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CMPzC Operation "Bloody Christmas" (Ortona '43)

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Looking at the ground and at the tactical situation of B Company, this is not a surprise. From the start they had no way to avoid a costly german counter attack made  by a platoon of tanks with some Pz grenadiers, but to stay low and pray for the Shermans to come quickly at their rescue.

I think that the other way, meanwhile is for A Company to move quickly forward, in order to relieve the pressure B is having; That might divert the Germans tanks and save their day.

As for me D Company commander, I could not have drawn a worst time to get into the fight. it seems it will be better for you, IanL with your C Company. At least it looks like it at the moment.

I am just thinking that the shermans could have a hot welcome and if they stay on the high ground they will have somehow the same treatment than their mate smoking near the ford high ground. if I was in comamnd, I would race for the bottom of the ford and wait there hull down for the Jerries. I think, that in order to be able to do so,  I would use immediately some smoke to hide my tanks the time to get down the slope.

5 pence advice, you might say, as we know everything is changing once the fight goes on.


Edited by snake_eye
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Snake:   First of all, while we didn't know where or even if a German counter-attack might happen, the problem that initially led to this was the crossing itself. In order for the infantry companies to have any chance at all of successfully crossing this obstacle, I had to spread the tank resources out to all of them on the first "turn". The result was extremely successful and the obstacle was crossed. The next problem is the bridge. While it is being built we are not allowed to cross vehicles. It also takes time to recall the tanks together at the ford/bridge site and that is the issue right now...they are racing to get there.


Continuing on, B Company's initial set up was unfortunately too congested in a likely targeted German harassment arty zone ...and they paid dearly. The two most important people, the OC and FOO, were eliminated early, and so none of the Allied heavy arty assets (which could have helped immensely with smoke or HE) were accessible for B Coy.  The lack of PIATs has not helped either. So yes, at the moment, their only tactical option is to dig in and wait.


Fortunately, the ATG just rid B Coy of one of those prowling MkIVs. 


While A Coys advance has been slow, at least two new tanks have arrived to their front (although they are quite far off right now).


So that is the current situation and why we are here. Our Shermans will arrive soon in larger numbers than the German tanks and should rectify the situation, and the advance will continue to San Leonardo

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Hi ChappyCanuck,

The counter attack was the intelligence officer assessment we learned about. We did not know at the time when and if and where. however the woods on the right front made an eventual approach difficult to see until they arrived with a perfect down view on B Company and partly on A Company far away. That is why I thought it was to my view, one of the best approach axis for the Germans.

Glad to learn that one ATG has knocked down a Pz IV (At least that helped the guys having no Piat to slow down the Pz IV) and that the Shermans will have the upper hand, at least in number against the Pz IV.

For the rest like in a real fight I don't have a god eyes view and only a partial and incomplete one.That explains somehow my comments.



PS: I had no idea that two tanks were with A Company at the moment. Are they going to cross at the bridge site where B is holding a tenuous bridgehead ?

Edited by snake_eye
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For the rest like in a real fight I don't have a god eyes view and only a partial and incomplete one.That explains somehow my comments.


If you haven't been watching the movies, at least 4 x PzIV's showed up to the northwest of B Coy.  Our one immobilised Sherman that was placed on board (on the high ground before the river) scored some hits but no kills on the MkIVs, but I think two of them were damaged (because they have been held back out of the fight and the Sherman did score some turret/gun hits.)  The Sherman was eventually knocked out and two German tanks (PzIV)  stormed B Coy ahead of some panzergrenadiers. They pretty much had complete control, standing off and firing at B Coy.  But one MkIV drove through the small "town" and was smoked by our one remaining ATG. The other MkIV is between this town and the river...and our guys on the ATG are trying like mad to traverse the gun 180 degrees....

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You see how things go, I misunderstood your report and thought they were ours.. LOL.

I imagine the guy calling HQ and announcing that two Shermans had arrived and told they are rather Germans ! 

I have no access to Dropbox 002 and 003 ema  files but only to the bts ones. the last one being 049S


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You are having a tough time for sure.  These campaigns are clearly not going to be about balanced CM battles and this is a tough one.  Personally I think some of the confusion is probably a good thing.  OK not good but expected and realistic perhaps.


Back safe and sound Company C is itching to get in there and help.  Just say the word and we are ready. :-)

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You are having a tough time for sure.  These campaigns are clearly not going to be about balanced CM battles and this is a tough one.  Personally I think some of the confusion is probably a good thing.  OK not good but expected and realistic perhaps.


