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Seeking one pair of pbem players to playtest...

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If you run into more out of memory problems, lowering graphics settings can help to some extent.

Yes, I initially tried lowering the settings when the save was being bolshie, but when I concluded that it was probably just a corrupt save ( because ... 16 Gb ), I put things back to where they were.

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Yes, sorry sfhand, my system gets to about 30% and the game vanishes.

Literally - back to desktop and no process running.

But my 3.11 install at the moment is not my primary install and it's on another drive etc.

Have never seen anything like this on my primary install and I've run some big stuff on it before now.

I'll pop the save into your Dropbox, then if you can load it, it's my machine/install/both.

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Baneman, thanks for the save. There is good news and bad news. The good news is all of your guys survived the first minute of battle, the bad news is I opened the file with no problems... Seriously, thank you so much for being willing to check this out. If you manage to figure out what the deal is with your rig please try again. I can report that at least one of the people I'm playing this scenario with is really enjoying the challenges the map presents.

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I'm having a bit of time coordinating a schedule for a tcp/ip game. I'll be giving it another go sunday night.


I have a hard time imagining playing a 4 hour scenario using tcp/ip (no replay)... but different strokes I guess. Are you going to play real time or wego? 

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I'm all for it... but it is a huge commitment for a battle that is being balance tested... so far I'm doing one to two turns a day and if things go pear shaped because one side is over or under powered the impact on my daily routine will be minimal. I'm going to put an updated scenario file in our dropbox with fords on either side of the bridge if you want to play with the idea you don't use them unless the bridge becomes blocked or destroyed. (still, please try to keep the bridge open as it is important to both sides that it remain open).

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(still, please try to keep the bridge open as it is important to both sides that it remain open).


You could try making it a preserve objectve for both players.  Mind you that might not help because I doubt it matters who destroys it both players would then loos the points.  Yeah the more I think about it forgetit that will not help.

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Ian, the real challenge with the bridge will be with single player. It is easy enough to tell h2h players to keep the bridge intact or it will destroy the scenario. Do you know of a way to stop the AI from attacking units on the bridge? I haven't started messing with the AI yet; I'm waiting for the forces to be balanced prior to trying to cook up an AI plan. Actually, since there can be 3 AI plans maybe you would be interested in putting one together when the time comes?

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No there is no way to prevent attaching units on a bridge. But if you think I am going to just let your vehicles cross you are going to be in for a surprise :)

As for making AI plans I don't know I'll have to see how much time I have. You want to make three plans, or do you mean there will be three phases.

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I'm thinking that by the time we finish you will agree the AI plans will be massive undertakings. It is going to take some time to finish the balance testing so I will continue thinking about how I think each side should proceed. I also think since the game will allow for 3 different AI plans it would be nice to have 3 different people make them. So far I've asked you and another about interest/willingness to consider So, no need for an answer now just know there will come a time when I ask "for real". But don't let that stop you from committing now if you're interested!

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As the Allies continue to move down Wolf Grade road they get a sound contact on the other side of the hill. A team is sent to investigate. Here is what they found.

Fortunately for the Allies, the tree branches only stopped the German grenades...


This is not to say Allied trucks weren't also challenged this turn. Everyone heard planes approaching the turn before and all motorized units were ordered into the concealment of the trees. At a centralized staging zone one truck driver had other ideas (maybe a quick bite in the kitchen?). No red crosses can be seen in this video, but a few guys in the back of the truck were killed.



So far, against this opponent we've seen light tank duels, light tank knife fights, and general light tank bushwhacking. We've seen careless recon cut down in their prime while crossing a road. We've seen an assault on a house full of German infantry. We've seen convoy pile-ups due to long range AA and AT fire. We've seen Allied tanks advancing with no infantry screen (that deserved a video of its own - very nice faust/schreck ambush from the woods) I'm sure there are some things I'm leaving out as well (like: we've seen a truck drive through a house). The thing is, the battle is only 10-15 minutes old with another 3:45-3:50 hours and 4 reinforcement waves to go.


(The turn is available if BF wants to examine the truck going into the house)

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I am sfhand's oppo in this battle. I hasten to add that I did NOT try to find out any intel by reading this: although my heart did flutter with pride watching my fighter shred that Ami truck!! ;)


sfhand emailed me about a truck going through a house, so I poked around and found this thread. Sigh. I see so many targets, so many opportunities. I will let each of his men die GLORIOUSLY. That is my gift to them. :o


There is a line of demarcation across the ridgeline. I am adhering scrupulously to that. Some arty rounds are landing beyond that, but that is just part of the spotting process. As well, that fighter attack was due to an area target well short of the demarcation zone.


I will bow out of this thread lest I discover intel which would affect gameplay. In the meantime, yes, the map is wonderful, the space is fun, and I have so many opportunities to kill my enemy that I hardly know where to start!


If I ever receive reinforcements, I will make them wait. My men who are presently on the map tell me they don't want to share the spoils. I understand, men, I understand...


:)  :)


For the record, I don't consider anything I've seen to be a spoiler. I -know- what he's got coming over the hills. I -assume- he's got a bunch of green targets on his side of the hills.


Ken out.

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Update from me - with my shiny new Christmas SSD, I've reinstalled with the (also shiny) new Master Installer. :wub:


The good news is it now works ( clearly it was my NAS drive and secondary install etc. interacting badly ), the bad news is that I see Slim has found someone else to play with. :lol:


Feel free to call upon me if there is need for a map v2 to test.



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