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Brits in Shorts, 9/43

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Hey there one fellow in the vid that was carrying a phantom weapon

Yes and no. That fellow, now deceased, was the father of Pink Floyd lead vocalist and multi-instrumentalist David Gilmour. If you watch my little video carefully you'll see he's actually playing air guitar. :cool:

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Yes and no. That fellow, now deceased, was the father of Pink Floyd lead vocalist and multi-instrumentalist David Gilmour. If you watch my little video carefully you'll see he's actually playing air guitar

Are you sure you don't mean Roger Waters :D


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It was just before dawn

One miserable morning in black forty-four.

When the forward commander

Was told to sit tight

When he asked that his men be withdrawn.

And the Generals gave thanks

As the other ranks held back

The enemy tanks for a while.

And the Anzio bridgehead

Was held for the price

Of a few hundred ordinary lives.

And kind old King George

Sent Mother a note

When he heard that father was gone.

It was, I recall,

In the form of a scroll,

With gold leaf adorned.

And I found it one day

In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away.

And my eyes still grow damp to remember

His Majesty signed

With his own rubber stamp.

It was dark all around.

There was frost in the ground

When the tigers broke free.

And no one survived

From the Royal Fusiliers Company C.

They were all left behind,

Most of them dead,

The rest of them dying.

And that's how the High Command

Took my daddy from me.

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Are you sure you don't mean Roger Waters :D


Weren't they bandmates? Water's father was killed at Anzio. He composed the lugubrious and rather self-pitying track "When the Tigers Broke Free" in his memory. From Wiki:

The song sets up the story premise for The Wall movie, set over footage recreating the British contribution to the Anzio campaign's Operation Shingle, where Allied forces landed on the beaches near Anzio, Italy, with the goal of liberating Rome from German control. These forces included C Company of the Royal Fusiliers, in which Waters' father Eric served.[5] As Waters tells it, the forward commander had asked to withdraw his forces from a German Tiger tank assault, but the generals refused, and "the Anzio bridgehead was held for the price / Of a few hundred ordinary lives" as the Tigers eventually broke through the British defence, killing all of C Company, including Eric Waters.

In the second verse of the song (which makes up the reprise later in The Wall film), Waters describes how he found a letter of condolence from the British government, described as a note from King George in the form of a gold leaf scroll which "His Majesty signed / In his own rubber stamp." Waters' resentment then explodes in the final line "And that's how the High Command took my Daddy from me".

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I certainly don't want to censor him..just for John to reign it in a touch as it can annoy a few here and for him to keep that in mind as away to just keep the peace and also he will come in for less flak. Anyway get back to topic.

I totally agree,i love reading the threads in these forums but in JKs case my point is is this.If he has something to say regarding the thread keep it simple and comment by all means.If on the other hand he wants to start giving out endless anecdotes,quotes,references etc.Why the hell doesn't he start his own threads instead of hijacking other peoples.Pure and simple.

For the record.someone stated i'm a noob on here.Far from it i've been lurking in the shadows since 2002.Under various guises. :D

So carry on John by all means but how about starting your own threads rather than deviating other peoples.

To stay on topic.Where are the Brit long johns and string vests.

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JonS and Michael Emrys,

Remarkable. Truly remarkable. Shorts grogs, as opposed to short grogs!


If you had sources, then you'd know that my military-technical stuff was and is a cause of great angst in places like the Pentagon and certain alphabet soup agencies. Am I a Julian Assange? No. I lack the money, infrastructure and cyber smarts, but I feel safe in asserting I frequently release stuff WikiLeaks will never get. Rail as you will, but people who aren't making waves don't get the kind of harassment and site attacks I do. It's a resource and budget thing.


The whole signed/stamp thing is a positively fiendish juxtaposition of two ideas and sets up the dagger through the heart final twist of the man who never recovered from a terrible childhood blow. Got your missive.


John Kettler

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So on one hand the government and black helicopters are out to silence JK, while the other pays his benefits, and provides his healthcare, medications & housing...

Perhaps he should research brute force dictionary attacks on WordPress (and most other CMS) and where they emanate, how widespread they are, and wake up to the fact it isn't a conspiracy all about him.

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No. There are pieces of the government which wish I would just go away, but you, as per the norm, drag in things I never said and falsely claim I did. I've never been overflown by, nor harassed by, ANY black helicopter. But don't let that fact stop you. Never has before!

As for cyber attacks, when I was writing about cryptozoology, there were none. When I started talking about deep black stuff, not only was the site attacked, but so were the characters of eyewitnesses and myself. The attacks grew more and more vicious, from several different disinformation types. But for real fun, have someone post on FB you're addicted to bath salts!

Now, what has any of this to do with pasty knees, Balliol, PIATs and Brits in shorts? Well?


John Kettler

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