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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. What about the training? Logistics and the list goes on. Most countries have only one type of MBT, not several.
  2. Also very effective in urban combat for ground targets. I believe not so much against fixed wing aircraft but gunships.
  3. Snipers during an engagement let him do his thing in the background and he won't let you down. Find him good concealment and as in real life keep a log of how he got his kills. Best don't over micromanage him. 2 seconds difference between the screenshots. I give him the credit as no sound was observed. He survived a 25-pounder barrage, 75 mm HE but not a single .303 round.
  4. With a good dose of propaganda. The Green Berets with John Wayne was such an example. The Greeks gave us two words, 'Tragedy' and 'Comedy' which gave us movies like Kelly's Heroes, and we have tragedy in Schindler's List.
  5. We need to learn something too. Even if they lose a few millions of their citizens soldiers it won't stop them. Stalin's words are, it is just a statistic.
  6. Low rate of fire of the SU152 working on the tactics for this AFV. It takes teamwork but once it hits any German AFV is out. In this case a Pzr IV. At the distance of 800 meters the Pzr IV may end up the victor.
  7. Sometimes CM animations make me cringe. Examples pathfinding and ignoring obvious danger zones. You literally have to think of everything, like entering buildings etc. etc. I wouldn't criticize movie makers too much. I can't make better animations myself, and I realize we have a long way to go. Movies like our games are for entertainment. Instead of reading books about it we can experience the weapons and equipment ourselves.
  8. The more senior staff they lose the more it seems to me their competency starts to show some improvement. Like Hitler once he took over it went downhill for the Wehrmacht. Putin loses 53rd colonel in Ukraine war as Russia’s toll of commanders grows (msn.com)
  9. Go to editor, load a map go to 'elevations'. Can you see any problems with that?
  10. What do you think if the Pause, Cancel all, Or Evade Buttons where available anytime during a turn when you play on WeGo?
  11. The topic is do Soviet tactics work in Combat Mission? In regards of WW2, I think they do read the scenarios carefully in regards objectives and parameters. The overall strategy is attrition.
  12. Tom Clancy wrote in one of his books. if you regard forced abortions in their 8 months as murder, then China killed more Chinese than Hitler killed Jews. Still its economy forces the world to do business with them. Very similar with 19 century Great Britain. People being forced to the colonies for stealing food and flooding the world markets with cheap products. The days that you could claim territories by planting your flag are over. We just need to tell the rest of the world that.
  13. I have only been in Hong Kong when it was still under British administration. I have never been to the Chinese mainland so I can't give my opinion. Better stay on topic about Soviet tactics in Combat Mission. I play only WW2 not BS for the time being. Mountains of the Moon and Red Dawn are typical for me Soviet set piece attacks IMO.
  14. Which part of Asia? South Korea infrastructure in Seoul at least on par with San Diego and San Francisco. Public transport is far better in South Korea. ASEAN countries are clean and have an educated population. Vietnam now you hardly notice it is a communist country. Not much different compared to Indonesia or the Philippines. I will just give the information about the countries I have visited in the last 20 years.
  15. They lost something like 250000 men for the battle for Berlin. Politically they made life miserable for Eastern Europe for the next generation. Sad but true Europe imploded in the 20th century, it started in 1914 and ended in 1991. Here we go again empire building. This is my ignorant and baseless opinion. What really helped the Soviet Union in WW2 380,000 field telephones and 956,000 miles of telephone cable. 35000 radio stations but here as a rule they discuss tanks, cannons, and airplanes. Studebaker trucks enabled the logistics 200,000 of them. In the game field telephones are not even modelled, a sapper platoon with no radio can call in artillery. I just play it with some house rules.
  16. A reminder of how the world voted. No ifs or buts. We just can't do business with putin's Russia.
  17. I got you down as a subjective thinker, not fit to waste my time on.
  18. Idealized is the Sherman. A Panther requires 4 shots at 800 meters before it scores a hit. The Sherman has a far higher first hit probability hit. To defend against a German attack requires a human player. Let the AI play out its trigger and it is a sitting duck. The Germans liked the 76 mm Soviet field gun too. A compliment if your enemy likes it. The strategy of the Red Army was that of attrition the same they use in the Ukraine. No way I condone their invasion, but attrition works. Attrition in the west is a dirty word, but not in other cultures.
  19. Stay on topic. Do they work(Soviet Tactics) and if they do not substantiate it.
  20. You don't know me, nor do you know my family. All your trolling makes you look ridiculous. The topic is Does Soviet Tactics work in Combat Mission. For WW2 they do.
  21. The Germans just produced a Panther Tank. Good to see things are returning back to normal. See how this will cope with the new ATGMs. Follow the video I think it may be a game changer. Like the aircraft carrier replaced the battleship. This MBT has its own drone munitions.
  22. Not the first time they have used tanks as artillery. I found a picture from the Korean War. Looks like they did the same thing.
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