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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

What i'm interested in is, do you have a spell against Churchill VIIIs? I desperately need one for several of my PBEMs. Or at least one that will make the Fireflies go away<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Na,na,na! Then We would have to ask BTS for a new unit, a mage for the allies (the good, like Gandalf) and a witch for the germans(the evil ones, like ... like... the one from Sleeping Beauty!).

Just do like me, before any pbem I behead a rooster and drink the blood. Works like a charm! (a bit messy though!) smile.gif


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Let me help you out though:

I'm a smartass.

I don't like Brussel Sprouts.

Disclaimer: The above response was solely in jest. It was not meant to harm or destroy anyone's personal feelings.

Hey, I'm interested to see what comes of this, even if I may not be a believer. As someone said, to each his own.

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of wierd sandwich.

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Guest Michael emrys

I made for many years a concerted study of astrology (both the Western and Chinese varieties), numerology, the Tarot, the I Ching, Geomancy, Feng Shui, and many other similar practices. My conclusion was that there is something in each of them in the hands of a wise and sensitive practicioner. But then a lot of wise and sensitive practicioners can do quite well without the props. So it all depends. There are many strange and wonderful things in the world.

No, I will not tell you my sign, but I will give you a hint: I love to twit people, but I am not mean. There! That should tell you all you need to know!


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Guest Michael emrys

Oh, one more thing. Anyboody interested in pursuing Hitler et al's fascination with the occult might want to check out a book called The Occult Reich. I forget the author's name, sorry, but it may still be in print and therefore not too hard to track down. Not sure if it's 100% accurate, this kind of thing gets sensationalized a lot, but it is a place to start. There was another book called The Spear of Destiny, but so far as I know turned out to be mostly bogus.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dallas:

Two things...

Firstly, I am thinking that the HitlerJugend division was comprised solely of those born in 1926 because 1926 is the year of the Tiger in Eastern Astrology. The Tiger is the most aggressive and spirited sign in Eastern Astrology.

If I was forming divisions, I would definitely use Tigers given the opportunity. I think Himmler thought this as well.

Their subsequent battle history speaks for itself in terms of ferocity and tenacity (if not intelligence).

My mates think it was just Himmler scraping the bottom of the manpower barrel but I am thinking otherwise... any thoughts?

Secondly, I would like to conduct an Eastern Astrological, Western Astrological and Numerological survey on those who frequent the board and thus are interested in wargaming.

If you also would like to see the results, please post your date of birth in mm dd yy format and I will collate, interpret and post the results. If the response is good enough for a decent sample, I think it could make very interesting reading.





"To the German Commander:NUTS! The American Commander" -Gen. Mcauliffe,Bastogne

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Thanks to all who posted and took the time to indulge or comment on my interest.



Where is The Amazing Randi when we need him?

You forgot to include your date of birth smile.gif



...but I'm not giving up a lock of hair or any blood.

No, no, that's all in the past... now we prefer sex with attractive females smile.gif



my hand is broken, will it work through a cast? heh =]

also, the local chinese restaurant zodiac placemats, and my ex-girlfriend both say i'm a pig.

It worked! Hah! You should see the faces of the girls when I tell them they are Dogs!


Neutral Party

Must be really cool to be able the predict the past like that.

I KNEW you were going to say that! You forgot to include your date of birth smile.gif



Can I use this knowledge to predict The Second Coming?


Prolly not but if you try real hard you may be able to achieve that all by yourself smile.gif



Why not?



Formerly Babra

June 20 '64 -- the year of the sloth

LOL... me too! According to my wife.



I think most people here are just having fun with you. Don't take it personnally. If they are making fun of you then they haven't read on Hitler that much.


A lot of people still aren't aware of the extent that Hitler ,Hess , and Himmler used astrology to help them judge what to do. Hitler even had all fortune seers rounded up and killed any that gave readings of a German loss in the war.

Loki, I don't think Hitler believed in anything but himself. If he killed astrologers it was because of their anti war sentiments. I think he killed everyone who was overtly pessimistic about the war. As to the significance of the day Hitler killed himself, I think it was because the Russians were in the streets above, killing everyone in sight smile.gif pbem setup is on the way.



Day after his wedding? He celibrated with a partial beheading! Alone at his steading.

I have the demo version, love it and will order the full version a.s.a.p, till then anyone up to challenge me my email is shawngiles@hotmail.com pick you side and fire away!

I have version 1.03 and it is not compatible with the demo version. I don't have the demo anymore so send me a setup when you get the game and patch to at least 1.03, look forward to the game smile.gif




To conquer others is to have power,

To conquer yourself is to have strength.

-Lao Tzu

Excellent signature!




Originally posted by Loki:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dallas:

I'm not calling anyone here ignorant because I am not sure whether you are making fun of me or having fun with me.

If they are making fun of you then they haven't read on Hitler that much.


Is this for real!?!?! Are you Loki saying that if we don't belive in astrology we haven't read on Hitler?!

