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New 'type' of QB battles for singleplayer

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I have a small suggestion to perhaps get some more single player scenarios

posted on the repository...

Like has been mentioned before by others...Many scenario-ideas may be a bit to ambitious (with maps mirroring the real world location down to the last tree, 100 % historcally correct forces etc.)...

These scenarios are obviously amazingly well made and fun to play but they are taking very long to finish or even ending up in the trashcan before they can be completed.

The idea described below might well have been mentioned before...

Theese simple scenarios will work best with the AI defending (AI attacking will need a bit more work - with plans etc.)

- Load one of the QB maps in the scenarioeditor..there's something like 400 to choose from...

- Remove the AI plans and setupzones from the defending side.

- Tweak the victorylocations and other parameters to your liking.

- Choose the troops for both the attacking and defending side.


- DEPLOY THE DEFENDING FORCES AS BEST YOU CAN !!! (like you would if playing a HTH game)


- Make a simple briefing for the attacking side (player).


A simple scenario on a WELL-MADE map with the player attacking a defencive possiton that has been SET-UP by an other HUMAN-PLAYER (and not the AI).

I think scenarios like this will be far more enjoyable then an ordinary QB-game in wich the AI decides the defensive set-up. (most times not very well...HQ's, mortars, machineguns etc. mixed up in a terrible way).

I understand that the AI defences in such a scenario will be very STATIC but i think that these kind of scenarios will work OK for simple trainingmissions and give a few hours of reasonably fun gameplay...With quite limited effort put in by the scenario designer.

To add a little more life to these scenarios the designer might add some simple plans, reinforcements etc...But still...not very complicated or time consuming scenarios to make.

If we could get a number of players to make these kind of scenarios and post them on the repository we will soon get 'a new kind' of QB battles for the singleplayer. Much more fun to play i think !

What do you guys think...Is this a good idea or a waste of time (producing 'second rate' scenarios) ?

I'm working on one now...Let's see how it turns out...

Regards, Repsol

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Yep...This can also be applied to campaigns as well, where not every linked map has to be a fresh one. Especially if its an attrition campaign where force preservation is the focus and not so much the terrain.

Described in the OP would be a human player on the attack vs a static AI scenario, where the tac AI does most of the work. AI plans are not very hard either so eventually one could add some as they learn the process.

Lastly, I suppose one could also take a quick battle map and change it around a bit in the editor as well. Add a building here a wall there etc. So lots of possibilities to convert quick battle maps into single player scenarios without getting tied down to finite detailing over time. Although I do a appreciate the wow factor from a severely intricate scenario as well.

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Hello, nik mond !

I agree. Thoose are good ideas.

Me myself is one of 'the guilty' users of this game that has not contributed with any scenario to the community so far.

I thought i would give the editor a try...starting out...small and simple.

Hopefully a number of users will find these kind of scenarios enjoyable and good practice and will in turn make their own and post them on the repository...

Hopefully resulting in - one scenario/week - or something like that being uploaded for others to try...I atleast find the serious lack of new scenarios avaliable to be by far the biggest 'flaw' with this game. There are obviosly improvements that can be made to the game mechanics but the lack of playable content is...disapointing...

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I think that's an excellent idea.

I like QBs, but I sometimes get tired of the unrealistic forces some players choose. I never play against the AI, so AI programming is unnecessary for me. Also, games that play well for a human opponent tend to be simpler than those against the AI. H2H games work best with a good map, realistic mission and forces, maybe a few reinforcements, but to keep as much as possible in the players' hands.

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Hello, nik mond !

I agree. Thoose are good ideas.

Me myself is one of 'the guilty' users of this game that has not contributed with any scenario to the community so far.

I thought i would give the editor a try...starting out...small and simple.

Hopefully a number of users will find these kind of scenarios enjoyable and good practice and will in turn make their own and post them on the repository...

Hopefully resulting in - one scenario/week - or something like that being uploaded for others to try...I atleast find the serious lack of new scenarios avaliable to be by far the biggest 'flaw' with this game. There are obviosly improvements that can be made to the game mechanics but the lack of playable content is...disapointing...

Wow, have you actually been able to play most/all scenario's that were shipped with the game? I know, I don't have a lot of time and am playing some PBEM's. But so far I've only tried ~5 scenario's from CMFI and 2 from GL, apart from 2 x 2 campaign missions. Not even speaking of CMBN / CW, I have far too many available scenario's available to play.

However, I do agree there is room for some more lighthearted scenario's: no need to read the briefing, just lock and load type of business. I've tried QB's against the AI but indeed the AI could use some support in setting up it's defenses ;)

Some time in the future I might give it a try too, for now I'm looking forward to your creation!

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Wow, have you actually been able to play most/all scenario's that were shipped with the game?

Hello, Lethaface...

No. I have not played all the scenarios.

The number of scenarios that come with the modules is not what i mean when i

wrote that i was 'disapointed' with the lack of scenarios...Thoose are plenty and well worth the money the modules cost.

