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Germany lifts complete ban on Nazi symbols in video games


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I don't think any CMX2 has them or perhaps even needs them. One exception might be SS license plates but that's rather trivial.



P.S. I don't want to reopen the debate on what Germany should or should not be censoring. I only wanted to report the rules have changed.

Edited by Sequoia
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14 hours ago, Erwin said:

It was rather a silly law.

Not if you take into account Germans' uneasiness over their recent past, an uneasiness the Allies acted to foster. We made damn sure that there would never be a resurgence of Nazi racism or militarism. Anything that even faintly smelled of Nazism was to be stamped out. But I do think that they carried it too far when it came to censoring legitimate historical usage. Not to permit swastikas to be displayed on models or in computer games, well that was silly.


Edited by Michael Emrys
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5 minutes ago, Michael Emrys said:

Not if you take into account Germans' uneasiness over their recent past, an uneasiness the Allies acted to foster. We made damn sure that there would never be a resurgence of Nazi racism or militarism. Anything that even faintly smelled of Nazism was to be stamped out. But I do think that they carried it too far when it came to censoring legitimate historical usage. Not to permit swastikas to be displayed on models or in computer games, well that was silly.


Well, I would agree to models, but computer games is already a completely different thing. Especially, if the out-place use is allowed. Like „Duke Nuke‘em“ plastered with NAZI propaganda...

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9 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

Not if you take into account Germans' uneasiness over their recent past, an uneasiness the Allies acted to foster. We made damn sure that there would never be a resurgence of Nazi racism or militarism. Anything that even faintly smelled of Nazism was to be stamped out. But I do think that they carried it too far when it came to censoring legitimate historical usage. Not to permit swastikas to be displayed on models or in computer games, well that was silly.

Understood Michael.  We censor things from the youngest.  But, it's not possible to do that with computer games or any other media if parents don't monitor and provide parental control/guidance.

But, we as a society cannot protect innocents from the real world indefinitely.   That's what leads to so many of our youths now so sensitive to any kind of info or thoughts or conversations that disturbs (ie that challenges one to think or make a choice).   The "snowflake" generation.  And for many disillusioned people (of which we now have very many), the very thing that is banned becomes extremely attractive/exotic/fashionable.



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6 hours ago, Erwin said:

And for many disillusioned people (of which we now have very many), the very thing that is banned becomes extremely attractive/exotic/fashionable.

Sadly so true. We've fumbled a lot of balls; sometimes it gets a bit hard to think of anything we are doing right.


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Not sure who "we" is, Michael.  :)   

Things go in swings and roundabouts, fashions etc.   We may be coming to the end of a very permissible era of moral relativism and going back to a more harsh judgmental period.  Not saying it's better or right, just that things oscillate around a mean.  And one can probably predict where things are headed by studying history.

What bums me out is being lumped in with all you other white men as the current "enemy of society".  Since my family came from (basically) Tsarist Russian empire lands, they were practically slaves.  But, here in the west I am supposed to feel guilty/responsible for historical slavery.  We are made to feel abnormal if we want to live and associate with people like ourselves.  There is a movement in our society that believes that we can negate tens of thousands of years of human evolution and genetic programming and simply legislate human behavior so as to change it in a generation.  As a result, we have young men growing up confused about their maleness and insecure, doubting themselves...

Again, am not saying one thing is right or wrong.  But, one cannot simply legislate human behavior and basic tribal instincts that took millennia to evolve.  

Maybe us blameless white guys can be assigned an armband or somesuch that we could wear to show that we, the "good white men", are not in any way responsible for the heinous acts of the ancestors of all you deplorable white men?  


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12 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

Lol, like the Nork thread!

The Nork thread at least had a premise of discussing a possible conflict zone for the US military.  This thread has already become a proselytizing site for the typical victimized white male racist apology movement with the usual asinine buzz words of snowflakes etc.  Next thing we'll have some posting of the incel bulls**t.  Let that nonsense go to the right wing crawl out from under a rock websites it belongs in, not here.

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3 hours ago, mjkerner said:

Gotta love present day politics!   Not really.....

Yeah, present day politics are kind of depressing. Even the things that I approve of should have been done already 50 years ago. And that is kind of depressing.

Part of the problem is that events are evolving at a pace that is hard to adapt to, like a tsunami wave that you can't outrun. Some think that they can ride it like a surfer, and maybe they will, but I am not sanguine on that point.


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