And Hitler sure won WWII with help of astrology, oh, no he didn't! Go figure. I've read about Hitler and his occult fascination, just one more idiotic idea of his. I belive astrology is crap. Where is the evidence? All prediction is double edged and everything can be read into it.

Loki, here's a prediction for you:

tomorrow you'll find a need, and it will be important for you to fulfill this need.

Ok, maybe I'm a bit harsh (sorry), but I can't really understand people who just have this need for something greater then themselfs, somtehing that can guide and protect them. I think they live in a dream world.

Just my 2 øre (cents)....


Andre, you do have a good point. Predictive astrology has a well deserved bad reputation. Mostly due to brief media 'columns'. My interest is in a different area altogether, the area of personality analysis. I was hoping to gather data that indicated those interested in wargaming had something in common astrologically... thats all.



Actually I'm more concerned with ammount of dust that accumulate's on the inside of the hatch of a tiger I manufactured in 1942 as opposed to that of the one's built in 1944.

So start your own thread! You also forgot to post your date of birth smile.gif


Joe Shaw

Dallas, first, anyone with a name like Dallas is okay in my book (I've been a Cowboys fan since 1967). Second, welcome to the board and I know you'll enjoy the game as much as we all have. Third, I personally don't believe in astrology but my motto has always been "To each their own." ... well that's one of my mottos, the other is is "The day sure does drag when you get to work on time." My apologies if it seemed like I was making fun OF you. As you mentioned, I was having fun with the vast array of interests and topics that this board has engendered. Good luck with CM.


Thanks Joe, but you forgot your dob smile.gif


M Hofbauer

What i'm interested in is, do you have a spell against Churchill VIIIs? I desperately need one for several of my PBEMs. Or at least one that will make the Fireflies go away. They don't have to vanish, a mere abandon would do.

Heres a spell I call "armour kill"... take one elite 88, conceal along enemy axis of advance with sweeping fields of fire. When the armour is in view and los, say "Go!" three times in succession each time with more emotion. The results will make you a believer!


GI Tom

Let me help you out though:

I'm a smartass.

I don't like Brussel Sprouts.

Disclaimer: The above response was solely in jest. It was not meant to harm or destroy anyone's personal feelings.

Hey, I'm interested to see what comes of this, even if I may not be a believer. As someone said, to each his own.

GI Tom

Exactly the spirit I hoped to find here. Give 5 seconds of your time to someone regardless of your 'beliefs'. Thanks.


Michael emrys

I made for many years a concerted study of astrology (both the Western and Chinese varieties), numerology, the Tarot, the I Ching, Geomancy, Feng Shui, and many other similar practices. My conclusion was that there is something in each of them in the hands of a wise and sensitive practicioner. But then a lot of wise and sensitive practicioners can do quite well without the props. So it all depends. There are many strange and wonderful things in the world.

No, I will not tell you my sign, but I will give you a hint: I love to twit people, but I am not mean. There! That should tell you all you need to know!

Michael, if you had made a thourough study of these topics then you would know that it's a loser's game to try to guess. BTW in my opinion there is no truth to Hitler's fascination with astrology etc. My view is that he was a very practical man with little to no spirituality.



I seem to be meeting Wiccans everywhere...

You should stop joining covens then smile.gif



I burn my old socks before I launch a new PBEM and in the smoke I see the signs of destruction and decay...

Nah, nah... its the smell that makes you hallucinate smile.gif


I think that makes twenty people who have actually replied with their dates of birth.. and counting smile.gif


If the war is to be lost, the nation also will perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no need to consider the basis even of a most primitive existence any longer. On the contrary, it is better to destroy even that, and to destroy it ourselves. The nation has proved itself weak, and the future belongs solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who remain after the battle are of little value; for the good have fallen.

Hitler to Speer, ordering a scorched earth policy within Germany - March 1945

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smile.gif Cm personal's

Ummm, I'll give my birthdate. I've read and studied a lot of things. I'm sort of goofy like that. When I pick an intrest I Focus soley on that... but lose intrest and jump on something else....

almost forgot.




"someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati



Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring

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If you can truly "collate, and interpret" something by supernatural means, please rush over to the James Randi Educational Foundation and collect your prize money. $10,000,000 to be exact.


If not, stop deluding yourself, and others. That sort of gobbly gook is not in itself a problem. People that lie and deceive others for profit and gain are revolting to me.

If my powers of logic and reason don't intimidate you, please E-mail me so we can discuss this more frankly.

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I think it's been known for a long time that Hitler WAS into the occult and astrology. He had his own personal astrologist, didn't he??

The thing with Hitler was that you told him what he wanted to hear...you didn't tell him the truth.



Generalmajor Dryfear (CO)

Volunteer for the Fatherland today!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Echo:

If you can truly "collate, and interpret" something by supernatural means, please rush over to the James Randi Educational Foundation and collect your prize money. $10,000,000 to be exact.


If not, stop deluding yourself, and others. That sort of gobbly gook is not in itself a problem. People that lie and deceive others for profit and gain are revolting to me.

