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Mosul (Iraq) The small red-headed child of an epic MOUT map!

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Rather than have any more discussions of the on-going fighting in Mosul disrupt other threads here, I figured it might be worth giving that particular section of the conflict a thread, a map and perhaps a few scenarios all of its own.....To which end I've been messing around with a small (688x320) section of LLF's epic Ramadi map in an attempt to model one of the more urban sections of East Mosul:


Welcome to Hayy Al Karamah (view  from the north-east, the player's initial starting point).....I actually only chose this area of East Mosul as it looked like it would be the easiest to model using a section of LLF's map, but as it turns out that was quite a fortuitous choice; This district lies directly between two of the major axes of advance towards the River Tigris and West Mosul and it was the scene of some of the heaviest urban fighting in East Mosul.  You can view the area in Google Maps, here:


As you will see the map is not strictly accurate, the layout of the blocks and main roads in the north-western portion in particular is quite wrong, however the density of construction and general layout is, I hope, close enough to represent the area adequately for a few small, representative, scenarios.  Just for fun, at LLF's suggestion, I've included a couple of typical buildings which provide particular tactical challenges that are clearly not present on the satellite map, live with it, or don't!  ;)

It seems that Iraqi security forces first re-entered the area on or around 2nd November 2016, exactly which forces these were is slightly unclear, but prominent amongst them were the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS), possibly supported by elements of the Iraqi 9th Armoured Division & 1st Infantry Division (3 Motorised Brigade):


With much assistance from Combatintman, I've modelled a CTS  Core Force (& a supporting US Navy SEAL 'Trident Team') using a combination of Syrian & NATO units as seen here:


The CTS themselves are represented by Veteran Syrian Special Forces and they are mounted in US Humvees or Canadian Nyalas (representing MRAPs).  A trio of Abrams tanks (presumably from 9th Armoured) are attached to the Core Force to give it some extra muscle, coalition air and artillery assets will be plentifully available throughout the campaign.

Despite continual harassment by ISIS snipers and multiple attacks by VBIEDs the CTS managed to largely take control of the eastern portion of the district by November 4th, at which point ISIS counter-attacked, in force.....Suffice it to say that the entire Hayy Al Karamah district was not completely under Iraqi Government control until 3rd January 2017!  :o

Huge thanks to both Combatintman & LLF for their continued help & support.....I feel like I'm standing on the shoulders of giants here!  B)

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November 2nd 2016, Iraqi Police and CTS tentatively enter the Hayy Al Karamah district:


A small group of armed locals volunteer their services in return for assistance freeing their family members from the ISIS controlled areas.....Can they be trusted?  :ph34r:

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Maybe you already thought of this as a possible scenario "feature" that may have a function:  Setting up a friendly force of some kind in a building with no windows or exits, so they can't fire out or move out.  So, part of one's mission would be to use demo charges to breach a wall (doesn't damage friendlies) to liberate the imprisoned force.  That force can then be used.

Possibly a way to get reinforcements to a very precise location?  Or, rescue hostages etc?

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I started on a CM:SF scenario (set on the classic 'moutmapextendedfinal' quick battle map) that works exactly that way.....The player was to command Syrian rebels & jihadists in an attempt to break their leaders out of jail.  The problem that brought things to a grinding halt is that in CM:SF the uncons do not get Mine Teams (guys with satchel charges) like they do in CM:A, I would have had to use Syrian Engineers and it just didn't feel right.  :unsure:

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Nooooo......Still testing ideas, seeing if they work.   

I'll keep hacking away at it and posting updates, should have a workable scenario before too long.

Erwin, I agree there are still options for the 'Jailbreak' scenario, it may yet see use.....IIRC designing that was how I discovered there are no 'Mine Teams' in CM:SF.  CM:A is a better game in many ways, but then there are those damned silly trucks (& possibly some issues with AI artillery, still need to get to the bottom of that).  :rolleyes:

Just out of interest.....If there were perhaps a one in five chance of there being an ISIS suicide bomber amongst those 'Armed Locals', how would folks feel?  It's pretty damned harsh (detonating an IED in the player's setup-zone on turn one, with malice aforethought and no warning), but it's entirely within the bounds of possibility in the environment I am attempting to model.

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On-going testing of the suicide bomber in the setup-zone concept reveals that the player's units will spot and shoot him before he can earn his virgins about 60-70% of the time:


The rest of the time:


In either case, the player's various units can wind up having a little fire-fight with each other, in the confusion.....It's all rather satisfying TBH.  ;)


PS - Sadly it looks like this concept's out, for some reason the IED man ain't spawning where he's supposed to unless I directly put him there and then it seems he will only spawn there.....I'm sure I've had them spawning to random spots (using multiple AI plans) before, but can't get them to do it tonight.  :rolleyes:

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The main challenge with IED's, mines or any immediate ambush or arty strike (and/or any other "SHOCK EVENT") on turn one or any subsequent turn, and esp in a set-up zone, is whether that event can make you lose the game on turn one.   If so, people will immediately restart.  Or, give up and go away PO'd.

If you have enuff units that you can still pull off a satisfying win after a "SHOCK EVENT", then that would be ok as a "realistic" event.

PS:  "SHOCK EVENT" (c) All rights reserved.  Sgt S is granted an international license in perpetuity to use the copyrighted phrase "SHOCK EVENT" for non-commercial purposes.

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The explosion seen above is a medium IED, so I could still go down a size, typically with the locked deployment you see above it kills 3-4 CTS from the Core and knocks out their Humvee.....It also completely lays waste to the 'Armed Locals' and royally messes up an Iraqi Police platoon. 

