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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I think the purpose is to suppress perceived recoil to hold the sight on target. We did something similar with the 1911 for competitive pistol shooting. It is not the function of a silencer.
  2. 1911s predated WW1. In IPSC you had Aimpoints and suppressors. Which gave the shooter an advantage of less perceived recoil and with a sight picture in which you could have in focus both the target and the sight. I think this will achieve something similar.
  3. Do you stop him from making a bad decision or let you let him get on with it? Never stop an enemy making a mistake.
  4. 7.62 mm 54R is suitable for rifles, MGs, and HMGs I can't see the soldiers putting their ammo in belts or drum magazines. It is just an omission, I think. We have some control of how they lob hand grenades but not full control.
  5. *SPOILER ALERT* Playing the fictional Loamshires which is very enjoyable. Here I tried to put together a 'Leader's Recon'. We can't peel the sergeants from every section, so I did the usual two-man scout unit instead. The patrol consisted of the Platoon's HQ with 2 scouting units from the first and second section. Looks like they saved a Sherman Tank or Tanks so far. Even in WW2 a radio is useful to ensure the Company HQ and above get the intel. Scouts spotted a priority enemy unit. I find the PAK75 a worse menace than the 88mm in view of its much lower profile. Not much good to scout if you don't have communications with your C2. Overall situation.
  6. The vulnerability in this game are the soft factors especially in modern warfare. This is the only game which I know takes it to this level aka the will to fight. You achieve it when your opponent presses the cease fire button. They do it when they keep losing units when they don't have an idea where the fire was coming from.
  7. Modern thermals make a tank spot a sniper in a window and take him or her out. Observers shouldn't be positioned near windows. How do you know they were spotted by the technical?
  8. Choice of direct targeting or area fire eg Mgs. @Haplessdo showed how to do this in one of his videos. You move the mouse pointer a little away till it shows area fire. I found it a little finnicky. After direct targeting an MG stops firing after the full contact becomes a tentative contact. This problem can be overcome by fiddling with the mouse pointer. An assault team could be more at risk when the Bren gunner stops firing.
  9. The observer is the HQ unit I wouldn't position the guy with binoculars and a radio in the same vicinity as the MG position. I showed how you can create a Key-Hole position inside a building. My sniper unit won't be easily spotted. Your MG position would be better off on the lower floors. Once they receive fire or an assault it is hard to withdraw.
  10. *SPOILER* SF2 Breaking the Bank. The way to position observers, snipers etc. On the top floor with balconies. Make him face away towards a direction where there are no windows or balconies. Now give him a pause command before placing a cover arc. What I know I know from somebody else. You can do something similar if you want to split units inside transport.
  11. You're wrong if you give them a pause command. To be right with this game you need to study macro management.
  12. There is a trick to position your troops near the walls opposite the windows but let them still look outside that window. Great for snipers and observers. They also don't position themselves on balconies.
  13. I can't see it coming because there may be a good reason for this. The game is about producing a tactical solution in each scenario. To rely on captured enemy equipment is probably not one of them. Or to rely on Audie Murphy standing on the engine deck to operate a .50 Call and kill a company of Waffen SS is another one.
  14. I liked this professional video with some simulations thrown in.
  15. A new Warsaw pact without Russia. A few people start to think along these lines. Already Eastern Europe thinks Western Europe is too liberal.
  16. Could it be because he is familiar with the terrain and gives landmarks as reference points? He wouldn't bypass the support unit just be the eyes for him.
  17. Yes, I agree. For the Ukraine there's no such a thing as something for nothing. The people who finance their military will decide the war. Their hope Russia will run out of resources before the West does. putin gambles about the democratic countries voting the financiers out. I hope Ukraine will achieve a decisive victory this summer, I am not holding my breath.
  18. Fair comment, I suggested for campaigns because we already have Soviet partisans using MG42's and what is good for the goose is good for the gander. In the present engine we must be careful who we make ammo bearers. Like Javelins for example, they must be the right shade of blue. Let alone scavenging from the enemy.
  19. It would be something for campaigns. Major Victory you get the captured weapons on the occupied objectives. Total victory all the surrendered weapons. To be used by veterans and above in regards the skill required.
  20. Some Dutch POWs who spoke excellent German made some German uniforms from their blankets and walked out of the gate. All variations of the Trojan Horse.
  21. I missed this one five days ago. Russians wasted $5Million on a public bathroom. https://twitter.com/komitet2012/status/1527659103169945601?s=20&t=iDmSRvGgsg-n1Zh240kFwA
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