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Iraq's Awakening Movement

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as long as the Kornet-E stays home.

Home? well thats the battlefield.






After reading for the past ten years on the interwebs various forums about what losses the M1 abrams suffered. the constant bickering back and forth on whether they could be contributed to actions of the enemy.. well it makes this pretty nuts to finally see em destroyed and there's no doubt how!!! I hope our boys get a good APS like the Israelis!!!


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The biggest threat to the west isn't violent uprisings in the ME spreading. It is the "virtual invasion" of unrestricted immigration that has brought millions of Muslims to Europe. If you visited recently you'll have experienced large areas that feel like you are already in a Muslim country with women in Burkas and other traditional dress for even the men, no signage in the local national language etc.

As a UK citizen I can confirm that this is very true. In part it has come about because politicians are spineless and feared raising the issue in parliament in case they were accused of racism - despite it being the number one concern of the constituents they were supposed to represent. Large parts of the East End of London are very foreign in culture now, with places like Tower Hamlets having a muslim population of over 30%.

A view down a Tower Hamlets street...


There is nothing wrong with immigration per se - most immigrants just want a better life for themselves and are hard working and respect the native culture. The problem occurs when you have the whole-sale takeover of areas to the point where they become unrecognisable to the native population. My son, educated by the liberal establishment state school system thinks I am some sort of racist for these views but I wonder if he will feel the same way in 50 years time when he is a minority in his own native land.

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"...wonder if he will feel the same way in 50 years time when he is a minority in his own native land."

My parents were immigrants to the UK (displaced persons from WW2) and I am an immigrant to the US. So, I thoroughly empathize with the problems that immigrants face.

But, I agree, when you have wholesale immigration of people who feel they have no reason to integrate, but instead make demands that their adopted country's "native" culture change to accommodate the immigrant culture, there is little difference in effect from a takeover of the existing "native" culture and country.

Maybe this is normal when it take hundreds of years. But, with the muslim (and Mexican) phenomena, it is taking a couple of decades. And at that pace it creates serious societal problems that are being papered over. The southern US states, eg California, are almost unrecognizable from 20-30 years ago when I arrived in the US. And the area of London where my mother still lives is already essentially a foreign country.

When we in the west go abroad we are admonished to respect the cultural/societal values of the countries we visit. However, there is no quid pro quo regarding respecting cultural or societal values.

Um... I suspect this is seriously off-topic. Sorry about that... My mother just got robbed by her Social Services "carer" and it's been impossible to get response from the govt social services or her subcontracted carer company who are the folks we are talking about and they just don't "care". But, when "carers" come from countries where genocide is common and human life not valued, why are we surprised?

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Living in a 'rich' cultural neighborhood myself, I don't agree that immigration is a large danger per se. It is grossly overstated by types like Wilders, there is zero chance of a dutch caliphate or nation wide sharia law. Most muslims here wouldn't want it anyway, they have adapted to many Dutch values and appreciate the freedom they enjoy here. Most are/have become secular.

There is a problem with integration, welfare, criminality. All those are analysed, explainable and have nothing to do with religion. The state has mismanaged and so did communities. Stigmatization doesn't help a bit. Hard work and time does.

Personally I like variety of cultures so I don't mind the country changing. Bread with cheese gets boring ;)

A new culture will develop with lots of influences. Anyway that's reality so better to accept and try to make the best out of it (even if you had preferred different) instead of trying to stop a heavy roller; you will be rolled over.

In the case of UK: karma ;) Colonization came home hehehe. I have a lot of friends in East London (Mile End) and there is some radicalization but generally it's a fun 'popular neighborhood'. I'm not so sure that the neighborhood has gotten much worse since Jack the Ripper roamed the streets.

It does if you don't like the sight of people being different then you, but then I would say 'deal with it'! :D

Anyway indeed, way off topic.

