squads  and vehicles do, or taking this some sort of "first person shooter" POV. I´m aware this defeats some the games very well made C2 features, when it comes to enemy units. So it is taken more as a "different" style of play if any player so desires, or increase difficulty level. The negatives so far: Way higher time investments for getting through ones orders and execution phases, due to the requirement to check battlefield conditions more from a single units POV basis. Increased opportunities for making (serious) faults as overall force commander, as it could just have been this single, now invisible enemy icon that let you forget to send a certain order to a subordinate.

Re-Animate (as I named it):

just using parts of it, as the whole package has a number of issues. Thus just the "working" ones are used for the PBEM, which are:

Buddy Aid (medic) animation stance change.to be always prone for the pixeltrooper aide.
This is to help the medic having better survival chances, when circumstances are appropiate. (doesn´t do much if in open terrain and in view of the enemy)

Cowarding animation stance changed from that fetal position look alike animation, to a normal looking just prone and waiting stance.
This is basically to increase both opponents FOW on any single pixeltroppers beeing heavily suppressed and rolling into mentioned fetal position. Too much of a clue, particularly on enemy pixeltroppers individual morale condition IMHO. Might also increase survivability some, as the fetal position stance appears to have a somewhat higher targetable footprint as the replacement one.

Reload gun stance animation change: A pixeltrooper about to change his guns magazine or clip, instead of remaining in shooting stance (whatever it is at that moment), goes down to the next lower one. I:E a US GI hast just expended his last bullet from his Garand´s clip and needs reloading. If he´d fired last round from standing stance, he now would go down automatically to kneel stance for reloading a full clip. Or from kneel to prone. Off course a trooper already prone, remains unchanged. Reason for animation stance change: A trooper reloading his gun has focus on reloading at this moment and does nothing else really, beside showing unnecessary target to the enemy, when not going down to better cover stance. It´s also SOP for this particular action, at least for more or better well trained troopers. I have no idea if the game engine already considers experience levels or other soft factors for this particular action, but it´s also to decrease some the oftentimes unusually single troopers casualty rates in the game.

Normal "stand do nothing, observe" stance animation change: This puts down a standing trooper to kneel automatically, when the game/TacAI selects for the normal animation in any given case. This to decrease casualty rates for troopers that do neither shoot, nor move or do anything appropiate for a given situation while standing. This also to limit a troopers spotting and visual communications abilty some, for putting him down to eyeball level from maybe 5 feet to 3 feet approximately. Animation stance change does NOT apply for troopers having and using binoculars (usually a leader or another guy from a HQ unit) though. So his spotting abilities for stance chosen while using binocs remain fully in the TacAI´s hands as usual. This makes him also more of a vulnerable target overally. Also to consider, not every trooper in a unit is tasked to observe usually. It´s mostly the leader or one, two selected guys to observe while the remainders remain in full cover.

So this all thus far is both, some theory and practice from playing the game, particularly single player vs the AIP. Now the main purpose of our QB PBEM is to test the mentioned mods suitability for H2H style games and with both opponents having these same mods in use. How much does it all change play styles really? Pro´s and con ´s? Does it all work as expected (stance animation changes), or is there some issues or possible misconceptions on certain game mechanics, when influenced by the mods changes? All that.

ATM it´s not yet the right time to make any evaluations, since we´re just short in our game, beeing at T11. But they´re to be followed, once we finished the game at whatever stage. I´do not read Matt´s DAR (off course), so I don´t know if he already got some evaluations/experiences reported on the mods influences. I think some of them also subtly shine through from my DAR. At least I hope so.

hope this helps :)

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3 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Could those troops have been in a state of panic and running for their lives?

I don´t even know if it´s those mentioned lucky troopers from the carrier. Could well be it´s just another bunch of canadian troopers that were about to reinforce the churches defenders. However, these troppers were running exactly from this direction, thus my presumption. There´s yet other indications for the canadians beeing quite some tough troopers in the game though.

3 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

However, I'm not clear on which type of ammo the AI will decide to shoot.  So if the fire team has both standard and AP and it spots a halftrack does it fire the AP?  Or does it have to burn through the standard 7.92 before using the AP?  It would be interesting to know if you observe their behavior in regards to ammo use when infantry have this choice.

the friendly TacAI did not bother to use the AP ammo while having target armor arc on and valid targets plainly in sight and range (tested and confirmed). They could well have engaged the first two carriers, that made it through towards the church. Same with my 251 MG also with target armor arc on. I´ll see if things change when not using any target arc and just let the TacAI alone. Thus far, I haven´t had any opportunity to observe. At least haven´t checked ammo usage in detail for any other units with similar possible opportunities. Now when in doubt, I either leave the TacAI alone or use normal target arcs. Armor target arcs only for usual candidates having confirmed AT capabilities, like the 251/17, Stummel and the like.

