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Mord/DC AAR#02 - Sicily Attack

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As soon as we finished our 1st game, CMFI was released and we got a game going in the new engine. It was to be an American attack with both sides utilizing motorized infantry.

Sicily Attack Jul 1943

Task: The battalion has been tasked with advancing on and securing some country farm dwellings along the general axis of our divisional advance.

Roll Call:

US Armd Infantry Bn [Lt Col Hunter] (7 men)

+ Jeep

+ Forward Obs [Lt Caldwell] (3 men)

Support Company [Capt Patterson] (3 men)

2nd Platoon (MG) [Lt Flaim] (24 men)

+ 4x HMG

+ 2x M2 Halftracks

4th Platoon (Mortar) [Lt Constable] (16 men)

+ 2x Mortar Halftracks

‘Bravo’ Company [Capt Neubert] (14 men)

+ 57mm AT gun

+ Medium MG

+ Sniper team

1st Platoon [Lt Harris] (40 men)

+ M2 Halftrack

+ 4x M3 Halftracks

+ 57mm AT gun

+ 2x Medium MG

+ 60mm Mortar

2nd Platoon [Lt Stardo] (40 men)

+ 57mm AT gun

+ 2x Medium MG

+ 60mm Mortar

3rd Platoon [Lt Eagle] (40 men)

+ 57mm AT gun

+ 2x Medium MG

+ 60mm Mortar

‘Charlie’ Company [Capt Galanti] (14 men)

+ 57mm AT gun

+ Medium MG

+ Sniper team

1st Platoon [Lt Berger] (40 men)

+ M2 Halftrack

+ 4x M3 Halftracks

+ 57mm AT gun

+ 2x Medium MG

+ 60mm Mortar

2nd Platoon [Lt Santos] (40 men)

+ 57mm AT gun

+ 2x Medium MG

+ 60mm Mortar

3rd Platoon [Lt Vigorito] (40 men)

+ 57mm AT gun

+ 2x Medium MG

+ 60mm Mortar

There is a single objective for the operation:

1) OBJ 1 – ‘The Farm’

Recce: The ground over which the attack must take place is practically wide open, giving both the attacker and defender very good sight lines. There are a few reverse slopes in the centre, which would make good positions for ambushes. There is a grove of trees to the south of the objective that would provide good positioning for enemy AT assets or artillery spotters; there is also a small area to the immediate north of the ‘Farm’ that might provide similar advantages.




Possible ‘trouble’ spots

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Operational Plan

The obvious avenue of approach (Approach #1) would be to follow the central dirt road along its generally northward track. This would be the most direct route to the objective but also the best-sighted by the enemy. There would be some cover for the infantry to advance and our vehicles would have a much easier time but a single enemy AT gun could create havoc, and enemy mortars are likely sighted on this approach.


A second possibility (Approach #2) would be to attempt to advance along the southern flank, supporting the movement from the centre (‘Big Grove’) and suppressing any enemy activity at ‘Little Grove’. Then, the main objective could be assaulted from the south. This would be good for spreading out vehicle movement, but the approach is wide open and likely within LoS of practically all enemy units in the area; suppression of the Little Grove would need to be complete for this to succeed.


The third possibility (Approach #3) would entail moving troops towards ‘The Ridge’ along the northern flank. This approach would at the very least limit the effectiveness of any enemy troops in the Little Grove, and may even render them temporarily impotent, as the approach is at least partially masked by the Ridge and the dirt road in the centre. The biggest obstacle here is to vehicles, as there are a number of stone walls that would cross our line-of-advance; the ground is also rough and stony.


The initial plan I decide upon is a compromise…I’m going to drop a few artillery rounds on the danger areas of both flanks, while moving a single platoon forward to the stone walls on the extreme right flank. Apparently, US Armoured Infantry are well-endowed with 57mm AT guns, which aren’t going to be especially mobile in this operation, so they are covering as much of the battlefield as possible for any enemy AFVs.


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1201 Holy cow, just started and there are a whole bunch of enemy contacts on the left flank in the no man’s land leading towards the Little Grove.

1202 Well, after calling in some initial mortar fire on the Little Grove, Lt Caldwell is ordered to high-tail it out of his exposed forward position to a different spotting location. An Italian truck makes for some decent target practice for Sgt Kuchinsky’s 57mm AT gun. The Italian infantry is much more aggressive than I thought they might be, but their general dispositions are in line with my assumptions so far: Support weapons (mortar, mg) are spotted in the Little Grove; Italian infantry are seen advancing from the Ridge. I’ve also discovered that I’m a moron, as I gave my forward HMG fire orders but didn’t bother to ‘deploy’ the weapon.


