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Question on an old issue - out of memory

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Hi all,

Thinking about getting Battle for Normandy and tried the demo. Got numerous crasches due to being out of memory (got a pretty old laptop). I've been reading some of the threads here on the forum about this problem. Is it still an issue or has it been safely gotten rid off? More pointedly, will it contiune to be an issue if I go buy the game?


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Hi all,

Thinking about getting Battle for Normandy and tried the demo. Got numerous crasches due to being out of memory (got a pretty old laptop). I've been reading some of the threads here on the forum about this problem. Is it still an issue or has it been safely gotten rid off? More pointedly, will it contiune to be an issue if I go buy the game?


You need a patch where LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE is turned on. Schrullenhalft might have a list of such patches, I lost track.

The you need to change your 32 bit WIndows installation to allow for 3 GB virtual address space (note that this has nothing to do with RAM).

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Hakhen01 - have you been running the 1.10 demo or something older ? As Redwolf mentioned, the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE switch is on with the 1.10 patch and it should be set with the 1.10 Demo to my knowledge. This allows the game to have access to about 3GB of 'virtual address space'. This should work 'automatically' with a 64-bit OSes. However if your OS is 32-bit then you will need to make changes to the OS in order to have access to that 3GB virtual address space. Almost all Windows XP installs will be 32-bit, while many Windows Vista ones will be too. With Windows 7 it is a bit more common to see the 64-bit versions, but quite a few customers will be running the 32-bit version. You can typically find out by going to your Control Panel > System. In here it should mention what bit-depth your OS is. Windows XP will almost always be 32-bit (64-bit exists, but very few people ran it).

Here are the instructions for setting the OS to be 'LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE':

Windows XP:

1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties (or go to Control Panel > System). The System Properties dialog box will appear.

2. Click the 'Advanced' tab.

3. In the 'Startup and Recovery' area, click 'Settings'. The Startup and Recovery dialog box will appear.

4. In the System startup area, click 'Edit'. This will open the Windows boot.ini file in Notepad.

5. In the [Operating Systems] section, add the following switches to the end of the startup line that includes the /fastdetect switch:


6. Save the changes and close Notepad.

7. Click OK two times to close the open dialog boxes, and then restart the computer for the change to take effect.

Windows Vista & Windows 7:

1. Open command prompt with Adminitrator rights. To do this, go to Programs, Accessories, right-click on Command Prompt and select "Run as Administrator."

2. Enter the following at the prompt and then press enter:

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072

3. Close the prompt and restart the computer.

I would NOT recommend doing this if you have less than 3GB of memory. So if your computer has 2GB, then this process probably isn't worth performing. In fact it will probably cause problems if you do this with less than 3GB of RAM in your computer since it may cause issues with the memory management of Windows and could potentially make your OS much less responsive or other issues.

However I'm not sure how badly the scenarios in the CMBN demo really push the memory requirements. As was mentioned earlier, possibly reducing your '3D Texture Quality' and '3D Model Quality' might help quite a bit in terms of 'out of memory' problems.

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I hope I can do so without starting a big discussion. I don't agree with the recommendation that you should only do this if you have 3 GB RAM. It really doesn't have anything to do at all with RAM.

Having said that, on XP you can have the problem that allowing userlevel programs to use 3 GB virtual memory (aka this trick to make software like CMx2 work) might clash with hardware drivers that invade the space from 2-3 GB virtual memory. The major video card drivers do not but if you have a crappy soundchip or something that might be a problem. You'll see this as a Windows crash on startup. Drivers in 32 bit versions of Vista and newer Windows versions shouldn't be able to invade that space.

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Redwolf is correct in stating that 'virtual address space' is NOT the same as 'physical address space' (physical RAM). Almost all modern operating systems utilize a 'virtual memory' system to handle working in mulit-tasking environments, which can be a combination of physical RAM and hard disk space. So a 3GB 'virtual address space' does NOT directly correspond to a 3GB 'physical address space' (physical RAM that works directly with the CPU). Applications and the operating system actually work within the 'virtual address space'. The operating system/CPU manages this 'virtual address space' and maps the necessary elements to physical RAM depending on what needs the CPUs attention (code and data). In CM's case the 'out of memory' error is most likely due to running out of 'virtual address space' since this is the environment it works in. However a low amount of physical RAM can result in a large performance loss with the speed differences between physical RAM and the much slower speed of the disk portion of 'virtual memory' (paging). If there isn't enough physical RAM then problems may arise with large numbers and/or the quality level of graphics and sounds or the number of units present with their spotting and LOS checks, things that may need to use a lot of memory in order to work. I don't know CM's actual physical memory footprint needed during running, which can probably vary quite a bit during the play of the game.

My suggestion about needing 3GB or more of RAM came from other postings around the 'net suggesting that this was necessary for the Virtual Address Space increases. These 'suggestions' may very well be inaccurate.

I have heard of some people having problems with the changes to the OS's setting for 'virtual address space'. Some complained of computers getting much slower and/or locking up. As Redwolf pointed out this may be due to certain drivers under Windows XP not being compatible with such a system. Windows Vista and Windows 7 should be quite a bit better about such driver issues, but possibly not fully immune.

For anyone that implements these changes to their 32-bit Windows version, you may want to be aware of how to reverse these changes in case you run into problems.

Windows XP:

Using the above instructions remove the following from the end of the startup line:


Save the changes and close the Notepad editor and reboot.

If Windows can't boot, then you will need to boot with another disc (possibly your Windows XP disc) to access your hard drive. Then you need to edit the 'boot.ini' file to remove the above text. 'Boot.ini' is typically a 'hidden' file.

Windows Vista and Windows 7:

You will need to run the 'bcdedit' command again, but this time use this specific command:

bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2048

This should hopefully reverse the setting back to what it was before.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The only visual problem I see in any of my CM2 games is when I have a large scenario and units are moving (they move a bit jerkily).

I have 64 bit Win 7 and 6GB Ram. Would this <bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072> help my system performance or have no effect?


No, those settings are for people who run 32 bit programs (such as CMx2) on 32 bit windows versions.

A 64 bit windows version always has near 4 GB virtual address space for 32 bit programs.

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