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Give me a reason to buy modules

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I'm considering whether to spend $40 on what seems to be model+scenario DLCs or not.

So here are questions I want answered.

DRM. Is online activation DRM also present on CDs? Because from what I understand it allows only a single activation and has to be de-activated for a reinstall or something and some people had problems with it (all the unlicensing/licensing mess). What if auth servers go down? (that's why I'm still on 1.20)

Is winning as Syrians still impossible? I know Marines add some good stuff like T-90 and BMP-3 and what I'm wondering is will it make syrians any kind of threat, at least with the numerous advantage added?

And what about campaigns? Are they still like TF Thunder which was more about patiently wiping out REDFOR instead of a proper challenge? Do enemies still sit in one place or blindly run to where script tells them to which is launched after I stepped into some trigger?

How many single missions do they add in total?

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The DRM allows you to have two installations at a time, and you have to un-license if you want to switch to a third PC. You don't have to worry about the CMSF base license once you get the modules, they cover for it.

Syrians still have little chance against a decked out US Army force, and Marines to a lesser extent (depending on the battle), but are on much more even with the Brits and NATO. The biggest difference is that for those other forces, a Javelin is a rarity that can only be used against tanks, and the rest of their ATGMs are the kind that have to be deployed and miss sometimes, though not as often as the Syrian ones. The NATO forces also have much smaller infantry squads, and they roll around in lighter vehicles.

The campaigns are massively improved from TF Thunder. They make it seem like an extended tutorial where you always have 2-3 times as much firepower as you need. You also often have to deal with stricter RoE, so you can't just bring down buildings willy nilly. The AI is mostly the same (it runs on a timer, not triggers), but some of the missions are still very difficult since you are always outnumbered and have to work with weaker equipment.

I have almost 100 scenarios in my folder and that's without downloading very many from the repository. I also have around 20 campaigns, and there is probably only one that is poorly done. Some are overly difficult, with extremely narrow allowances for casualties, but all of them are fun. There are also a few that are Red vs Red, which are very interesting to play.

So, as you can see, I highly recommend the modules. The sheer variety and number of missions will keep you entertained for a long time. It's easily my favorite CM after CMBB.

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From my viewpoint it was the Brit+NATO Modules that really gave this game the edge.

Going round with a big gang and knocking doors in with a sledgehammer does has an initial buzz factor, but after a while can get a tad repetitive.

With the Brits and NATO you have to sneak about and get past the door by picking the lock - and you haven't got a big bunch of mates to back you up - so you have to be very alert and watch your back.

And of course with the modules loaded and if you want to 'think outside of the box' you can do a Rommel vs Monty with a bit of time displacement. I'm sure with a bit of research you could even do a Kasserine Pass + replacing M3's and PzIV's for M1's and Leopards.

Because Battlefront design their games with integrity there is no nationalistic bias (although it must be said that the armour of most MBT's are secret so there must still be a certain factor x), so you can really find out the strengths and weaknesses of the main MBT's.

In short - I would recommend them.

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On Syrian v. Blue, it is more balanced with the NATO module. The Germans/Dutch/Canucks do not have Javelins and their AFVs are not as deadly as U.S.Army/USMC. The Syrians also get new equipment like the "Shilka".

I have a PBEM on the go as the Dutch, my oppo has a "Shilka" and has been shredding my recon/light AFVs.... I hate that thing. :mad:

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Re Javelins, these a re very expensive, but the game usually provides our pixeltruppen with lots of them. This magic weapon can make the Allied task a LOT easier when using em vs MG's, snipers and other relatively minor targets.

What is RL usage/doctrine? Should we deliberately restrict use of Javelins for expensive targets only.

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Re Javelins, these a re very expensive, but the game usually provides our pixeltruppen with lots of them. This magic weapon can make the Allied task a LOT easier when using em vs MG's, snipers and other relatively minor targets.

What is RL usage/doctrine? Should we deliberately restrict use of Javelins for expensive targets only.

Well, as far as some videos show javs are being used in A-stan quite liberaly to take out sniper or fortified taliban positions.

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Yes, I have seen footage of jav's used to take out snipers. I just find it (horrifyingly) hard to believe that is SOP due to the cost. Half a million to kill one guy? Man, are we losing bigtime or what?

I think the missiles cost around 40K or so each. Cheaper than what happens when he shoots and wounds or kills someone if they do it the old fashioned way. Compared (even just comparing monetary amounts and not human lives) to that, it's a bargain.

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