Initial Contacts

1203 Sgt Cudlipp became our first casualty when he stood up to get a better view of the truck his AT gun was targeting; enemy infantry on the Ridge spotted him and he was killed instantly His team quickly collected themselves and knocked out the target their Sgt had died spotting…a truck behind the Little Grove. The Italians appear to be very motivated and appear to be defending by attacking and trying to seize the initiative. Our MGs opened up from various positions in the Big Grove and appear to have caused a few casualties.


Troop Dispositions

1204 The left flank is secure and there appear to be 2-3 Italian platoons held up in NML. A platoon of enemy infantry is attempting to set up a base of fire from behind the stables but they are being harassed by mortar fire, with another platoon going to ground on the Ridge. C Company’s 3rd Platoon, advancing along the right flank, has discovered more enemy troops along the northern spur of the Ridge.

1205 Two more MG teams have come into action on the left flank, while the AT Gun that suffered the 1st casualty of the battle has put an enemy HMG out of action in the Little Grove, and possibly suppressed other troops. Sgt Kuchinsky’s team has put another Italian truck out of the battle on the far right flank. I can see that the concentrated fire on the platoon at the Stables is having some effect, as casualties appear to be mounting there. On the right flank, the Italians have begun lobbing mortars rounds at the advancing platoon. Several rounds fell near Cpl Oberly’s MMG team, disrupting their ability to provide suppressive fire for their advancing platoon.

1206 The left flank MGs and AT guns appear to have stymied the Italian plans in this sector; Cpl Puglisi’s HMG in the Big Grove took a casualty from the Italians’ return fire. Cpl Oberly’s team took several accurate rounds on their position and was silenced. Unable to determine how effective our fire on the right flank has or has not been.

1207 With his gunner taking a serious wound, Cpl Puglisi quickly takes his place and continues to lay down suppressive fire. The German platoon at the Stables continues to take a pounding in their exposed position, as the wall they’ve been sheltering behind disintegrates. On the right, the HQ support squad watches helplessly as Pvt Booth, the rest of his MMG team killed by enemy mortars, vainly attempts to take up the fallen gunner’s position on the M1919, only to disappear in an explosion less than a minute later. In one of the ironies of the battlefield, Sgt Walker’s squad has made its way forward to a position where they begin laying down fire on an Italian mortar team, likely the very same team that just eliminated Walker’s platoon-mates.

1208 Cpl Puglisi is now the only member of his team remaining in action. Lt Eagle’s 3rd Platoon, ‘B’ Company is deploying to assault the Stables; the Italian platoon holding the area of the Stables has been enduring a hellish amount of ordnance directed at their position. An Italian light vehicle mounting what appears to be an AT rifle has appeared on the Spur and proceeds to tear apart Sgt Walker’s 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon. Supporting fire from 3rd Company mortars will hopefully drive the vehicle off the Spur.



Awesome Aside

Never noticed this before but it is cool. The mortar fire defoliates a tree in the grove.



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1209 Left flank MGs & mortars are still working over the Italian company in NML. There are still remnants of an intrepid squad taking shots at the HMG in the Large Grove; unsure if this is because of bravery or just that they are stuck there and have no other options (they are very far advanced of their lines and it would be suicide to fall back). On the right, Pvt Franco’s scout team has made its way to the crest of the Spur but were wiped out by the Italian platoon sheltering on the other side. At the Stables, the defenders appear to have reached the limits of their endurance and are trying to fall back.

1210 Not much enemy activity to spot on the left flank...everyone either has their heads down, or they’re sneaking along behind whatever cover there is to be found. Lots of suppressive fire on the right flank, but without the scout team on the Spur, its impossible to tell the effect. At the Stables, Sgt Matsuoka’s team rushed the buildings and made a gruesome discovery…the field behind the Stables was littered with dead or severely wounded Italian soldiers.


Let's go boys!


Go, go, go!


The Killing Field

1211 Some repositioning taking place on both sides. Italian truck knocked out on left flank. Enemy mortar fire causes some casualties among repositioning AT Gun crew.


Troop Dispositions


Overall Situation

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1212 It appears possible that there is more than one Italian Infantry Company stuck in NML; there are certainly at least three platoons. Cpl Kacena, ‘B’ Company sniper moved to a better shooting lane but lost his spotter to enemy return fire. Near the Spur, Sgt Patterson repositioned his fire team because his position was exposed to an entire enemy platoon.