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39 minutes ago, RockinHarry said:

Buddy Aid (medic) animation stance change.to be always prone for the pixeltrooper aide.
This is to help the medic having better survival chances, when circumstances are appropiate. (doesn´t do much if in open terrain and in view of the enemy)

Hmm.. Have you considered whether it's actually possible to do medicaid while prone?

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20 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

Hmm.. Have you considered whether it's actually possible to do medicaid while prone?

yes, that was discussed in other threads before. Some my sources clearly indicate and also was tactical necessity for aid giving personnel to do their best from best possible cover stances, not risking own lives unnecessarily. Currently all our medics are sort of heroes in this regard and anyway, the enemy TacAI does not know nor apply to Geneva Convention.

some my own started on topic:


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8 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

Sure medics try to stay in cover as much as possible, but is it physically possible to check somebody for wounds and bandage them while lying down?

need to have a look again in my sources for details. Unfortunately no time ATM. Some the sources I got to check again would be some german period manuals, as well as Shilcutt´s Infantry Combat Medics in Europe, 1944-45 and Rennell/Nichol´s  Medic  Saving Lives From Dunkirk to Afghanistan.

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regarding medic stance. I´d like to add when a buddy aiding pixeltrooper is just about to grab some weapon and ammo from an otherwise KIA pixeltrooper, the same animation is  applied in those cases as well. Haven´t checked on "grab" vs "medic" ratio in the game, but at average I´d like to rather have my buddy aides do this in a less suicidal manner, whatever the particular case.

Don´t know about BFC actual simulation of incapacitating wounds in the game. There´s  likey hundreds of different wound types in RL that apply to a soldier as beeing treated "incapacitated". So there as well would be quite a number of treatment methods if it just comes to stounching a wound by the means of a normal single soldiers first aid kit. (reminding that our "medic in the game is not a true combat medic, having other, better means to his avail usually). Then there´s also possible cases when a games WIA could possibly be just unconscious and otherwise not that heavily wounded as presumed. But for the games purpose this  could be just another possible case for assigning a WIA/incapacitated state. Generally I´d take the games buddy aiding procedure as just applying most important, rather crude means to prepare a WIA for follow up evacuation (handled invisibly, when the WIA magically vanishes from the BF). Same for "just grabbing/looting type" medic. The KIA can be presumed still present. He´s just not available for the grab weapon procedure anymore, thus vanishes as well.

Game tactical considerations: How oftenly did I ordered infantry units to hide mode to keep them more or less safe from enemy spotting and fire . Then there´s that single WIA/KIA, maybe not even member of the unit, that gets a random unit´s guy starting buddy aid. That got me yelling "Boy... not now! He´s dead! And we have enough ammo loads yet!" or "...just drag him back from that window somewhat and keep head down! There´s enemy unit in house just across the street!"... but no, the dumb guy pops up to kneel, promptly getting spotted by the nearby enemy and hell unleashes on the otherwise hidden unit.

If one likes it, off course one can take it as additional fubar´ed situation for adding "flavor" to the game. Personally I can well get along without that extra sort of flavor. :P

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1 hour ago, RockinHarry said:

regarding medic stance. I´d like to add when a buddy aiding pixeltrooper is just about to grab some weapon and ammo from an otherwise KIA pixeltrooper, the same animation is  applied in those cases as well. Haven´t checked on "grab" vs "medic" ratio in the game, but at average I´d like to rather have my buddy aides do this in a less suicidal manner, whatever the particular case.

Don´t know about BFC actual simulation of incapacitating wounds in the game. There´s  likey hundreds of different wound types in RL that apply to a soldier as beeing treated "incapacitated". So there as well would be quite a number of treatment methods if it just comes to stounching a wound by the means of a normal single soldiers first aid kit. (reminding that our "medic in the game is not a true combat medic, having other, better means to his avail usually). Then there´s also possible cases when a games WIA could possibly be just unconscious and otherwise not that heavily wounded as presumed. But for the games purpose this  could be just another possible case for assigning a WIA/incapacitated state. Generally I´d take the games buddy aiding procedure as just applying most important, rather crude means to prepare a WIA for follow up evacuation (handled invisibly, when the WIA magically vanishes from the BF). Same for "just grabbing/looting type" medic. The KIA can be presumed still present. He´s just not available for the grab weapon procedure anymore, thus vanishes as well.

