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Heavy MG's ?

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Thanks for the quick replies.

Strange then i have 2 heavy MG's in buildings (US) and after two whole moves in the buildings they still have not deployed ! Does hitting the deploy button again reset the deployment or pack them back up again ?? I have noticed the bug as well by the way .

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Thanks for the quick replies.

Strange then i have 2 heavy MG's in buildings (US) and after two whole moves in the buildings they still have not deployed ! Does hitting the deploy button again reset the deployment or pack them back up again ?? I have noticed the bug as well by the way .

Deploy MGs in buildings take about 5-7 turns. You'll have to be patient.

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Here's what the manual says about it:

"Some Commands are “modal”, such as Deploy Weapon for Heavy Weapons. These

Commands remain lit up to show that the unit is already performing that

particular Command. Issuing the Command again has the effect of telling

the unit to cease that action."

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I suppose the extra time is in forming a hole or piling debris up to raise the tripod up to window height?

If it is intended behavior and not a bug, that would be a good guess as to the reason. Tripods for MGs were intentionally low—approximately knee high—and windowsills in Europe could be waist high. So in order for the MGs to fire through it was necessary to stack furniture, sandbags, or some other material to get the required height.


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I am sure it didn't take that long before....

I suppose the extra time is in forming a hole or piling debris up to raise the tripod up to window height?

It's shorter in the open. In the a building it was always longer (as far as I can remember at least).

Ah, from the manual p.88 (CMBN):

Others may be de-ployed, but the Setup Time is increased: for example,

heavy MGs may deploy inside buildings, though assem-bly time is increased.

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I have yet to get German HMG teams to deploy correctly at all in 2.0, either on the ground or in buildings. 100% of the time so far they have had teammates wander off and, when/if it deploys, it has always been 180 degrees opposite of the facing command. So I leave them semi-deployed. Steve at

BFC says a hotfix is coming...waiting patiently.

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I've had no trouble with German HMGs deploying in buildings in FI 1.01 (which should be similar, at least in design intent, to BN v2.0). I've not put a watch on 'em, but they've been deployed just as fast as outside, which is to say, "instantly", on the times I've been paying attention.

I suspect it's something to do with crew members being unable to find a space to settle down in a constricted area, when people do see this happen.

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Deploy MGs in buildings take about 5-7 turns. You'll have to be patient.

Building deployment should only take around 2.5 min, but there is a bug relating to the gun's position and facing/target direction in the building that is causing MGs to sometimes go through the deployment process multiple times, in some cases indefinitely. It has been reported.

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5-7 turns seems way too long for gameplay purposes. I understand it could take that long to pile up furniture, etc, as was said earlier. But perhaps the crew is firing out of a small crack in the wall, lower down than firing from a window sill. 2.5 mins sounds fair enough to me akd.

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5-7 turns seems way too long for gameplay purposes. I understand it could take that long to pile up furniture, etc, as was said earlier. But perhaps the crew is firing out of a small crack in the wall, lower down than firing from a window sill. 2.5 mins sounds fair enough to me akd.

With regards to the MG42 & MG34 specifically, bear in mind that they can always be fire "semi-deployed" from buildings without going through the deploy delay, which represents the MG being used on the bipod. the 5-7 minutes represents the time it takes to get the gun properly set up on the the (large & heavy) tripod, so that the T&E mechanism can be used for accurate long range fire.

In this context, the 5-7 minute delay seems reasonable to me.

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Guy's I seem to have trouble getting the heavy machine gun squad to fire on the Devon Firing range? they show they are deployed? but won't fire on targets?

I think I am seeing this on version 2.0 and patch 1.11. Will do some more checking.

I got my mortor squad's to move up to firing line and deploy and fire on targets. Ver 2.0

thank's for a tip I saw on this forum. set the move command then click on deploy before they move.

I don't understand way the MC squad's won't fire?


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Guy's I seem to have trouble getting the heavy machine gun squad to fire on the Devon Firing range? they show they are deployed? but won't fire on targets?

Are they behind some sort of linear obstacle? Sometimes if they are, the deployed MG will be put in a position where it can't see over the obstacle. To solve this, you can do one of three things:

  1. Try various different Face commands with the team left where it is. Start by giving them a Face command directly across the obstacle.
  2. Move them away from the obstacle, then back, and issue a Face command across the obstacle at the final waypoint, before hitting the deploy command.
  3. Move them away from the obstacle, then back so that they approach the obstacle from a perpendicular angle. You can add the Face command too, but it's not usually necessary, as the default Facing is the direction of last movement.

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