1213 Capt Patterson i/c HQ Coy was severely wounded while exposing himself to enemy fire in order to spot for his machine gunners. Finally got ‘C’ Company’s 1st Platoon’s 60mm mortar offloaded and into position to lay some rounds on the Spur (to unknown effect). 3rdPlatoon, ‘B’Company, continues to consolidate their hold on the Stables.

1214 The Stables appear to be secured.

1215 On the left flank, the isolated forward Italian platoon appears to put in a superhuman effort to advance, but none of these brave and desperate souls makes it farther than 10 m before several men apparently reach the limits of their endurance and try to head back.

1216 The Italians in NML, in a surprise move, began aggressively advancing on the Big Grove; I would have thought, from the number of bodies strewn about, that their strength should be significantly depleted. [Observation: I will be quite interested to see the starting Italian forces, as I have no idea of their manpower/firepower ratios]. Cpl Prinds’ team near the Stables lost a few men to an enemy mortar…where the hell is that spotting from?

1217 The approximately platoon-sized enemy force continued their dash for the ‘hot corner’ of the Big Grove; I believe there may have been some Italian officers with experience on the Russian front, which might explain the suicidal charge if the officers threatened to shoot their own men if they didn’t move forward.


Trail of Tears


The advance is broken up

1218 The advance on the Big Grove was stopped on the crest of the ridge; from the number of casualties, it would appear that the remnants of an entire Italian company may have been cobbled together for the assault (at least there were several platoon HQs identified, whether their respective platoons took part or not is unknown). No activity on the right flank or at the Stables….Italian troops still sheltered behind the Ridge all the way to the Spur.

1219 A pair of halftracks were sent to scout/support the extreme left flank and as they made their advance down towards NML, an Italian recce AT vehicle appeared in the centre. One halftrack (Pvt Tully) took two direct hits, both stopped by the engine block but immobilizing the vehicle (the MG is still operational and being manned), while the other halftrack was targeted by a few mortar rounds, which caused the driver to panic (MG is again still operational); the pesky enemy mortar has also given away its position in the Little Grove.

1220 Pvt Tully’s immobilized HT traded punches with the Italian vehicle, apparently killing the exposed gunner; the Italian vehicle then attempted to reverse and disengage, while our still-mobile HT is attempting to do the same. An infantry team and a HT pushing forward from the Stables came under fire from another squad of Italian infantry sheltering in the nearby rough terrain.


Troop Dispositions


Overall Situation

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Dang you guys certainly don't believe in farting around. 20 minutes and your hacking at each other like Godzilla vs Mothra.

LOL Well the map didn't leave much room for stealth.

I ended up charging the Big Grove because I got tired of my front line guys being pummeled by mortars and AT guns. I lost a good couple squads just from the constant pounding. Those wretches at the stables were part of that. So, I figured if my guys were gonna die they might as well die on their feet fighting back. But in my mind they were gonna not only make it to the Big Grove, they were gonna fight their way in, eventually killing an AT gun or two and disrupting DC's confidence...instead they died, fled and surrendered.


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1221 Pvt Tully’s HT took a couple more penetrating shots and he and his gunner decided that their immobile HT was garnering too much enemy attention, necessitating quick abandonment of the vehicle.

1222 Upon exiting his HT, Pvt Tully immediately began providing first aid, under fire, to a member of Pvt Redfield’s support team, which was pinned down nearby.

1223 More ammo down range. Some repositioning to avoid the Italian mortars and find better cover/lanes-of-fire.

1224 A lot of attention paid to the Italian ATG recce vehicle which is now just up the road from the Stables. The Italian takes enough MG fire that he reverses directly into the sights of Sgt Lorentzen’s 57mm AT crew, who makes their first shot count. On the rocky out-cropping that has been the focus of most of the recently expended munitions, one poor (but amazingly lucky) Italian soldier appeared to have lost his mind and ran up and down and back and forth in circles amid the bullets and shellfire.

1225 The remnants of the Italian company in the centre appear to be falling back; it may be time to try to dominate the high ground here. US HTs are being pushed forwards to possibly force a platoon deep into the left flank and, optimistically, all the way to the Little Grove.


Overall Situation

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Plan Evolution

1226 The lead halftrack on the left flank has come under small arms fire, meanwhile the troops attempting to crest the rocky ground in the centre have been forced to ground by infantry fire. Apparently the Italians fighting for NML have some fight left in them, which amazes me considering the pounding they’ve had to endure.

1227 Halftracks entering NML have run into the same problem as on the probing attempt, held up/spooked by unsuppressed infantry, then targeted by the remaining Italian mortar(s) in the Little grove.

