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Prewiew AAR of the KAMPGRUPPE VON SCHROIF campaign by George MC (spoiler)

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I have been doing some playtesting of George MCs new campaign- KAMPFGRUPPE VON SCHROIF for the past few weeks.

Link to the forum thread:

As part of the feedback on one of the scenarios i decided to do an AAR to show him how this scenario played out for me.

George liked the AAR and suggested that i might post it on the forum for all to see...and why not. It's an AAR after all and hopefully some of you will enjoy reading it.

Be adviced though...THIS AAR COMES WITH A HEAVY SPOILER WARNING !!!!! Also...This AAR shows the scenario in playtesting stage. Some changes have already been made and some additional tweaking might be added before the release version.

This battle takes place a few scenarios into the campaign and this lovely campaign also includes a number of branching scenarios and player selectable options. Your path to victory (hopefully) might very well be another one then the one i following.

The scenario briefings in the campaign include some first rate 'story telling' so i will not show any of the actual briefing texts here. Instead heres georges own description of the campaign from the thread linked to above...



---- SPOILER, SPOILER, SPOILER, SPOILER !!!!!!!----------



This campaign covers a short and sustained period of combat operations taking place over a period of less than 72 hours, in Poland, on the Eastern Front in early August 1944. Although fictional it is heavily based on actual events.

In the campaign you take the role of 1 Kompanie Commander Hauptmann Hans von Schroif, of the 3rd Panzer Division’s I(gep)/PzGrn Rgt 3 equipped with half-track carriers (SPW), who has been tasked with commanding a small kampfgruppe, to which has been attached the 6 Kompanie (Panzer IVs) under the command of Hauptmann Eric Faust.
It is worth noting that the player receives no reinforcements and little in the way of refit in the 72 hour period. Therefore the player has to use your forces wisely. 

Key characters, including platoon leaders, are all named individually and are tracked throughout the campaign. You’ll notice, as casualties mount that key names slowly start to disappear. Don’t get killed yourself though early on as it may lead to you ending the campaign, like your life, prematurely.

The campaign is based around the 3rd Panzer Division’s attempts to reduce the bridgehead of the 1st Ukrainain Front of Field Marshal Koniev, which had crossed the Vistula along 30km of front, forming the Baranow bridgehead. 

The right wing of the Russian field-army group was able to expand its militarily decisive bridgehead by 4th August to a depth of 50km and a width of 50km. This bridgehead potentially provided a jumping off point for a full scale attack at the heart of Germany- by means of armour forces. 

Under cover of darkness the 3rd Panzer Division “Berliner Bärendivision” (Bear division from Berlin), under the command of Generalleutnant Wilhelm Philipps, detrained at Kielce in southern Poland and was assigned to General der Panzertruppen Breith’s III Panzer-Korps. 

The III Panzer-Korps’s order for the attack arrived at the division command post shortly after midnight on the 11th August 1944 - “The III Panzer-Korps eliminates the enemy that has broken across the Vistula. 

The 19.Panzer Division (right) advances along the Vistula in the direction of Baranow and takes the crossing point. The 3.Panzer Division (left) covers the flank, advancing simultaneously into the deep flank of the enemy, thus prevents further enemy attacks to the north…” 

Your key mission is to support the division’s main effort to advance north, then east cutting the enemies main supply and escape route. As part of this overall mission, you or elements from your kampfruppe have been tasked with breaking through the enemy defences, in order to seize BONDARISKI and secure a jump-off point (wooded lot east of OSSINIK) for the attack at 1100Hrs on the CZARNA RIVER crossings, vicinity RAKOW, which will be seized by a coup de main.

Securing this crossing is vital to ensure the main body of the division can continue the advance north. 


That's where we are now (a few battles into the campaign). The main goal in this scenario is to secure thoose bridges over the CZARNA RIVER.

To accomplish this i have the full panzergrenadier company (von Schroif) as well as the entire panzer IV company commanded by Faust avaliable.