What i meant is that the 'follow up' scenario creation by the comunity is a bit disapointing (you have to agree)...Take CMFI for example...have there been even 5 scenarios posted on the repository since its release ? i don't thinks so...

Also...for some reason or others some people may not like all the scenarios that shipp with the game either...To big in scale or maybe some other reason.

Therefore a steady flow of new scenarios of different kind and compexity would be a good thing i think...

I'm trying to put together a scenario now...hopfully i will have it finished after the weekend. This is the first time i try to make a scenario so dont expect a masterpiece...I will do my best though.

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Hi RepsolCBR, well you can't do more than do your best :D

Ok, now I understand your point. 5 is indeed not so many, for CM:BN there are more custom built scenario's. However it obviously has been out longer. Perhaps the usual suspects are all (beta) designing for Market Garden/East Front/CMSF2? :D

Anyway not sure why, so indeed it's a good idea to set an example and who knows what follows? I'd probably suck at map creation but given my work I should be more than able to create some in depth AI scripts.

Main problem for me is that working about 45 hours a week, running a single household, sporting and trying to have something of a social life not so much time remains for wargaming leisure.

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Wow, have you actually been able to play most/all scenario's that were shipped with the game? I know, I don't have a lot of time and am playing some PBEM's. But so far I've only tried ~5 scenario's from CMFI and 2 from GL, apart from 2 x 2 campaign missions. Not even speaking of CMBN / CW, I have far too many available scenario's available to play.............

As a real time player I've bashed through 2 campaigns and every scenario in Gustav Line. Most scenarios are just over an hour anyways. I assume you must be a wego player? Maybe its just me but I must say Gustav has the most sophisticated scenarios of the series I have played. I really enjoyed all of them.

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Hi RepsolCBR, well you can't do more than do your best :D

Ok, now I understand your point. 5 is indeed not so many, for CM:BN there are more custom built scenario's. However it obviously has been out longer. Perhaps the usual suspects are all (beta) designing for Market Garden/East Front/CMSF2? :D

Anyway not sure why, so indeed it's a good idea to set an example and who knows what follows? I'd probably suck at map creation but given my work I should be more than able to create some in depth AI scripts.

Main problem for me is that working about 45 hours a week, running a single household, sporting and trying to have something of a social life not so much time remains for wargaming leisure.


Yes. I fully understand that real life gets in the way of most people. My self included. My usual computer-time each week i would guess is something like 10 hours, 15 at best. During the winter it might be a littel more.

'perhaps the usual suspects are designing for market garden'

Yes. Thats part of what i mean. I think we rely a bit to much on 'THE USUAL SUSPECTS'...It seems like there are only a dussin or two making scenarios for this game...They can only do so much (but they do very well).

I think if we want this game to be as good as it could be 'we others' might need to put a littel effort into it also (real life has to come first of course).

I think that quite a few casual gamers might be a little 'intimidated' to post

their work because their military- and historical nowledge is no where near that of 'the usual suspects'...Nor is their expertice with the editor...resulting in a scenario that might not reach- the very high quality -of the scenarios that are released with the modules...

But i don't think they need to be...I'd much rather play 5-10 good scenarios while waiting for those 'very high quality' ones made by the pros than not play any at all..

Thats why i think...

-A well orginized defence set up by a human on a QB-map - for other people to attack will go a long way.

Regards, Repsol

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You're absolutely right.

There was this scenario designer back in CMBB, AL was his name, who made maybe 20-30 tiny, enjoyable vs AI scenarios. Under-hour battles that were tough, VERY re-playable. I sometimes replayed one scenario 6-10 times.

Well, you've recruited me. I'm going to do just as you suggested, find a cool QB map and tweak to give a neat little vs AI tactical challenge. What's more, It's going to be ready by Friday night. I made my first scenario a couple of weeks ago, and have been dragging my ass on the second. Three days is my deadline.

Will post here again when it's up. :D

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I have just uploaded my first scenario to the repository (i hope i did it right so it works).

I guess it will be avaliable in a few days...

I have done like i suggested in my first post:

- picked a QB-map

- deployed the defensive side

- added 2 simple AI-orders

In this scenario the player will attack a companie-sized german force set up as a blocking possition south of Catania (sicily).

Date: August 1. 1943

I understand that i'm not a tactical genius so this scenario may not be very challeging for the more experienced players but please give it a try if you like...

Using the QB maps and keeping the scenario fairly simple makes these scenarios quite fast to make. I have not really kept track of how many hours a have spent on this first one but i would guess maybe 10 (including 2 quick playtestings).

Hopefully some of you will find it acceptable and maybe try to do simular work...

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Oops...Sorry !

Forgot to mention the name of the scenario...

QBS One more roadblock

I thought that if more scenarios like this is made it might be a good idea to speciify that they are made using QB-maps and prefix the scenario name with QBS (quick battle singleplayer) for example...

