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Wishes/ideas for future packs(DLC)?

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Well sure. But keep in mind that that sort of thing probably will have to wait for a newer generation of more powerful computers to be widely adopted by household users.


I really disagree, modern computers even a few years old, heck my i7-2600k is barely being used in CMx2 are more than capable of amazing graphic fidelity, much, much higher than what CMx2 currently does.

I fully "blame" the engine and it's inability to use the drivers AMD/ATI and Nvidia provide. I know we are using OpenGL not DirectX but still I can not believe that CMx2 is the limit, especially in shadows, lighting etc... no way. Something is up with the engine, I'm sure of it.

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Well sure. But keep in mind that that sort of thing probably will have to wait for a newer generation of more powerful computers to be widely adopted by household users.


Possibly ones with multiple processing cores that could handle parallel and unrelated streams of calculations like ambient animations or sound effects... Perhaps we're actually waiting for BFC to have a big enough revenue stream to build a large enough programming department to be able to handle the work needed to integrate multi-core processing into the code.

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People should bear in mind that pack contents will still have to keep to the June-thru-September timeframe. No Jumbos in September. No Jadgtiger in September. Not even any AT-gun concrete bunkers in the region that I'm aware of. This isn't 'World of Tanks' where you can purchase prototypes and paper panzers. But there's still a *bleep*-load of stuff that can go into the title to flesh it out. Heck, were are the Free French guerillas? We still need to liberate Paris and the city fighting improvements could make it doable.

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Well sure. But keep in mind that that sort of thing probably will have to wait for a newer generation of more powerful computers to be widely adopted by household users.

Plenty of gamers have upgraded their computers in recent years. On the contrary, it's that small minority of people here that think, because their computer runs CMx1 fine that it should also run CMx2 fine, the CMx2 engine shouldn't be asked to do more than it's doing right now. That mindset has to die sooner rather than later.

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Plenty of gamers have upgraded their computers in recent years. On the contrary, it's that small minority of people here that think, because their computer runs CMx1 fine that it should also run CMx2 fine, the CMx2 engine shouldn't be asked to do more than it's doing right now. That mindset has to die sooner rather than later.

That is a tough call. Personally I am old enough and well compensated at work enough to simply decide when I want to upgrade. I do not know that the average gamer necessarily is in that position. We have had enough people suggest they either have to put off a purchase or choose between CM families to make me acutely aware that there are folks out there who play the game and struggle to be able to afford it. They are as much a part of BF's consumer base as I.

As to what I would like to see, I'm with Broadsword. I want more flavor items that reflect the destruction of battle- we have umpteen types of barrels, but none are busted. We have two kinds of Telephone poles and a variety of street lamps, but none of them downed to be crushed under my tank treads!! How about some building facings that are gutted. Hell some two or three story walls could probably be made to work if they look properly chewed up. Only problem is that all requires work on the UI so my wish list is likely to have less progress than others.

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There's a fair chance that since a pack is considered 'less than a module' (and priced less to reflect that) they're probably not going to rewrite the entire game engine for it. Lets keep our expectations in check. Funky French tanks in German service is likely, British 'funnies' are likely, complete building interiors isn't.

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Not even any AT-gun concrete bunkers in the region that I'm aware of.

Ah - this is the reason we can't have AT guns in bunkers? I always wondered about that because bunkers are vehicles and vehicles have guns. So technically it shouldn't be a problem to have ATG bunkers.

So why didn't they do it back then? Seems such an obvious idea.

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Plenty of gamers have upgraded their computers in recent years. On the contrary, it's that small minority of people here that think, because their computer runs CMx1 fine that it should also run CMx2 fine, the CMx2 engine shouldn't be asked to do more than it's doing right now. That mindset has to die sooner rather than later.

That's not strictly true. BFC have already said the game runs better on some older video gear than some newer gear, AIUI... In an ideal world, there would be enough optional bells and whistles to stress the funkiest bleeding-edge system while the basic framework should continue to function on the systems that were around at the time of launch... Tough ask, I know, but one can dream...

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That's not strictly true. BFC have already said the game runs better on some older video gear than some newer gear, AIUI... In an ideal world, there would be enough optional bells and whistles to stress the funkiest bleeding-edge system while the basic framework should continue to function on the systems that were around at the time of launch... Tough ask, I know, but one can dream...

I'm strongly encouraged by this latest patch to see that BF is making improvements that positively affect hi-end systems. Hopefully this trend continues. As well, I agree that the flavor objects could do with..more flavor and fidelity. :) It's a bit jarring to see all park benches, barrels, and crates intact after absorbing a heavy artillery barrage.

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There's a fair chance that since a pack is considered 'less than a module' (and priced less to reflect that) they're probably not going to rewrite the entire game engine for it. Lets keep our expectations in check. Funky French tanks in German service is likely, British 'funnies' are likely, complete building interiors isn't.

killjoy :D

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Put in as much as possible of units/formations/vehicles that where present during the time frame :) . One thing I have been woundering about.. will BF hold of on this pack for CMBN unitl 3.0 or whenever fire is added. Or might we see two packs, one odds and sods and one focused all around flames.

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Hobart's Funnies

Speaking of which, does anyone know if there was a Teutonic equivalent to "Hobart's Funnies" that the Germans used in SitReps and IntReps and suchlike when reporting on or discussing the various AVsRE and other specialist assault tanks that the British developed?

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A light and heavy rubble tile like we have for tree bases. The building rubble just doesn't cut it visually...it is too symmetrical and the interior debris is much flatter than the rubble we had in CMSF. Light rubble could be passable by vehicles and heavy would bar them.

A debris/trash overlay/layer. It would put trash and small pieces of brick and the like over what ever tile it is sitting upon (a lot like how brush works in game). It would go a long way in making battle ravaged areas look less antiseptic. Here's a pic to give you an idea (I've had this idea since CMSF as you'll gather). I sent the idea to Steve 3 years ago but he never responded. How dare him not recognize my genius!


Along with the junk flavor objects we already have in game, it would really help dirty up the battle field.


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Thanks. Would that be "Dreschflegel-Panzer"?

Yes, 'Panzer' is the correct translation for 'tank'. But the word 'Tank' had made it's way into German at that time (less so today). So it would not be out of the ordinary to use the English term (especially for allied tanks).

Pronunciation is course German: ~ 'tunk'.

Btw - that would be one word: Dreschflegelpanzer. We love those long words... ;)

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In the current conception of Packs, AIUI, you're not going to get anything that will change passability or speed or bog chance, cover or concealment, only cosmetic stuff.

Yeah, I was thinking more for 3.0 or another upgrade, seeing as it would be something that would benefit all flavors of CM.


P.S. Does anyone know what the hell Emrys was talking about?

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Excellent, thanks.

Ok, so that's the Crab. Any thoughts on the Crocodile, Kangaroo, AVRE, etc?

I've read AVREs simply being called "Spezialfahrzeug (AVRE)", meaning special vehicle. Considering they were approximately used like Sturmtigers the term Sturmmöser (assault mortar) might be applicable.

As for Crocodiles they were called "Flammpanzer" or "Flammwerferpanzer" - flame tank or flamethrower tank. Don't know about Kangaroos.

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