In support i have selfpropelled artillery and heavy mortars. 1 Hummel battery (150mm), 1 Wespe battery (105mm) and two sections of 120 mm mortars.


About the enemy...From the actual briefing in the scenario:

"We have some intel that is reasonably accurate from the reconnaissance units on our flanks, plus some from local sources. It's sparse but it has enough detail to allow us to plan. However as i have stated, to allow for speed and suprise we have not pushed any patrols further forward to make contact, just in case they tip off Ivan that we are indeed after his bridges.

However the intel we have indicate that there are PAK and infantry covering the approaches along the line DEBNO/RAKOW/JAMNO, around company strenth. I'm sure there will be the usual anti-tank rifles and heavy machineguns. It's also likely Ivan will have zeroed in some mortars on key approaches.

We've marked their estimated locations here on the map. We've also intercepted some radio messages that suggest Ivan is moving a tank unit through this area. We're keeping an eye on this. As and when we recieve firmer intelligence we'll let you know. But for now speed is of the essence.

We must catch them unawares."

The prebattle intel


The objectives



Basic plan:

I decided to devide my attack force into two groups pretty equal in strenth. One in the center and one on the right flank. MY original plan will only be a rouch guide for the fighting to come and will be adjusted as we go as needed.

My plan for the center group is to try and bypass the russian defenders on my left flank. I will try to swing around them and attack Rakow from below as indicated by the blue arrows and if possible not move into Debno at all.

After securing Rakow they will move through the large forrest and down by the river towards objective Vannsee.

My right flank group will head for Jamno and secure objective Friedrichshaven. With this done this group will also advance along the river towards objective Vannsee. Leaving the highground up ahead alone.

The only job for my recon teams on my left flank will be to try and get eyes on the area around Debno to report any enemy movements.

Hopefully this plan will give me a fairly concentrated attackforce that will be able to overwhelm any russian resistance they encounter. Bypassed troops will be handled by follow on forces...

My prebattle intel reports several enemy AT-gun possitions. One located in Debno and one one the ridge way back on my right flank. Both of these possitions will be targeted by a turn 1 heavy mortar barrage.
As i intend to attack both Rakow and Jamno i will use my artillery to try and soften up the enemy defences at these locations. My hummels will target Rakow and my Wespes will do the same with Jamno.

My recon guys on the left...

Right flank set-up. Fausts 3rd platoon will lead the advance. A small scouting party is mounted on the tanks. behind them 4th tank platoon will be next to move out. The panzergrenadiers from 3rd platoon will follow closely behind the panzers. Von Schroif and a weapon section (HMGs, 81mm mortar) will
pick up the rear together with Faust himself and his 2IC in their panzer IVs.

The panzers are moving out.

The leading panzers arrive at the T-section in the road and the scouting party dismounts...

...and heads of for the forrest up ahead. The tanks from 3rd platoon provides overwatch.

As the scouting party moves forward the panzers moves into possition for their advance across the open ground up ahead.

Ones again. 3rd platoon leads the armoured advance. 4th platoon provides protection and will follow shortely.

Faust and Kerscher as well as von Schroif with his weapons section moves up to the T-section behind the leading panzers.

Time for 4th platoon to advance. 3rd platoon have halted and are providing overwatch.

The scouting-party have met no resistance while crossing the open ground and continues into the forrest.

Right flank advance so far..everything looks clear.

The infantry are brought up to the forrest as Fausts 3rd platoon moves forward.

3rd platoon halftracks advance a short distance into the forrest and then the troops dismount.

von Schoif and the weapons section at the T-section.

I have decided on a location for the 81mm mortar. Setting up on the edge of the forrest will give them good line of sight to be able to engage any surviving AT-guns up on the enemy ridge.

The mortar halftrack leaves von Schoif and head of to set-up at their designated location.