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Maybe this is normal when it take hundreds of years. But, with the muslim (and Mexican) phenomena, it is taking a couple of decades. And at that pace it creates serious societal problems that are being papered over. The southern US states, eg California, are almost unrecognizable from 20-30 years ago when I arrived in the US. And the area of London where my mother still lives is already essentially a foreign country.

I find this statement hilarious since California, Texas and New Mexico were conquered from Mexico by the US only ~150 years ago.

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Good idea ;)

Home? well thats the battlefield.

After reading for the past ten years on the interwebs various forums about what losses the M1 abrams suffered. the constant bickering back and forth on whether they could be contributed to actions of the enemy.. well it makes this pretty nuts to finally see em destroyed and there's no doubt how!!! I hope our boys get a good APS like the Israelis!!!


CMSF already taught me even Abrams m1a2 SEP TUSK is vulnerable to AT-14 Kornet-E, among other munitions. Perhaps a frontal hit will almost never K-KILL an m1a2 SEP (TUSK), but it's not an invincible platform.

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When anyone in the US complains about new immigrants i think back to this....

Anywho back to ISIS.. I'm starting to think they learned from the previous sahwat and will be sure to stomp out any formation of such a thing in their controlled areas. They've now steam rolled Nusra front and all the other groups from Deir ez-Zor and now are looking to smash the army from their posts in the other half of the city... They control a lot of territory along with much better toys this time. Its going to prove very difficult to defeat them without either western help or everyone joining together to fight them.

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Good idea ;)

CMSF already taught me even Abrams m1a2 SEP TUSK is vulnerable to AT-14 Kornet-E, among other munitions. Perhaps a frontal hit will almost never K-KILL an m1a2 SEP (TUSK), but it's not an invincible platform.

One of my constant fears in most scenarios for CMSF was "Is there a Kornet out there?" so i look forward to seeing how it handles against armor with APS in CMBS.. also can anyone tell me what the differences are between the Russian army's Kornet and the export model? are the penetration capabilities different?

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When anyone in the US complains about new immigrants i think back to this....

Thanks for a good laugh! Real boss Indian :D

One of my constant fears in most scenarios for CMSF was "Is there a Kornet out there?" so i look forward to seeing how it handles against armor with APS in CMBS.. also can anyone tell me what the differences are between the Russian army's Kornet and the export model? are the penetration capabilities different?

AFAIK the exported ATGM's are not monkey models although Russia might have newer missiles for it, the Kornet EM (max range 10km).

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In the LiveLeak vid, I make it as one Abrams K-Killed, one with major turret damage (note commander's station blown right out of the turret), plus likely crew casualties (get the sense the turret swinging about wasn't ordered; camera dwell on a mostly hidden AFV is too short to say more) and one with no apparent damage, in that there's no fire, no explosion and no crew bailing out. Things could be bad inside, hence the use of the word "apparent," but the visual evidence is nothing I would care to bet money on. To me, it looks as though the track skirt took and handled exactly the sort of hit it was designed to defeat. Whatever hit it was small and not very powerful. Would therefore estimate something of the RPG-7 warhead class. Speaking of HEAT, do the Iraqi M1A1s have the super duper Halon fire suppression system ours do? I saw test footage back at Hughes (fire suppression system was a product of Hughes Malibu Research Laboratory) in which the system smothered a penetrating RPG-7 hit before it ever had a chance to do much of anything. No real temperature or pressure rise. No fire either.

How do I find the full hour of ISIS AFV attack video?


John Kettler

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Before this thread gets altogether too serious and, worse, maybe gets locked, I thought I'd inject a bit of levity into the proceedings. When I first saw the Google citation, I was under the impression that this was about ISIS/ISIL besmirching the name of ISIS, the US defense firm that provides intel support. See for yourselves what it's really about.



John Kettler

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How do I find the full hour of ISIS AFV attack video?

AFAIK ISIS has released a total of 4 propaganda vids, each of them one hour long. I watched one of them. Approximnately 15 mins of the video are AFV kills and combat footage, the rest is a mix of propaganda, torture, abductions, people digging their own graves, public executions and drive by shootings. ISIS are absolutely horrible, as bad as the Nazis IMO. I dont recommend watching any of those vids. I am not going to post a link because of the very graphic violence, but i am going to send you a PM.

