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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. It is a comparable situation to the Boer War. The Boer Republics depended on the supply of German Mausers and artillery. The British fought like the Russians do today. Separated the civilian population from the Afrikaners who went Commando and put them under harsh conditions in concentration camps. The Russians transported Ukrainian civilians to Russia and spent their artillery on the civilian infrastructure. If the Russians win don't fool yourself Ukraine as a nation is back in the Russian camp. Less than a generation later South Africa fought as a British Commonwealth country against their former sponsor the German Kaiser. Thanks to the English-speaking South Africans.
  2. Exactly, a little stereo typing in the movie but civilians are a valuable resource if they are on your side. What else did they do? the railways were on strike and the local Telcom offered their services. The latter could have solved the allied command and control problems. But it was against their protocol. Because of the railway strike the western part of the country had to deal with starvation during the winter.
  3. Radar mast in WW2 and now Wi-Fi towers connecting home PCs with drones. How do you fight that as an invader? Scorched earth? I in no way approve of the Russian invasion but they don't waste their shells for nothing.
  4. So were children riding their bicycles close to German units during WW2. It is as old as warfare.
  5. *SPOILER ALERT RED DAWN* An excellent scenario to produce a sandbox model of how to use Soviet Infantry WW2. They don't have radios. The indigenous population of Australia didn't have radios for 60000 years. Their answer is fieldcraft to find water in the arid environment. I mimic this method with the waypoints of the 'movetool'. The scout team ('B-Team') infiltrates the area of operations. 'A-team is on 'Pause' and plots waypoints by copying 'B-Team's' Path. Scouts of the second wave will move to contact along the same path the 'A-Teams' copied and report back to the armored elements which have radio. The Map after 7 minutes of operations. Showing positions, A-Team, B-Team and the scout of the 2nd wave. Scout 2nd wave made full contact and will report back. Soviet armor is vital for Command and Control. House rule is 'Inclusion' no tentative contact or not in direct contact with a unit which has the intel no area fire.
  6. Interesting video of a modern version of AFV Hunting.
  7. In the case of Germany, it took a generation. Politicians had no problem 10 years later I think it was in the 70's till it was business as usual. Russia I can't see it happening till there is a regime change. Business as usual with putin's united Russia's party?
  8. Area fire deserves a different chapter on its own. Happy gaming, we all bought the game or games to enjoy ourselves.
  9. Tested the effectiveness of a foxhole a picture speaks a thousand words. Unless directly on it infantry is secure inside one.
  10. Set Piece like you play chess. Exchange Pawns for Knights, Bishops, and Castles. Knights, Bishops, and Castles to capture the Queen and Checkmate the King. AKA Attrition Warfare only way to play Soviets in WW2. Therefore, their infantry tactics need to be mastered. PS the German position inside a foxhole. All a mortar attack will do is suppress the unit and the crew will hide in the bottom of their foxhole. The infantry will need to secure and seize the area.
  11. *SPOILERS RED DAWN* Recon by Soviet forces is done by all of the company of the first wave by probing German positions. It means attrition, something which can't be avoided. Lost 5 men spotted trenches foxholes and bunkers. This field gun gave its position away by area firing on my hidden unit in a foxhole which was obviously a trigger. The unit inside is pinned. However, another unit spotted him. Soviets don't have radios apart from Above Company HQs and armor. Scouts of the second wave are the channel to communicate intel from the first wave to these units. Playing Soviets is an interesting game. See playing the AI as a sandbox exercise, a human player has far better macro management skills than the AI.
  12. The purpose of scouts is pathfinding and the spotting of firing and observation points. In this game it is hard to position MGs in a defilade position, the reason they are vulnerable. The MG is an area weapon, use them as such even when you can fire directly at a position. Once the enemy is suppressed keep them suppressed, the MG42 doesn't give you a second chance.
