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New Campaign - needs testers

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Does this include the bank heist scenario?  You have started so many scenarios and now a campaign I am getting confused.  :blink: 

In my scenarios folder I see several scenarios of yours that are "test" versions, but I don't seem to have anything that has been completed. 

Have you completed any scenarios?

Edited by Erwin
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Erwin sometimes I'm really not sure whether you are taking the proverbial.....You request scenarios, then vanish leaving others to do the testing that you were so keen on, then you turn up in various threads sniping.  Perhaps you should keep in mind that the reason things slowed down in here is because somebody requested a scenario set in Mosul.

If you had opened and played the file you'd know whether it was finished or not (and I'd have some AAR data from you to work with), but nope, all I've seen from you so far are comments like the above TBH.  :mellow:

'Breakout' precedes 'The Heist' (the dates and various comments make this abundantly clear), it is a very small scenario and thus actually really bloody difficult to balance, hence its later arrival.  Both of these will eventually become campaign scenarios (#1 & #2 with 'Abdul Gul's War' being the title of the campaign), but they are both quite tricky & delicate so they will need some testing. 

I've done what I can with them on that front, but it's very easy to miss things when you've stared at them for weeks and there really are no surprises or hidden things when you are the scenario designer.....Perhaps you should try it for yourself some time?


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After testing 5 versions of one of your scenarios it was dismaying that you abandoned it and started something else that you wanted multiple testing on, and b4 that was completed  you are on to something else etc etc.  Doing multiple testing of scenarios that do not result in a completed project is one of the reasons I am burned out currently.  

I apologize if that is a harsh or inaccurate assessment.  But, all I see on my HD are various "test" versions of scenarios that I spent a lot of time testing but which then seem to have been abandoned.  I did mention to you that since there are so few of us interested in testing CMSF and CMA you need to ensure that you don't burn us out. 

In the meantime, I would love to play one of your completed scenarios to get back into the mood.  Do you have one? 

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As I have repeatedly told you I couldn't continue with my original campaign as my hard drive expired taking the lot with it.....As for testing, I had no idea that you'd played anything through, I certainly haven't seen an AAR or indeed anything that amounts to constructive input from you whatsoever.

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1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

As I have repeatedly told you I couldn't continue with my original campaign as my hard drive expired taking the lot with it.....

Ouch. That sucks. If you have Winzip and are willing to install its command line extensions (free for licensed users, I believe), I have a quick and dirty backup .cmd script for windows that I could help you get setup. It automatically .zips the files you want up and puts the archive into a specified directory (drop box). It also keeps the last 10 archive files so if you back up at the end of the day you have the last 10 edits of your scenario on hand. No help for lost files but could prevent that from happening again.


1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

As for testing, I had no idea that you'd played anything through, I certainly haven't seen an AAR or indeed anything that amounts to constructive input from you whatsoever.

LOL - I'm sorry that was just too funny. Testing isn't testing if you never give feedback / log bugs / discuss your findings.

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Cheers Ian, sometimes I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall.....I've already taken some significant steps to avoid the file loss issue (I bought an external drive).  Sadly I'm stuck with using the ugly but free 7-zip these days.  I do still have the old drive and a good friend of mine knows some useful tricks, he reckons he can get the files back, but it's a matter of him having time and me seeing him as we live a long way apart (by British standards at any rate).

To be fair to Erwin he did help me a lot during the initial phase of my exploration of scenario writing prior to the drive failure, the five versions he refers to were more or less how long it took me to suss-out AI scripting, I've got a bit better at it since then.

If anyone is interested in actual testing, the current state of play is this:

Abdul Gul's War:

#1 Breakout - Currently tinkering with VP balance and self testing, testers very welcome indeed, testers with CM:A scenario writing experience doubly so, it's still an alpha on the VP front and advice with this area would be massively welcome.

#2 The Heist - Thoroughly tested by @sburke (with valuable feedback & AAR screens too) amended and undergoing final testing (I believe @MANoWAR.U51 is currently on the case).

