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Day of Defeat Sound Mod [WIP]

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This whole thing started by me sitting in front of my computer, and asking myself "that would be pretty cool, wouldn't it?".


My very first mod:

The Day of Defeat Sound Mod

Note: Unfortunately, the Commonwealth sounds were cut out of the video, that's what I get for not reviewing stuff before I upload it. Needless to say, this Mod will feature new sounds for U.S., German, and Commonwealth forces.

So far, I have a few weapons done, and I still need to change some sounds around. Here is the list of what I have planned:

New backround ambience

New chat radio squawk

New weapon sounds

New explosion sounds

New loading screen music

Maybe some new voices

Maybe some new reloading sounds

Maybe some new bullet hits, and bullet whizzes

I think I will increase the volume levels of the sounds as well. (unless the game does it's own sound leveling) My ultimate purpose with this mod is to make you jump a bit in your seat when gunfire suddenly erupts.

Questions? Comments? Am I wasting my time? Let me know!

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Sounds good, the gunfire in the video too. I would especially very much apreciate a sound mod that uses the voices from Day of Defeat 2, they were really immersive if i remeber correctly (havent play DoD in ages, though). Also at least as far as i know, there hasnt been a voice mod for CMBN yet, so i am sure that many people would download that if you made one. I can help you with the german voice DoD sounds if you need a translation, just PM me.

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Also, I hate to ask, but does anyone have a list of all the filenames for the sounds in CMBN? It would be a lot easier than exploding all the BRZ files to get the names.

You could download an existing sound mod like AKDs and check the file names there.

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I would especially very much apreciate a sound mod that uses the voices from Day of Defeat 2, they were really immersive if i remember correctly (havent play DoD in ages, though).

As of this moment, I have no way of extracting sounds from Day of Defeat: Source. All of the sounds I am using are from the original DoD, being copied directly from the installed game patched to version 3.1. I will include sounds from DoD:S if I am able to extract them.

Also at least as far as i know, there hasnt been a voice mod for CMBN yet, so i am sure that many people would download that if you made one.

I take it you haven't found Mord's Immersive American Voices Mod V_1.0A? I highly recommend it, and it can be found at the Repository.

I can help you with the german voice DoD sounds if you need a translation, just PM me.

That's very kind of you, but I would be a poor game player if I had not learned enough German to translate voice content in WWII games.

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Posting this from my mobile phone. Sound volume is done automatically in-game. German voices mod exists, even 2 if I'm not mistaken. Download all existing sound mods to have a better overview of what has already been done - there are two very good ones. Looking forward to hearing what you come up with.

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Download all existing sound mods to have a better overview of what has already been done - there are two very good ones.

Once I have finished importing all of the DoD sounds, I figure I will download all of the sound mods I can find, and replace as many remaining vanilla sounds as possible.

I figure I could release two versions of the mod, one being just the DoD sounds, and another being as close as possible to a complete sound mod; replacing all sounds in the game with the best ones I can find.

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14 new bullet hits

3 new explosions

2 new reload sounds

3 new ricochets

All new small arms, and a new garand eject "ping"

New bazooka, PIAT, and panzerfaust launch

16 new bullet zips

and, everyone's favorite:

a new chat squawk!

I hope to have a new preview up by the end of the day.

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No, you must balance levels across files yourself.
That's true bu is not what I meant - sound's volume decreases automatically when you go away from it with the camera and vicus versa. I thought that was what SLIM was tinkering but then again it's easy to misunderstand each other.
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A day late and a dollar short.

Here is the preview I meant to post yesterday. All of the small arms sounds are done. I tried to use a gunshot for a .50cal sound, but when it played back in game it sounded terrible. So .50cal and larger guns are still the vanilla sounds.

In other news, none of the gunshot sounds from DoD:S are usable because the sounds are split between left and right channels, and it sounds terrible in the game.

I put in a new explosion for demo charges, but it nearly made me deaf with horrible sound feedback, so that is also removed.

There is some good news though, I changed the chat squawk sound, so when you recieve reinforcements, some nice dramatic music plays.

I will continue working this evening, and try to get some of the voice cues into the game.

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It seems like every day I'm learning something new. I got myself a freeware audio converter, and after converting all of the sounds to the correct bit rate, everything sounds a million times better. I even figured out how to use DoD:S weapon sounds, and game startup music.

This mod is gonna rock, but I'm heading out of town for a week and a half on some business, so please have patience. I'll post a new preview, and maybe be able to release a small demo mod (small arms only) when I get back.

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  • 3 weeks later...


The mod is really coming together too!

Current Excessively Capitalized Change Log:

14 New Bullet Hits

6 New Explosions

New Intro, Loading, and End of Battle Music

New Reloading Sounds

5 New Ricochets

34 New Weapon Sounds

24 New Bullet Zips


A New Chat Squawk

I was playing Barkmann's Corner this evening, and it was so awesome I finished the scenario before I realized I should work on the mod some more.

I finally managed to figure out the mysterious art of sound file conversion, and everything sounds much more like it's supposed to. Previously I had copied sounds directly without any conversion and just used the ones that sounded okay. Now I can use everything, including music!

I think I will release a "Weapons, Bullets, and Explosions" version of the mod as a beta so people can get their mitts on it, and to help test the mod on different systems. I'm currently playing CMBN on a Windows XP 32bit computer, and it would be nice to see if the mod is consistent on a higher end machine.

I'll continue working on the mod this week, the next major step is getting all of the voice cues from DoD into CMBN.

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(I noticed "The Germans are moving up heavy equipment" a few times. Presumably it's on a loop?)

I haven't added any voice cues to the game yet, I'm still sorting through them.

Here is the beta it has ONLY small arms, bullets, and explosions. I will release a bigger mod when the work gets done. ENJOY!

ALSO: I'll see about CMMODS, but it is on the repository now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I got caught up in Kerbal Space Program for about a week, but I'm going to work on the mod some more tomorrow. I'll try to get the music working perfectly, and start sorting out the voice cues.

Regarding "Kerbal", what did you think / why did you like?

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Regarding "Kerbal", what did you think / why did you like?

That game is awesome. It's like playing with space legos, IN SPACE! :D

The first thing I did was shoot a rocket into the sun. It all went uphill from there.

Okay, seriously, despite it's casual appearance, it really is a pretty good spaceflight simulator. Apply a few choice mods (out of the hundreds available already) and you can build and fly pretty much any rocket you can think up. If one of the things you wanted to be as a kid was an astronaut, then this is the game for you.

Now for some mod news:

Music is in, new Menu Screen, Loading Screen, and End of Battle Music. It sounds a little slow, but after a few hours of messing around, there's nothing I can do to change that. However, it all plays well enough to enjoy having it, and to my ears it sounds much more inspiring than the vanilla music. You'll understand after the next mod update this weekend.

Voice cues are next, I'll be able to make a dent in those this weekend.

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