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Allies - CMBN Buying The Farm - Crowd-sourced DAR

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This is the thread for my half of the experiment with @Method Gamer. The plan is to have me on the attack against him defending in the scenario Buying the Farm.  The goal is for this to be a good introduction for new players to how to play the game. Clearly my goal will be to execute a well thought out attack and use good tactics but the main purpose is to illuminate "the how" of playing the game.  We want to show how to use the game commands to guide your troops to bring your tactical decisions to life.

I know @Method Gamer in real life and we have worked together in the past but keep in touch now.  We live about a 10 minute drive away from each other.  Between himself and @Dungeon Tiger they introduced me to the CM series.  One day outside @Dungeon Tiger's office I heard them talking about a new version of one of their favorite games that had just been announced.  I'm not a big gammer (I only play CM games and the odd game with my kids but that is it) but I love hearing their stories.  But when I head about Combat Mission I could not believe it. They were describing the game I always wanted to play (I gave up miniature war games long ago due to lack of players and rules that got in the way and never did much for the fog of war).  So we bought the CM1x games CMAK and CMBB and the three of us played them the whole time we waited for CMBN to arrive.  Once CMBN arrived we never looked back.  Except I lost them, a couple of times.  They both gave up and stopped playing and started again.  I think this is due to the steep learning curve with the CM games.  I also think that the changes away from borg spotting were another large issue that @Method Gamer and @Dungeon Tiger had trouble figuring out how to play.  @Method Gamer plays a lot of Eve Online (I totally love to hear stories from that game) where he has been part of the corporation that teaches newcomers to the game how to play.  So, he has put a lot of thought into how to help people to learn to play.  In fact we have been discussing a couple of projects to help people learn.  This is just the first one that we are executing on.  To test the waters so to speak.

Over the last few weeks with the three of us playing against each other they hit problems and I shared solutions which is when @Method Gamer came up with first the idea that we should play an open game - like when you teach a new player poker by playing with everyone's hands exposed.  That quickly evolved into this concept.  Why play an open game between two of us and talk amongst our selves when we could do it with all of you?   More is better right.

So, here is the plan for this thread.  Both @Method Gamer and I will be posting and commenting in here (and his thread too).  This will be the place I post the AAR portions from my side of the battle but I want  you guys to join in with you tips and comments.  By all means talk tactics but more importantly talk execution share your tips on how to make the tactics happen.  Read both threads spill the beans - cause we are going to be reading both sides anyway.  Hopefully this will be a little different and helpful for future players.

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What difficulty level will you be using for this? I know that it's not an issue for from the standpoint of fog of war as you both will share info, but it might impact lessons learned based on the levels that affect artillery delivery times, etc. I'm not advocating anything specific, just raising it as a consideration.

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I believe it is set to Elite - that was my intention.  I, personalty, do not think that there is really much point learning on anything but Warrior or Elite.  Iron adds a bit of additional work that you can save for once you have learned how to handle troops and the UI.  Many people like what Iron adds so it is definitely worth trying out. I just recommend doing it a little later.  Anything with the lower artillery call times changes the game a bit and some of the things you learn will have to be unlearned.  I prefer Elite over Warrior because it has better fog of war.

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Initial situation
My orders are simple – capture the farm. To accomplish that task, I have a company of infantry supported by a platoon of four Stuart light tanks and a platoon of Engineers. Also available is some 81mm mortars. The Stuarts do not have smoke rounds and neither do the organic 60mm mortars. So if I need smoke it will have to come from the 81mm mortars or the infantry them selves.


There are three main avenues of approach:

A1: Go from field to field across the northern field

A2: Go down the central road

A3: Go through the Southern forest and then cross the open area to the farm.


Figure 1 The map

A3: Go through the Southern forest and then cross the open area to the farm.

For the first part of the trip to the farm there is good cover in the wood thicket and some low bocage to use as cover at the forest edge. The open space is not a wide open field. There are plenty of dips and rises and bushes scattered around.

Figure 2 View into the Southern woods – A3

A2: Go down the central road

This is the most obvious route. There are numerous ambush locations along the road plus the narrow space makes it difficult to bring more fire power to bear when you run into trouble. On the other hand you can move along the road without being seen at the farm and there is cover for your men too.


Figure 3 View down the central road A2

A1: Go from field to field across the northern fields
In my opinion this is the worst route because there is two back to back open spaces to cross. I am not sure it has any advantages.


Figure 4 View across the Northern Field A1


The road is my favourite route but only if there is support from the flanks. What I mean by that is if there are units along the other two routes that can prevent ambushes from outside the road area then the units on the road itself can handle any ambushes that are in front of them. By having units on the outside of the road over watching the bocage that lines the road many possible ambush sites can be made useless.


Personally I do not like to take just one route on the attack. I would rather put units down two paths that support each other and have reinforcements that can move up to press the advance that is succeeding.


My draft plan:

  • Send 1 platoon with a mortar team and two tanks along A3 into the woods.
  • Send 2 platoon with a mortar team and two tanks along A2 down the road.
  • A MG team or two will go across the road to setup to cover the open field at A1. This will prevent or a least warn of any flanking counter attacks
  • The engineers and 3 platoon will be held back except for a squad that will make sure the trees along the bocage at the beginning of A1 are actually clear so the MG team can setup safely along the bocage.
  • I will also call for 10 minute delayed linear barrage along the defenders side of the bocage between the bocage and the barns next to the road.







