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AAR "Fester Platz Polozk" RepsolCBR Vs Russian AI

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More fighting in sector C

My HMG team suppresses the russian troops in the building infront of them to alove my panzerschreck team to fire a rocket into that building.


This plan succedes ! The HE-rocket finds its target...


In sector D my 3rd platoon engages 'the new' russians and they are withdrawing into a building behind them.


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Turn 32 orders:

I'm ordering the HMG-team that previously occupyed 'the corner building' to move up to the second floor of Kruzhka Inn to be able to fire at the russians in the center incase they are able to advance any further.


I order my panzerschreck team to hide behind the building for now...


I order my 3rd platoon to areafire at the building with 'the new russians'.


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In the north...

My hetzer kills two more russian soldiers trying to advance out of the 'far left building' in sector A. The russian advance comes to a halt.


2 of the russian assultguns are moving forward.


In the center (sector B) my 'smoking guys' have a bad turn. They recieve fire from two directions and takes a casualty...the machinegunner offcourse, uurf !


the two survivors are bugging out...


NOT GOOD ! another possition lost...

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My defence of sector B is far from strong right now. Hopefully the russians have the same problem here...


My company HQ manages to kill one of the russians advancing south infront of them. They recieve no fire from the enemy buildings this turn. Thats good...


In sector D there is not that much happening besides the firefight between my 3rd platoon and 'the new russians'. My HMG-team in Kruzhka Inn pin down some russians trying to cross the street.


My 3rd platoon does their best to defeat 'the new russians' and they manage to kill one of the enemy soldiers. Despite several of my teams firering at the russians in that building they have no trouble to return fire...Hopefully next turn i will suppress them.


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Orders for turn 33:

I will give my 2 re-equiped halfsquads a cover armour arc to be prepared to defend against advancing assultguns if the enemy decides to move thoose forward.



My new halfsquad in the 'corner building' that lost one of their men last turn withdrew down to the bottom floor. I was thinking about moving them back up tagin but i have decided to keep them down here for now.


My sniper-team in sector C are out of ammo and i will move them back to my battalion HQ to resupply.


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In sector D i order this panzerschreck-team to move to the other side of the building to hopefully be able to fire at 'the new russians'...but i doubt that they will be able to get LOF to that location unfortunatelly. It's worth a try.


I will get my mortar-teams on the other side of the river out of the buildings once again to be able to provide firesupport. I'm considdering to try and get a firemission on the russians pinned down in the open in the center.


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My crack tankhunter survivor is getting himself some more ammo...


My hetzer kills one more russian in sector A. The russians have taken quite a few casualties over here.


In sector D my HMG-team in Kruzhka Inn kills one of the russians taking cover in the street.


This is another location where the russians have taken alot of casualties.

My sniper-team over here are heading back to resupply.


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Further to the south in sector D 'the new russians' are proving to be a real pain in the ass. They inflict more casualties on my guys.


My mortar-team across the river are setting up...


This will be it for today unfortunatelly...Only a small update this time (i will try to do better with my next one)...

Things are getting intresting...My plan to defend 'up front' in sector B is in jepordy. I have taken more casualties then i had hoped but at the same time the russians have taken some casualties too...Will they be able to push my guys back or will the line hold ?

One thing is for sure...my men over there will not be able to stop any major russian advance...Does the ruskies have the manpower to do it..?

We shall se...

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Hello again...

The updating of this AAR has been kind of slow lately.

More 'problems'...

possetive this time though !

After almost two years as single i have met a new girl and she is TRUELY AMAZING ! :D

To quote Charlie Sheen from HOTSHOTS...

"I have fallen for her like a blind roofer." :)

Things are looking good. The problem though is that i can't stop thinking about her and this makes it hard to concentrate on computer gaming. My goal is to finish this scenario and AAR but i dont know how long it will take.

I will post new updates every now and then.

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Hello again...

The updating of this AAR has been kind of slow lately.

More 'problems'...

possetive this time though !

After almost two years as single i have met a new girl and she is TRUELY AMAZING ! :D

To quote Charlie Sheen from HOTSHOTS...

"I have fallen for her like a blind roofer." :)

Things are looking good. The problem though is that i can't stop thinking about her and this makes it hard to concentrate on computer gaming. My goal is to finish this scenario and AAR but i dont know how long it will take.

I will post new updates every now and then.

Guess we really do need female soldiers so you can mod her face in and continue to play while looking at her at the same time. Although then you'd freak out every time you saw her get shot. Hmmm a real quandary there.

Only one answer, you have to get her hooked on CM.

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"4. A dog doesn't argue with you when you want to spend a night on your favourite games!"

I dunno about that. I had a smart cat who would scream at me and dance on the keyboard to get attention. A dog could do a lot more.

And when pets get sick, they can cost plenty (assuming you love em.)

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"4. A dog doesn't argue with you when you want to spend a night on your favourite games!"

I dunno about that. I had a smart cat who would scream at me and dance on the keyboard to get attention. A dog could do a lot more.

And when pets get sick, they can cost plenty (assuming you love em.)

I have a few cats that have caused me a U-boat by running across my keyboard in SH-3.

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Ah yes, girls. They do tend to get in the way of playing CM :D

Perhaps their biggest shortcomming. ;)

Only one answer, you have to get her hooked on CM.

I will try...but i doubt that i will be very succesful. Computergaming is not on her top 5 'to do' list i'm affraid.

"I dunno about that. I had a smart cat who would scream at me and dance on the keyboard to get attention.

This is an experience i share...My cat is very social and hates being left alone. We have spent many hours together infront of the computer.

Oooooh, so that's why you were able to write such detailed AAR! ;)


The AAR will continue...I have played a few more turns and the fighting in these are true 'Ramelle style'.

I'm trying to be able to show this with a few pictures in my AAR but it is quiet difficult to get it right...to do the fighting justice.

The next update will hopefully be up in a few days...


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Thanks, Lanzfeld

Yes, life has Definitely made a turn for the better :)

The last few years have been rough (loosing both my parents to cancer and my grandmother to old age inbetween).

This lovely girl have made me happy again. An eventual marriage will have to wait for a while yet though but judging by the way i feel today i would marry her tomorrow....


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