I definitely won't be using this particular idea (it's just an experiment/warning) , but if I can persuade the random spawning to work correctly I may use something similar.....I'm experimenting with other suicide bomber concepts, none of them quite as spiteful as this one.  These should actually be a bit easier to deal with than a well placed IED man (they are in essence very badly placed IED men), but they could be quite nasty if you happen on them unawares.

IEDs and Suicide attacks were a huge part of the fighting in East Mosul, so it's something you will have to take into account in your planning, waves of VBIEDs are to be expected once the fighting hots up!  :o

PS - If a 'Shock Event' was going to ruin a battle I wouldn't put it in.....Hence my tuning of the mortar bombardment and rewriting of the briefing in the CM:A scenario, after you reported so many unavoidable critical casualties (still not had anything close in my own runs).  If it had been Sarandoy or DRA Army guys you had lost, I'd have told you to 'suck it up soldier'!  ;)

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I have sussed out how to do the random IED spawning!  :D

PS - I should probably add that if the player can capture Hayy Al Karamah with under 50% CTS casualties, he's doing better than the historical unit.....That's how bad it was, seriously!  :o

PPS - Did I mention the mines?  :ph34r:




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So, assuming then that 1st platoon didn't just explode.....A Co. HQ moves to secure a large compound:


In our earlier Discussions both LLF and Combatintman pointed out that this area rapidly becomes depopulated, I'm contemplating keying this to the player's success in evacuating civilians.....There would be a number of evacuation missions, with each success causing a campaign branch. 

The following scenarios on either branch would be pretty much identical copies of each other, but in the successful branch the Population Density setting would be reduced by one level for each successful mission. 

This will result in uncon forces, particularly (VB)IEDs, etc. becoming increasing ineffective if the player is successful.....It also brings a humanitarian touch to an otherwise rather nasty battle.

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Good question.....Probably not I suspect, but the crew were in a very sorry state, I wrote killed in the post above, but actually almost all of them suffered serious injuries rather than death, so they would be back in a mission or two.

On the other hand, the IED blast did set off a pick-up truck full of RPGs.....Which would have made things rather exciting, so the overall effects seemed about right to me, give or take. 

Erring on the side of caution, I would use a Small IED rather than a Medium were I to include this concept (which I am now seriously considering).....In the earliest scenario with the highest population density there is, by my rough estimation, about a 12-14% chance of a successful IED suicide-attack at the start of the mission.  That seems pretty reasonable to me and naturally the player will be warned in the briefing that it's a possibility, allowing him to take some steps to mitigate the damage.

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No worries fella, will do, this is all just testing at the moment.....I'm trying to work out some baseline concepts that I can use to give the scenario the right feel (I hope).  The lack of truly miserable weather options in CM:SF may be a hindrance here, but I'll do what I can.

I'm also still working on the map with flavour objects.....If I can persuade everything to do what I want, when you are told to look for 'things' they will be there to be found, but you will have to look.  I don't want to say too much here, but I think you know where I'm going with this from conversations elsewhere (I'll ping you a piccie by e-mail).

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To be fair they're supposed to be MRAPs, it's about as close as we can get right now.

The CTS core force has some interesting kit at its disposal, it has the usual Russian weapons of the Syrian SF unit it is built with plus all the NATO goodies from the Humvees and Nyalas.  They all have night-vision gear and are Veteran +1 with high morale, these are some tough hombres.

The core force's ability to summon death from above is not inconsiderable either.....Supporting fires from US 155mm or Russian 122mm & 152mm howitzers, BM-21 MRLs and airstrikes from F-16s, Su-25s & Mil-35s are all available, pretty much on demand.  :o

With this lot in your hands, if you think I'm going to have ISIS go easy on you..... :rolleyes:

This is asymmetric warfare, so do not expect your opponent to fight the battle you want them to, dirty trick will abound (just read the news).....If the IEDs and so on are too much for you, you probably shouldn't be in Iraq and definitely not in Hayy Al Karamah. 

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I don't own the Brit or NATO modules (or CMBS). Does the Nyala guntruck turret offer the gunner noticeably better protection from SAF (small arms) in-game than the Humvee?

Lack of a true guntruck is going to be a hassle for my Ramadi scenarios starting in 2005 when the Marines were finally fully uparmoured. I may try to reskin a BRDM but their armour is complete rubbish.

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Here's the 'stats':


Unless I'm misreading it, the armour stats may actually be worse than the Humvee!  :o

TBH I haven't used them enough to comment on whether the gunner is better protected in play.....Yet!  I suspect I'll be pretty familiar with 'em in a week or so though!  ;) 

Half of the injuries my units suffered in your Ramadi - Wicked Wednesday test were Humvee gunners, so I've got a comparable baseline against which to measure it as my testing here proceeds.  I'd highly recommend both of those modules, they're well worth it and they would offer you a lot of new toys to play with (my Afghan offer is transferrable BTW).  B)

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You know those 'Don't Go Here' tiles you were after LLF.....I seem to have found one on a road junction and it's royally messing with my VBIEDs!  I cannot get them to take that route, Blue can drive down it OK but the damned VBIED just stops, is there some special technique for using VBIEDs that I'm missing?

PS - Aha.....Sussed it, the AI doesn't like 'Dash' or 'Quick' moves to a map edge tile, it wasn't the junction (penultimate destination) but the target tile that was the problem.

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13 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

<Snip> you can for instance actually place IEDs inside buildings, it just requires a certain commitment from the triggerman.  :ph34r:

I have tried to place IEDs inside buildings before but could not.  The triggerman will go inside building no problem of course.  But how do you get the IED inside? 

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