EDIT: Talking about the combat footage, ISIS seems to rely a lot on IEDs and the lack of experience/competence of the iraqi forces. Several kills in the video i sent you seem to be the result of the severe carelessness of the iraqi soldiers involved.

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"...Islamist militant group Isis has told Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay a tax or be killed...The ultimatum cited a historic contract known as "dhimma," under which non-Muslims in Islamic societies who refuse to convert are offered protection if they pay a fee, called a "jizya"....Isis issued a similar ultimatum in the Syrian city of Raqqa in February, calling on Christians to pay about half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety."


I wonder how the tax records are kept?

Maybe you get a "jizya" tattoo # on your arm if you pay up?

If they take your head off it is obvious you didn't pay up or convert.

Iraq's Awakening Movement v2.0 will hopefully come before this "caliphate" grabs some surface-to-air missiles for their glory and amusement.

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"...Islamist militant group Isis has told Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay a tax or be killed...The ultimatum cited a historic contract known as "dhimma," under which non-Muslims in Islamic societies who refuse to convert are offered protection if they pay a fee, called a "jizya"....Isis issued a similar ultimatum in the Syrian city of Raqqa in February, calling on Christians to pay about half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety."


I wonder how the tax records are kept?

Maybe you get a "jizya" tattoo # on your arm if you pay up?

If they take your head off it is obvious you didn't pay up or convert.

Iraq's Awakening Movement v2.0 will hopefully come before this "caliphate" grabs some surface-to-air missiles for their glory and amusement.

Which points out it's a good thing operating a SA-11 Gadfly (or BUK) system requires trained operators, unavailable to IS.

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Yep. I do not know what Iraq surface-to-air missile have. I hope none of the disaffected Sunni deserters from the Iraqi military volunteer to help this "caliphate".

Wonder if CMBS / CMSF-2 will get mobile surface-to-air missile systems?

I must admit one of the exciting gaming moments is watching the ATGMs fly across a huge battle filed and hit their target. Pretty cool game function.

One of the flavor objects could be a "half an ounce (14g) of pure gold"?

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Yep. I do not know what Iraq surface-to-air missile have. I hope none of the disaffected Sunni deserters from the Iraqi military volunteer to help this "caliphate".

Wonder if CMBS / CMSF-2 will get mobile surface-to-air missile systems?

I must admit one of the exciting gaming moments is watching the ATGMs fly across a huge battle filed and hit their target. Pretty cool game function.

One of the flavor objects could be a "half an ounce (14g) of pure gold"?

14g of pure gold will fit in a 1cm3 cube ;)

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Which points out it's a good thing operating a SA-11 Gadfly (or BUK) system requires trained operators, unavailable to IS.

It is not a science either, though. I am certain that if ISIS gets it hands on an operable SA-11 system, they will get someone who can operate it soon. Either a defector, a captive, or simply someone bought with money. A couple of million dollars can buy you a lot of knowledge.

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It is not a science either, though. I am certain that if ISIS gets it hands on an operable SA-11 system, they will get someone who can operate it soon. Either a defector, a captive, or simply someone bought with money. A couple of million dollars can buy you a lot of knowledge.

Unfortunately, I guess you are right.

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After An Ultimatum, Christians Flee Iraqi City

by Leila Fadel

by http://www.npr.org/2014/07/21/333537790/after-ultimatum-christians-flee-iraqi-city-en-masse

Only 9 families converted! Everyone else was instructed to leave their homes, possessions, etc. and get out of Mosul. I suspect if "caliphate" acquired a mobile surface-to-air missile system it would get a visit from Mr. Drone before these folks could use it... at least I hope it would.

Eventually this "caliphate" will get some Awakening Movement v2.0 as few people desire this level of Life Management.

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