My center group. The panzers from 1st platoon will lead the way. Advancing up to a small clearing right next to one of my scouting halftracks. The panzergrenadiers from von Schoifs 1st platoon have parked their halftracks by the side of the road. These guys will advance through the 
forrest to their left on foot. The terrain here is pretty crowded so they have decides to leave their halftracks behind for now. The 2nd platoon are mounted in their halftracks and will follow the panzers down the road. Behind 2nd platoon we have another weapon section (mounted) as well
as the FO team. Picking up the rear here i have deployed 2nd tank platoon. Voss himself is setting up his command post in a small farm by the road.

Panzers moving out and 1st platoon panzergrenadiers advancing into the forrest on the left side of the road.

von Schoifs 2nd platoon follow closely behind the panzers as they advance down the road.

1st platoon panzers halt at the small clearing by the recon halftrack. From here infantry will lead the way...

2nd platoon dismounts behind the panzers but i move my infantry forward way to carelessly in my ambition to get my panzer out into open ground. My men advance strait into an enemy ambush and take heavy casualties unfortunatelly (5 men killed).

My tanks revenge their fallen comrades. The enemy possition is neutralized.

The survivors from second platoon do what they can to help the wounded.

I had planned for my panzers to move forward through the woods to the left of the road. This would give them some nice LOS/LOF forward and hopefully avoid any enemy AT-guns that might be set up to target my tanks as they exit the forrest using the road. I had to adjust this plan however.
The terrain up ahead was to swampy for my armour to be able to move through. I had to redirect them further to the left along a small seconday road to allow them to cross the swampy terrain.

By now the panzergreandiers from 1st platoon had cought up with my panzers and helped to guide them through the difficult terrain.

Meawhile the halftracks from 2nd platoon moves forward a bit (past some of the fallen troops) to park in the forrest while the infantry continue on foot.


As my men slowely moves forward troops from 2nd platoon are the first to get eyes on the enemy possition at the edge of the forrest.

Tanks from 3rd platoon over on my right have LOF to the recently discovered enemy possition and opens fire with their main guns.

1. 3rd platoon continues to pound the enemy possition with HE.
2. The machineguns will be brought up to help 3rd platoon with their assult on Jamno.
3. 2nd tank platoon will advance through the woods and take up possition beside my 81mm mortar team.
4. This weapons section will move forward to help 1st Pzgren platoon with the assult on the enemy possition at the edge of the forrest in the center.

While my men in the center close with the enemy possition there 3rd platoon makes it through the forrest on my right and gets a nice wiew of Jamno.

The halftracks and HMGs are moving up behind them.

Suddenly the halftracks takes fire from an enemy AT-gun. Luckely the shoot misses.

The enemy possition is identified. One more gun up on the ridge. The halftrack are pulled back a bit.

In the center. more and more foxholes are discovered.

3rd platoon continues to do their thing.

The halftraCK carrying the two machinegun-teams arrive behind the infantry and armour advancing on the enemy center possition. The HMGs move forward.

My first 81mm mortar team is almost in possition at the edge of the forrest. From here they will be able to target the newely discovered AT gun on the ridge. Meanwhile one of the panzers from 2nd platoon fires some HE rounds in the area of suspected AT-guns close by. This ridge was
targeted by 120 mm mortars at the start of the mission but its seems that  not all enemy guns got destroyed. The other tanks have no LOF for the time being...

In the center i have decide on an attack plan on the enemy possition.My main infantry assult will come from the right. If i attack from this direction many of the foxholes will be placed on a forward slope possition allowing 3rd tank platoon to provide firesupport.
Many of these foxholes might actually already be diserted as i have been pounding them with HE for some time now. 1st tank platoon have moved forward and are now able to target some of the foxholes on top of the ridge.
While my main attack will come from the right some of the troops will also move forward to try and get eyes on the reverse slope of this enemy possition. The remaining tanks from 1st platoon will be moved forward as needed...But first i will give my men a turn or two to rest before the assult kicks off.

On the right the terrain ones again limits my movements to some degree. 3rd platoon will need to advance on Jamno along the right map edge.

My second 81mm mortar team have been brought forward and will set-up possition where i had originaly intended for 1st tankplatoon to exit the woods.These guys will also have nice LOS/LOF to the enemy highground in the rear among other things.