#3 Making A Stand - On the bench.

Going Soviet:

#1 Action & Reaction - Back on the bench for significant upgrades.

#2 The Lion's Den - On the bench.

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1 hour ago, IanL said:

As for testing, I had no idea that you'd played anything through, I certainly haven't seen an AAR or indeed anything that amounts to constructive input from you whatsoever.

Very, very interesting that you claim that.  This is a shame since it's obvious I wasted all those man-days testing your designs and giving you a lot of feedback.  Well... no good deed goes unpunished...

Will be interesting to see if and what you actually complete... 

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Erwin, I'm not trying to diss you:

2 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

To be fair to Erwin he did help me a lot during the initial phase of my exploration of scenario writing prior to the drive failure, the five versions he refers to were more or less how long it took me to suss-out AI scripting, I've got a bit better at it since then.

Just stating the facts, which are that I don't have a single AAR screen from you since I rebuilt my computer, nor do I have any scenario related comments other than "I didn't like the mortars much." and "Which side do I play?"  Neither of which are massively useful on the scenario development front (but which were both immediately addressed all the same).  :rolleyes:

I would very much welcome your input if you wish to participate, but I do need to see AARs & VP breakdowns and you have to understand the complexities of self-testing, I always know which routes are safe and I never know when it's the right time to walk into my own minefield/IED/deadly cross-fire, but how much of this information do I pass on and how? 

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  • 1 month later...

Mission three, 'Making A Stand' is approaching testing, this one's a stand up fight, no more running away for Abdul Gul!  ;)

Started tweaking a map for mission four 'The Price Of Treachery', it's almost time to start experimenting with campaign scripts.....I might need some help with that.  :unsure:

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  • 1 month later...

As I mentioned a while back 'Action & Reaction' has been back on the workbench for a revamp, but sadly there's one thing that I can't fix, the screwed up story.....Somehow I'd conflated the two battles for Herat and while the product of this unholy union could be fun, it's utter nonsense.  I've also come to the conclusion that my map is just too modern, it was based on some contemporary images from Kabul, but the difference between the national capital (at it's cosmopolitan height in the mid-seventies) and even the biggest provincial capitals was far greater than I had imagined.

Thus I've decided to completely rework my red campaign concept from scratch (more as & when, but the stuff I was doing for the Panjshir will end up here).....However I'm also going to reuse the current map and scenario to depict the 1992 popular uprising in the former Soviet Republic of Fragmentistan, all total & utter unrepentant fiction, but also a great opportunity to play with the top end of the Soviet TOE in a fun MOUT environment (Assault on the 'Old City' anyone?  ;) ).

My blue campaign is still work in progress.....Making this one exciting and challenging for a small (but growing) Mujahideen band without it becoming utterly lethal is quite a challenge all of it's own, once the Soviets arrive (the campaign, like the game itself, has a long timespan) Hinds become almost omnipresent (and sadly we don't have Stingers).  To say that even a small slip up in the presence of one of these monsters:


Could be utterly catastrophic beyond all imagination, would actually be a slight understatement!  :o

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That one sounds like a(nother) job for CM:SF II TBH.  ;)

I did consider using CM:A to model one of the Chechen conflicts, but the absence of T-72s and ERA scuppers that really.  :(

Hopefully 'Fragmentistan' will be fun to play, I've assembled Core Files for both the Soviets and the breakaway faction, getting exactly the units you want is a real chore in CM:A due to the randomisation built into the editor (Is there any way to turn that off?).....You would not believe how many tank companies I had to select before I finally got one that was all T-62M & T-62D and another that was all T-55M & T-55AD!  :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fragmentistan testing is underway, the firepower available when playing the Russians is very satisfying indeed.....I just made a whole village go away!  :o

PS - I've backdated it to 1991 to give me a 15 month maximum timespan (a mere fragment of the FOURTEEN YEARS that CM:A allows you to play).  ;)

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On ‎29‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 2:27 AM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Thus I've decided to completely rework my red campaign concept from scratch (more as & when, but the stuff I was doing for the Panjshir will end up here).....However I'm also going to reuse the current map and scenario to depict the 1992 popular uprising in the former Soviet Republic of Fragmentistan, all total & utter unrepentant fiction, but also a great opportunity to play with the top end of the Soviet TOE in a fun MOUT environment (Assault on the 'Old City' anyone?  ;) ).

