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New file at the Repository: CMRT Blood on the Tracks (2014-07-08)

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June 23rd 1944 1st Belorussian front. 3rd Rifle Battalion / 242nd Rifle Regiment / 14th Rifle Division / 65th Army At 1st Company HQ - 03:00 AM - Comrades, we will be the first elements to attack a vital supply hub, South of the Bobruisk town which stands between Minsk, to the North East and Baranovichi to the South West at 06:10 AM. Our Stavka orders are to establish a bridgehead, mop up the remaining Germans pockets of resistance around, while our 244th and 246th Rifles Regiments will do a deep North penetration pincer movement to rejoin 3rd Army elements coming from the East. Bobruisk will then be fully encircled. Reinforcements and supplies to the German 9 Armee will be totally cut off and that should lead to its surrender...............


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@thephantom and Frederico,

I am please to hear your comments about one of the surprise. For the captured Equipment, you are referring to, It was not unusual at the time for the Germans to use these to good effect in their defence line.


How are you doing ? It's been a long time we have not been discussing tactic like we did about CMSF scenarios. Glad you are having interest on CMRT. Let me know of you battle issue.


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Everything beautifully nicely only tiger in this place in the bushes with a zero field firing was a mistake (like other vehicles). Noticed by infantry and flanked by T34 did not give fire. It seems that the tank should preferably have a good shooting area such as 20mm flak or other cannon.

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The deployment of tanks in a village and or urban area with LOS very limited is difficult. Most often it is the infantry deployed as a close protection around them that makes the difference in alerting their crews of an imminent danger.

The Tiger as a matter of fact is not the best tank to be used in such a battle. its huge advantage is its gun when it is use at a longer range than the enemy can afford. More when its gun is being traversed against a far away target it takes less time that when this target is close (it is a geometric evidence).

In that battle the defence positions and or the movements of the Germans will be defined by the triggers. Since you have at least three Reds potential attack axis and since there is 2 German A.I plans that makes few possibilities that can happen at different places and time for that Tiger alone. Will it be the best move it could do ? Considering what I wrote above, I shall be reserved about its outcome, since it will depend of the player ability and or the Red A.I.

A last thing. in an urban or so battle, a tank waiting in ambush can inflict terrible losses at the enemy. PanzerMike was told about my 2 Hetzers huge scoring in tanks and men in my "Fester Platz Polozk" AAR


Thanks a lot for your compliment. The key, or at least one of them is to take the objectives. TG

However the difference between Occupy and Touch is important. Since Occupy means that no alive enemy should be on the objective. We can be sure that the German A.I will do all it can to resist. I think that it would interesting to have one day a threshold percentage for the Occupy Objective. That way an objective taken at 80% could be considered taken.


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@ snake_eye

How are you positioned the triggers for the tiger in the scenario is not looking, I write what happened in the game.

The whole attack went over bridges and on the right side to the end of the map.

Russians swept everything there is true losing up to 6 tanks and infantry but a lot of that is in them in abundance. Then the busy center of the map was all it took maybe 45 minutes.

Left wing after entering the forest of mines gave up.

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Even tho' I don't have the time needed to do this scenario justice, I so wanted to play snake eye's latest masterpiece that I just had to fire it up yesterday. Got about 25 minutes into the mission so far (ELITE / WEGO).

Superb map and very intriguing challenges that drew me in in right away. What makes a great scenario are the interesting decisions one faces.

I left most of the set-up alone. I decided to send 9 tanks plus the OT and one inf platoon and the smg platoon and 3 HMG's along the Russian right flank to the ford crossing. (Covered by a smoke barrage from the the big offmap arty. It covered from the road to the right edge of the map).

The other three T-34's and SPG's and two info platoon and engineers went to the left edge to attack the hill along with all but 3 HMG's. Mortars were deployed in the rear SET UP area.

I set the offmap 81mm to barrage the front line of the woods I front of the hill with a 15 minute delay so I could cease fire em if there was nothing there.

Waited a turn and saw the enemy barrages come down. The right hand side barrage stopped and there was enough smoke so all nine tanks (plus OT 34) rolled towards the ford and I got all tanks and all inf across the ford with no casualties. (A later enemy barrage dropped some short rounds that did a little damage and so did the minefields there.) (Since engineers don't clear mines, I find them of little use in that capacity so decided to deploy them to the left flank as it looked like we could be fighting our way thru larger buildings in the map center.)