My first mortar section have finally set-up possition at the edge of the forrest and set about shelling the enemy AT-gun that opened fire on my halftracks. The enemy guns gets knocked out.

current possitions.

While approaching Jamno my scout team takes fire from what appears to be a sniperteam in one of the buildings. Overwatching infantry return fire...

ANGRIFF !! The assult on the center possition start.

My men succesfully manages to occupy the first row of foxholes.

My men on the reverse slope are being brought to far forward and takes fire from dug-in enemy troops. First casualties in this attack.

some of my men attacking from the right are able to return fire and the score is evened...

The men from 2nd platoonthat had been scouting the forrest to the right of the road moves across it and prepares to assult up the hill towards the enemy possition. They spot additional enemy troops behind one of the hedges up on the hill. They engage the enemy troops and force them to withdraw.

With this done they join in the assult. Moving up the hill.

The machineguns and some of the remaining troops up on the hill are brought forward to occupy additional foxholes.

The possition is almost ours. The enemy troops are withdrawing.
On my right more troops are moving forward.

1st tankplatoon slowely moves forward a nodge.

Only the mopping up left to do but now my men will need to move across the crest.

Some scattered russian survivor causes one more casualty...

A few handgrenades later and that threat is dealt with !

Enemy possition taken...

To avoid any further casualties due to some lone russian survivors a decide to risk moving 1st tankplatoon further forward. I fear that they might be targeted by enemy AT-guns on my left but i decide that i will have to risk it. A have quite alot of tanks and only one depleted infantry company.
I can't afford any more infantry casualties right now...Luckely for me my tanks are not being fired upon and the russians that have not been able to escape surrenders.

The few russians that had been able to withdraw flees down the road as my panzers advance.

They are mercilessly cut down by my infantry on top of the ridge.

as can be seen here...

The fight for Jamno have begun. My recon team assult the building with the enemy sniper and cleares that location.

3rd tank platoon will be sent forward to help the grenadiers in the fight for Jamno. First...Two of the platoons panzers are moved forward into the open ground to check that everything is clear. Ones again the reported enemy AT-gun possition on my far left or any other hidden AT-guns on the 
highground on that flank is a concern. The reported AT-gun possition over there got shelled by heavy mortars at the start of the mission but there might still be some survivors left. My hope is that the small rise in the terrain to the left of the tanks on the pictures will be enough to protect
them from any fire comming from the left.

As nothing happens when my first panzers move out the rest of the platoon speeds across the open ground into the next patch of trees. They will move trough these trees and then head for Jamno.

As my panzers are about to exit that patch of trees they come under fire from yet another AT-gun up on the ridge. My initial barrage seems to have done only limited damage. Ones again i'm lucky ! The enemy shot hits a tree infront of one of my tanks.

AT-gun over there...

2nd platoon on overwatch amongst the trees further to my left return fire...

And knocks the enemy gun out. My initial barrage might have been uneffective but i have also been lucky...Non of my tanks have been hit by the surviving AT-guns. Hopefully that possition is now silenced for good.

I had originaly intended for atleast one of my two platoons on the ridge (7) to advance across the field (8) to attack Rakow from that direction but after seeing a number of enemy soldiers from the ridge possition withdrawing towards the river i changed my mind.
I did not want to attack into the reverse slope possition that the river provides. A single russian armed with a SMG could make a mess down there and by the looks of it the enemy now have several survivors spread out along the river.

My new plan...Make a concentrated attack on Rakow from the direction of the bridge. My men on the hill (7) will pull back and advance forward along the road. This low-ground will hopefully protect me from enemy flanking fire.

First step of the new plan. 2nd tank platoon (5) will move forward along the road at top speed and set up a new overwatch possition as indicated (4). From here they will protect the flanks of the tanks from 4th platoon (3) as they also move forward along the road to set up an overwatch possition
by the bridge (6). Facing into Rakow.