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I actually played this scenario about 2 weeks ago. Played also as Allies and got my ass kicked about 3 times:) I was changing tactics and always acted like I was playing the first time. Finally i took only one route (one from your list but not telling wich one) and it turned out really good. Achived total victory. I know that AI has several plans for this map so it has nice replayability. I'am very curious how this turns out for you:)

Edited by Jane's
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I believe it is set to Elite - that was my intention.  I, personalty, do not think that there is really much point learning on anything but Warrior or Elite.  Iron adds a bit of additional work that you can save for once you have learned how to handle troops and the UI.  Many people like what Iron adds so it is definitely worth trying out. I just recommend doing it a little later.  Anything with the lower artillery call times changes the game a bit and some of the things you learn will have to be unlearned.  I prefer Elite over Warrior because it has better fog of war.

Thanks, Ian, I usually select Warrior but I'll give Elite a try. :)

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Your attack plan sounds solid, it's probably what I would do. If there is resistance covering the road it will be at the bend next to the wheat field. Can't remember if the defender has fortifications but if they do the road will likely be blocked/mined. Worth checking though. 

How much dead ground is in A3? I know you said it has dips but are there any unobservable paths for your infantry? If that water is lower than the rest of the ground you might be able to flank close to the little crop field.

If I were you I would do a hasty recon on both paths, and if one is blocked/too heavily defended divert resources to the other. Flank baby flank

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This thread is a great idea. Long ago, in the misty past wherein dwelled the first officially sanctioned CM tournament, the fabled CMBO Invitational Tourney, I got handed my head by Fionn. While I was completely outclassed when it came to force selection and optimization, I really did myself in when it came to effective deployment and troop handling. Specifically, my recon screen was laughable in its tininess, and he bled me white because of it. Okay. Annihilated me. Here's what I'd do.


A1 is not only frightfully exposed from the front, but it looks like you have to go through a hedgerow (or is it a hedge?) and are vulnerable to enfilade fire coming from several places, with a particularly scary field of fire from the far side of the road via a keyhole. Pass.


A2 is a deathtrap. Before the bend. I can say from bitter experience that even a couple of guys with MPs and grenades, working from their side of the bocage, can chop a platoon to bits near instantly. I had exactly this happen to me once just when I thought I was winning in a certain scenario. Pass again.


A3 is the only route which makes any military sense to me. It offers cover, concealment and limits the amount of fire the defenders can bring to bear. Further, it offers plenty of room for a recon screen, as well as the potential to attack from behind near side defenders deployed to gut an American force coming up the road. As you close on the farm proper, the outbuilding offers some protection, and the hedgerow offers great cover from which to hammer the defenders at practically spitting distance. A3. Definitely A3!


I shall be most interested to see how this shakes out.




John Kettler

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I recall now that I played this one a ways back and did send guys out on all 3 routes but most were assigned to A3. 

1 squad and a tank on A1, a couple squads and a tank on A2. A full platoon on A3 and the rest of the tanks.

I used the engineers to blow a few new passages through the hedgerows along the sides of A2.

Definitely my reserve platoon waited to come up on A3.

I remember being successful. Against the AI of course....


2 cents please!


EDIT: Having guys out there on my left flank at the start line to going on A1 gave me LOS to potential targets. They didn't step off the line of departure til late in the show. The same with A2 IIRC, not so much as a LOS issue but I wanted to have them ready to haul butt up the A2 road if things fell apart for the enemy defense.

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A2 is a deathtrap. Before the bend. I can say from bitter experience that even a couple of guys with MPs and grenades, working from their side of the bocage, can chop a platoon to bits near instantly. I had exactly this happen to me once just when I thought I was winning in a certain scenario. Pass again.


A3 is the only route which makes any military sense to me. It offers cover, concealment and limits the amount of fire the defenders can bring to bear. Further, it offers plenty of room for a recon screen, as well as the potential to attack from behind near side defenders deployed to gut an American force coming up the road. As you close on the farm proper, the outbuilding offers some protection, and the hedgerow offers great cover from which to hammer the defenders at practically spitting distance. A3. Definitely A3!


Thanks for the thoughts.


I rather like A2 - but only if I can be at least partial assured the enemy is not on the other side of the bocage along the road.  Which is to say I don't want to just attack along A2 - A2 needs support from both A1 and A3.  Once past the major bend the units on the road can use the bend to protect their own left flank but they need help from the guys on A3 to keep their right flank clear.  At any rate if A2 proves messy I'll just switch to A3 and visa versa.  Switching might take making additional gaps but the engineers can do that.

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You're welcome. What are your typical attack frontages, and how does my basic idea fit or not fit them? As you can see here, the maximum attack frontage listed for a company is 800 meters, but the frontage might be as little as 100. You need high force density at the point of contact, and my plan delivers a smashing blow, pretty much a right hook to the jaw, on the Farmhouse. Certainly, you can demonstrate (watch out for cops with pepper spray, though) elsewhere, but those are but distractions from the irresistible blow to come. Judging from what kohlenklau said, you've got some armor, which may-will change what's doable, starting with the distinct possibility you may not be able to operate in the woods. Can't say, since I don't know what type it is.  Armor trails infantry, preferably 100 meters back, for you are in prime armor ambush ground. Infantry finds and fixes the enemy, after which you pulverize whomever or whatever was found. Spend firepower, not men.




John Kettler




If only my ability to do this stuff came anywhere near my ability to plan it! 

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Took a look (that phrase seems real weird all the sudden :P) at the map. I think if you advance using A3 you'll have to do so while barraging him with mortars. There's no hard cover, just defilade, and if he can get any shots off at you while you're advancing he could cause heavy casualties. Smoke might be necessary too, depending on the wind.

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