1228 The Italians on the right appear to be attempting to fall back on the ‘Ridge’ position, likely to try to be in position to attack the flank of the platoon advancing from the Stables.

1229 The Italian infantry that had been sheltering beyond the rise south of the Stables decided they’d had enough, surrendering immediately upon sighting the advancing Americans. [Observation: It was incredibly immersive to watch different men within the same section exhibiting completely different behaviours, such as one Italian squad, where I witnessed 3 of the men surrendering, 1-2 men cowering, 1-2 men trying to fire and 3 other men attempting to flee, only to have one shot down.] Between the Ridge and the Spur, a large number of enemy infantry were spotted moving generally closer to the Ridge.

1230 Lt Harris’ 1st Platoon continues to clear the Italians from their path on the left flank of the battlefield; Sgt Gwin’s squad dismounted from their HT and began moving to take the ground and prevent further hidden enemies from taking pot-shots at the advancing HTs. A few enemy mortar rounds began to fall again in the middle of the platoon’s HTs. Sgt Scaglione’s 2nd Platoon moved forward and captured several enemy prisoners. There is now what appears to be a company-sized force of the enemy falling back from the Spur to positions nearer the Farm and behind the Ridge.


Overall Situation

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1231 Sgt Gwin discovered that the Italian platoon on his objective wanted to surrender. ‘C’ Company’s 2nd & 3rd Platoons have moved onto the Spur uncontested. A couple of Italian recce vehicles have been spotted heading towards the farm and an Italian tankette appears to be hiding behind the farmhouse.

1232 A mix-up in radio communication caused a couple of 1st Platoon’s HTs to begin heading back to our lines but we have control of NML. Fighting is now picking up along the road to the Farm.

1233 They’re going the wrong way! I have no idea what is causing two HTs bearing the troops scheduled to assault the Little Grove to head in the wrong direction. The Italian defenders around the farm turned out to be stronger than I’d imagined at this point….they popped up from behind all of the stone walls and inflicted significant casualties on 2 squads and an MMG. [Observation: I got a little over-eager to mop this up and paid a price that I didn’t need to…lesson learned; the Italians were also well-hidden.] AT gun took out the Italian AT recce vehicle but the other one zipped away.

1234 Lots of lead flying, now that we know where the enemy is hiding. 3rd Platoon MG appears to have neutered the Italian recce vehicle on the far right flank.

1235 Lt Harris’s assault on the Little Grove is progressing, with 1st Platoon finally concentrated again. The Italian recce vehicle on the extreme right flank is no longer a threat and the Spur is solidly held. An Italian platoon was caught in the open and decimated by the platoon MG. The biggest threats are now the tankette and an HMG in the farmhouse itself.


Overall Situation

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1236 Little Grove assault progressing well but it is tying down resources that could flank the defenders at the Farm. There’s a hell of a lot of lead flying at the Farm. Indirect AT gun fire appears to have knocked out the Italian tankette. Lt Stardo of 2nd Platoon died while trying to rally the remnants of his shattered platoon near the low stone wall. Sgt Henderson lost his gunner to a stray bullet on the Spur, knocking their MG out of the fight, at least temporarily.

1237 Defenders in the Little Grove are dwindling. Action around the Farm is showing no signs of abating soon. [Observation: HT gunners are the unluckiest troops around…they always seem to get hit.]

1238 Sgt Collard’s squad stormed the Little Grove, in no mood to take prisoners…one Italian officer, who had shot down Pvt Percy during the assault then tried to surrender and was shown no mercy by the angry platoon sergeant. At the Ridge, there’s some signs beginning to show that the defenders are reaching the breaking point.


Assault on the Little Grove


Sgt Collard avenges Pvt Percy

1239 The Little Grove is cleared. The Italian defenders behind the Ridge are falling back on the Farm.

1240 Large mass of Italian infantry in the vicinity of the Farm now. It could be very hard to dig them out just due to sheer numbers.


Overall Situation

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1241 Very much an Italian shooting gallery at this point; there are still significant numbers of enemy infantry in and around the Farm but not as high a volume of incoming fire.

1242 The Italian defenders are being forced into a tighter cordon centred on the Farm; many appear to be trying to shelter in the rear of the Farm. No Allied casualties this turn, and some men have decided to try to aid their wounded comrades.

1243 ‘B’ Company’s 3rd Platoon took a few casualties as they advanced to firing positions on the main stone fence. Italian casualties on the left and right flanks appear to be significant.

