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New file at the Repository: CMSF Daraya Tank Raid (2013-05-19)

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Beautiful pictures George, Indeed. I had a glance at mine but they had been taken from a farther distance for testing reasons as you know and they can not offer the details and that immersive look yours have. It really looks the way it is in a Syrian avenue being probed cautiously by tanks and BMP’s crawling slowly along damaged buildings and villas.

I can only wish to the players of that urban battle to take as much pleasure as I had and will have again playing it another time without no doubt.


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Thanks for A HELLUVA ROAD OPENING v2 snake-eye. Really good scenario and one of those that teaches a lot.

I won a Total after I wiped out the guys in the farm(s) halfway up the map, which seemed a bit premature (never even attempted to take the LHS village as it didn't seem to have any bearing on the objective). The ANA guys "trapped" at the dam never seemed to experience any real threat. However, I really enjoyed the US, German and ANA force mix and figuring out what each nationality was best at.

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Glad you enjoyed it Erwin. You contributed to the making of V2 with your sound comments about the initial setup enabling the player to attack with the force of its choice, rather than one of them chosen by the designer. That way the player can try different tactics.


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Great Daraya Tank Raid screenies.

Your scenario really feels like the videos in the Incredible Footage thread.

A good challenge to move mechanized in a city full of folks who don't want you there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great scenario. At first i took a look at the mission, then my forces and then the terrain and my thought was "How the hell i am supposed to do that?" wich is exactely what i imagine to be the real syrian commanders thought when he was told to move into a city with a force consisting almost only of vehicles.

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Hi Augusto

Yeah at first it looks impossible. Although after playing this a few times (and given the Syrian army are unrestrained by any ROE I guess) you can pretty much drive along the streets hosing every building down or move pretty fast dodging RPGs as you go! OK I simplify the tactics required somewhat but in essence this tactic appears to work. :)

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Hi Augusto

Yeah at first it looks impossible. Although after playing this a few times (and given the Syrian army are unrestrained by any ROE I guess) you can pretty much drive along the streets hosing every building down or move pretty fast dodging RPGs as you go!

That is exactely what i did on my first try - and i lost half of my vehicles within the first 10 minutes. In retrospect i now know that this was probably due to me just moving too fast not hosing down all possible threat buildings, only the ones that did seem to be the most dangerous. Oh, and i also found all of the IEDs the hard way :D - probably a misunderstanding of the briefing. Anyways, i am going to give it another try this evening i guess and see how far i get this time.

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I approached CMSF Daraya Tank Raid with a more methodical plan.

I had several restarts vs AI but Sir George has another winner here.

Makes players think about how crazy the real Syria situations are.

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In my opinion the true measure of a game is always the quality and variety of the user generated scenarios that are posted.

I find it telling that the very best of these for CM have been scenarios designed for CMSF. 'Helluva Road Opening 2' is outstanding, 'Joint Venture' still remains my favourite CM scenario of all time and now we have been presented with 'The Daraya Tank Raid.'

CMSF may well be the oldest game in the CM2 series, but I find myself coming back to it again and again and it is not hard to work out why.

A heartfelt thanks thanks to all the scenario designers (and modders) that have been involved.


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  • 2 weeks later...

As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson.

He he! Couldn't resist... Thanks for posting your feedback on this scenario in the repository. I've taken the liberty of re-posting it here as I'm unable to do so on the repository (limit to the number of posts you can make per scenario).

@CrackSabbath "Just got my ass handed to me. Two words: hornets nest. Well done!!!"

Glad you enjoyed it. It's a challenge that's for sure. I've just finished playing ti RT with Waclaw's new sound mod and found it very intense. I think your description of Hornet's nest is rather apt when playing the AI. You gone back for a re-match?

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I will have to try Daraya Tank Raid again. I already ...got my ass handed to me before a few times but with Waclaw's new HQS CMSF Mac sound mod the hornets will sounds will enhance the sting in the tail :)

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Hi Buzz

Yeah it's worth checking out the sound mod - I played Daraya in RT and with the sound turned up. Jeezo! A few times I ducked! :D

Your T72 is trundling down the road - all happy and waving it's wee gun when - BANG! You ****e yersel as it goes up in a ball of flame! Don't know what the neighbours think...

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I will have to try Daraya Tank Raid again. I already ...got my ass handed to me before a few times but with Waclaw's new HQS CMSF Mac sound mod the hornets will sounds will enhance the sting in the tail :)

A gentle hint... Bimbling down any of the obvious routes is a great way of getting bumped as the enemy will always have them covered... so make your own route in and out!! So how does one do this? A small tip: the gun on the T72 is a very useful tool for knocking down walls!

Remember that you have a limited number of infantry. I used mine to protect the flanks of my armour on my (explosively created) route in. The guns on my tanks and BMPs were always close enough to hand to blast the opposition whenever a contact was made.

Use proper fire and manoeuvre tactics, particularly at intersections. An RPG up the arse can be terminal.

I got a marginal victory the first time I played this, but I had a high number of vehicle immobilisations. The second time I ran it - with much fewer thrown tracks etc - I got a major victory:D

I hope this helps.


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Daraya Tank Raid H2H would be over my head Schmoly War since Sir George's setup and the AI slapped me around already.

Good advice SelfLoadingRifle. Never thought of using the T72 gun for knocking down walls!

George, If I get a chance to play in the "Country Estate" ... I ain't got no neighbors ;) so I can make the compound shake just like Daraya :)


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I applied, while testing for George MC that battle, the same tactical moves that SLR used.

Knocking down the walls with the T-72 gun and avoiding kills zones while going through the back doors. I got better results doing so and achieved major and tactical victories with only one AVL each time. The casualties amounted around 20 KIA and 20 to 30 WIA for each battle. The rebels got higher casualties , twice to three times higher.

I have not tried the sound mod, but found the battle pretty much immersing.

It is a difficult battle, but you can go straight down the principal avenue if you apply a move by fire drill and a careful overwatch of the leading units. But first the return fire intensity should be greatly lowered by your suppressing fire. You must in order to get that to control by fire the right suspected and potential enemy strong points. Then, it is a go for moving all the way down. If not you better, back up, while it is time and wait for a better day! :D


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