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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. You're like the copper comparing a .22 LR with a .223 Remington aka 5.56 mm NATO because the difference is only 0.003 inch. The 75mm KwK means Kampwagen Kanone or a dedicated tank gun. The allies either put an AT Gun less HE performance or a Field Gun less AP performance.in their tanks not a tank gun. I am not for the petition nor against it just think of some arguments BF may use. If it is really unfair you should be able to convince BF and not me. Page 25 of the manual you can also adjust your units if you think your scenario is unbalanced. Force Adjustment - allows playing an unbalanced QB. If set to the default “no change”, both sides will have the default amount of purchase points available to buy their units with. The options allow you to give up to an extra 150% of units, or to deduct up to 60%. I understand you could increase the value of a Stug III by 210 % by increasing the points of a German unit up to 150% and decreasing allied units by 60%.
  2. I did it 'Hammers Flank' first battle. I played it before and checked it on Iron. As I played it before I knew where the Foxhole of an MG42 was. Plotted a barrage of Katyusha rockets exactly on the spot of the Foxhole. Once I crossed the river the troops were still shot to pieces by the MG42. I accept when you test it on testers mode the results will be otherwise. I never said it as fact only I am suspicious of it. You can try it for yourself. On testers mode you can't test on the higher difficulty settings.
  3. Some more information of the Stug III it could explain some of the factors why it is expensive in CM. Sturmgeschütz III (1938) (tanks-encyclopedia.com)
  4. I don't know their formula I will support a petition for a transparant formula. The Stug III is not a tank but an AFV. I know it is academic if it was assigned to a tank unit it probably was used as an tank. Infantry probably used it as an AT-Gun or field gun. The crew was artillery and probably had better optics for long range gunnery and received more training. But Battlefront at present chooses not to inform the customers. Could be they would publish spoilers.
  5. Ever tried to use it? I did and on light only the 76 mm Sherman used it, FB Chaumont first round. The 75 mm Sherman used only the go axial. Something which should be addressed I like to use the .50 call for a recon by fire.
  6. Test it! like I said Battlefront needs to be transparant with their formula. I think it has to do with the WW2 actual production figures to make a scenario historically accurate. I never duel during a battle and especially not against a StuG III. Their crew was artillery and also had better optics.
  7. In what? Concealment goes to the Stug III. The gun the 7.5 cm KwK 40 penetrates 109 mm at 1000 meters the 7.5 cm of the Sherman 86 mm at 1000 meters. Plus the production figures of each vehicle makes the Sherman cheaper also in RL. Here are my references in gun performances. 7.5 cm KwK 40 - Wikipedia 75mm gun M2–M6 - Wikipedia The 7.5 cm KwK 40 was specially designed tank gun adapted from the PAK 40. Its performance is in the same class as the 76mm on the easy eight Sherman. I think the petition is doomed to fail, I agree Battlefront should be more upfront with their formula. I have no problem with the Stug III if I encounter one in the game I attack it with a platoon.
  8. Exactly and up to the player how to use the game, as any HQ can call in at least mortar fire. This can also be used as a communication channel. Somehow any HQ can contact hypothetically their FDC. We don't depend solely on radios in the game. The tentative contacts just don't get passed with the optimal efficiency.
  9. It was mentioned in the trials of Nuremberg. The Luftwaffe bombed Rotterdam because the pilots didn't see the flares of the German ground forces. It was rejected because the function of a flare is to confirm a mission and not to cancel it. It is something which we could apply to artillery missions too. I thought it is a good idea so I use it myself in CM. It is the C of METT-TC . C stands for civilians and this tactic ensures that we target military targets only. Civilians play a minor role if any at all in CM games but to make sure we target a worthwhile military target is part of it. In a preplanned mission there is no need to send the FO out. A patrol can check and hypothetically signals by shooting a flare. You need the FO only if you adjust a mission he can cancel his mission anytime.
