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Everything posted by BornGinger

  1. Compared to other games the current game engine for the Combat Mission games is just as old as your next door granny. That's at least what it seems like considering all the complaints it gets. We'll find out what kind of "wonder" Battlefront is making with the update of the engine we were supposed to have in November 2022 but now maybe will have in the Autumn this year. I'm fairly sure that the coming update won't be enough for most, or many, players.
  2. There is now a sale going on at the Steam website and none of the Combat Mission games are being sold at a discount. In August 28 to September 4 is the Steam Strategy Fest which could give players the chance to buy the Combat Mission games on Steam a bit cheaper and with at least a 30% discount. Considering how old the game engine is and all the issues it has, which often have been mentioned in different posts, the Steam Strategy Fest is a good opportunity for Battlefront to be able to sell some of these games being run by their old granny engine. Not that I'm going to buy and more games on the old game engine but it could be good for Battlefront to show players that it isn't a too greedy company. What do you other forum members think? Isn't the Steam Strategy Fest a good opportunity for Battlefront to get some new customers so they finally get the thumb out and begin making a more up to date game engine with new WW2 and modern(ish) day games connected to it?
  3. Hiya Butschi. I watched your video on Youtybe and thought that maybe your program could use the same website for getting map data as is used for the game Cities Skylines. When you choose an area on the map on the website https://terrain.party/ you get a zip-file containing three or four files with data. Those files could maybe be used for the same purpose in your program as it is in the mapeditor of the game Cities Skylines. But maybe the amount of work with those different files would be similar to what is required now.
  4. Part of the new "Silk Road" from China to Europe. There are programs from the German DW about this on YouTube. Business with "The West" seems to be important to China so Zelensky's invitation to Xi might still be accepted.
  5. Why not the alt + right combination? Isn't the alt + right movement based on repeating what has been done before, just like all other more or less radical groups?
  6. If that map has a lot of trees of different kind, I'm sure PanzerJager IV will have a lot of fun putting those down.
  7. That one was beautiful. A "Z" that is around 150 years old. But what Mr. Mikhalkov forgot is that the Swastika is even older than that.
  8. This article has maybe already been mentioned here. It's quite an interesting read. How America took out the Nord Stream pipeline.
  9. The old jewish bolsheviks that stole from the Russian and Ukrainian people when the Soviet Union collapsed. Many of the ones among those with ukrainian citizenship don't seem to bother much about the war. But to mention this isn't politically correct enough for some on this forum.
  10. It seems the Russian Wagners are trying to convince US veterans to join the "good guys". If I'm not the first one to mention this you can see it as a reminder in case someone in here has thought about maybe getting convinced enough to sign up for this with the hope to get a medal from Putin and Pregoshin if Death doesn't come for a visit before that
  11. That description of how much the CM2 engine has to work almost makes me think that there's a great need for making a new game engine that can deal with all that much easier.
  12. It seems this guy still is busy with his project of making a game that will be "better than any Combat Mission game" or how he expressed it. It sure looks very much like a Combat Mission game so far. The comments to the videos don't seem very kind to Battlefront. Could his game become a worthy competitor and take players from those that play the Battlefront games? I guess we'll find out when/if his game gets released.
  13. Have you downloaded and tried the free program OBS Studio? It's usually used for streaming but could possibly be useful for what you want to record and save on your computers. It could probably work on both your laptop and desktop. There are videos on YouTube about it to watch and learn.
  14. Is this the same civdiv (or civ div) with YouTube videos from Syria and Ukraine or is it just just a coincidence that our forum member and the YouTuber are named similarly?
  15. There have been conflicts on other places than Asia during the period of the First Cold War.
  16. If anyone has an interest in this, Scandinavia's largest forum has a thread on this subject (only 170 pages). The link below is translated with Google Translate. https://tinyurl.com/brother-Kia-spies The preliminary investigation files from the Swedish SÄPO and interviews with the two brothers can be found here. You'll need to translate them into English if you don't understand any of the Scandinavian languages.
  17. Battlefront decided to go back in time and burn the games on DVDs and sell them in certain gameshops instead. They apparently hope to reach more customers that way.
  18. If I remember correctly tank turrets that fly away caused by an explosion isn't really what Steven has an interest in adding to the game.
  19. Last year that information from Steven was quite late so I expect he is following that tradition nowadays.
  20. Battlefront hears you. And now, let's push out three new modules and two new battlepacks. Battlefront hopes that those maybe will make us forget about the different issues.
  21. If "units" here isn't only about infantry I would think that the M26 Pershing tank could be a part of the new CMFB module.
  22. It seems that new modules is what Battlefront is focusing on instead of doing changes to the game engine that will improve the simulation aspects of the games. There are supposed to be changes to the engine that will improve the ability to play the game for those with certain so called "computer rigs" that are experiencing problems today. That is of course great. But to improve to simulation aspects of the game are still more important than to push out even more new modules for a game with a very limited game engine.
  23. It's a game forum so no reason to get sad in your little eye about it.
  24. I think it's Hister's suspenders that are the problem to the low framerate he gets.
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