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CMPzC Operation "Bloody Christmas" (Ortona '43)

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***IMPORTANT for all PBEM commanders


When the Shermans arrive, all of them are under Stonecutter's command


D Coy is commanded by Snake_Eye, so when they arrive we are going to have a....3 WAY battle!  So Kuderian will make his moves first, then Stonecutter, and finally Snake_eye when his forces arrive. So Snake_eye, being last in the order, will press the red button to end the plotting turn


**Everyone please acknowledge this post so that I know you are on board


I also encourage continued PM/email discussion of tactics and shared resources, etc, while you are plotting your moves


The battle goes for 1 hr 40 mins, plus change, before the next operational phase, so make the best of it guys!

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@ChappyCanuck: Ack on the multi-player sequence.


Kuderian and Snake_eye: For the multi-player game I would recommend the following:


a) Kuderian - just keep doing what you are doing as we have a good system worked out.


b] Snake_eye: Not sure if you have done multi-player with saves before so at the risk of repeating something you already know, here is how it works. I'll pass a turn to you with an "x" on the end so it will look like, "San Leonardo Slugfest 021x" and will save it to the Allied Saves folder. When you hit the red button to save, you will see "San Leonardo Slugfest 021x 001" in the window. Simply back up and delete the "x 001" part so that the file is named "San Leonardo Slugfest 021" and then post it to the dropbox main San Leonardo Slugfest folder.   

Edited by Stonecutter
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@ChappyCanuck: Ack on the multi-player sequence.


Kuderian and Snake_eye: For the multi-player game I would recommend the following:


a) Kuderian - just keep doing what you are doing as we have a good system worked out.


b] Snake_eye: Not sure if you have done multi-player with saves before so at the risk of repeating something you already know, here is how it works. I'll pass a turn to you with an "x" on the end so it will look like, "San Leonardo Slugfest 021x" and will save it to the Allied Saves folder. When you hit the red button to save, you will see "San Leonardo Slugfest 021x 001" in the window. Simply back up and delete the "x 001" part so that the file is named "San Leonardo Slugfest 021" and then post it to the dropbox main San Leonardo Slugfest folder.   


Thanks for that Frank.  NOTE:  Snake_eye will only start to participate once his forces arrive

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"Crash harbour, crash harbour. Get those bloody vehicles out of here!" Larouche screamed as he spurred the drivers on to get the vehicles away and perhaps salvage something. In addition, he knew having a carrier loaded with ammunition getting brewed up in his vicinity was a recipe for disaster as the ensuring explosion and shrapnel would cause far more damage than a few artillery or tank rounds. 


"Keep working, dammit, bring that gun to bear!" Larouche watched as the gun crew moved frantically to swing their barrel around. They still had over 90 degrees to go when a sinking feeling stuck in the bottom of his throat as he watched the panzer roll up the hill toward them. Too late, he thought, with a little more time they could have done it but it is too late, there isn't time. Again, everything moved in slow motion as the panzer raised its barrel and took aim at the gun crew from a range of less than 200 metres. The flash, blast and ensuing burst were all in shocking clarity but the crew was still there, now only a few degrees away. Miraculously, the 75mm HE round had plowed in and exploded in the muddy soil, covering everyone in sloppy mud but leaving the six pounder and its crew unscathed. A carrier chose that moment to race in front of the panzer, drawing the gunner's attention away as he sought an easy kill. The 75mm barrel tracked the carrier like a cat playing with a mouse and fired, sending a round through both sides of the carrier and causing a cook off in the rounds stored inside.


Again, the ripsaw of the coax and hull machine guns filled the air, cutting down an assaulting group of recce scouts and sending sparks off the ATG's gun shield. The turret again began to traverse toward the six pounder and its crew, the panzer crew now realizing their folly. The bold recce crew had bought some time with their lives and Larouche hoped it wasn't in vain. It was a deadly race and Larouche cheered as the crack of the six pounder came first, sending its metal  penetrator tearing into the panzer and hitting the ammunition inside. Secondary explosions and fire erupted from the panzer as its surviving crew jumped out, only to be greeted by bursts of .45 caliber slugs from the mortar section leader as he and his men mercilessly cut them down. 




At Larouche's urgings, the six pounder crew frantically spin their gun. In the back, the enemy has already fired as revealed by the start of the muzzle flash.




Larouche's prayers for a miracle happen as the round strikes the ground, sending dirt and mud flying everywhere.




The recce scouts buy time with their lives while the gun crew takes aim despite suppressing fire. To the right edge, the carrier catches fire after being hit.




Just a few precious seconds spell the difference between life and death as the crew wins the race - this time!




The steel round rips into the turret, setting off the ammunition and fuel inside.




The mortar team leader and his men cut down the crew while the panzer burns.

Edited by Stonecutter
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Fabulous! Thanks for the great AAR coverage Frank.

This is all unscripted human vs human action. I really appreciate how tense things got here in the thread but those guys on the Moro really did manhandle those guns and held on by their fingernails as the Germans attacked.


