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Still going on; you keep losing...

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well gamey tactic will not work in this particular scenario. Have not been to the forums in a few days. But I notice its still going on with the ignorant sarcasm and poor analogies. You just don't get it do you, C3k and the rest of you?

C3k, you are not very smart, are you? The thread you started:

"I bought Civ I in 1991 and I have to pay for Civ V? Why?"

Well I will spell it out for you and the rest of the toadies and stooges who agreed and laughed along in that thread. I will clear it up for you with a few facts. Here they are:

Civilization I to V these are all totally different games build ground up

on totally different engines with new maps new countries, new combat systems new races, new world etc. So you pay for new games-Get it!

And therefore you should pay full price if you think it will be as good as

the previous games in the series. (So you're not even being funny just stupid)

Now CMBN 2.0 update is just that an update with added interface features and a tweaked

shader graphic update that is so subtle as to not make much of a difference- so say the expert reviewers. Whether or not you want to spend $10 dollars on these extra features is up to you. I may prefer to buy a full game for that amount or even wait till BF has an expansion for CM2 to purchase that I am interested in with these features and a whole new theater for full price.

I believe I've said all this before and once again dealing with brainless fanboys

I find myself repeating this again.

C3k, you test the games or you make scenarios?

You know I have played a lot of CM and CM2 games, even shock force. Have bought a lot of games and expansions here and thus was happy to give my support. I would like to continue supporting this franchise but with people like this behind the development I'm starting to lose interest for fear of what direction it may take.

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Oh, F.A., F.A., F.A......Still whining F.A.?

Every time I see these whining posts, I am reminded of this scene:

Who's whining? You are fanboy. keep licking, you have all the support here you need ol'Doug

I am just responding with the facts to an idiot post created by one of your cronies.

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Well the shaders make a huge difference for me..I never played the game with shadows on until now..so it's massive plus for me. I can never understand people who don't like a particular game yet keep buying it or the new ones and carry on posting on the game forum..odd..when I don't like a game i don't bother buying any others in the series and I don't bother with the forum either.

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Who's whining? You are fanboy. keep licking, you have all the support here you need ol'Doug

I am just responding with the facts to an idiot post created by one of your cronies.

"Fanboy" is old school, as in late 1980s, perhaps early 1990s. The proper derogatory term these days is "fanboi". Whenever you start losing an interwebz argument, as you are now, you can try to play the "fanboi" card, and hope that buys you some interwebz points.

Sorry, but it won't even buy you a Bud Lite here. We're a bunch of old farts who see right through you.

Please, quit crying about $10. If you can't afford it, try your psychological skillz against your parents, (who are probably younger than most of us). Perhaps you can convince them to finance the 2.0 upgrade. Or, failing that, get a job. [GASP!]

If you were smart, you would have come to us with a sob story about how financially disavantaged you were, and how you could not afford the upgrade. If the story was good enough, one of us would have probably bought it for you. But that boat has sailed now. For most of us, $10 barely buys lunch.

In short, go away, boy. You bother us.

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When Crysis came out I bought it. I liked it well enough, but it had some mp code problems and I like to play fps mp as well as sp so I was patiently awaiting a patch. Guess what, the devs didn't produce a patch to fix the well documented mp situation, they moved on to Crysis Warhead - no new features to speak of - which they were selling @ 2/3 price (they claim Crysis was pirated more than it sold and didn't want to support it for that reason, which, in my opinion, was giving their paying customers the shaft). I have yet to buy another of their games. Let's contrast this with BF...

BF hasn't quit supporting CMBN since the release of CMFI, they offer free patches to fix bugs and a very modestly priced upgrade that provides more than modest gameplay improvements - caveat: you'd have to play the game more than a "serious reviewer" to understand that. I doubt us fanboi's would give a reviewer's opinion of this game more credence than our own if only due to the time spent playing it.

My advice, which I followed with the Crysis developers, is, if you don't like the way a company does business, take your custom elsewhere.

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You guys, other than the OP, are missing the point, with the exception of Mord and his "foghorn leghorn" statement. Props for that, Mord!

"Making sense" is not the way to win this argument with children like F.A. Actually, there *is* no way to win the argument, any more than you can win an argument with a screaming two-year-old.

There is no real way to handle this other than hold on and have fun until the authority figures lock this thread.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this!!


I'm a fiend for the funk!

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I find myself repeating this again.

I think I can help you here.

You started a strongly worded, abusive, disrespectful, etc. thread and people reacted to YOUR attitude. They overwhelmingly disagreed with your position, to which you could only respond with more insults, more abuse, and more disrespect.

Since you obviously had no desire to engage in an honest debate, but instead bash anybody who holds a different opinion from your own, I closed that thread with the advice that if you don't like it you don't buy it. Pretty simple, I thought.

And now you've posted a new one with the same attitude and utter contempt for anybody who doesn't think exactly like you. There is a label for people who engage in this sort of behavior and it is "Troll".

Since you seem to not care about what others think of your position, and you obviously despise nearly everybody on this Forum... why are you bothering to post at all? What value do you have to add to this Forum?

The answer is you have no value to add. Since you are in direct violation of both the letter and the spirt of the Forum behavior agreement, you are now banned from further participation.


P.S. Ironic that one of the first people I've had to ban this year comes on Christmas Eve.

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