Back safe and sound Company C is itching to get in there and help.  Just say the word and we are ready. :-)


Agreed Ian. That is what I like about campaign battles - they are rarely even. Just like "real life".  Sometimes you are dealt a shi##y hand and just have to wait until help arrives, or withdraw, etc etc

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My view as A Coy & Recce squadron commander.


Good news with one PzIV down by Fraser's bridge.


Unfortunately the barrage my FO called, failed to knock out the Flak 88 which is zoned in on the small buildings where one of my Platoon is fighting. I will have to wait until more artillery becomes available to try again.


As well as the 88, I also have PzIV's in front and on my flanks so anything but a probe with one of my platoons at the moment would be suicide for my men imho.


But I think our enemy has committed a big mistake splitting up their armour. When our Shermans do arrive, their concentration should do the job against their scattered PzIV's.

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But I think our enemy has committed a big mistake splitting up their armour. When our Shermans do arrive, their concentration should do the job against their scattered PzIV's.


Agreed...but, I am thinking he may not know what is coming his way :)  Patience will win the day...with those two MkIVs to your front (or more) I would also suggest some caution...advance when you can

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You cannot see it but right now there are many Shermans headed your way down by the friendly side of the Moro. 1 sergeant has buddies in B Coy and isn't waiting on the bridge and has ordered his driver through some soft terrain....

...the tanks behind him are coming down the road that leads to the bridge.

The arrival times have some slop built in...

Edited by kohlenklau
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You cannot see it but right now there are many Shermans headed your way down by the friendly side of the Moro. 1 sergeant has buddies in B Coy and isn't waiting on the bridge and has ordered his driver through some soft terrain....

...the tanks behind him are coming down the road that leads to the bridge.

The arrival times have some slop built in...


See? No problems gents, the big picture is coming into play soon :)

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I am just waiting to see how the Shermans will fight the Pz IV. There were two, at the bridge site or around, minus one. Thanks to the ATG. That makes one remaining there and another one moving on A Company flank. That makes two for sure, plus two that were maybe damaged and reported by ChappyCanuck as staying back. If these ones are not damaged they might be able to pick up the Shermans when they arrive and make them reeling backward, instead of going forward !


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"B Company, hit the dirt and dig in! Those panzers aren't stopping for merde!" Larouche screamed the order as loud as he could. He watched as Quinn's platoon went to ground behind him in the woods and six platoon huddled inside the remains of two small buildings on the other side of the road. The enemy had finally realized how undefended the crossing was and was pushing hard toward their position. The ripping sound of the hull and coax machines guns of the two MkIV panzers was nearly constant as they accelerated toward him and B Company, filling the air with a hail of death at anything that moved.


"ATG, two panzers about to cross the road three hundred meters to your front." Larouche shouted at the 6 pounder crew and pointed to the east where the rapidly approaching enemy were about to cross the road. The crew remained cowering behind their gun shield, allowing the enemy an easy crossing of what should have been a prime kill zone. Cursing again, Larouche approached the crew and shouted again. 


After finally getting their attention, he raised his voice in a harsh barking tone that would have done any sergeant major proud. 


"Get up and get that gun into action. It's us or them and trying to hide won't save you." 


Seeing the menacing figure before them, it was clear to the gun crew that this Lieutenant intended to deliver on the last part of his orders personally if they didn't act and they quickly loaded the gun and began angling it toward the enemy.


 Larouche continued to watch as the panzers easily tore through six platoon. A desperate or perhaps merely foolish rush by six platoon's new commander, Lieutenant Martin, drew the attention of both enemy vehicles long enough for them to engage. The twin booms of the main guns were so close that he could feel the concussion and there was nothing left of Martin in the ensuing blast. Here and there, a few brave souls raised their heads to take some shots at the lagging grenadiers but for the most part B Company was pinned down.  A sudden shout from Quinn indicated that the enemy panzers were splitting up and going around the woods. Catching a glimpse of the MkIV firing its way north along the road, he yelled again at the gun crew.


"Get ready, enemy tank moving right to left on road about to hit the intersection, get ready to shoot!"


