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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 31 minutes ago, RMM said:

    @WimO Just a linguistic note about German to help ya, because I notice in the Briefing text that every mention of Böhm is completely messed up by the game's inability to accept such letters. Instead, it appears as BĶhm. A perfectly acceptable alternative in German though, when one can't or doesn't want to bother with the umlaut is to just write out the hidden 'e' that it represents. In this case: 'Boehm'. That's actually what the umlaut represents: a hidden 'e'.

    Unfortunately, as I'm sure you're, painfully aware, there's no way to copy-n-paste text into the game files. Another upgrade that would greatly help the game. 


    Michael, you obviously need some relief from issuing movement orders 😬.  Don't worry about being too exact, my boys will pick up any stragglers 😉.

  2. Wim, we have started the H2H but we have only shared the password files so far, Michael is probably labouring with some convoy movements. 

    I'm not sure how we create another password, or do you mean you need one of ours?  I can share mine with you by PM if so, and I assume we would need to add you to the Dropbox, so PM me with your email address if so.

  3. 7 minutes ago, beeron said:

    I use services such as Imgur & Giphy to upload photos/gifs, that way I can upload as many attachments as I need. I simply upload the photo/video to the respective service and then attach the link into the post. Hope that helps!

    Hmmm, same here but I only started doing this recently so perhaps I was previously posting direct images.  Anyway, thanks again...

  4. Thanks Wim and Michael.  A quick look (one side only) at the H2H versions suggest they are the same renamed scenario, except perhaps the artillery availability might be different (according to the notes below versus what I read in the scenario notes).

    Michael, I'm mindful of Wim's comments below, but we could try it if you like?  Your turn to suggest sides if so?

    20 hours ago, WimO said:

    German player has the more difficult task by far. Special rules are in effect to limit the movement of the German player. Pitch dark, vehicles move at Slow speed except under scenario defined situations. The German player's biggest challenge is traffic management. Patience is required to feed the long columns of vehicles in slowly and well spaced or you will produce an unmanageable mess. The German player has TRF's and is encouraged to use these for a preliminary bombardment on the assumed American positions. The Germans had a well defined artillery plan and had a habit of constantly intermittently bombarding road junctions. If the bombardment is delayed the German won't see much because it is pitch dark and hazy.  Expect ambushes and surprises constantly.

    American player: Is low on supply and recovering from  the day's failed attack against Les Haut Vents. Supply trucks are on the way and these need to be 'managed' when they arrive or ammo might become a problem. Do not be quickly discouraged by adverse results. The German player's task is a difficult one and he is fairly easy to ambush.

  5. 28 minutes ago, WimO said:

    I created multiple versions of the battles around Haut Vents. The one you have linked to here is a DASL conversion. I produced a much larger historically accurate scenario of Panzer Lehr's attack called "Gruppe Bohm to le Rocher". Besides that there is the  4 km x 4 km master map "Hauts Vents and Pont Hebert". the Gruppe Bohm scenario uses half of that map. I also created new building skins for that scenario which are still at the Green as Jade's web site.

    I have a version called 'WO2 Lehr at Hauts Vents.btt' but as mentioned I'm not sure where I got it.  That's the one I was looking at earlier...

  6. 18 hours ago, WimO said:

    If you play to the scenario's location VPs (Amfreville 100 and Cauquigny 500) then you will automatically be following the historical priorities for the U.S. player. This scenario's VPs are 'symmetrical', meaning that mine are the same as yours.

    Sorry for another question Wim, and I may have missed the answer already.  The above was about Good Drop, but does it also apply to Boots on the Ground? 

    Dave and I are just pondering whether to jump ship to one of the H2H scenarios (perhaps Timmes Digs In or Angriff der Grenadiere) or keep going with Boots on the Ground.  I would have to make a major revision to my German orders, and he may be better prepared to give me a warm reception at Cauquigny than he otherwise would have been - however he has already stopped short of Amfreville so I have that in my favour.

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