If my powers of logic and reason don't intimidate you, please E-mail me so we can discuss this more frankly. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hi Echo,

I'm not trying to do anything other than indulge an interest and perhaps entertain the forum members while I have a bit of spare time up my sleeve.

I'm not trying to 'convert' anyone to my way of thinking.

I'm not interested in 'proving' to anyone that this stuff is useful.

You don't need supernatural powers to collate and interpret data, statisticians do it all the time.

Your powers of logic and reasoning don't intimidate me because they are not present in your post.

Good point about the $10m. Why don't I chase that money? I think it is because I cannot prove that this stuff is valuable to anyone. People have to see the value themselves. I haven't looked at the proof required but my guess is that they will require 'scientific' evidence. These areas of knowledge are not scientific in nature and therefor cannot be 'proven' in this manner.

I am certainly not deluding myself, and I have no desire to delude others.

I agree totally that people who lie and decieve others for profit are not nice people.

I hope you are simply misinterpreting my motive because if you are not misinterpreting then you expose yourself as an intolerant and blinkered personality much in need of the spirituality and self awareness contained in these subjects.

You forgot to post your date of birth smile.gif



If the war is to be lost, the nation also will perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no need to consider the basis even of a most primitive existence any longer. On the contrary, it is better to destroy even that, and to destroy it ourselves. The nation has proved itself weak, and the future belongs solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who remain after the battle are of little value; for the good have fallen.

Hitler to Speer, ordering a scorched earth policy within Germany - March 1945

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"you expose yourself as an intolerant and blinkered personality much in need of the spirituality and self awareness contained in these subjects".


I have no need of spirituality or self awareness derived from something which in your own words "I cannot prove that this stuff is valuable to anyone."

Ive been a magician for over 23 years, and I have tolerated people of your "faith" (for faith is all it can in truth be labeled.) since becoming wise to it.

I can produce volumes of material, books, videos... and even demonstrate, superhuman, arcane powers of the mind, body, and spirit. It truly is enough to start a whole new religion. Whilst demonstating it, of course it's all tongue in cheek. And the people whom I know understand I'm deceiving them for fun, and are a great deal entertained.

However, If I tell some strangers I am in contact with the demi-god Zu'll, and will help them become "spiritualy aware", or put them in contact with their deceased grandparents or spouse, all for a nominal fee of course, its a bit different isnt it?

In India they are called "street fakirs", in Africa, "witch doctors", in Jamaica its voodoo, in America its "dial a psychic", and its all the same thing...garbage. Its all catered to the gullible masses for profit or power.

I have mountains of evidence it doesn't exist. That being it has never been felt, smelt , heard or seen, nor will it ever be.

My self awareness comes in the fact that I am cognizant of my own surroundings, making intelligent decisions based on reality, not being uduly influenced or persuaded by pipe dreams, myths, or fables.

"These areas of knowledge are not scientific in nature and therefor cannot be 'proven' in this manner."

Nor can they be proven in any other manner.

(We realy should be discussing this someplace else).

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You da man, I was wondering what excuse i could use for my next defeat, and this may just be the thing i need!

sept 1 1953

......you have an extreme tendancy to lose at CM...aside from changing your birthdate, there is nothing to be done...

I like the concept!


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whoop's!...9/21 /62 the year of the tiger!

maybe that's why i' so preoccupied with dust

But if i had my choice, I take the year of the rabbit got alot more pizzazze..but hell these thing's only come aound every 12 year's so 62 74 86 an 98 would be tiger's the rest would be rabbit's bat's monkey's knome's lawn dart's etc...haha

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andre76:

Is this for real!?!?! Are you Loki saying that if we don't belive in astrology we haven't read on Hitler?!

And Hitler sure won WWII with help of astrology, oh, no he didn't! Go figure. I've read about Hitler and his occult fascination, just one more idiotic idea of his. I belive astrology is crap. Where is the evidence? All prediction is double edged and everything can be read into it.

Loki, here's a prediction for you:

tomorrow you'll find a need, and it will be important for you to fulfill this need.

Ok, maybe I'm a bit harsh (sorry), but I can't really understand people who just have this need for something greater then themselfs, somtehing that can guide and protect them. I think they live in a dream world.

Just my 2 øre (cents)....

André<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You don't make much sense Andre. If you re-read my post you'd see I never once said " Are you Loki saying that if we don't belive in astrology we haven't read on Hitler?!"

I was just stating what I have read on the subject.I also stated that I don't believe in ½ that stuff I posted,but there is evidence that Hitler and other key nazi's did. I never once stated that if you don't believe in astrology you never read on Hitler.

I did say "If they are making fun of you then they haven't read on Hitler that much".

You admit to reading about Hitler and his occult fascination just as I have. Does that mean your saying "that if we don't belive in astrology we haven't read on Hitler?!"

It sounds like we've read some of the same stuff.It just don't think you fully read my post.

I too have a prediction for you Andre.

Tomorrow you'll learn to read more carefully or your put your foot in your mouth.

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