If you want fictional campaigns and a campaign/scenario framework, try this badger for size (all 787 pages of it):

http://www.benning.army.mil/mssp/security topics/Global and Regional Security/content/pdf/DATE-2 1-Feb-2014-FINAL.pdf

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5 hours ago, Combatintman said:

If you want fictional campaigns and a campaign/scenario framework, try this badger for size (all 787 pages of it):

http://www.benning.army.mil/mssp/security topics/Global and Regional Security/content/pdf/DATE-2 1-Feb-2014-FINAL.pdf

Wow................. That is an amazing document that must have taken a huge amount of effort to produce. 

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My first Fragmentistan effort is fully scripted and ready to go, I'll be writing up the briefing in due course and will stick it on Dropbox.

It's pretty violent, basically a Russian Airborne Platoon, Weapons Platoon & Company HQ Team must open a road for a Guards Mechanised Company.....The bad guys know you are coming and are rushing forward a company of their own mechanised troops to take on your forces, but you do have some help:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I really wasn't joking.....He was still calling in the Hinds** when the game ended!  They had done so much strafing and rocketing that they had to engage a couple of weapon teams with Spiral ATGMs towards the end, resulting in possibly the highest kill ratio I've ever achieved in CM:A, I lost 5xKIA, 7xWIA.....They lost 202xKIA, 67xWIA, 56xMIA, 3xT-55 & 12xBMP-1.  :o

Sadly the end was premature as the rebels surrendered.....Pansies!  That will never do.  :mellow:

I'll persuade them to fight a little longer by telling them that there's another mech company coming to their aid, I won't mention that it might be a bit too late.  ;)

** It's probably worth mentioning that Veteran +2 Mi-24F in CM:A are a whole lot more precise about their business than their Syrian piloted brethren in CM:SF (even with identical skill levels).  I was able to call in 30mm cannon strafing runs within 100m of my own positions in this test, although TBH everyone but the Air Controller backed off and hid anyway, just to be on the safe side.  When I was testing similar missions in Mosul things tended to go very badly wrong, very bloody fast! 

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Bit of both at a guess.....In Mosul there seemed to be a 10%+ change of the gunship shooting at the wrong end of the blue line (despite the target area being 200m+ away)!  :o

The carnage they caused to CTS on such a tiny map during testing ruled them out, even though they probably should be present (Hinds seem to be the most commonly photographed gunship over Mosul).  :unsure:

I've made up for it here though (you get four Mi-24F, in heavy anti-tank configuration).....You need to use them to sweep Hill-121 so your airborne troops can get up there to see what's what in the valley and to keep a lookout for enemy reinforcements coming up the road from the south or over the hills to the east.  Once the Air Controller gets up there he can have a field day.....See image above, that's all him & the Hinds and he'd hardly got started at that point!  :lol: 

PS - In that image the Air Controller is calling a (light/personell 20m+ area) strike in at a range of around 100m, the Hinds placed their cannon rounds with total precision.....All I found there later was corpses!  B)

PPS - While this all sounds like a total pushover, you have to exit the whole Guards Mech Company and its escorting platoon of T-62s off the south edge of the map and they then go straight into scenario two as your main force without resupply.

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  • 4 months later...

My first attempt at an all original map is underway, 'Fragmentistan Airport':


So far I've mapped in the contours (which don't exactly show up brilliantly here, trust me there really are some) and laid out the runways and main taxiways and just because it's fun, I built the main terminal building:


Loads more to do before this one is ready for a visit from an Air Assault Battalion.  :D

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