For a moment, the crew seemed to hesitate as they fingered their rifles but they suddenly leaped into action and rotated the gun toward the crossroads without giving Larouche a second glance. Looking to his right, Larouche saw Dolan with his bren gun casually pointed in the gun crew's direction and surmised what had happened. Nodding his thanks to Dolan, he backed into the woods and waited. A few moments later, the rumbling MkIV moved into the intersection and was greeted by a hail of small arms fire from all directions. The grinding sound of the pivoting tracks was interrupted by the crack of the six pounder, followed almost simultaneously by a loud explosive strike and flash as the armour piercing round easily penetrated the turret armour and knocked the panzer out of action. As the black clad crew bailed out of their vehicle, Larouche watched the remainder of six platoon open up on their now helpless former tormentors with a vengeance. Yelling again to the gun crew, he pointed behind him to where the other panzer was in the low ground and watched as the crew laboured to traverse the gun almost 180 degrees.


One down, one to go, thought Larouche. Glancing at his watch, he realized that only 22 minutes had passed since first contact. Perhaps the number was significant to the "other" regiment but, as an  Acadian, Larouche felt far more at home with the RCR and had no regrets about not joining his Quebecois cousins.


"Sir, sir, there is something on the radio." Larouche accepted the the headset from his signaler and listened carefully.


"Two, this is Tango,....mud,...minutes. Hold on!" The broken transmission gave Larouche hope, they might live to see another day after all. Despite the garbled words, Larouche had heard the protesting roar of a Sherman engine pushed to the limit in the background. 


"Unknown Tango call sign, this is Two. Enemy panzer at crossroads, two panzers 1000 metres east north east on left side of small woods. Two more panzers 1000 metres north west on road, heading south. Hurry, over!"


Dropping the headset, Larouche searched for anything that could help him buy more time. The 22 minutes had already cost B Company dearly and he wasn't sure they could afford even another five minutes at this rate. He needed a small miracle but how and with what? As he pondered this conundrum, a memory of something important taunted him at the edge of his awareness. That Tango's voice was somehow familiar,.....




Panzers roam with impunity through B Company's area.




The winter weather and repeated shelling reduce the cover offered by the woods. MG fire easily keeps five platoon hugging dirt!




Under the watchful eye of Larouche, the ATG crew take aim while six platoon distracts the panzer with small arms fire.




The blinding flash and explosive burst as the armour piercing shell blows through the turret armour at point blank range, knocking the tank out of action.




The MkIV crew bails out of their stricken vehicle while six platoon takes aim, seeking vengeance against their foe.

Edited by Stonecutter
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Will you stop with them negative waves Moriarity? :D


Yeah no kidding...if only Mr Snake was aware of the overall picture eh? :) We have a full infantry battalion soon on board and an armour squadron (minus) backing them along with engineer and recce assets....we will handle this counter-attack soon and then on to San Leonardo!

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Unless I am mistaken, the enemy has 3 active PzIVs that we have spotted - one amongst B Coy, one in the center to the front right of A Coy, and another in the distance directly in front of A Coy.  I am assuming he has two more damaged PzIVs that are lingering back where they were originally engaged...I see no other reason why the enemy is keeping them there when they could have joined the rest of their troop in the attack on B Coy


And one 88 Flak behind San Leonardo, sited in on A Coy


Have I missed any?

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That accounts for all the panzers I have observed. I think only one of the two to the north east has actually had a weapon disabled hit but it would be great if both had their main guns out of action. IIRC, one of them had taken 2-3 weapon mount penetrations at long range from the Sherman but still managed to get another shot off. They might be sitting in overwatch to engage at long range but as long as they aren't prowling in B Company's area I am content to leave them where they are for now. 

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What I wrote is negative that I agree  :rolleyes: . Having not the overall picture, the situation of B ,despites their gallant fight, seems uncomfortable. However my assesment is based on the fact that more than often, I have had few tanks stopping their forward movement while being shot at by infantry with rifles and or MG. They were not a real threat to the tanks , but they stopped and waited. Doing so they were sitting ducks for tanks lurking for them farther away in overwatch (like the 2 Pz IV that could be damaged - ChappyCanuck report). 


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More... The safety of the tanks is present when they can move quickly from one point to the other, presenting a lesser target. Anyway the bridge will be a choke point and they will have to slow down. If they can nail the Pz IV before or at least make them move back, the crossing will be easier.

So my friends these are not negative thoughts but ones  deriving from the experiences of such situation, that I learned a long time ago and that I am finding to my delight in CM. To be honest, I am not always pleased by my results, but they are close to reality and the objective is more to avoid some mistakes, than to try win the fight. and loose my pants and run for the life of my pixels troops.


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