With the armour in place my two infantry platoons will advance along the road towards the bridge (6) From here they will attack the village.

My two machinegun team on the ridge will remain in place in their foxholes for now.

On my right 3rd tank platoon (1) as well as the halftracks (2) will move forward to help the greandiers fighting in Jamno. Their ultimate goal will be to secure the bridge at AngrZ Rot and Friedrichshagen.

Panzers closing with Jamno. Area-firering on buildings they get LOF to.

2nd tankplatoon leaves the edge of the forrest and heads of to their new overwatch possition down by the river.

1st tankplatoon up on the ridge reverses back down towards the road.
The panzergrenadiers head of in the same direction.

i'm a bit lucky ones again. Enemy mortar rounds start falling all over the ridge as my men are pulling back. Although some close hits none of my men are hurt. The Machinegun teams left on the ridge are told to hide for now...

The halftracks moves past the tanks of 3rd platoon and heads into Jamno to meet up with the infantry. The tanks will follow behind them. More enemy troops are spotted inside the village. An ATR rifleman and what looks like a SMG squad.

My HMG team moves into a two story building infront of the spotted enemy possitions.

They choose to target the enemy ATR guy.


The russian SMG squad close by returns fire and kill one of my men.

A halftrack soon arrives and helps in the fight. targeting the enemy ATR gunner...

..and my armour open up on the russian SMG squad but they cant quiet get LOF to the enemy possition from where they are so one of my tanks moves in close and finish the russians off with a few well place HE rounds from point blank range.

The tanks from 2nd platoon crosses the road leading into Rakow at full speed. This part of the advance is exposed to any enemy possitions on my left...

And sure enough ! My tanks come under fire from a previously unidentified enemy possition behind Rakow. A 45mm At-gun opens fire on my tanks. No hits are scored.

The tanks from 4th platoon return fire.

The enemy gun is knocked out but unfortunatelly i also looses one of my tanks in the duell. The tank crew survives but some of the men are killed as a second round hits the tank.

Jamno secured !

2nd tank platoon in possition at their new overwatch location. They will protect the flank of the rest of my troops as they assemble by the bridge in preporation for the assult on that village.

4th tank platoon at their new overwatch possition by the bridge. They spot and engage some russian troops in the wood to their left.

With the overwatch in place the infantry moves out along the road.

1st tank platoon will follow behind the infantry.

Faust and Kerscher takes up the overwatch possition previously held by 4th platoon.

With Rakow secured the next task for my men on the right will be to cross the river. Some recon teams are sent forward towards the bridge and...

...the ford to the left of the bridge.

As my recon squad crosses the river they come under fire from the right. The squad is almost completally wiped out. Only one man survives the ambush.

The nasty russians. A small team by the bridge.

My closest panzer IV is sent down to the river to deal with the russian team. As can be seen the tankcrew shows no pitty for the fallen soldiers.

With the enemy team destroyed more troops are sent forward to secure the bridge.

More enemy troops are spotted on the far side of the river.

Ones again my supporting panzers are sent forward to deal with any identidied enemy possition.

In the center my infantry have arrived by the bridge.

4th tank platoon areafires on suspected enemy possition in Rakow.

As my infantry advances on the bridge they are fired upon by a surviving russian hiding in the woods on the other side of the road. One more casualty for the germans but the russian soldier pays the price for his evil deed.

On my right my leading panzer IV crosses the bridge.

As 3rd tank platoon moves across the river they spot some enemy trucks on the other side of the river. These vehicles are easy targets for my panzers.

My infantry advances forward to clear the buildings on the far side of the river and secure objective Friedrichshagen.

In front of Rakow my infantry advances across the river. 2nd platoon on the right and...

1st platoon on the left.

My tanks targets spotted enemy possitions.

4th tank platoon advances across the river and possitions themself to advance through the middle of Rakow. 1st Tank platoon are not far behind. They will cover the right side of the village.

On my right the sniper team are sent out on yet another scouting asignment. They will move left along the river and possition them self on a small knoll that hopefully will provide good LOS in several directions.