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You're absolutely right.

There was this scenario designer back in CMBB, AL was his name, who made maybe 20-30 tiny, enjoyable vs AI scenarios. Under-hour battles that were tough, VERY re-playable. I sometimes replayed one scenario 6-10 times.

Well, you've recruited me. I'm going to do just as you suggested, find a cool QB map and tweak to give a neat little vs AI tactical challenge. What's more, It's going to be ready by Friday night. I made my first scenario a couple of weeks ago, and have been dragging my ass on the second. Three days is my deadline.

Will post here again when it's up. :D

Michael C Clarke with 12 posts from CMBB, I smell Alter-Ego here. I think we are in for some rather experienced scenario creation. Bring it all anyways we could use them.

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Failed to meet my 3 day deadline, playtesting took awhile longer than expected... But here it is:

"GL The Loyalty of Garibaldi"

"Italian partisans, under the veteran leadership of commander Victor Garibaldi, and with the support of several L3/35 tankettes, attack a German Flak position + town."

"Tiny, Allied vs AI scenario, 30 turns. Modified from quick battle map 420 MEET TINY AGRI. All credit to original scenario designer"

Download link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9nefU0gCfvqVjdkeE9xNE5IWVU/edit?usp=sharing

That is a "Google Drive" link, will add repository link when up.


JonS is doing a DAR on scenario design at this link: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110294 Check it out. One thing I remember him mentioning is that good scenarios need a "hook", some unique thing that makes it stands out about the rest, and makes the player want to play it. The Hook Im employing in my scenario is that it is an "Axis vs Axis" fight, which you dont seen much of.


Using the QB maps and keeping the scenario fairly simple makes these scenarios quite fast to make. I have not really kept track of how many hours a have spent on this first one but i would guess maybe 10 (including 2 quick playtestings).

Yes, I found about the same. Maybe 3-5 hours modifying the map, changing terrain features, size+width etc. Another few hours tweaking the OOB's, experience, etc. Maybe 4-5 hours total playtesting. 12-13 hours total I would imagine. One-a-week scenario's are do-able with this method, although a definite focus and dedication would be required.

I'll check out QBS One more roadblock when its up.


Michael C Clarke with 12 posts from CMBB, I smell Alter-Ego here. I think we are in for some rather experienced scenario creation. Bring it all anyways we could use them.

I've been playing CM off/on since the CMBO demo, played the heck out of CMBB, took a break for a couple years until getting back in with Fortress Italy. But I'm not yet a scenario designer, not by a long shot. This will only be my second released scenario... I've mucked about in the editor a wee bit, and I think it's time to get a little more serious about it. I've been enjoying the creations of other designers for years now, time to give back, in whatever capacity I am able. Oh, and the reason for only 12 posts is due to my creating a new account after getting back into CM when Fortress Italy came out. Went by the tag "Mikey" before. Long time lurker. :D

There does indeed seem to be a lack of user made scenarios for Fortress Italy+Gustav Line... I have fond memories of those Quick, tough, vs AI CMBB scenarios made by "AL" for CMBB, so If I can emulate that style it would be time well invested.

P.S. If there are any concerns regarding copyright/original owner issues due to the fact that I'm modifying a map not of my own, I am all ears. I'm only trying to cut down some of my workload by modifying pre-made maps, but if anyone knows the official stance regarding this, like I said, I'm all ears.

Time to get started on the next one. :D

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This morning I decided to play a QB. I let the game itself chose a mix of forces for both sides. What I did get was a force consisting of one Pz IIIM, one Nashorn, one Flakvierling vehicle and TWELVE 75mm Pak! Seems a bit excessive. No infantry at all, apart from the ammo bearers.

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I think having a repository for CMx2 QB's, scenarios and playtesting would be awesome. I havent been to The Scenario Depot or The Proving Grounds in so long..... does it cater for CMx2 or is it something we as a community need to look at. I know if there is a niche for it I could incorporate it into The FGM site.

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Wow, that does look like a beast!

Do you modify QB's for each battle by importing correct force; adding proper setup zones; changing ammo levels if out of supply, etc?

Tourney master workload seems intense! Just from that shot I can see Disrupted, Replenishing, Dugin and out of supply conditions for several counters... Preplanned arty, naval bombardments... Very impressive.

EDIT: Scenario Depot does not seem to have CMx2 scenarios.

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Each battle is built on a map roughly matching the terrain, ammo levels, morale, headcount, unit condition are all factored in. The HQ areas have an up to date OOB for each chit. We are on D+2 and 47 battles have been fought. We also factor in Strategic and Tactical Air Strikes, Artillery and Naval Artillery. It is an awful lot of work... but it is so much fun. Especially listening to all the haggling between the commanders in their respective HQ areas as they decide upon their next move.

I will pop a post up and see if there is any interest for a scenario/map playtesting hosting site for CMx2.

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