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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. We come here with the semantics. Recon, Probe (A Recon in force), Attack (To capture ground) Assault (destroy the enemy units). But a different person has different definitions.
  2. You have open danger zones and linear danger zones. You don't wait for the enemy to open up on you. Dismount at the last feature between your unit and the danger zone. Which I call DZ linear is LDZ. I just shared the tactic to cross a DZ with limited time. Give a unit a move order at a moving tank and he will follow that tank without embarking. Use Slow, Move or Fast. Infantry on Quick keep pace with a tank on slow. But you can use a combination, example: Let a tank move fast at a place where the infantry can safely mount the vehicle. Give another tank a 'Hunt' command and this tank will stop to engage and hopefully protects the infantry crossing the DZ. The reason you don't give an embark order at a 'Hunting Tank'. They will embark during a firefight between two tanks. I think this game intent is to teach the player the correct tactics. Use maneuver instead of attrition seems to be the guideline. Example a squad of 'Crack Troops' vs a 'Green Squad'. The Green Squad has 2 troopers left in panic mode. Who has won? The Green Squad TBH. The Unit of Crack Troops are out of ammunition, Green Troops are a lot cheaper and there are more of them as a rule. Enjoy the game.
  3. A real tactic should work, and you have a decent game. Tank hiding standing behind a tree and is impossible to brew up bridges which can't be crossed. Doors which can't be opened. The customer has the last word in any business and there is some real competition out there.
  4. Yes, I just updated it. Not a big deal for some but it is the first time ever I patched something. This gives me an extra 35 minute and I start from scratch. Thank you very much for your advice. Kind regards.
  5. Yes, on mine scenario it is 45 minutes I have 33 minutes left and my first units have crossed the river. I use this maneuver when I have a possible DZ. I hate to start all over again. The Lend & Lease Shermans are the key for this they have smoke to deal with the obvious DZ on the other side of the river.
  6. The Dutch in the 60's had their 4th Division stationed near a place called Lunenburg.
  7. Yes, the AI sniper is top notch but the sniper on your side is often not. But in a Russian WW 2 scenario they were doing their job. Soviet optics and the Mosin-Nagant took out 2 German HMG's the trick is I think when your other troops are engaged you use them.
  8. Thank you very much for this. I have an example of the American Civil War. Lee lost the battle of Gettysburg because of attrition; he could have done a turning maneuver to have a diversion on Washington so the Union would have attacked him. A defender is at an advantage. I look at a sort of game you can do this. In CM the maps are just not big enough.
  9. I think you mean direct fire and indirect fire guns. A tank gun is a direct fire weapon but can be used with a little innovation as an indirect fire weapon. Engineers for example can make a ramp to increase the trajectory of the gun. There is no scope for this practice in the game. It is fair to call an indirect fire gun a howitzer, but we also have field guns which is better called a cannon. Like the Russian 76.2 mm field gun.
  10. They can't go on the top of the tanks as the tanks are moving. They are doing exactly what you want them to do. You plot the embark order, but it is impossible for them to embark as the tank is moving. It is more follow that tank, I use smoke if I approach an area with plenty of cover and concealment. That's great about the Sherman they have smoke shells T34's and IS2 don't. Just try it, put an AFV 1 or 2 hexes in front of an infantry unit. Plot a move order for the AFV now plot an embark order for the infantry unit. Use it for large open spaces when you can't afford to lose time. The infantry stays with the tank without mounting the vehicle.
  11. Yes, I don't have much time for it too. I don't even have an account there. Trolling and conspiracy nonsense. I am retired and 71 years of age and remember the slide rule well. The game is interesting, and just playing with it. How far do they go with logistics?
  12. is this topic dead? Pity I mask my snipers. Example he is operating whilst a tank is blasting away nearby. Or when an MG does his suppressing, he is nearby using a cover-arc to pick up the turkeys bobbing their heads up. No illusion about a CM sniper, recent NATO sniper (German). Level 'Crack' a cack shot? he missed six times target an RPG7 operator in a foxhole at 360 meters. Or is that again because the game is generic?
  13. The definition is their respective trajectories. A howitzer is having a higher trajectory, but not as high as a mortar. The other is the fusing. In WW2 the US invented the proximity fuse first it was an AA gun but later the fuses could be set to go off at heights suitable for the army. Game over by 1944 1945. Proximity fuses can be used by any artillery.
  14. It is a game, but it helps if the unit has access to a target reference map. A platoon in WW2 had a notebook with a pencil.
  15. The area has already been crossed by scout cars. You have 45 minutes for this scenario, and we need to move. I don't think the enemy is there, but we don't know for sure. I just want to share how you move infantry together with tanks. A shame you can't do this in BN. You win any battle if you separate infantry from their armor. This is open terrain and I just give my infantry an embark order with a moving tank they go to the last waypoint of the tank. It is a little like follow a unit.
  16. I don't like that my glorious tank-riders are shot to pieces whilst on the T34 (Or Lend & Lease Shermans). That is not how we see it in the documentaries. If you are to approach a danger-zone, give the units a mounting order on 'Quick'. Give the tank-unit a 'Slow' move order 1 or 2 hexes in front. On the end of a turn, they are still together.
  17. I think CM doesn't give a POV from a prone or kneeling position.
  18. You realize the BAR man is approaching his objective from a road. Suddenly he is receiving fire and you press the evade radio button. He is now prone in the wheatfield next to the road. His full contact icon has now become just a contact icon. You try to plot an LOF, but a LOS pops up. That's because when you are prone or even kneeling amongst the wheat you don't have an LOS till you stand up. Your unit also suffered combat stress and no matter how often you click you will get an LOS. Don't plot from way points it gives you an idea that's all. MG gunners don't have 2 M60's firing like Rambo from the hip, they use their bi-pod or any other rest if available and from the prone position.
  19. I gave it up as a bad joke too. Played Bridge number 7 and Nijmegen Road Bridge in the scenarios. Have the feeling I could have done it.
  20. Play 'Drive Them Out' in FB. If you play as the German defender, it is easy and boring. However, kudos to the designer if you play the US attacker. The AI because of an earlier conversation I tested this scenario, it just has one halfhearted attack. Some games are just not designed one way or the other. As German defender you have a major victory by just staying put. To play as US attacker it is a challenge.
  21. I played for German and took the platoon out on the left-hand side of the map. All I wanted were the sound contacts so I could read the AI plan, so the Panzerschreck and scouting 3 men party was sufficient. I know large scenarios have large plans and a human player can beat it with macro-management. It plays out like that in real life too, one veteran shot a 98K in the air and thereby held up an armored company for three hours. That happened 76 years ago. We start the game on Hotseat next week I am looking forward to it.
  22. The first thing you do when you defend something is look for a plan to escape if it goes wrong. The first listening post didn't meet that criteria. I enjoyed the scenario and admire the author for the map and I don't know how he managed the AI plans for a three-hour game. I will replay it on Hotseat. I am looking at editing so what is wrong with that. I hope in time the AI will win some games. How did that platoon get out of that listening post? Platoon is too large a unit for that task. I had a scouting unit and a Panzerschreck there. Once the sound contact was good and solid, they got out. People buy the games to have fun, and sorry to disappoint you I have fun with BN, FB, SF2, RT&FR. Happy gaming.
  23. Scout find the AI enemy wait a little till he walks inside your cover arc. A human player doesn't fall for it. Editing sounds like fun see how many people you can frustrate.
  24. Space Invaders and Crazy Kong these were the games lol
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