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AAR Video- The Best Bridge in Holland

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Thought I'd dip my toe in here with an after action video. Its a medium sized, quick battle meeting engagement, I'm playing as the Germans and my opponent is playing as the American army. This is just the intro and the first few turns, more to follow as soon as I get time to edit it all together...

(I'm liking the shiny new forum- embedding youtube is much easier)

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Wonderful. Very well produced video. Really like the graphics and film clips in the intro. You've surely got a talent for making this stuff.

My only - rather personal - gripe are the unit symbol mods you are using. I know they are authentic unit symbols and so on - but personally I've never learned which are which - and so I have very little idea what is going on when looking at the map from a high view point. In my opinion it would be better to use the default BFC symbols in videos like this.

But apart from that - small - complaint: Great video, looking forward to the next ones.




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Thanks very much for the comments guys!

Umlaut I think you've got a point actually- the default icons are pretty much self-explanatory. Obviously there's some personal preference involved like you say, but putting them back on is a damn good shout. Its already all recorded so I can't change it for this game, but its something to think about for the future, thanks.

Heinrich505- glad you're liking it man. I'd love to have the camera down there all the time, but its not a PBEM game so I don't get the replay and I don't want to miss what's going on in the bigger picture. Its a bit of a compromise, but it sounds like I'm on the right track.

Part Two is up!


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  Lots of action for Part 2.  Plenty of armor brewing up. 

  What the heck punched out your Panther in the middle with those rear shots?  Bazookas?  Didn't see any armor ?s.

  Not sure what your time constraints are but I'd have been a bit more cautious and flushed infantry through the woods before letting the Panther make that rush.  I thought he was actually going to pull that off when he made it to cover from the two Shermans behind the buildings, but apparently the Hellcat had a line on him.  That hurt.

  Enjoying the action.  You've got a good balance on camera angles for coverage of the battle. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers everyone!

Heinrich505, I would have been more cautious with the panthers on the left too, but I was gambling on punching through to take the pressure off my infantry and managed to convince myself this was a good idea. Then the infantry first- armour second rule reared its ugly, entirely sensible head once again... realistically I had loads of time and should have been more patient, but it sort of pays off in the long run (it also scared the crap out of Chris, my opponent, which was almost worth it on its own).

Speaking of which, the next thrilling installment:


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Great work Hapless. I am intrigued at exactly how you went about filming/capturing the action given this is not a PBEM.  I just picked up that the battle is not RT but still turn based but with no replay, is that correct? I think you have done an amazing job with the camera shots and editing given you had no replays.



Edited by Lt Bull
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Hi Hapless,

Great fast AAR, liked your commentary - well paced.  Despite the restrictions caused by it being a LAN game I thought your choices of camera shots was very good.  Infantry first, armour second indeed.

If it had been a PBeM game would your decisions on rushing your armour down the left have been different?  I assumed from your comments that the quick turn around of turns means you make more snap decisions; rather than more deeply planning your moves.  Would this be correct.

Most enjoyable.

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Thank you all very much, I'm glad everyone's enjoying it!

Lt Bull: Yeah, you're right the turn based LAN style is exactly the same as normal, there just aren't any replays.

Rocketman: I appreciate I move the camera around a lot, it bugs me as well because I'm basically trying to do too much at once and I've only got the one chance. This is only I think the third or fourth time I've tried to film it like this though, so hopefully I'm going to refine it as time goes on and it'll get less jumpy. PBEM is much, much easier but takes a lot longer to edit.

ZInzan: Whether I would have done things differently if it was a PBEM game is a good one. Probably, and yeah I would probably have taken my time more and the original plan to force the left hand ford could have had more than a couple of minutes thought and hasty planning. That said, I enjoy the realism aspect of the game- flying by the seat of my pants and making snap decisions is a nice break from the clinical take-your-time side to PBEM. Besides, if I don't make mistakes I'll never learn.

Speaking of mistakes, I'm see-sawing on churning out a quick "What did we learn" type video to tag on the end, because I know there are some mistakes I could have avoided (and there might even be some things in there that I did right). What do you guys think? Is that the sort of thing you'd like to see?

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