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New file at the Repository: CMRT Firebrigade von Saucken (2014-05-11)

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PanzerMike, I decided to play this one out against AI. I'm early on in the battle having received my second reinforcements. The map is outstanding, the briefing is excellent, immersing me in my mission. I look forward to opening the road.

Will report when the mission is complete.

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@ ridethe414: Good job :cool:. So far most players seem to able to open the road. But they find the mission tough nonetheless. This is what I intended. The mission should be winnable without it being a cakewalk. The German force is really strong but if squandered by bad tactics could still be sent home packing.

@Felix_45: Looking forward to your report!

@all: Thanks for providing me with some much needed feedback. It really helps you know, for future scenarios. I try to make scenarios that appeal to (hopefully) most players, by putting a max on map size and forces involved. Even players that favor small battles may be tempted to play a scenario of this somewhat larger size I hope. Players that really like large battles should find this scenario no problem.

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Thanks a lot for this EXCELLENT scenario PanzerMike. Great looking map, great challenge, and a lot of fun. Noticed that you put yourself as a tank commander ;)


I opted for a left flank approach. First taking the 25VP farm, then the 50 VP hill. Those targets was assigned for recon troops with some assistance from tanks. At this stage pretty much most of my tanks where in excellent positions to take out the soviet tanks as they appeared.

My plan then was to take the left road target, then center, then right and work my way back to the farms in the center if possible. I managed to do most of this apart from the 75VP farm and the church.

The soviet tanks caused almost no casualties, what caused trouble was some persistent AT-guns that where hard to knock out. In the end I had three fully functional Tigers and a Panzer IV. A couple of Tigers where operational but with no main gun.

Already look forward to your next masterpiece. You made CMRT shine :)

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Ah, you took the left flank approach. And it worked out I hear with the road open and a few big cats to spare. Excellent! Most have gone for the right flank so far I guess. It was tricky to set up the Russian AI to be able to cope with all possible approaches. The scenario does not force you in particular in one particular direction. More difficult to design, but more fun for the player. Did the srukas do any good for you? And thanks for the feedback!

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The road is open!

Lost 63 soldaten.

2 Pz VI immobilized

1 Pz VI lost

1 Pz IV lost

1 Pz IV immobilized

various trucks etc

The battle was well within hand with 40 minutes to go.

Very nice... For immersion factor, If I control the battlefield then I can extract my tanks.. :) they will be back in action in no time, if its not burning it can be fixed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Minor spoilers!

A very nice scenario with both a beautiful map and fun and relevant forces. Played it H2H turn-based as the Germans. I used the left flank trough the wood as a diversionary attack with my panzer IVs and flak vehicles. I also deployed a smoke screen here to really convince the reds that that was my main focus. I saved 6 Tigers and a plt of mounted infantry for my main attack via the Church, main village then the road. My spotter managed to lay artillery on three 95mm FLAK/AT guns and destroyed them. The battle was heavy fought and heavy casualties were inflicted on both sides. After about an hour the Germans was victorious but with only three Tigers left rolling. At that time the Reds had lost all their tanks, AT-guns and over half of their infantry.

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Ah, thanks a lot Kim! I had not received prior feedback on this scenario being played in H2H mode. Judging by your comments, it played out beautifully. Splendid!

I designed this one primarily for play against the German AI, but I kept H2H firmly in the back of my mind when I made certain deisgn decisions. Thing is, it is very hard to find H2H playtesters. This scenario too was only playtested against the AI. So while it SHOULD be good to go H2H, it still is a bit of a shot in the dark. That is why your feedback is valuable to me!


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Much obliged PanzerMike! I love playing H2H and I think its the only way this game can really be played to the fullest. My partner who played the Russians said that the only thing he had some problems with was the reinforcements. After about 40 min I had some view over the Main road from the woods on the left side of the map. I also had some long distance overview from the height beyond the Church on the right flank. Therefore he felt that some of his tanks and SU-76s arriving as reinforcements were immediately sighted by my forces in there deployment zone and took a heavy beating.

As the German player I tried to explain that reinforcements often arrive in the mist of battle and you are forced to do best you can with it. Also I didn't find them THAT easy to spot in the first place. But then again I was the winner after all!

Keep making your missions H2H playable if possible.

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Hmmm, it is always somewhat troublesome when reinforcements arrive later in a battle. It is after all difficult to predict where the enemy is at that point in time. My solution is to design the map so that the area where the reinforcements arrive is difficult to spot. And I thought this was the case in Saucken. There is a slight depression there and tree lines. But apparently this was still not enough to prevent them from being spotted from the hill on the left and the church? Were you able to engage his later reinforcement immediately from those positions (did you have tanks there?), or that you spotted them early so you could engage them swiftly with other forces. In other words, your spotting prevented him from using his tanks as a nasty surprise?

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From my perspective I had some LOS to the enemy reinforcement zone in the centre from my position on the left side off the map in the wood by the main road (LEFT WOOD). Here I had two Tigers and a few support vehicles with my panzer IV:s plus infantry moving forward to Middle road objective. I didn’t spot his SU-76s though and it cost me a few panzer IVs at close range. That stopped my “feint” attack on my left and I hold on to the LEFT WOOD with remaining forces during the battle. I did see his T34/85s arrive to some degree but the foliage on the LEFT WOOD impaired much of my LOS. I ordered my mortar support to fire in that general area of the depression and that probably reinforces my Russian counterpart to think that I was pointing my barrels directly at his reinf. zones.

My units around the church and hill on the right side has some possibility to spot but only as question marks and never so that I could engage. I deployed my towed AT that I got as reinforcement there but it didn’t fire a single shot during the mission.

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Have started to play the scenario as PBEM, first moves so far. Hope we can play it to the end, since emails are getting heavy 12.2 Mb after fopur moves. I do hope our mail serves will be able to send emails once reinforcments start to arrive.

Thanks for making the scenario!

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  • 4 weeks later...

@wildboar: thank you for rating this scenario in the repository.

Feedback on a scenario played H2H is valuable to me. It is tricky to make a scenario that is both playable vs AI and vs a human.

If you have some more detailed comments you would like to share, lemme know :)

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  • 4 months later...


Great scenario. I have been fighting it out via PBEM and can finally leave some feedback. I got a total victory as the Germans, Soviet surrender with 12 minutes to go. If we had cease fired instead I think it would have been a major victory for me.

Great map with lots of tactical options. Feels real with the elevation changes and nice details.

I went up the left with my main effort, moving to the road before swinging right. I also moved two smaller units to the Church and center of the map. I was able to snipe a lot of Soviet tanks from long distance. The Soviets got beat up and moved into positions around the central village, I tried to take it two times but was repulsed. T-34/85s able to kill two Tigers.

But as I was creeping in from three sides I was able to reduce the Soviet force even more and In the end it was a clear German victory. Maybe the Soviets should have had a couple IS to balance the Tigers, but at the same time, the T-34/85s proved deadly.

This was my first scenario for RT and what a great way to start on the eastern front! Thanks for your work, all in all 5/5 for me.

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  • 1 year later...
4 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

I only bought RT recently. This is a great scenario with a gorgeous map. I managed a Major Victory despite having a Stuka take out one of my Tigers. Bloody flyboys..grrrrrrr.

...and say you have the Stuka siren sound mod installed even more fun!!  :P

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