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AAR - Wittmann's Demise - The German Perspective

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The Sixteenth Minute

One of my Jpz'z takes the Sherman V on the far end of the line under fire...


He manages to score two hits, one partial penetration and finally a killing blow. Now Warren's entire initial line is compromised.


Seen redeploying were:

Top - Sherman V (hit and penetrated last turn, suspected gun damage) trying to exit the area.. the problem Warren is having here is that there is only one way through the wall, he either needs to use that or go around it.. in this case he is attempting to go around it to save this tank.

Bottom - Firefly... remember what I said last turn... Warren will need to redeploy the Firefly to get a bead on my Tigers, and that is exactly what he is doing.. at this point it seems a bit like throwing gasoline on the fire though.


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Guesses for how many of the remaining 5 Tigers will be lost:

---Jack Ration - 4

---George MC - 2

---pnzrldr - 2

---Baneman - All 5

---Buzz - None

---Seedorf81 - All 5

---sburke - 4

---Fizou - 2

---Lethaface - None

---noob - 1 - sorry noob, you are going to be wrong ;)

---OrdeaL - None

One of these options is correct:

A) None

B) Two

C) Four

D) All Five

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The Seventeenth Miinute

And the pendulum swings back the other way.. damn. Warren positioned his Firefly to engage the units on the center road, not the Tigers after all.. it paid off immediately for him as his damned Firefly killed my foremost Jpz.


I thought I would have the opportunity to rush a halftrack across the open space and get closer to the objective now that Warren's line is collapsing.. I misjudged as Warren had a Sherman V on the other end of the line that was more than capable of spotting and killing this halftrack. Double damn.


My first reinforcements have arrived! This is 6 Ko. (Pz-IV). I have a section of them moving forward to see if they can spot, or at least get some contacts on anything Warren has on the right side of the map. If nothing else I want him to know I have armor in the center which hopefully will keep him from coming over the fields and hitting my force advancing on Objective 1 in the flank.


Blood Board

This battle is all about the amount of dead tanks, they will be legion. I will update this Blood Board as losses mount on both sides. Should be interesting to watch the flow of kills. The current exchange rate is NOT in my favor as you can clearly see.


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The Eighteenth Minute

I was happy to note that the first kill by a Tiger in the game goes to Wittmann himself.


However the jubilation was cut short as I lose one Pz IV that was rushing the left side of the map to hopefully move up to the area where the Marder was earlier...


And evidently it was a mistake to bring 6 Ko. out so early.. I lose the 2d Platoon HQ tank to an unseen shooter near the first objective.




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Ehm.., Well..

A little perhaps, but that also has to do with the way Gaj defends, the map, the terrain and size of the forces involved.

And most certainly with my inability to play - OR WATCH - with patience.

But you've got my full attention on this AAR, you sure have!

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The Nineteenth Minute

The turn started with Warren repositioning his Firefly, this time he did have my Tigers in his crosshairs.

He gets the first shot off at 01:30:40 (20 seconds into the turn) which hit and penetrated Dollinger's Tiger. No damage however... whew.


Several seconds later Wittmann's tank got a bead on the Firefly and let one fly. Penetration! However seeing as the Firefly fired (and missed) a few seconds later I don't think there was any damage. This round did force the Firefly to button and back off the line so it at least shook him up.


Next there was a simultaneous event.. both Dollinger's and Wittmann's Tigers fire at the same time.

It was good fun to watch the two rounds go downrange.. however, Dollinger's round went high while Wittmann's connected again, and penetrated again.


Wittmann fires a final time and again hits the Firefly. This round's impact actually pushes the Firefly back about a meter... and this is the round that knocks the bastard out.

Dollinger's tank got one more round off that hit and penetrated after this one, but the fat lady had already sung, unfortunately for him. His boss will get the credit for the kill.


Here is the current Blood Board... note that I had miscounted dead Sherman V's and this one has the correct count.. there are 3 dead Sherman V's now along with the one dead Firefly.


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The Twentieth Minute

Damn.. I was in the process of pulling 6 Ko. back from their exposed position and I lose another Pz-IV to the hidden tanks near Objective 1.