As they reach the knoll they come under machinegun fire from the treeline up ahead. My sniper gets killed and the assistant pulls him out of line of fire but its to late. The war ends right here for my brave sniper.

With 1st and 4th tank platoons safetelly inside Rakow its time for 2nd tank platoon to cross the river. They will use the ford previously scouted by my recon team. They start to reverse into Jamno.

Ones across the river they will follow in the path of the sniper team and set up a new overwatch possition on the small knoll.

With Friedrichshaven secured the grenadiers from 3rd platoon will also follow the same path. The panzers from 3rd platoon along with the grenadiers halftracks and machineguns will be tasked with defending Jamno and the bridge.

With 1st tank platoon in possition the assult on Rakow will comence.

Along the road and on the left the infantry will lead the way. As the troops move out the supporting tanks fires their main guns on a building up ahead with enemy troops confirmed inside.

On the right the tanks will lead the way. As the first tank reaches the crest an enemy mortar team are spotted further to the right.

On the left the panzers follow closely behind the infantry.

More tanks move up across the crest on the right and fires HE round into all the buildings they get LOF to. The infantry readies themself to advance into the village.

On my right the infantry leaves Jamno and heads of in the direction of my sniper team.

The armour takes up defensive possitions.

2nd tankplatoon have crossed the river and heads for their new overwatch possition.

Infantry and armour on the right in Rakow takes long range machinegun-fire from across the river. The enemy possition that killed my sniperteam have revealed their loaction.

1st tank platoon fires alot of HE rounds into the enemy possition across the river. This will hopefully be enough to kill the enemy HMGs or atleast force them to withdraw.
After shelling the enemy machineguns across the river 1st platoons goes after the russian mortar team spotted previously.

A number of enemy mortar teams are neutralized.

In the village the going is slow and bloody. My infantry are having a hard time with the russian SMG equiped troops. The close terrain makes it hard to get line of fire to be able to suppress the enemy possitions. After taking some infantry casualties i decide to be more agressive with my armour.

The russian troops might have SMGs in abundance but they are very short on hand held AT weapons and this will hopefully mean that my armour will have a good chans to survive close in fighting.

My infantry struggles forward and enemy possitions are forced to retreat one after the other.

My armour does its best to support the infantry and use alot of ammunition to try and suppress the enemy.

But despite some close support from the tanks my troops still takes additional casualties advancing through the village.

The fighting is very close and personal.

On my right 2nd platoon have reached their new overwatch possition.

3rd platoon moves forward along the river.

Some halftracks are brought forward across the river to help defend objective Friedrichshaven against any russian counter attacks.

Situation in Rakow. The village is pretty much secured.

Two of the three panzers that where sent to deal with the russian mortar possition continues forward to the riverbank.

Unfortunatelly the third panzer that took part in knocking that possition out got immobolized.

On my right the infantry moves past the panzers from 2nd platoon.

With Rakow secured the halftracks are brought forward into the village in preparation for the next advance towards the bridge at objective Vannsee.

My two 81mm mortars also prepare to move forward. Mounting up in their halftracks.

On the other side of the river the grenadiers from 3rd platoon advances up the ridge towards the location of the enemy HMG possition.

Under the watchful supervision of 2nd tank platoon.

The last two panzers from 1st tank platoon moves out from Rakow and joins their colleges at the riverbank. Their future task will be to advance forward on this side of the river while 2nd tankplatoon does the same on the far side.

The first mortar team reaches its new destination.

And will set up possition here...On a small hill just behind the river.

The second mortar team moves into Rakow...

...and will set up in the same location as the knocked out russian mortar teams.

The men from 3rd platoon reaches the enemy HMG possition and finds it empty.A short distance into the forrest they stumble onto some surviving russians that withdraws further into the forrest.

Faust and Kerscher advances to an overwatch possition previously held by 2nd tank platoon on the short side of the river. From here they will protect the flank of 2nd platoon if the russians decide to move some tanks forward on the high ground on the other side of the river.