  10. I gave one example Campaign Hammers Flank play on Iron. I plotted where I know an MG42 position was in a Foxhole. Completely unaffected by 30 Katyusha barrage which went all over the place by the way but some exploded nearby. One of my own troops was injured on the other side of the river. Preplanned barrage from now on have a delay and I will confirm first there is an enemy presence. I still have my doubts but I have no problems with it as hypothetically they can have shelter. Easy to test if you do testers mode and no doubt it will be effective. TBH I have my doubts when you play the AI on Iron.
  11. Where do you get that information from? The allies certainly choose bocage country when they planned D-Day and the Germans selected the Ardennes and the weather before the Battle of the Bulge. WW2 tactics of the Sherman vs German tanks. The Cats, shoot at them with HE combined with WP this often set the German tanks alight. We can't do this in Combat mission. But we certainly can use smoke which permits you to close in and overwhelm them. A December Morning in FB you counter a King Tiger which shows the flank not hard to knock it out with the 76 mm. You need to use the Jumbo Shermans first just to make sure it it doesn't point the gun towards the 76mm Sherman. I don't think it works against a human player. Playing the AI is a sandbox experience it means you can work out tactical models. You must flank German tanks to brew them up.
  12. It is bad tactics to shoot at any tank from the front. For me Duel is just an other four letter word.
  13. 1:1 is silly, make it as honest and fair like a bullfight in Spain. Attack a single tank with a platoon and attack a platoon with a company. Winning for me is not that important. Playing a tactical correct game is. Example is METT-TC the C stands for civilians we may ask it is not applicable in CM during WW2. It is! make sure your fire is directed towards identified military tactics. Shooting houses into rubble by positioning AFV's close by may set of triggers by the AI and some editors are very crafty with them.
  14. Exactly I don't have a problem with the system. I go with historical accuracy, the Stug III was the most numerous AFV made by the Germans. For the transparency of the point system it is on BF to explain to its customers. I think the allies are attacking Germans defending. If the Germans counter attack it is done by Mark IV and Panthers. The point system could reflect this. The Stug III as it has no turret it is better employed in a defensive position.
  15. To be honest battles are not fought in typical tank friendly battlefields in North West Europe. Bocage in Normandy soggy soil during Market Garden. On top of that worse winter condition period 1944 - 1945. A platoon of Shermans vs a single German AFV is historically realistic.
  16. If I was not completely green as an editor I would come up with a tactical withdrawal. Have a convoy of trucks to exit first before the defending force can follow them. They face a vastly superior force and don't have a hope in hell to defeat them. Like Dunkirk only smaller. A river with a bridge would do, the moment the enemy approach the bridge it blows up.
  17. My piece if it is DAR I don't comment anymore just read it.
  18. You are right probably but it is the sort of thing which gives the enemy an opportunity to pin them down.
  19. You forget the spare barrels too. In the game they should have some in their trucks and APC's.
  20. On MG 3 machine guns, two types of bolts are available, with standard weight (about 650 g (22.93 oz)) for the standard 1,000–1,300 rounds per minute cyclic rate of fire and with extra weight (about 900 g (31.75 oz)) for a slower 800–950 rounds per minute cyclic rate of fire. Those bolts also are used along with different return springs. Not completely right not completely wrong the machine gunner has the final word of how many rounds he shoots. After 150 rounds of rapid fire the gunner changes the barrel. In the tripod mounted medium machine gun role MG 3 users are trained to fire short bursts and bursts of 20 to 30 rounds and strive to optimize their aim between bursts fired in succession. After around 150 rounds of rapid fire, the gun operator will replace the hot barrel with a new, cooler one. In practical terms the estimate of 600 rpm is not unreasonable.
  21. First preparatory arty is effective when you play a human. With the AI I am not sure, it is possible he created a trigger to man foxholes and trenches when I crossed a line. Besides I think it is a good practice to postpone the barrage till your patrol shoot hypothetically a flare. You have 15 minutes and it goes quicker to adjust a barrage. You risk an FO but it is part of the game. Let him be close but not too close.
  22. Just a replay to test 30 Katyusha rockets right on the spot where I know a foxhole with an MG42 is. Sure enough nothing happened. I think you need a contact first before area fire becomes effective. It is the protocol I use now. That is when you play the AI. Call the strike move to contact with infantry before the adjustment phase.
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