Game tactical considerations: How oftenly did I ordered infantry units to hide mode to keep them more or less safe from enemy spotting and fire . Then there´s that single WIA/KIA, maybe not even member of the unit, that gets a random unit´s guy starting buddy aid. That got me yelling "Boy... not now! He´s dead! And we have enough ammo loads yet!" or "...just drag him back from that window somewhat and keep head down! There´s enemy unit in house just across the street!"... but no, the dumb guy pops up to kneel, promptly getting spotted by the nearby enemy and hell unleashes on the otherwise hidden unit.

If one likes it, off course one can take it as additional fubar´ed situation for adding "flavor" to the game. Personally I can well get along without that extra sort of flavor. :P

+ 1 or 3 ;)

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Turn 4 Situation:

1 Coy

The attempted surprise attack on objective (1) failed. 1 Coy 1. Plt. wasn´t able to reach the objective in a coordinated and timely manner *, also delaying 2. Plt follow up move, then beeing enforced to remain at (2).This enabled the enemy to establish in church, as well as surrounding buildings (A) in some strength.

Reports from a HMG Plt observing at (CR) indicate possible enemy traffic jams. The enemy also might redeploy forces (AC´s, infantry) in order to attack 1. Plt / 1 Coy right flank from NW.

With 1. Plt at (1) currently alone and enemy reinforcing quickly moving from W and likely NW, I decide for Defense!

* (traffic jam, inadequate turning circle for 251´s moving in confined spaces and some my micro planning failures)

2 Coy


Plan and Decisions:

1 Coy

1. Plt to break off attack immediately and consolidate in current cover terrain. 1st Squad to hold and defend Sextons House. 2nd Squad to rally and if possible, remount 251. 3rd Squad hold and defend from current position. All other available forces 1 Coy in (B) to join in with covering fire towards (A), engaging any sighted enemies. Dismounted Hvy. Wpns (HMG) keep seeking and occupying positions to command possible LOF towards W and NW. Observe towards (CR), but hold fire.

2 Coy

Task remains unchanged. Seek and occupy commanding positions in (C) and (D) towards W and NW. Detach recon patrols towards W and NW. Where´s the enemy in this sector?

Bn HQ group to find and occupy observation posts near the crest at (C).


Would you´ve decided differently, i.e press 1. Plt / 1 Coy attack at (A)? :unsure:

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 11:39 AM, RockinHarry said:

Don´t know about BFC actual simulation of incapacitating wounds in the game. There´s  likey hundreds of different wound types in RL that apply to a soldier as beeing treated "incapacitated". So there as well would be quite a number of treatment methods if it just comes to stounching a wound by the means of a normal single soldiers first aid kit. (reminding that our "medic in the game is not a true combat medic, having other, better means to his avail usually). Then there´s also possible cases when a games WIA could possibly be just unconscious and otherwise not that heavily wounded as presumed. But for the games purpose this  could be just another possible case for assigning a WIA/incapacitated state. Generally I´d take the games buddy aiding procedure as just applying most important, rather crude means to prepare a WIA for follow up evacuation (handled invisibly, when the WIA magically vanishes from the BF). Same for "just grabbing/looting type" medic. The KIA can be presumed still present. He´s just not available for the grab weapon procedure anymore, thus vanishes as well.

Top marks for the DAR - reshow for the combat first aid training 😉

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 11:39 AM, RockinHarry said:

Don´t know about BFC actual simulation of incapacitating wounds in the game. There´s  likey hundreds of different wound types in RL that apply to a soldier as beeing treated "incapacitated". So there as well would be quite a number of treatment methods if it just comes to stounching a wound by the means of a normal single soldiers first aid kit. (reminding that our "medic in the game is not a true combat medic, having other, better means to his avail usually). Then there´s also possible cases when a games WIA could possibly be just unconscious and otherwise not that heavily wounded as presumed. But for the games purpose this  could be just another possible case for assigning a WIA/incapacitated state. Generally I´d take the games buddy aiding procedure as just applying most important, rather crude means to prepare a WIA for follow up evacuation (handled invisibly, when the WIA magically vanishes from the BF). Same for "just grabbing/looting type" medic. The KIA can be presumed still present. He´s just not available for the grab weapon procedure anymore, thus vanishes as well.