1244 Lt Harris’ 1st Platoon has nearly traversed the ground from the Little Grove to the outer stone wall on the left flank of the Farm; estimated that there are less than half a dozen effective rifles possibly shooting at their platoon during this advance. The platoons on the Ridge and Spur are advancing teams towards the Farm and the outer stone wall is secured beyond the Ridge. The enemy forward resistance has been all but eliminated near the dirt road leading into the Farm, allowing the HTs and remnants of 2nd Platoon to move forward.

1245 The stone wall is firmly held now, and though there’s still a handful of infantry behind the stone wall along the dirt road, most survivors have fallen back into the Farm buildings or the enclosed yard behind them.


Oh, the humanity....


Overall Situation

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1221On the rocky out-cropping that has been the focus of most of the recently expended munitions, one poor (but amazingly lucky) Italian soldier appeared to have lost his mind and ran up and down and back and forth in circles amid the bullets and shellfire.

That was Mini-Mord looking for a keyboard to piss on!

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And this was where the game ended....apparently, my troops had smashed the opposition to the breaking point, where the coherence of the Italians as a fighting force would be pretty suspect, and the game told me I lost.

Both Mord and I were shocked....at the very least we both figured it might be a draw.

Unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot of the final tally.

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That was Mini-Mord looking for a keyboard to piss on!

He didn't find one...

Both Mord and I were shocked....at the very least we both figured it might be a draw.

Yeah, DC was robbed. The game ended on the exact last turn...I was expecting at least two more or so. Do QB's do the varied length like CMX1 did? In the VERY least it was a draw. But like I told my nasty, mortar chucking, AT gun slinging, enemy, it's not like after getting that far and hammering my Eyeties into mush the Americans would've looked at their watch and said...times up, lets go home. I don't think I had a platoon of dudes on the whole map that were capable of lifting a rifle. He should've won just by what was left of my fighting ability...which was just about zilch.

Allow me, oh King of Sky Death.



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He didn't find one...

Yeah, DC was robbed. The game ended on the exact last turn...I was expecting at least two more or so. Do QB's do the varied length like CMX1 did? In the VERY least it was a draw.



Heh, never count on the clock running over and if there is an objective, you gotta be on it. Take it from me who has twice given up VLs recently just cause I don't want to be bothered leaving guys to sit on their arse. Besides you were only outnumbered by around 4 to 1 at the end. It's just a scratch. Running away eh? Come back here I'll bite yer legs off! LOL

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Heh, never count on the clock running over and if there is an objective, you gotta be on it. Take it from me who has twice given up VLs recently just cause I don't want to be bothered leaving guys to sit on their arse.

Yeah, that's what Broken single guys are for.

If they're lucky, they'll be found by a beautiful girl who will take them under her wing :)

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What surprised me the most about the result was the fact that, for all intents and purposes, I had all but destroyed Mord's Italians at this point, at a very low cost in casualties, not to mention surrounded the objective and, IRL, would have at this point either had a walk onto the objective or just wait for the surrender. I would not do much, if anything, differently from a strategy POV if I were to play this out again.

I had assumed that not being directly on the objective would cost me a victory but not result in a defeat. The game should take the combat effectiveness of the remaining forces into account. The forces went into battle with a 5:6 manpower advantage for the Italians (and keep in mind, it was an American Attack scenario) and ended at a 4:1 advantage for the US (most all of whom were still combat ready).

The game result actually matters less to me than playing relatively well, seeing my plans work (mostly) and having fun; I thought Mord played a good game, despite having to deal with a number of tactical and force disadvantages.

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What surprised me the most about the result was the fact that, for all intents and purposes, I had all but destroyed Mord's Italians at this point, at a very low cost in casualties, not to mention surrounded the objective and, IRL, would have at this point either had a walk onto the objective or just wait for the surrender. I would not do much, if anything, differently from a strategy POV if I were to play this out again.

I had assumed that not being directly on the objective would cost me a victory but not result in a defeat. The game should take the combat effectiveness of the remaining forces into account. The forces went into battle with a 5:6 manpower advantage for the Italians (and keep in mind, it was an American Attack scenario) and ended at a 4:1 advantage for the US (most all of whom were still combat ready).

The game result actually matters less to me than playing relatively well, seeing my plans work (mostly) and having fun; I thought Mord played a good game, despite having to deal with a number of tactical and force disadvantages.

Yeah that all comes down to what is set in the victory conditions. If there is no allowance for casualties, only objectives...

But I am like you in that I could really care less about the victory screen other than seeing how my force held up compared to the enemy. Fortunately I don't do ladders or tournaments. :P

I know I was entertained so I would consider this an unqualified success for both of you. :D

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