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New file at the Repository: Fallujah Hospital (2013-10-26)

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REPOSITORY NARRATIVEThis mission attempts to replicate the successful attack to secure Fallujah Hospital by the 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion USMC (Wolfpack) and the 36th Iraqi Commando Battalion during the evening/early night of 07 November 2004. This mission was one of the shaping operations as part of the wider clearance of Fallujah by 1 MAR DIV.This is Blue versus Red AI mission played out on a 1226 x 1324m map closely modelled on the original ground. There are two Red AI plans. To play this mission you will need the CMSF base game patched to ver 1.32, the USMC and British and NATO modules.Further reading can be found in the publication On Point II Transition to the New Campaign: The United States Army in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM May 2003 – January 2005


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Thank you Combatinman for Fallujah Hospital CMSF and the suggestion for the publication On Point II Transition to the New Campaign: The United States Army in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM May 2003 – January 2005. Will fire it up later this week and give you some feedback.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have played the scenario, and had a good time. The real hospital grounds battle could also have provided a battle by itself with quite a lot of close combat and MOUT actions confined to the hospital and North bridge only..

Just a question, why did you have the road going to the South bridge done the way it is and not like it is seen in your Google Earth picture. That could be done.

I also think that if you get involved a little bit more into the Red A.I plans, you will give a new dimension to the scenario. The defence will be less static and the results will be surprising in the good sense that is. Closer to the Guerrillas actions that were observed at the time.

For those interested, the following 5 books (they are a must) about the two Fallujah battles, that is, the first one, Operation Vigilant Resolve in April 2004 and the second one, Operation Phantom Fury in November of the same year,

Operation Phantom Fury - The assault and capture of Fallujah by Dick CAMP

No True Glory -A front line account of the battle of Fallujah by Bing WEST

New Dawn - The battles for Fallujah by Richard S. LOWRY

We Were One - Shoulder to shoulder with the Marines who took Fallujah by Patrick K. O'DONNEL

House to House - An Epic Memoir of War by SSG David BELLAVIA


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Thanks for the comments.

Regarding the modelling of the southern road - if there is a way to do it within the parameters of the scenario editor please let me know. The reason it is 'wobbly' is because I am prepared to accept compromises in the look of the ground but am not keen to change the map scale. This was the only way I could get the road to fit the actual ground distances.

Regarding the AI - I admit I have much to learn here but I struggle (and I'll be honest) I don't have the patience to test really nuanced AI plans. For this scenario I saw little value in doing much on the right flank with the AI because once the Blue player crests the southern highway, anything moving will be seen. Admittedly there is slightly more scope for that on the left flank.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@ Combatintman

- About the South Bridge road -

Sorry not to have answered earlier, being away and without a connection around. I must confess that I had not thought that the road being at a 30% angle or so, the making of it obliged you to go transversally and then up again, in order to keep somehow a bearing toward South bridge I tried to alter the course of the road in the editor, doing slightly better and or worse. Got just surprised to see two roads. I had not notice them while playing.

Anyway these are details that are not changing the quality of your map and of the battle.

I have seen your map shots of CMSF Mojo Returned - Op Telic Campaign/Missions and found them pretty well done with a good situation rendering and well done highways turn around and exits. When the roads angle allows it, the problem is not one anymore. It will be a good thing if they could change that in CMSF 2.


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Got much closer to the Hospital using tips from BlackMoria but I an to "obsessive about micromanaging my forces" as I should be. Started taking hits trying to avoid collateral damage to baddies. Will make the push this weekend to see the doctor and check out my end of game #s. It will be > 1 KIA, 3 WIA.

So I learn and fire her up again. Good job on Fallujah Hospital Combatintman.

snake eye, Thanks for putting the mods up for the scenario too.

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Operation IRAQI FREEDOM Fallujah Hospital - Run # 4 = Tactical Victory Elite Turn Based.

No US dismounts (3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion USMC (Wolfpack) wounded and I used them a plenty. 1 LAV KO’d! I think from 36th Iraqi Commando Battalion it was @20 Commandos WIA @ 10 KIA. Seemed like every bad guy in town had an RPG! Looked like fireworks at times and they seemed to see well at night.

I definetly lost points for peppering the buildings a bit too much. I was ready for the 'surprise' that happens at the close near the south and north bridge areas thanks to BlackMoria’s advice. Thanks. I would have gotten worse results had I not prepared for that surprise.

Good map. Plenty of room to work with equipment and forces at hand. Nice balance of VPs. “ROE is a key consideration and damage to civilian structures, particularly the hospital, is to be minimized.” I could have destroyed every bad guy around leveling everything but then I would not win this "low intensity conflict." I will play Fallujah Hospital again in the future to try for better end game results sticking closer to ROE and getting no LAV knock out. A fun scenario, Combatintman. Thank you.

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Buzz, glad you got there in the end. Reference the RPGs, I tend to go for these in the force pick because they were prevalent in both Iraq and in Afghanistan and of course the enemy need them to pose a threat to vehicles. Another reason I prefer them is because whenever I've gone with the settings that give sniper rifles you get situations where Blue picks up lots of single casualties on the way to the objective which are very difficult to avoid.

Anyway no doubt you'll be looking for something else to play so I'd better crack on with my projects.

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RPGs in "low intensity conflict." ;) If they were prevalent in both Iraq and in Afghanistan and I have no doubt they were they should be included. I need better tactical skills to avoid them. It was funny how sometimes there were 3 flying past my LAVs in a 60" turn. I am sure that got the guys attention.

Looking forward to your next projects Combatintman. I have yet to play all the CMSF Mac Bundle originals yet! I am switch hitting in CMFI now. Interesting how much the latest patches smoothed out CMFI & CMBN. Makes my appetite for New Modern all the more.

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Well your RPG design worked. Several turns I had RPGs miss over and or near the LAVs. Speaks to BlackMoria’s preferance for RT with pauses. When the fireworks get too close PAUSE and adjust.... before the boys go into the wrong place during 60".

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