  13. It was the reason the UK was not involved in Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand were. Here is the link of the formal treaty. ANZUS Treaty | National Museum of Australia (nma.gov.au)
  14. The SG-43 Goryunov is a terrific machine-gun if used properly. If you don't do anything it will fire, and the enemy is suppressed subsequently you lose your LOS and the MG stops firing. @Hapless has a video how to address this problem. It is why Camera Position 1 is important. You need to view your intended victim to change your direct fire mission to an area firing mission. Fritz will stay on the bottom of his Schützenloch (foxhole) and stays there till he notices a grenade landing between his legs. PS Use "Fire Briefly" you don't want to fire till he runs out. Keep it up till the assault party is inside range.
  15. There is the ANZUS treaty that stands for Australia, New Zealand, US. From the time I spent in SE Asia it is a combination of Autocracies and Theocracies. The countries most suitable are the ASEAN countries who have managed to live very peacefully with each other. Kind regards and happy gaming.
  16. Not if you put a scouting unit on the engine deck. It puts the Commander-Gunner less at risk of a T34/76 especially. A Soviet Platoon. 1st squad to make contact,2nd squad to support and pick up the tentative contacts. 3rd squad to flank and finish. Keep up the IO till you have sufficient intel then combine armor, artillery, and infantry for one final assault. I know the 2men scouting unit on the engine deck is cannon fodder.
  17. Very good idea and leave Australia out of it. A brilliant idea.
  18. Democratic system in Australia. ScoMo just got voted out, his pension? AUS$328,162 annually. The world is not coming to its end when you lose an election in Australia. Russia keeps us baffled.
  19. Russian army should be running short of toilet paper. Here is a common sense solution from a veteran.
  20. *SPOILER ALERT* For people who have not played this scenario. Soviet infantry are handicapped by the lack of radios. The network needs to be established with their armor, observers, and HQ above company level. Once you have shared the tentative contacts the attack or assault can commence. Indeed, otherwise your losses will be unacceptable. Infantry on its own can only probe. Trees were temporarily disabled for illustration purposes.
  21. My game is influenced by your rules. I see them as guides but very useful. Artillery: WW2 Kesselring was in Nuremburg and had to answer why he went ahead with the bombardment of Rotterdam. His defense was the bomber crews didn't see the flare of the ground forces. It was pointed out flares should be used to confirm a mission not to cancel it. I feel artillery could be canceled for this reason. I know Kesselring talked about the Luftwaffe, but even Soviet infantry had signal pistols. But I think Soviet artillery shouldn't be allowed to adjust it. Kind regards.
  22. Suggested tactic for Soviet infantry for the attack. Mount your infantry but split them before mounting. It takes a little practice but I soon got used to it. The T34/76 has only two men in the turret. If the commander gets killed you lose the gunner. Better have a scout on the engine deck. They won't combine on the tank if you give the tank a pause order followed by a move command. The infantry unit you wish to dismount should mount the tank first. Once he is mounted you give him a dismount move, He won't dismount because the tank has a move order which is paused. Now you can mount the two men scout team. Soviets need armor for the attack without it they don't pass on their contacts. Mounted infantry have acces to the tank radio.
  23. They defend unless supported by armor. Soviet armor are units with radio, and you need them to generate tentative contacts to other units. Tactics I learned from @Hapless in regards British CW. With your LMs I don't target direct fire upon full contact but area fire at the same spot because I want to keep shooting once the German unit is suppressed. Also use the T34's MGs in this fashion but first make sure there is no German Armor or AT guns nearby. Also review your tactics with the Soviet HMGs are very useful weapon.
  24. I think I have the answer. I think the cover of his hidden unit was sprung by a red spy unit. I experienced such a unit in one of the NATO battles. If you're lucky you get a fleeing tentative contact. He also plays on Iron and if it is not a bug the spy unit had no Icon for the blue forces when I played the German army. Possibly he entered the building the Red Spy left the building and gave a strong tentative contact to the Red Technical Unit. If a scenario says strong population density, I take this into account. *SPOILER* The German scenario was Halt Hammerzeit. I thought the fleeing contact was a bug, but I suspect strongly it was a spy unit. A unit with no icon makes it extremely hard to spot. I managed it only once. I still don't rule out it is a bug but I don't think so now.
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