Top marks for the DAR - reshow for the combat first aid training 😉

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Maybe keeping the Arrows (located above Monitor) might be better then not having them...I say this, because you mentioned that it would be nice to have Friendly Units Blink (for a few secs) if it located an enemy Unit...Keeping the Arrows will solve this problem (since the arrows will come and go as Enemy Units disappear)...And, by using the rest of your 'Realism Mod' you still wont see enemy Icons/Contacts for future reference (FOW).

Anyways, just Food for Thought...

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3 hours ago, JoMc67 said:


Maybe keeping the Arrows (located above Monitor) might be better then not having them...I say this, because you mentioned that it would be nice to have Friendly Units Blink (for a few secs) if it located an enemy Unit...Keeping the Arrows will solve this problem (since the arrows will come and go as Enemy Units disappear)...And, by using the rest of your 'Realism Mod' you still wont see enemy Icons/Contacts for future reference (FOW).

Anyways, just Food for Thought...

Yes, they could possibly serve that purpose for sure. Think you´re refering to the sound mod thread, where I mentioned about that blinking method, which would be just one the ways imaginable.  I´ll try out, though not for the running  QB PBEM. Maybe BFC gets inspired some day as well. B)

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Yeah, I wouldn't try it out in your current DAR with HT (unless you both did it exactly, say half-way through game), but something to use when playing Scenario's/QB against the AI...If you do, then post back your findings :-)

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Turn 4 execution


(A) 3rd Squad in good position to beat back some advancing enemies. The lMG gunner figured it to be just the right time to try some practice shooting with his Luger. WTF!? :angry:


(A) In consequence, the meagre firepower gives the enemy some opportunity to put some more back in return. Despite beating back the enemy infantry, 3rd squad as well decided to retreat. That was rather short a show and nearby Plt. HQ ( having a 0 leader), couldn´t make any influence felt.


(A) Sextons House. 1st Squad taking some unknown enemies under fire. Some small enemy HE dropping in. Me presumes either direct fire or some light mortar HE. Despite the cover provided from the house, the place becomes increasingly uncomfortable and WIA Staff Sergeant Kunick gots to wait for treatments some more. The Schreck team joins in as well. Maybe it´ll get some aims on enemy vehicles that might move into range?


(A) While the 251 provides covering fires, 2nd Squad yet received some more loss from enemy HE....


(A) ...but makes it back into the 251´s safety. Sextons House in the background. Ignoring 1. Plt leaders "Stay you cowards!" rallying attempts, 3rd Squad remained in retreat.


(A) Still not yet enough to endure for 2nd Squad´s troopers. A hit on the 251 killed just another member yet mounted. Was that enemy direct fire or mortar round? The 251 just got some slight damage to the running gear, so it´s about high time to back off!


(A) 1. Plt 251/17 having provided covering fires got some vehicles spotted towards NW. It backed off some, took aim and hit something beyond. Whether just some trees or enemy vehicle I can´t tell yet. Getting too hot around here...


(B) A Stummels supporting fires almost hit friendly 1. Plt / 3rd Squads Grenadiers. That did no good to the squads morale already in decline. Fortunately no loss was taken from that almost friendly fire. :P


(B) Another 251 from 2. Plt at (B) joins in supporting 1. Plt´s defense.


(C) Knights Cross holder Major Berger, Bn leader command group about to investigate possible new command post location on the crest near (C).


First contact in 2 Coy sector at (C). A sniper, part of forward recon group sees something, but does not shoot. There´s something moving in the bushes to the west! :ph34r:



Turn 4 progress


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7 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

(A) 3rd Squad in good position to beat back some advancing enemies. The lMG gunner figured it to be just the right time to try some practice shooting with his Luger. WTF!? :angry:

Figured 3rd squad beeing in "slow" mode towards a switch position when opening sort of "emergency" fire on the canadian infantry, which also was in 3rd squads set  target arc at that time. So I´d guess when the squad opened fire, the machine gunner didn´t have time to prepare his MG42 and selected his secondary arm, the 08 Luger instead. Can anybody confirm on this bahavior?

I conclude if deliberately setting "slow/crawl" mode then it might be better to set a very small TA, a 360° one maybe. This should keep the infantry unit in "slow" mode, without getting it to pop up for snap shooting any nearby enemies. :unsure:

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