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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Because Bradley


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"If there's a real problem, blame the customer."

Nah, that wouldn't get us very far in life. Certainly not 16 years in this business. But sometimes the customer is part of the problem. Or at least their system is. Fortunately this represents a tiny percentage of reported problems. Whatever PBEM glitch you experienced, and now apparently aren't experiencing, seems to fit into that category.

Anyway, this is a bulletin board and not Twitter. Please adjust your communications to conform to the medium being used. Specifically, not posting one line sentences every few minutes.


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Jammer pls as a personal favor can ya stop with steve? theyve always been good to me and he really hasnt been in the mood lately.

Anyways the last turn i did last night went poorer for me. He continued on his ID.d axis of advance which is an unpaved/paved road running into my right flank downhill with scattered trees and buildings on either side. at the T junction at the end of the road I had an AT team and a Khriz a few hundred meters in ambush behind hedges a few hundred meters to their front. besides other unnamed assets this is crucial to red for play - they both could see the same terrain but both could see a little the other couldnt, and also one would be able to strike at tanks that raced to close to the Khriz' minimum range.

Best laid plans and all that.. his bradley starts advancing from several hundred meters up the road from the constantly shelled, exploding vehicle charnel house that is the US lines (my lines are basically like a scene fron The Sound of Music) anyways said bradley with its thermals presumabley sees this AT team and starts pumping autocannon rounds. The gunner becomes a casualty but the weapons fine as is the rest of the crew. Then the Khriz opens up. Unfortunately though the salvoed missiles flew true they must have JUST missed the bottom hull of said brad and exploded on the ground.

The brad immediately becomes immobilized but also immediately pumps my fragile khriz full of DU and it explodes in short order. Smoke from the missile blast and other stuff then obscures the Brad which my AT team is gonna plaster when next spotted.

Meanwhile Jammers advance is very rapier like, unfortunately that leaves half of my map empty and it clear that he has no forces to advance. That and my baiting tactic of getting him to advance by having teams or one or two squads then space then more behind them all the way to my rear (which ia waters edge) has caused a long thin advance to occur in my right flank. Unfortunately for Jammer this advance is being shelled by 6 120mm mortars and both 155s still, and all the forces not on path of the attack are being rushed to hit along different points of his flank. ( or are they? is this misdirection? ;) )

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I'll stop as a favor to you, Sublime. They've never been "good" to me, and I've never cared about his mood. He's in our thread about our game, rather than where he should be about his issue.


Now someone get over to second platoon and fix their radios.

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thank you Jammer. Well they have been good to me and Ive been here since 99. And without many beta testers help I wouldnt own BS, the battle pack or MG module or RT. I appreciate it dude. back to our AAR. whose gonne do screenies to stop ppl fron whining? ;)

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Notes to self:


Bring anti-air.

Bring scouts.

Bring backup UAVs.

Forget the snipers.

Forget the breach teams.

Fire stops coming from the building when it collapses.

No, I'm not going to rescue you.

Sublime likes armor, but he likes infantry more. A lot more.

Don't ignore spotting rounds. Really.

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Jammer pulled essentially a thunder run on the previous mentioned road. attacking his long flank my T90 with two kill rings for abrams pulled up taking aim at a brad, got a laser warning slewed towards it. exploded.

Meanwhile an Abrams using the famous Sun Tzu map edge tactic rolled through brush and began shelling a building an At13 was in looking at a Bradley 5 meters inside minimum range. My second Khriz ( note to players this is why i always advise against moving khriz to attack in view of enemy ) approached the AT team that had lost it.s gunner. It salvoed at some bradleys but started getting hit with 25mm. Even as DU rounds slammed into the gunners body he guided the missiles and barely missed by inches the bradleys moving at quick or fast. From the center of my lines a rough dirt path leads to the paved road in a meandering fashion that joins it near the building with the AT13 team that was dumbly staring at the Brad 5m inside minimum range that sat there for a turn. I rolled my tunguska out figuring the US airpower expended and realizing that disaster, or at least major victory as opposed to total was being stolen from my worthy paws. The tunguska sprayed the Bradley and got a burst of non penetrating hits on it. Unfortunately the bradley crew spotted it same time so instead of the usual stunned non reaction to a pounding from tunguska 25mm rounds went one way, 30mm the other. My rounds scoured, not penetrated. His penetrated amd the tunguska was killed.

As Jammer went from a slow and steady pace to balls to thebwall thunder run i rushed mortar hqs to the trucks to pass out RPG26s. A lot of good men in battery HQs and company Hqs were lost rushing to the sound of gunfire, though one HQ unit though having half the unit literally dismembered in front of them got two RPG penetrayions on a brad causing it to burn. However now the enemy was near the waters edge. My extreme rear. One perhaps two abrams left and same with Bradleys. All the talk of reserves I beleive is nonsense.

Some homemade (rpg truck acquired teams) had already made it to the woods on the other side of the road from where the HQ got its kill - my extreme right flank map edge. unfortunately US thermala meant that even deep in heavy woods they were instantly targetted by afvs and mowed down, in conjunction with jammers first appearance of arty which must be 155 and came slamming down very heavily in a small area. Roughly 10-15 KIA from that little party.

Meanwhile further up the road on

my flank attacks along the rapier like thunder run into my lines an At13 setup and knocked out yet another Bradley. Of course he was in deep woods and therefore the men were gunned down in short order.

Ill still trade At13/14s for Brads and Abrams all day.

Still the battle is far from over. Though my armor component is gone his only cleared a very thin portion ofbthe map along the paved road. along where his start line was an infantry platoon of mine retakes the lost ground gunning down stunned broken imperialist dogs in shellholes as they advance. Meanwhile the remaining 3/4s of the map are literally littered with At14s and At13s. Some are moving to form a new front along Jammers flank and start shooting armor whilst others wait for him to continue the thunder run and run into LOS.

The logic is simple and borne out by my platoon near his start lines experience. Jammers spear is all point no shaft, just like me in real life. Therefore units that are directly in the path of what will become a 90 degree turn to try and wipe out my on map 120s will sit and units neae that as well. Units that more or less were bypassed have been ordered to reposition (a few minutes ago actually) and are halfway to their new positions or actively deploying their weapons. It should be very interesting today.

Edited by Sublime
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" ... spear is all point no shaft, just like me in real life"


I'm sure I misunderstood what you meant by that, or you have a very self deprecating sense of humour  :)


I am curious about this battle, but really, it's near impossible to tell what's going on.

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" ... spear is all point no shaft, just like me in real life"


I'm sure I misunderstood what you meant by that, or you have a very self deprecating sense of humour  :)


I am curious about this battle, but really, it's near impossible to tell what's going on.

Things are going boom, pixel truppen are running around and dying. Forum members are being led down a path thinking they will get screenshots. We are suckers for screenshots.

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ill prolly have tk take em wat shud i use fraps? and shud i just wait till end of battle and take screens of certain turns or what? Jammer will you please do it cuz i got my son all weekend itll be hard enough to get turns back let alone screens

Hattori no it was a joke

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i asked jammer to do it and edit the pics so i cant see his forces but email me the screenies so i can draw arrows etc

otherwise it may hafta wait till end of game.tbe game runs fine but i get 8-10 min load times per turn so itd be a huge chore to take screens. Ill do it I get it you guys want them Im just hoping Jammers amenable

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I'll have to figure out how to take screen shots.


Then I'll have to figure out which ones to post that won't give away intelligence.


Then I'll post the wrong ones.


I may wait until after the game, and take a series, because intelligence won't matter then.

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