Around this time, the barrage on my left map edge flank stopped and I sent inf across the open ground towards the hill. Finding no opposition, the rest of the force followed to the trees. While the inf probed the trees, the AC probed the road finding sounds of en enemy tank. I made the error of sending a tank up the road. One was damaged by mines, another got killed. I compounded the error by sending another two T-34's to try and kill the enemy tank, but it killed both. I then sent my two reserve T-34's (Co and Bn HQ) to this flank. The infantry here did better and found the enemy trench and defensive positions with some losses. The FO was able to adjust fire and find a LOS line directly over the enemy trench. (It's a little gamey. But doing this brings down the set-up phase arty in the same time as the prep fire was scheduled for but on a new position.) It was dangerously close range, but by hiding my men they suffered few friendly fire casualties. and the offboard 81m was allowed to use up all ammo on this line.

With the inf on the left of the road and the engineers and HMG's on the right heading towards the woods edge overlooking the village, the tank was overwhelmed by inf fire and the hill was taken at the cost of two T-34's and maybe 10-12 inf (and all of the offboard 81mm). Too high. My time was limited and I was rushing.

On the right flank, the nine tanks and OT-34, ground forward following the inf that rushed ahead. I tried to keep to the RHS of the line of woods assuming that it would shield them from fire. However, I made the error of letting three tanks go towards the road. They were all killed by at AT gun. That gun also killed the OT-34 that I thought was safe in the rear. A serious bummer. The other tanks killed the gun b4 I could get the FO there bring down any onmap 81mm.

The infantry moving forward en mass, did a good job clearing out enemy inf. However, more armor following two closely amongst the buildings got killed by a 2nd gun and a Stug. Have made it halfway along village via the treeline along the RHS map. Am trying to get into the enemy rear rather than trying to take victory locations.

Have killed many enemy inf at the cost of maybe half my inf force here. But, have only one functioning T-34 left on this flank. Another tank is abandoned but the crew are cowards and will not recover and return to their tank.

So with only about 25 minutes played, not sure if I have enough to continue esp if there is an enemy counterattack coming. My inf are rolling over the enemy inf. They are almost at the "Northern" VL of the village. But, the enemy tanks and AT guns have almost wiped out my tank force. My main problem was lack of RL time and so I was impatient and tried to move too quickly. I have yet to use any on-map mortars, or find a use for my AT gun, or engineers, and I have plenty of big arty ammo.

One of the hardest challenges I find with almost all CM2 games is time management - gauging how much time one needs to accomplish objectives. I always feel like I have too little time, but it's not true. Stopping and sitting around for 5-10+ minutes in WEGO while arty is called down is so boring, and so I am always tempted to keep going regardless.

I will probably try and continue another time as am not sure if this scenario is replayable once one knows the designer tricks.

Really fun challenges. Great job, snake...

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Looks like you did not want to wait to get into this battle, Erwin :D. I really think that if you had taken the time to play as you do usually your advance would have cost you less casualties.

Your AAR reported with very interesting details your fight and I am sure it will be useful to some players that might have some problems. However, since the .AI plans and the triggers make a replay very unpredictable, that might not always help them as they could expect it. I found it out myself in the multiple testing I have made.

I shall look forward to your battle when you will find time to resume it and will read with interest your comments.

For the ones that might not know it, you always in CMSF made precise comments and when useful suggested to the Designer clever modifications to the OOB or about the battle ground.

Thanks again Erwin,


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This is what happened to my OT34 in one of my testing. It was targeted and killed by a Pak.

That AT Gun repeatedly fire at my poor OT34 without even noticing that it had been killed at least four times if not even more.


Cheer :D

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It's a really good scenario. I think I shall try and soldier on and see what I can accomplish, and report back.


I thought I was following Soviet doctrine by putting just about everything in the front line and overwhelming the enemy units. This sort of worked as the inf did a great job, but the tanks were very vulnerable to hidden ATG's. And since I play WEGO, I could lose a platoon in one turn.

If I was to replay this, I think I would set-up and start exactly the same. However, on the right flank where I had nine T-34's and the OT-34, I would have crossed at the ford but then held maybe two tank platoons back in safety while I used the infantry to scout forward thru the woods to the right of the buildings and victory locations supported by one platoon of tanks. When enemy positions had been identified I would use the onmap 81mm to KO ATG's and bring up tanks or the OT-34 to kill enemy infantry. I would only bring up tanks from the two reserve armor platoons to replace tanks losses. And keeping the smg units for assault when one really needs their inf firepower.

Not sure what to do about the HMG's on this flank. So far they haven't been of any use due to the short range of engagements which favor the smg's. They may be of more use on the left flank hill (as will the ATG - Inshallah). But, I have yet to check LOS from the hill-woods edge.

Looking forward to getting back to this next week.

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Thanks Erwin.


Your tactic is a good one. Keep your Infantry ahead of the tanks. If the guys are being engaged, the tanks can give them an immediate support. If the tanks try to move forward alone, their poor LOS will make them a quick liability.


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