Indeed they did.  in 1943, it was a bloody affair crossing the Moro and holding on until a bridge was constructed. Panzers and panzergrenadiers assaulted the Canadians and it was very tense, but the Canadians held, and once the bridge was created the tanks rolled on with the infantry and San Leonardo was taken. Hmmmm sounds familiar so far!

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Watching the last turn, I was certain the ATG was finished when the panzer brought the main gun to bear and then started MG'ing them. It was tense waiting for the crew to stop cowering and finally take aim and shoot. Well worth the wait at the end though!!  


I had the camera locked on the ATG crew the entire turn...tense!  And when that tank was hit I let out a cheer!  I think I need a life lol

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This is really great stuff.  Very nicely presented.  The tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


Glad to see that Dolan is still in the thick of it.  He must have had murder in his eyes when he "convinced" the gun crew to get with it.


Y'all are doing a really fine job. 




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            EN:  The Germans have counter-attacked B Coy, RCR at the bridge site with a platoon of MkIVs and approx one platoon of panzergrenadiers. Their attack has stalled for the moment. They have also set up a blocking position in front of A Coy with several more tanks and infantry.


            FR:   Fraser Bridge has been completed. B Coy, at the bridge site, has taken the brunt of the counter-attack but has held on, but with high casualties, including the OC B and the FOO. A Coy is progressing slowly towards San Leonardo but are faced with enemy armour to their front.  D Coy and Three Rivers Tanks will soon arrive and cross Fraser Bridge.


MISSION:   RCR Battlegroup will capture San Leonardo ASAP while destroying elements of the German counter attack in full.




        A Coy (Kuderian) - left forward - maintain your relative current position until those enemy tanks to your front are dealt with or they withdraw; advance when you can


        B Coy (Stonecutter) - right forward bridge site - consolidate near bridge site and guard it until further orders; you will revert to BGp reserve once San Leonardo is captured.


        C Coy (IanL) - BGp reserve, left rear - C Coy will be held back and used only if things go very badly


        D Coy (snake_eye) - right rear - when D Coy arrives, cross Fraser Bridge and pass through B Coy; at this time you will be right forward in the advance on San Leonardo


        4 PLDG (Kuderian) - maintain flank security for A and D Coys on the advance; exploit withdrawing enemy infantry when you can


        Three Rivers Tanks (Stonecutter) - when the tanks arrive, cross Fraser Bridge and pass through B Coy; exploit as you see fit towards San Leonardo, providing support for the infantry companies


Support:   The engineers are busy with the bridge for now.  Artillery resources remain the same. Currently only A Coy has a FOO, but a FOO will be attached to D Coy


Pro Patria!!!!

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***IMPORTANT for all PBEM commanders


When the Shermans arrive, all of them are under Stonecutter's command


D Coy is commanded by Snake_Eye, so when they arrive we are going to have a....3 WAY battle!  So Kuderian will make his moves first, then Stonecutter, and finally Snake_eye when his forces arrive. So Snake_eye, being last in the order, will press the red button to end the plotting turn


**Everyone please acknowledge this post so that I know you are on board


I also encourage continued PM/email discussion of tactics and shared resources, etc, while you are plotting your moves


The battle goes for 1 hr 40 mins, plus change, before the next operational phase, so make the best of it guys!


Orders acknowledged.


I will continue to post the first save turn in the save turn folder and send a confirmation email to Stonecutter et al. (need emails for other commanders?)


I will add an 'a' to the end of my save turn name to indicate this is the first save turn(alphabetical) . Stonecutter I assume, will use a 'b'  etc. etc.


Everyone make sure that your h2hh is not connected or is set to not delete dropbox old turns.


On a battle note I would like to use the next available artillery to call in another barrage on the still standing Flak 88  West of the town.

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On a battle note I would like to use the next available artillery to call in another barrage on the still standing Flak 88  West of the town.


Kuderian (Fred):   you have authorisation to use some but not all the arty resources...it is a pinpoint target, so use lightly. I am not sure how the arty failed to take out the 88mm last time...any chance you were hiding your FOO? (if you were then he cannot correct the shells impact, just so you know)


I am sure we will need the indirect fire support for later on, so judge accordingly

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On a battle note I would like to use the next available artillery to call in another barrage on the still standing Flak 88  West of the town.


Kuderian (Fred):   you have authorisation to use some but not all the arty resources...it is a pinpoint target, so use lightly. I am not sure how the arty failed to take out the 88mm last time...any chance you were hiding your FOO? (if you were then he cannot correct the shells impact, just so you know)


I am sure we will need the indirect fire support for later on, so judge accordingly




The 88 was lucky as some shell bursts were very close. But it is in fox holes and with the campaign indirect artillery rules, I had to use a 88m area fire circle.


Direct fire with a 81mm mortar would be a piece of cake but it looks like we have no on map mortars coming?


Perhaps I should of just used one mortar tube with a 22m radius?

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