The platoonleader of the heavy weapons platoon is brought forward into Jamno.

Two panzer IVs from second platoon moves forward along the river.

The halftracks starts to arrive at Rakow and the infantry will mount up. Next objective - the bridge at Vannsee.

My forward observer joins the mortar team in the overrun russian possition.

In Rakow the infantry have mounted up in their halftracks and everything is ready for the final push towards objective Vannsee.

The column moves out. First the recon halftrack and a short distance behind comes the armour from 4th platoon.

They advance over the crest and looks around for any sign of russian troops. Everything looks clear...

Across the river 3rd platoon have made good progress through the forrest and have good LOS of the terrain ahead of them.

The recon halftrack on that side is brought up behind the infantry. The two panzers in the background will soon follow and set up a new overwatch possition amongst the trees.

With my infantry closing in on objective Vannsee i order my FO team to call in a barrage on that location. This will hopefully reduce the fighting spirit of any russian troops defending the bridge over there. Hopefully the shells will start falling as my men prepares themself for the assult.

With everything looking clear along the road my recon halftrack moves out again. The panzers are prepared to fire on anything that moves up ahead.

1st tank platoon moves forward a bit. The recon halftrack can be seen on the other side of the river.

The two panzer IVs from 2nd platoon also advances...

...to their new overwatch/ambush possition.

1st platoons turn ones again. The panzers bounds forward a short distance.
Along the road through the forrest the rest of the column ones agin close with the recon halftrack...

...and the whole colum moves forward to the crossroad. Here the infantry dismounts and the panzers possitions themself to be able to engage the russians comming from any direction.

von Schroif himself takes charge of the defence of Rakow. 1 panzer IV, 2 machineguns, one infantry squad and some halftracks are left behind to defend the village from any russian counterattacks.

The defenders of Jamno

Faust and Kerscher in possition too defend the flank of 2nd tank platoon.

1st platoon in possition by the river.

The forward elements of 2nd tank platoon.

The rest of 2nd tank platoon.


My artillery barrage is hitting the area around objective Vannsee and my infantry are closing on the objective. 

Everything is ready for the final attack !

The bridge and surrounding areas are left undefended and my infantry secures the final objective without a fight. My troops will have no time to celebrate though. Enemy reinforcements are arriving along the road. Looks like a platoon of SU76s are leading the way.

The enemy tank destroyers quickly spots my armour and opens fire.

One of my forward tanks from 2nd platoon takes a hit...

..and the crew bails out.
The remaining panzers from 2nd platoon deployed further back returns fire...

..and one of the russian vehichles gets knocked out.

One of my few panzerfaust equiped squads are quickly moved  back to try and ambush any russian armour that moves forward along the road.

Unfortunatelly they are spotted by the enemy and the result is not pretty !

Right now only 2nd platoon have LOS to the enemy armour. Two of my panzers up by the crossroad are ordered to move forward to try and get LOF on the enemy tankdestroyers through the woods.

In addition two of 1st platoons panzers are also moved forward.

The one remaining panzer from 2nd platoons up front possition fires on the advancing enemy but fails to score a hit.

The tanks further back from the same platoon shows signs of excellent marksmanship. These guys almost single handedly halts the enemy advance...

As the lead enemy vehichle tries to cross a small bridge my marksmen from second platoon scores a direct hit.

The bridge soon becomes a deathtrap for the russians. Three enemy SU76s are destroyed right there by 2nd platoon.

The tanks from 4th platoon makes it through the trees and gets LOF to the last enemy gun.

The enemy gun ends in a ball of fire. The russian reinforcements have been stopped cold.


My final possitions...







Thanks for the scenario. I hope you enjoyed the AAR...

Cheers / RepsolCBR




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Lol, yup, that is the longest by far! I can only look at the pictures because I just started testing this (weeks after George sent it to me...sorry George!)

I think there are some nice pictures in there...B)

Kind of showcasing the graphical quality of CM...

When this amount of work have gone into the maps it really looks very, very good !


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