1st Ko. comes in, however without transport it is highly unlikely they will contribute much in the battle, especially as I don't have any real objectives on this side of the map.


3rd Ko. also arrives, I will be scouting forward with a couple teams to see, well, what I can see.



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The Twenty-First & Twenty Second Minute

This is the tank that has been shooting up my 6 Ko. Pz-IVs.. they have now pulled back into a reserve position.


Dollinger's Tiger gets his first kill in turn 22... this Sherman V was trying to escape from the doomed first line of defense.


My planned moves now are composed of the Tigers moving (in stages) up as illustrated. I have a Pz-IV section moving on the far left. Note the halftrack that is scouting the way for the Pz-IVs.. they are manned by the Marder crew.. I abandoned that vehicle as the gun was out and it was useless.

The Jpz section is the anchor on the right side of the line.


Blood Board

The latest Blood Board including the latest kill...


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The Twenty Fifth Minute

Skipping ahead a few minutes my Pz-IV section and a couple of halftracks are on the outskirts of the first objective. My lead halftrack spots two Fireflies lurking across the fields...

...this is both good and bad.. its good because they are buttoned, haven't spotted me yet, and are not on the objective... its bad because.. well two Fireflies means at least two platoons are waiting for me on the next defensive line and I had a hell of a time with just the one platoon.

I doubt Warren is willing to give me Gaumesnil without a fight. It appears that Warren is using his Fireflies as a support by fire asset while he will probably be maneuvering in close with his Sherman Vs... keeping them at arms length is the right way to use them in my opinion.


In the center, 7 Ko. (x6 Pz-IV) comes in... I am sending two of these tanks to the infantry for support, while 6 Ko. is now freed to join the assault on objective 1 and 7 Ko. will make up my reserve.


On the right side I am starting to get a loose picture of what is in the woods ahead of 3rd Ko... there is one UI tank in the wood line straight ahead.. while a Sherman III was spotted on the periphery... how many tanks Warren has over here is anybody's guess at this point. With this information all I can say for sure is that there is at least 2 separate platoons, and I do not doubt that there could be a full squadron in those woods and the town beyond... or more.


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The Twenty-Sixth Minute

I really need to learn to not line my halftracks up so they can't both be knocked out with one round.. damn.


At least my foremost halftrack was able to drop off its passengers who became my lead scouts, and spotted this...

--a Firefly and a UI tank (probably a Sherman V).. this is bad news. The third Firefly on this side means Warren has three platoons at least arrayed in front of me.


The current situation shows how far I have advanced.. I am in the treeline just outside of Gaumesnil now. The Jpz section is also on the line and on the right end protecting the flank. Two more Tigers (including Wittmanns) are moving up behind these three.


Blood Board

The latest Blood Board.. I need to start catching up soon.


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The Twenty Seventh - the Thirty Third Minute

On the main road I have pushed a pair of Pz-IVs as far as they can go.. I lose one to tank fire from across the map.. guess Warren can see on this road better than I thought from over there.



On the objective there is quite a little fight going on over a section I call the Triangle Compound.. we are both short of infantry (at least on this side of the map) so the action here is between crews and my recon units and a few enemy crews... I have the Pz-IVs in this area as well in case he does something with that Sherman V sitting on the road next to the compound.

Meanwhile I have pushed my Tigers and a recon team into the main walled compound of the Gaumesnil objective.


The current situation at the end of the 33rd minute shows my Tigers well into the Gaumesnil compound. There does not seem to be any enemy within the walls at this point.

Note Dollinger's Tiger...


...he actually has spots on both the Firefly at the edge of the objective and a Sherman III down range on what I suspect is Warren's third line. This line contains at least two Fireflies, so with this information I would say that he has at least one platoon near the Gaumesnil objective, of which I have identified two tanks, and he has at least two more on the line with the Sherman III and the two Fireflies. I expect to see two or three more tanks near Gaumesnil to flush out the forward platoon.

Looks like we have a face-off brewing as the Firefly spots Dollinger's Tiger right at the end of the turn... they are both within spitting range.


Also at the end of the turn Dollinger fires and hits the Sherman III... no penetration was noted and the tank buttoned up after hit.. so I suspect no damage.


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