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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. But also (I'm told elsewhere) the Jagdtiger has been ported across and textured. Not a Panzerfaust bicycle, a Jagdtiger! I'm happy to wait some time for that, even if it's actual use in RL was a bit limited. Mental note - check when the Tank Museum at Bovington re-opens for visitors .
  2. Would this help at all: Might be in the wrong title, but @Falaise has done a lovely job.
  3. I would prescribe something stronger (although I don't know how strong you take your coffee).
  4. And I've just finished a QB on the Poteau map where I had purchased (among other things) a Jagdtiger. The QB was a QB if you get my drift, as the AI had purchased 9 flail tanks and a couple of other Shermans (I did not see anything else). As the flail tanks headed up the road flailing, with turrets pointed backwards, they did not trouble my Jagdtiger at all. All 9 despatched, plus one of the other Shermans. End of story . However, why did the AI do such a thing?
  5. So you're not talking about shadows then, but whether you can fire through bushes, trees, bocage?
  6. Not that I'm aware of, but I may be wrong? EDIT - Or do you mean in real life?
  7. LOL. Several times. Anyway, I was thinking about some of the 'translucent trees' types of mods. These help the player (a bit like Alt_T) but don't improve LOS for in-game units - and of course they shouldn't either.
  8. I asked about this on the forum some time ago, but related to units in general (including armour). The perceived wisdom was that keeping your units in the shadows makes no difference to them being spotted or not as the game doesn't 'see' shadows - it would be difficult for the game to track this. Of course if your units are hugging trees (not sure how many tree-huggers we have in the game) with or without shadows they may benefit from the sort of protection you discuss above.
  9. Well that's not quite the same as a Panzerfaust bicycle but it will be a lot more costly in a QB .
  10. In the Cold War threads there is mention of another vehicle being added to F&R in the last week (!) plus additional scenarios. So we are getting more bang for our pre-order bucks . Of course the vehicle could be a bicycle, but if it is let's hope it has Panzerfaust mounts.
  11. I am curious enough, but is it better to wait for the fully baked article so as not to spoil the eventual wonder? If you think so I'll wait, but if not I can PM you with an email address...
  12. Might not be so exciting, as there were supposedly no more than 27 of them at any one time and possibly only 54 in total (according to Wikipedia, so it must be true). Don't think they actually did much either, but presumably they had reasonable propaganda value.
  13. Yes that sounds about right, only BN is that way on my PC, the rest have Game files in C:\Users and the main folder (with the exe etc.) is on D. I probably just need to be more disciplined with what I keep, like your good self .
  14. Interesting, as mentioned my BN (and not the others) is all on the D-drive. Not sure I can tell any difference - it might be a bit slower to load first time but I have many more mods etc. in BN so I thought that might be the reason for slowness. Is BN different in this respect or are StieliAlpha and I imagining that?
  15. My BN (main folder as well as Game Files and User Data) is all on my D drive so yes. However for RT, FB and FI only the main folders are on my D drive, while the Game Files and User Data are on C in the 'Users' folder, so I think there was a change in where you could install at some point? Shame as my C drive is rapidly filling up with scenarios, campaigns, mods, save games etc. for these other titles. If someone says it can be done otherwise I'll give it a try...
  16. +1 to this, was thinking the same - hope @Juju sees this and has time but he has not been around for a bit. Some extra @Mord portraits would be nice too. For vehicles Aris @Fuser has not been around for even longer, but perhaps others with great talent such as @umlaut might step in? Some may just transfer in from other titles I suppose.
  17. Impressive Bil, as I can't - all I get is the loading screen . I have to use the Nvidia software.
  18. I see what you mean. But so far so good, I'm taking it slowly... As mentioned above by Aquila I only got 3 Panthers to start with, but I'm hoping number 4 mentioned in the briefing might turn up soon. Who wouldn't want 4 rather than 3? If not I'll crack on anyway...
  19. It may be 'reconnaissance pour du vin'? Excuse my French...
  20. Sounds good, although surpised there are no trim wheels - I though the throttle base had at least one? I think I can put my old X52 back into service (I'll just ignore it's spacey looks) but my TrackIR2 is probably best consigned to the 'old parts I'll never use again, but for some reason I'm keeping' box in the attic . All this just for Tank Crew at the moment, but when they put a sale on, the prices for Battle of Stalingrad and the other aircraft DLCs are pretty enticing so I might get in the air again.
  21. Any updates on the flying career of @mjkerner? And did you go for VR or TrackIR, or just the 'regular' controls? I'm still dabbling with Il2 Tank Crew, and still feeling the need for new equipment...
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